Hendon School

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Hendon School

“There is an innovative curriculum which meets the needs and aspirations of all students.� OFsted

Achieving Excellence,

Shaping Futures

Hendon School, established in 1914, provides an exceptional all-round education for our students. In recent years, our GCSE results place us amongst the highest achieving schools in Barnet, with outstanding value added and results which are significantly above the national average.

Pastoral care and inclusion are of an exceptional quality at Hendon School and transition from primary to secondary school is very well supported. Working in partnership with parents to ensure that students are fully supported in their education is extremely important to us.

Students are part of a thriving learning community, where everyone is valued. We have an established tradition of excellent teaching and learning and of providing the very best development opportunities. Our students also gain valuable lifelong skills by taking part in the extensive range of enriching experiences offered in school. Additionally, we enable students to flourish by supporting them in contributing to local and international communities.

We foster an ethos of respect and mutual support and strive to ensure our students gain the results and skills they need to follow their chosen pathway at university, in further education or employment. Our students leave school prepared for the challenges of adult life and ready to make a valuable contribution to society.

“Relationships between the staff and students are excellent and help to create purposeful learning environments throughout the school.� challenge partners

Inspirational Learning Hendon School offers a broad, balanced and vibrant curriculum that fully develops our students, empowering them to fulfil their potential and access careers of their choice. At the heart of our curriculum is a strong emphasis on teaching and learning. Our teachers are committed and dedicated, always responding to developments in education and focussed on providing the best for our students. Our exciting and creative approach to learning cultivates growing intellectual

curiosity and a sense of enquiry. Students are encouraged to become confident and independent learners. Our provision delivers a range of experiences, both in and out of the classroom, to extend learning and to stretch and challenge our students. Homework is a key component of this provision; through a combination of project-based research and creative assignments, students gain a deeper subject understanding and develop autonomous learning skills.

“The quality of teaching is outstanding overall as teachers prepare a range of engaging activities that both challenge and support the full range of student needs.� Ofsted

“I would like to congratulate your staff, governors and pupils for their hard work and success and thank you for your leadership in continuing the drive towards high standards of educational achievements.� Rt Hon David Laws MP (Minister of State for Schools)


About Progress

At Hendon School, we are tremendously proud of the achievements of our students. We foster a culture of ambition, ensuring all of our students make rapid and sustained progress. This progress is monitored closely and shared regularly with parents through Academic Review days, termly grade reports and consultation evenings. Student attainment over a number of years has been exceptional, with the majority of our school leavers moving on to study in further education and a high proportion gaining places at Russell Group Universities.

Developing exceptional literacy skills is a cornerstone of successful achievement. In Year 7, our students access a highly effective literacy programme, which helps to extend development and includes paired reading with Sixth Form students; this helps to extend their development both academically and socially as they begin their secondary school journey. Students have access after school hours to quiet, well-resourced learning facilities, including the School Library and the Sixth Form Centre. We aim to create a culture of achievement through our high expectations and passion for learning.

Educating Beyond

the Classroom The strong and creative curriculum at Hendon School extends beyond the classroom. Enrichment activities are a major strength of the school, enhancing life skills through problem solving, team work, independent thinking, leadership and public speaking. Students enjoy success in an impressive range of creative, sporting and enterprise opportunities and are actively engaged in the UK Maths Challenge, The BBC School Report, Citizens UK, The Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge, and extensive work for charity. Outdoor and adventurous activities are promoted through residential experiences and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We are a lead school for The Challenge programme. Students take part in summer

school university programmes and all of our students complete work experience. Our Japanese exchange programme has been running for more than 10 years and we have international partnerships with schools in South Africa, Nepal and Spain, as well as study and cultural trips to Iceland, Switzerland, and America. Leadership flourishes through the peer support scheme, Student Voice, and subject leader programmes. Our students play important roles in the local community, teaching in primary schools, leading a range of events and presenting at the Houses of Parliament. They have also won national awards for their outstanding contributions to citizenship and leadership.

“Hendon School has given me many things to remember and has provided me with unforgettable opportunities.� Student

“The school’s commitment to community cohesion is exemplary.” Ofsted

A Personal Approach We are very proud of our pastoral care system. At Hendon School we aim to nurture the whole child and ensure that students develop positive moral values which enable them to make valuable contributions to both the school and in wider society. Excellent systems are in place to support our students through crucial parts of their education; at transfer to secondary school; from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4; into Post 16 education (further and higher), apprenticeships or employment. Students feel secure in our school: We ensure that all students have an adult among the staff to whom they can talk and who provides the support and guidance they need as an individual. All students have a personal tutor who they see on a daily basis. We employ a dedicated team of staff in Student Services to work with those students who need additional support to ensure they achieve.

We teach students a wide range of skills through Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) and Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship. These parts of the curriculum support the wider aspects of learning which allow our students to flourish. We have a specialist Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) professional and our provision is highly effective. All students receive independent and informed further education and careers advice. Additionally, we work effectively with a wide range of outside agencies to ensure we support learning and achieve the best possible outcomes for our students. We develop positive relationships based on respect and trust and we engage parents through our parent forum, regular one-to-one and teacher-parent consultation evenings.

“Students receive outstanding care and support.� Ofsted

A final word from our students What makes the school special is that as soon as you walk in, you get a burst of positive energy. Hendon School is a second home to many. The immense diversity at this school is not only acknowledged but celebrated.

The school community as a whole strives to be better and better. The commitment and hardworking nature of the teachers is unbelievable, no task is too big or too small for them. Hendon School is forever growing and we don’t believe in limits.

Come and visit us to find out more

Hendon School Golders Rise Hendon London NW4 2HP T 020 8202 9004 E info@hendonschool.co.uk W www.hendonschool.co.uk

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