Great Ouse Primary Academy Prospectus 2018

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Learning For Life

Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF)

exists to provide an outstanding education for all our students, putting their progress at the heart of everything we do.

Sharnbrook Academy Federation currently (September 2018) has five member academies, a nursery, a sixth form, a community sports centre, and SAF Pilgrim Partnership Initial Teacher Training. Sharnbrook Academy Federation is committed to maintaining the unique nature of all of the academies within the Trust. We firmly believe in the concept of local academies for the local community and our staff work collaboratively across all our academies to improve education for all the children in our care and to provide an outstanding educational and enrichment experience for each individual pupil. As CEO and Accounting Officer, I have overall responsibility for the performance and management of the academies in the Trust. There is a Principal within each SAF academy and together we make the overall executive leadership team of our MAT. We are very proud of the work we do at SAF in the very best interests of the students in our care and thank you for your interest in our academies. IAIN DENNING CEO Our MAT has a passion for seeing all children succeed and we are guided in our decision-making by one question, “Is this in the best interests of children?” This question does not just relate to academic attainment. It also underpins our strong duty of care to ensure that children’s wellbeing and self-esteem as learners and citizens, are nurtured and supported.

Our core values are to:


Work hard and ensure that your best effort drives all that you do


Aim high and to be best you can possibly be


Fulfil your potential and make a real difference

WELCOME TO GREAT OUSE Welcome and thank you for your interest in our school. Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are resilient, learners who are focused and learners who are aspirational in their goals; learners well prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century. Great Ouse Primary Academy opened as a brand new primary academy in September 2017 and is a proud member of Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF). The school is a named feeder school for Lincroft Academy and Sharnbrook Academy. The school is a bright, modern and inspiring learning environment with up-to-date technology and vibrant teaching and learning spaces for our pupils and staff. We believe that the school absolutely belongs to our community of children, staff, parents and carers. We urge you to actively support and be involved in the school. It is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to be part of something special.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” (Martin Luther King, Jr)

Self-belief Intellectual curiosity Responsibility

Remain curious Use precedents, but with care Use your judgement Listen & watch carefully Know how to use data & evidence Learn when to use and control your emotions Almost everything can be done better Be generous in your arguments and with others Combine opinions with knowledge Knowledge means independence


Academic excellence



Our Core Vision, Beliefs and Characteristics Knowledgeable Confident Resilient Open-minded Engaged

HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE OUR CORE VISION 1. Having high expectations of all children For their academic achievement, behaviour, attendance and participation.

2. Teaching an exciting and challenging curriculum Combining rigorous academic standards and a strong understanding in the core subjects with exciting opportunities to enjoy new experiences and learn about fascinating topics.

3. Outstanding learning We ensure every child achieves a high level of educational progress and attainment. A rigorous assessment programme tracks every child’s progress and together with targeted early intervention will ensure no child slips through the net.

4. Making every moment count Our school days are longer than many other primary schools to combine a wide range of educational and enrichment activities. Enrichment activities mean children can explore their interests and learn new things beyond the National Curriculum. Our children will be engaged in meaningful activities every day of the school year.

5. Being an oasis of calm where children feel safe and happy At Great Ouse Primary Academy, we strive to be a calm, quiet place where learning comes first. Children and teachers, younger children and older children, families and school staff look out for each other. We use meals, group activities and community events to make sure everyone gets to know everyone in our school community.

6. Being a genuinely comprehensive school All children are welcome at Great Ouse Primary Academy and all are valued. We work tirelessly to ensure every child achieves their potential. Through providing the best start in life, whatever their background, all children, but in particular the vulnerable, will thrive at our inclusive school.

7. Educating the whole child We expect that every child and young person at Great Ouse Primary Academy should be able to access the best teaching; academic subjects, pastoral care, sports, music, art and drama will all have an important place, helping to build confidence, skills and a spirit of endeavour and co-operation.

8. Working with parents and carers Our aim is to be a genuine community school, operating an open door policy, supporting our families and working together to ensure our children succeed. Parents and carers are welcomed into the school to visit their child’s class during the day. Parent/grandparent helpers to read with children will always be welcome. Great Ouse Primary Academy works in collaboration with other providers and local partners to develop services which clearly demonstrate continual improvement, through the sharing of expertise and collaborative working, and which meet the needs of local children, young people and families in a coordinated way. Great Ouse Primary Academy welcomes the involvement of schools in providing community access to appropriate facilities to enhance education and learning.

Great KNOWLEDGE THE CURRICULUM Great Ouse Primary Academy is organised into three phases of education by age. Each day at school comprises of the Core Curriculum (Maths, English, Science, and ICT/Computing) in the morning and the Foundation Curriculum in the afternoon. We adopt the Creative Curriculum approach to Foundation subjects. The children enjoy this style of learning as it is easier for them to make connections and retain knowledge. We also teach RE as a separate subject, although cross curricular links in all subjects are key.


activities we offer, staying later at school each day to follow their interests and discover new activities.

(Reception and Year 1 & 2: EYFS & KS1)


Children in Reception are taught from the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and Year 1 children from the National Curriculum. The Reception children are taught by a fully qualified Early Years Teacher and are supported by a trained EYFS teaching assistant. The aim of Phase 1 is to settle children into school life as quickly as possible, supporting them to become autonomous and independent learners, who are calm, kind and considerate to others. There is a focus on teaching every child to read, alongside rigorous teaching of the other core subjects. Our aim is to address quickly any differences in children’s early experiences through high-quality teaching and targeted support, so that all children are able to play an active part in school life. We hope that Phase 1 days will be full of excitement, awe and wonder as the children learn about the world and develop their own interests.

PHASE 2 (Years 3 and 4: Lower KS2) By the end of Phase 2 we hope that all of the children will be committed learners, with the necessary core skills to access a rich and challenging curriculum and the curiosity to extend their learning. All Phase 2 children have the opportunity for small-group music tuition. We hope that the great majority will take advantage of the enrichment

(Years 5 and 6: Upper KS2) We continue to strive for the highest possible outcomes for children’s achievement right across the curriculum. Our aim is for every child to be ready for secondary school by the end of the phase, demonstrate outstanding progress from Key Stage 1 to 2 and achieve outstanding Key Stage 2 results. Every child will be able to communicate clearly and lucidly, both orally and through their writing. Phase 3 children have the opportunity to read and study great literature, encountering ideas and concepts beyond their current experience. The children are taught to think and reason mathematically, applying their fluency in Maths to solve a range of abstract and real-life problems. The challenging and motivating curriculum at Great Ouse Primary Academy enables every child to become wellrounded and interested in both their learning and the wider world beyond school. We intend that children in Phase 3 will have specialist teachers for English, Mathematics, Music, MFL, Science and PE. During Phase 3, liaison commences with our feeder/partner Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF) Secondary Schools, to ensure all academic and pastoral needs are met enabling children to “hit the ground running” on entry at Year 7. Children requiring extra support to make the transition to secondary school will have personalised transition programmes implemented to address individual needs.

Breakfast All children are welcome to join us for a healthy breakfast each day. Once they have finished eating, children are free to sit and read, play board games or talk with their friends or the staff team until school begins.

Core Curriculum Each morning is devoted to our core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science & ICT/ Computing.

Enrichment Activities A mixture of clubs and activities run every day. These sessions are led by teachers and staff, qualified coaches or teachers, and outside organisations such as local sports clubs. We offer a wide range of activities suitable for the age range of children in our care.

The Foundation Curriculum The afternoon sessions are used to teach the other subjects that make up the National Curriculum.

INCLUSION: A CURRICULUM FOR ALL Supporting Children’s Wider Needs High Quality Teaching & Learning

Extended Curriculum

Curriculum Organisation

A Pedagogy of Personalised Learning

Learning Environment

Target Setting & Tracking

Focused Assessment

Pupil Grouping


Whole child is assessed under: • Cognitive and learning – this description applies to children whose learning difficulties mean that they learn at a slower pace than their peers even with appropriate differentiation. Learning difficulties covers a wide range of needs. They can be specific such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia or cover all areas of learning. • Social emotional and mental health difficulties – this includes disorders such as attention deficit disorder as well social and emotional difficulties which can manifest themselves in different ways. • Communication and interaction – this includes children who have speech, language and communication needs and have difficulty in communicating with others. This also includes children for whom social interaction is difficult. • Sensory and/or physical needs – this covers children who require special educational provision because they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making full use of the educational facilities generally provided within a school. • These are further assessed under the “Waves of Learning.”



data in school and between schools • ‘Potential’ to be Gifted and Talented • Raise child’s self-esteem, motivation and success

Challenge Days

School Representation

Extra Curricular

Peer Coaching

Deep Questioning

Pupil Voice

Pupil Led Exercises

Target Setting


Outside Speakers


Leadership Roles

Extended Work

Independent Work

Secondary School Connections

Sitting of Higher Papers



THE SCHOOL DAY We have a slightly longer school day for all, with breakfast and after-school provision to enhance the children’s enjoyment and learning opportunities.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB Being aware of the needs of our community at Great Ouse Primary Academy, parents and carers are able to leave their children in our care for longer than the school day. We offer before and after school provision, enabling children to be cared for at school from 7.30am until 6:00pm. Before and After School Club is run by Dawn Until Dusk and takes place every day on the premises. This provision is available to children who attend the school. We encourage healthy eating at our club and the children help to plan with us the choice of healthy snacks. At Before and After School Club all of the activities are ‘play’ based.

children from 3 years old. When your child starts Pre-School it is an important time for both child and parents/carers. The following information will explain a little about our intentions and perhaps answer some of the questions you might have.

DEDICATED STAFF The most important people as far as your children are concerned are the staff, who are all dedicated and caring, with a wealth of experience. We have a qualified teacher and Early Years trained staff who hold either a Level 3 or Level 2 qualification, appropriate for the care and development of children, as required by Ofsted. There is a continual program of staff development to enhance their knowledge and understanding of childcare. Although all our staff will be involved with the care and development of your child, when they join us they will be allocated one of our staff as a Key Person. This helps your child to form a secure relationship with one person helping them to settle in. Your child’s key Person is responsible for keeping your child’s learning journal up to date, monitoring their progress and communicating with you about their progress and development.

PRE-SCHOOL Great Ouse Primary Academy has a 32 place full time equivalent Pre-School. This is in a purpose built setting, situated in the grounds of the school, with an enclosed outdoor play area. We provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment that promotes learning through play, using a wide range of resources, and the opportunity for children to develop their social skills as they play alongside and with other children. We accept

PARENTS AND CARERS PARTNERSHIPS Parents and carers are as much a part of our Pre-school as their children. It is important for you and your child to play an active part in this exciting phase of his/her life. You know your child better than anyone and we

encourage you to share information with us on their likes, dislikes, special people and friends etc. so that we can help your child to settle in. We send home regular newsletters and home school letters so that you are able to contribute to your child’s learning journal with information on events and achievements outside of school. When your child is due to start Pre-school we will invite you in for a tour of the setting and to familiarise you and your child with staff and routines. We also offer the option of a home visit. This allows us to come and meet your child in a comfortable, familiar environment so we can begin to build a relationship with them before they start.

We take a firm but fair approach when encouraging good behaviour so that the children develop resilience and self-confidence. We ask the children to be the best they can in all areas of school life and to take this attitude forward for life.


TRANSITION TO SCHOOL As part of the main school we work very closely with the Reception class. In the summer term children who are due to start at the school visit the class weekly to meet the teachers and become familiar with the classroom, school routines and activities. This process ensures the move to the main school is a smooth and stress free as possible.

BEHAVIOUR AND HIGH EXPECTATIONS We have high, but appropriate expectations of the children academically, socially and emotionally and we encourage them to have high expectations of themselves. Everyone at Great Ouse Primary Academy has the right to feel happy, safe and secure. Everyone will show respect for others and themselves.

Working together to improve attendance: If young people are to achieve their potential, good attendance and punctuality are critical. The link between attendance and achievement is well documented. Irregular attendance has a significant impact on children’s achievement as they get behind with their work and lose out on friendships. Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their child attends school regularly.

What is good attendance? Our advice is to aim for 100%.

SAFEGUARDING AT GREAT OUSE PRIMARY ACADEMY – OUR WORKING DEFINITION: “How you help children and young people to feel safe and happy, and therefore more-able to reach their potential.”

SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN AT GREAT OUSE PRIMARY ACADEMY IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS – RECOGNISE AND RESPOND We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and at Great Ouse Primary Academy we take this responsibility seriously. This includes our adherence to statutory obligations to British Values (Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs) and the Prevent Duty underpinned by appropriate policies and working practices on safeguarding and welfare which are consistent across SAF.

JOINING GREAT OUSE PRIMARY ACADEMY ADMISSIONS FOR 2018 The admissions policy for Great Ouse Primary Academy can be viewed at:

Principles: Great Ouse Primary Academy is a 420 place Free School for 4 - 11 year olds which serves local communities in and around King’s Field & St Andrews, as well as from North Bedford and the wider area. As an Academy, education provision is provided for pupils across the whole ability range. Great Ouse Primary Academy is a member of Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF) and the school is a named feeder school for Lincroft Academy and Sharnbrook Academy. Great Ouse Primary Academy opened in September 2017, with intake: Year R, Year 1 & Year 2.

The Published Admission Number for September 2018 is: Year R - 60 Year 1 - 30 Year 2 - 30

Application Process: For admissions to Reception, please visit or contact your local authority if outside Bedford Borough. Further information can be found, including admission deadlines by clicking the above link also.

For admissions for other year groups, please visit for full information. For information about our school, to arrange a visit or to attend an open evening, please contact us: Great Ouse Primary Academy, Seaforth Gardens, Bedford, MK40 4TJ Tel: 01234 907890 Email: For any questions, please get in touch.


Brook Day Nursery

SAF has an on-site nursery, Brook Day Nursery, which caters for children from 3 months until they start primary school. This is a fantastic facility and benefits our staff members and the wider community. The nursery is located on the Sharnbrook Academy site. Sharnbrook Academy are privileged to have excellent facilities, a wide curriculum and extensive extracurricular opportunities for students to get involved in. Our vertically structured pastoral system provides a very high level of care that allows all students to feel a sense of belonging to the school as well as meeting their needs. We set high academic standards and support pupils in realising their potential. We spark intellectual curiosity and encourage a love of learning in our students. Sharnbrook is a school where success is encouraged and celebrated, and creativity is nurtured.


Sixth Form

The most important people in the SAF Sharnbrook Sixth Form are the students themselves! Our focus is to ensure that we provide every opportunity for them to learn and to grow as individuals on their journey through life. As the world beyond education becomes ever more competitive, it is essential that we prepare our students to make the most of their aptitudes and abilities as they move towards higher education and a successful future career. We believe that students who choose to study at the Sixth Form are choosing to achieve the very best they can, and we know that they will be given all the support, guidance and encouragement they will need along the way. Oakley Primary Academy is a friendly village school. We are proud to be a ‘values’ school. The values we teach are modelled by all of the team and are integral to everyday life. We strive for resilience and excellence though a supportive atmosphere and engaging lessons.


The SAF Pilgrim Partnership has been providing classroom-based School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) in the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes areas for over a decade. We offer four comprehensive training routes where young and mature students can learn how to become inspirational teachers and future school leaders.

Lincroft Academy has high expectations of all of its students and in return offers a high quality education at the heart of our community. We develop our students into successful, confident and responsible young people ready for further education or employment. At Lincroft, it is important to us that our students feel safe and happy. We are certain that young people work most successfully in a school community that is caring and friendly, yet firm and clear in its expectations and standards.

Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are resilient, learners who are focused and learners who are aspirational in their goals; learners well prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century.

MAT Trading


SAF MAT Trading is committed to continuous school improvement and we have a wide range of CPD opportunities and links with external organisations to ensure that all staff receive the best possible training and experiences to enhance the learning environment and outcomes for all our young people.

Harrold Primary Academy is situated in the pleasant residential village of Harrold in North Bedfordshire. We share the school grounds with Harrold Pre-School with whom we enjoy close links which benefits the children when they transfer to the Reception Class. At the end of Year 6, the children usually transfer to Sharnbrook Academy.

Primary Academy


Community Sports Centre

A friendly local community sports centre located in the heart of Bedfordshire countryside. We specialise in rehabilitation schemes, ranging from GP referral to Cancer Rehabilitation. Our fitness studio is air conditioned for your complete comfort; we have over 40 stations that are simple and easy to use. Free weights, barbells, kettlebells, core & stretching areas, cable machines and vibration plate included to add variety to your routine. The Cardiovascular equipment has on board touch screen TV monitors to provide entertainment while you work out. We offer a personalised programme for all our members.

Academy Principal - Paul Ives Great Ouse Primary Academy Seaforth Gardens, Bedford, MK40 4TJ Email: Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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