Kenyngton Manor Primary School Prospectus 2018

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Kenyngton Manor Primary School Bringing out the best

Pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare is good. Pupils are proud of their school. Their positive attitudes to school ensure that they achieve well. Ofsted November 2016


Bringing out the best

Welcome to Kenyngton Manor Primary School Kenyngton Manor Primary School is a two-form entry school with a nursery and pre-school, catering for approximately 400 children aged between 2 and 11 years.

Our ethos is that learning should be at the heart of everything that we do because we understand that wherever learning flourishes, children flourish too. Our aim is to spark curiosity and enquiry, inspiring learning so that we “bring out the best� in every child in a caring environment. The staff and governors are committed to working with our families to ensure that our children experience high quality teaching, through a broad and balanced curriculum which engages them through first hand experiences. Our aim is to develop in our children the knowledge, understanding and applied skills which inspire them to become life-long learners. Additional expertise and resources are accessed through working with The Howard Partnership Trust, which Kenyngton Manor Primary School joined in December 2013. Created through a long-standing tradition of genuine partnership working, this Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust is led by the outstanding Howard of Effingham School, which is also a designated Academy Sponsor. We value the opportunity to work in partnership with you to bring out the best in your child. We invite you to visit our school to see our community in action. Our staff and children will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.

Mrs Kay Scott

Mrs Tanya Dakin

Head of School

Executive Head

Bringing out the best


Our Values

Our Aims

At Kenyngton Manor Primary School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum.

It is our belief that education allows you to have a greater choice in life. It is our vision that all children have the opportunity to experience and benefit from a high quality education in order to enhance life chances.

It is our belief that working in partnership with our families and community supports quality teaching and learning and has a positive contribution to the development of a fair, just and civil society that prepares young people for life. We promote the British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with a difference of faiths and beliefs and those without faiths.

All children are welcome at our school and valued for who they are. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, giving all children the support they need to achieve success. Children at Kenyngton Manor Primary develop understanding, knowledge and key skills in order to establish a sound foundation for learning throughout their lives. We strive to develop resilience and a love of learning, so that they leave our school prepared for the next stage of their educational journey and beyond.

At Kenyngton Manor we value:

The keys to lifelong learning at Kenyngton Manor

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At Kenyngton Manor we use 6 key strategies to ensure success for our pupils:

Ambition for all Curiosity Responsibility Resilience Courage Pride

• Access and challenge - Pupils of all abilities embrace challenge and are equipped with the skills and resources to solve problems. • Use a model - Pupils use good models and can work collaboratively to help each other to learn. • Respond to guidance – Pupils are able to identify what they have done well and respond to guidance in order to improve their learning. • Learning outcomes - Pupils take care and have pride in their work. • Communicate - Pupils are able to articulate their ideas clearly. They pose questions to further develop their learning. • Behaviour for learning - Pupils take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning. They are active participants in sharing ideas and show respect for each other.


Bringing out the best

Staff know my children well and find the best ways to support them both emotionally and educationally. Yr 3 parent - July 2017 I have never felt unsafe – You feel like you are at home where you can all learn together. Jack Year 5

Bringing out the best


Kenyngton Manor is a good place because it is always decorated well, there are extra clubs to help me improve and always people I can rely on for help. Frankie, Year 5

Learning Environment and Children’s Centre Kenyngton Manor is proud of the education and support it provides for the community through the on-site nursery/preschool. In line with the government commitment to early education the school offers both 15 hour and 30 hour sessions.

The school has 15 spacious, airy classrooms equipped with excellent resources and facilities. PE and several extra-curricular sports clubs take place in the gymnasium, and multi-use sports facility (MUGA) and there is a fully equipped kitchen for cookery lessons, a computing suite and a superb art room, all of which allow children to experience an exciting and enriched curriculum. Tasty, well balanced meals are provided for children in a pleasant, social environment. Learning and play continue in the outside areas where the grounds have been developed to enhance provision. An outdoor learning space enables opportunities for enriched learning by giving children the chance to make links between the curriculum and the natural world. This area is complemented by well-equipped playground facilities for use during lunch breaks and playtimes. The school offers an affordable breakfast club from 8 am and an after school club from 3 – 6 pm, during term time. The Kenyngton Manor Sure Start Children’s Centre provides further support with information, advice and guidance for parents/carers in order to prepare children and families for life and school.


Bringing out the best

The School Curriculum Kenyngton Manor teaches the National Curriculum and is in the unique position of being able to provide specialist teaching for some subjects through our collaboration with partnership schools. From Foundation stage through to Year 6, our pupils are encouraged to think for themselves as independent learners and the curriculum design provides challenge for all. We believe our language-rich and diverse curriculum enables us to ‘bring out the best’ in all children. Mathematics Mastery in mathematics, we believe, gives pupils the skills to develop careers and everyday life. A careful progression in mathematical skills is developed through the innovative use of Singapore maths resources. We focus on deepening children’s mathematical knowledge so that they can achieve or exceed mastery at the end of each year. English The skills developed in English underpin all areas of the curriculum. Children learn to speak and write fluently, using ‘Talk for Writing’ and ‘No Nonsense Literacy’ to provide good models. English enables them to communicate effectively. High quality texts are used to broaden and enhance children’s reading and writing experiences. Through reading in particular,

pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Our phonic programmes ensure a systematic approach to the teaching of reading and spelling. We understand the joy and motivation of reading for pleasure, and use ‘Accelerated Reader’ and e-books to increase pupils’ reading opportunities. A broad and balanced curriculum is taught at Kenyngton Manor, in order to develop well-rounded, intrinsically motivated pupils. Subjects taught include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Geography History Science Religious Education (RE) Personal, Social, Citizenship, Health Educations (PSCHE) Art and Design Design and Technology (DT) Music Physical Education (PE) Modern Languages (French) Computing

Bringing out the best


I like that we can walk to school and that the school is part of the community. Year 3 Parent


Bringing out the best

All children are given the same opportunities. Year 5 Parent

Enhanced Learning and Community A broad range of school trips are offered to all pupils. These trips are linked to the curriculum and whilst they maximise learning, they are an enjoyable means of enriching learning and providing first hand experiences. In addition to trips there are a variety of clubs and organisations which the pupils interact with to offer a breadth of experiences throughout their school life.

Safeguarding At Kenyngton Manor we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All adults who work with pupils are DBS checked. We follow Surrey Local Authority’s safeguarding procedures and where necessary work in partnership with other agencies that support children and families, to ensure we address the needs of our pupils with sensitivity, care and confidentiality.

Bringing out the best


The Howard Partnership Trust

The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) grew out of a long-standing federation, the first in Surrey, originally formed in 2007 at the request of the Department of Education and Surrey Local Authority. The success of this federation between Howard of Effingham, an Ofsted Outstanding school, and Thomas Knyvett College resulted in the formation of THPT when the partnership’s first primary school, Kenyngton Manor, joined in 2013. The Multi Academy Trust (MAT) now comprises a diverse range of primary and secondary schools across Surrey. All our schools uphold a shared vision in which there is a commitment to ‘bringing out the best’ in young people of all abilities and aptitudes, so increasing their life-chances. Those working in partnership with THPT are justly proud of the strength of collaboration and inclusion present in each of our schools. We believe that by embedding a culture built around our ethos of partnership, inclusion, excellence and energy, our vision can succeed. The inclusive ethos of the MAT is enhanced by a number of Special Centres attached to mainstream settings. Schools within THPT remain local schools and retain their own unique features to serve their local communities. However, they are all underpinned with the same guiding principles: namely to ensure that a first rate education is provided through consistently high quality teaching which facilitates excellent learning within an inclusive, caring, vibrant environment. THPT schools provide a student-centred, broad curriculum with a personalised approach where the individual student lies at the heart of everything we do.


Bringing out the best

Bringing out the best


Kenyngton Manor Primary School Bringing out the best Bryony Way, Beechwood Avenue, Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 7QL ď…› 01932 783778




Bringing out the best

Photography by Daniel Jarvis Designed & Produced by FSE Design

Tel: 01933 303520

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