Harrold Primary Academy Prospectus

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Primary Academy Building respect, responsibility, readiness and resilience

Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF)

exists to provide an outstanding education for all our students, putting their progress at the heart of everything we do.

Sharnbrook Academy Federation currently (September 2019) has five member academies, a sixth form, a community sports centre, and SAF Initial Teacher Training. Sharnbrook Academy Federation is committed to maintaining the unique nature of all of the academies within the Trust. We firmly believe in the concept of local academies for the local community and our staff work collaboratively across all our academies to improve education for all the children in our care and to provide an outstanding educational and enrichment experience for each individual pupil. As CEO and Accounting Officer, I have overall responsibility for the performance and management of the academies in the Trust. There is a Principal within each SAF academy and together we make the overall executive leadership team of our MAT. We are very proud of the work we do at SAF in the very best interests of the students in our care and thank you for your interest in our academies. IAIN DENNING CEO Our MAT has a passion for seeing all children succeed and we are guided in our decision-making by one question, “Is this in the best interests of children?” This question does not just relate to academic attainment. It also underpins our strong duty of care to ensure that children’s well-being and self-esteem as learners and citizens, are nurtured and supported.

Our core values are to:


Work hard and ensure that your best effort drives all that you do


Aim high and to be best you can possibly be


Fulfil your potential and make a real difference

Principal’s Welcome WELCOME TO HARROLD PRIMARY ACADEMY I am extremely delighted and privileged to have

By working together in every area, we will ensure

been appointed to serve as the Principal of Harrold

all children achieve their full potential.

Primary Academy and I am very keen to get to know parents, as well as the pupils and staff.

We know that parents and carers make an important contribution to children’s achievements

I am very proud to be serving the school

at school, and I want to develop the relationship

community, along with the school team, leading

between the school and parents for everyone’s

what I believe is a school with huge potential. We


are determined to secure an outstanding future for our school.

Harrold Primary Academy is a warm, welcoming school, where each member of the team is

Harrold Primary Academy has a history of

respected and valued because of the skills,

good practice and has recently been through a

knowledge and understanding they bring to enrich

transitional period. I am looking forward to finding

the quality of teaching and learning and the school

out more about the school so that the changes we


make in this new chapter of the school’s history are supported by the whole school community.

Debonair Brown Principal

Our Vision

Every child has the right to learn in a safe, happy and stimulating learning environment.

“The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, the willingness to learn is a choice.” Brian Herbert


• Stimulating environment • Exciting contexts • Outdoor learning • First-hand experience CURIOSITY


• Valuing the whole child • Nurturing relationships • Emotional engagement • High expectations RESPECT


• Recognising achievements • Providing challenge • Supporting resilience • Encouraging risk-taking PERSEVERANCE


• Providing opportunities • Valuing children’s voices • School council representation • Peer role-modelling RESPONSIBILITY


• Create a passion for learning • Feed a desire for knowledge • Embed the depth of understanding • Building on skills INDEPENDENT THINKERS

The Curriculum Early Years at Harrold At Harrold Primary Academy we

child’s individual learning needs

are proud of our happy and lively

to facilitate them meeting their

Reception Class, which enables

Early Learning in the three prime

children to progress in both

areas of learning: personal, social

their development and learning

and emotional development;

in a stimulating and caring

communication and language;

environment. The Early Years

and physical development.

Foundation Stage Curriculum is

Along with four specific areas of

delivered through opportunities

learning: literacy; mathematics;

for structured play, discovery and

expressive arts and design; and

exploration. We aim to meet each

understanding the world.

Develop Enquiring Minds Physical development – large purpose built outdoor area Creativity - Art, music, cooking, dance, imaginative play

Key Stages Harrold At Key Stage 1 Year 1 and Year 2 collectively form Key Stage

essential skills of blending, segmenting and

1 at Harrold Primary where the focus is the

phoneme manipulation necessary to become

development of early numeracy and literacy skills

fluent and successful readers and spellers.

as the foundations for academic success, fostering a love for learning, confidence and building

It is the aim of Harrold Primary Academy, that by

independent learners.

the end of Key Stage 1, all children should be able to decode quickly in order for them to develop

Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 follow a

the breadth and depth of reading and become

clearly structured and easy to follow synthetic

enthusiastic readers.

phonics program where they are taught the

Harrold At Key Stage 2 In Key Stage 2 the curriculum is designed to build on the skills and knowledge from Key Stage 1. Learning is linked across different subjects so that children begin to connect these and understand that they can transfer skills across curriculum areas. The children in Key Stage 2 benefit from our purpose built food technology, ICT and art rooms and spacious grounds. Key Stage 2 children also have the opportunity to go on a residential trip each year; Year 3 children stay at an 18th century house in Cambridgeshire. Year 4 children have the opportunity to go on an outdoor adventure where they build their own shelters to sleep in, navigate through dense woodland and cook over an open fire. Year 5 go for a trip to London where they stay in a hotel, sightsee and explore the museums and galleries, and Year 6 visit PGL.

The Curriculum At Harrold Primary Academy we offer a curriculum that is broad, rich and balanced. We ensure that the curriculum engages, motivates and challenges our children. Meaningful contexts enable children to make valuable connections in their learning. Our curriculum promotes our vision that each child has the highest quality of learning.

ENGLISH Reading is a core tool for life and we aim to foster a love of reading in our children. Comprehension skills are taught across the school. All children are provided with a choice of fiction and non-fiction books. The key skills for writing are taught explicitly in the context of English based lessons.

MATHS Maths at Harrold is based on developing fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics. Enabling children to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry.

SCIENCE Science lessons are planned in order to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity around science and delivered in our purpose-built science laboratory.


R.E French History Geography Computing Design Technology

• • • •

Art and Design Music PE Personal Health, Social Education

Promoting British Values At Harrold we promote British values through our curriculum, extra-curricular activities, teaching and learning. By doing so, we will ensure that all children understand the values that have traditionally underpinned British society. The teaching of these values will promote cohesiveness within our school and community. We will prepare children for life in the United Kingdom where the population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds, origins, beliefs and cultures by promoting the values on which our society has been built. By teaching children these values we will empower them to develop their autonomy as flexible thinkers who are socially, morally, physically and spiritually sound.

• • •

democracy the rule of law individual liberty

• •

mutual respect tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Inclusion We, as a school, are in a unique position to promote positive wellbeing and good mental health in children. Staff have opportunities to build relationships with, and offer support to, their pupils and their families by:

• Creating an environment where children and young people feel safe and happy; • Identifying pupils’ specific mental health needs; • Providing support for pupils with particular needs; and/or • Referring to and/or delivering specialist therapeutic provision. It is our responsibility to ensure that pupils with special educational needs have the maximum opportunity to attain and make progress in line with their peers. Accurate assessment of need and carefully planned programmes, which address the root causes of any learning difficulty, are essential ingredients of success for these pupils.

BEHAVIOUR All behaviour is linked to ‘The Four R’s’: Readiness, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. The school sets a high expectation of behaviour both within the classroom and on the playground through by ensuring that the school expectations are shared with children and by having clear

behind with their work and lose out on friendships. Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their child attends school regularly.

What is good attendance? Our advice is to aim for 100%.

rewards and consequences in place.


Our philosophy is that we expect our children to

Bullying is unacceptable behaviour used by an

be responsible for their learning, belongings and

individual or group, usually repeated over time,

environment. We encourage the school community

that intentionally hurts another individual or group

to be respectful of themselves and towards each

either physically or emotionally. As a school, we


recognise the impact that bullying can have on children; it is always treated seriously and acted on


Working together to improve attendance:

in accordance with our behaviour policy.

If children are to achieve their potential, good


attendance and punctuality are critical. The link

Harrold Primary Academy recognises that schools

between attendance and achievement is well

play a key role in promoting internet safety.

documented. Irregular attendance has a significant

We have robust whole-school procedures to

impact on children’s achievement as they get

ensure the protection of all children using digital technology.

SAFEGUARDING We believe that much of what takes place in school contributes to the personal and social development of the pupils and is therefore, in its broadest sense, part of every pupil’s entitlement through a curriculum that promotes these ends. In school, we aim to provide pastoral care that is complementary to that given at home, as the teaching staff act in loco parentis. The class teacher is an important point of contact between home and school and it is hoped that parents will endeavour to establish a close

relationship with the school through both the Principal and the class teacher. As a school we have a statutory duty to assist social services departments acting on behalf of children in need or enquiring into allegations of child abuse. As well as this statutory duty we have a pastoral responsibility towards our pupils and we recognise that pupils have a fundamental right to be protected from harm. Children cannot learn effectively unless they feel safe and secure. We therefore have a child protection policy, which reflects both our statutory duty and our pastoral responsibilities.

PRE-SCHOOL Harrold Primary Academy has close links with Harrold Pre-School which is busy and popular community group in Bedfordshire that provides pre-school education for children prior to them starting at primary school. Harrold Pre-School is located on the same site as the school and operates full day care 9.00am until 3.00pm Monday to Friday, linking the morning (9.00am until 12.00) and afternoon sessions (12.00 until 3.00pm) with an optional lunch club (12.00 to 1.00pm) to extend the morning session. For more information, please visit: www.harroldpreschool.co.uk

DAWN ‘TIL DUSK Dawn ‘til Dusk is an OFSTED outstanding rated out-of-school care facility, primarily for the children of working parents. It offers a secure and stimulating environment for play before and after school. Dawn ‘til Dusk is open during term time only from Monday to Friday, between the following times: 7:30 am – start of school and 3.20pm to 6.00pm. Children attending Dawn ‘til Dusk are supervised at all times, the supervisor acting in loco parentis. Further information regarding bookings and fees should be made by contacting the Dawn ‘til Dusk staff, directly on 07824 442230. www.kidsdawntildusk.co.uk

JOINING HARROLD PRIMARY ACADEMY – ADMISSIONS FOR 2019 The admissions policy for Harrold Primary Academy can be viewed at www.harrold.beds.sch.uk Harrold Primary Academy provides education for children aged four to eleven years old. We are a single entry primary school serving local communities in and around North Bedfordshire and the wider area of Rushden and Northamptonshire. Harrold Primary Academy is a proud member of Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF) and the school is a named feeder school for Sharnbrook Academy.

APPLICATION PROCESS For information on admissions to Reception Class, including admission the admission deadline, please visit www.bedford.gov.uk/onlineadmissions or contact your local authority if outside Bedford Borough. For admissions to other year groups, please visit www.bedford.gov.uk/inyearadmissions for full information. We welcome the opportunity to provide more information about our school, so please contact us to ask any questions, arrange a visit or to attend an open evening: Tel: 01234 720346 Email: admin@harrold.beds.sch.uk

SHARNBROOK ACADEMY FEDERATION Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are resilient, learners who are focused and learners who are aspirational in their goals: learners well prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century.

Learning For Life


Harrold Primary Academy is situated in the pleasant residential village of Harrold in North Bedfordshire. We share the school grounds with Harrold Pre-School with whom we enjoy close links. This benefits the children when they transfer to the Reception Class. At the end of Year 6, the children usually transfer to Sharnbrook Academy.

Primary Academy

Lincroft Academy has high expectations of all of its students and in return offers a high quality education at the heart of our community. We develop our students into successful, confident and responsible young people ready for further education or employment. At Lincroft, it is important to us that our students feel safe and happy. We are certain that young people work most successfully in a school community that is caring and friendly, yet firm and clear in its expectations and standards.

Oakley Primary Academy is a friendly village school. We are proud to be a ‘values’ school. The values we teach are modelled by all of the team and are integral to everyday life. We strive for resilience and excellence though a supportive atmosphere and engaging lessons.

Sharnbrook Academy is privileged to have excellent facilities, a wide curriculum and extensive extracurricular opportunities for students to get involved in. Our vertically structured pastoral system provides a very high level of care that allows all students to feel a sense of belonging to the school as well as meeting their needs. We set high academic standards and support pupils in realising their potential. We spark intellectual curiosity and encourage a love of learning in our students. Sharnbrook is a school where success is encouraged and celebrated, and creativity is nurtured.


Sixth Form


Community Sports Centre


Personalised Teacher Training

MAT Trading

The most important people in the SAF Sharnbrook Sixth Form are the students themselves! Our focus is to ensure that we provide every opportunity for them to learn and to grow as individuals on their journey through life. As the world beyond education becomes ever more competitive, it is essential that we prepare our students to make the most of their aptitudes and abilities as they move towards higher education and a successful future career. We believe that students who choose to study at the Sixth Form are choosing to achieve the very best they can, and we know that they will be given all the support, guidance and encouragement they will need along the way.

A friendly local community sports centre located in the heart of Bedfordshire countryside. We specialise in rehabilitation schemes, ranging from GP referral to Cancer Rehabilitation. Our fitness studio is air conditioned for your complete comfort; we have over 40 stations that are simple and easy to use. Free weights, barbells, kettlebells, core & stretching areas, cable machines and vibration plate included to add variety to your routine. The Cardiovascular equipment has on board touch screen TV monitors to provide entertainment while you work out. We offer a personalised programme for all our members.

The SAF Initial Teacher Training has been providing classroom-based School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) in the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes areas for over a decade. We offer four comprehensive training routes where young and mature students can learn how to become inspirational teachers and future school leaders.

SAF MAT Trading is committed to continuous school improvement and we have a wide range of CPD opportunities and links with external organisations to ensure that all staff receive the best possible training and experiences to enhance the learning environment and outcomes for all our young people.


Primary Academy Academy Principal - Debonair Brown HARROLD PRIMARY ACADEMY THE GREEN HARROLD BEDFORDSHIRE MK43 7DB Telephone: 01234 720346 Email: admin@harrold.beds.sch.uk www.harrold.beds.sch.uk Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520 www.fsedesign.co.uk

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