Oakley Primary Academy Prospectus 2018

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Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF)

exists to provide an outstanding education for all our students, putting their progress at the heart of everything we do.

Sharnbrook Academy Federation currently (September 2018) has five member academies, a nursery, a sixth form, a community sports centre, and SAF Pilgrim Partnership Initial Teacher Training. Sharnbrook Academy Federation is committed to maintaining the unique nature of all of the academies within the Trust. We firmly believe in the concept of local academies for the local community and our staff work collaboratively across all our academies to improve education for all the children in our care and to provide an outstanding educational and enrichment experience for each individual pupil. As CEO and Accounting Officer, I have overall responsibility for the performance and management of the academies in the Trust. There is a Principal within each SAF academy and together we make the overall executive leadership team of our MAT. We are very proud of the work we do at SAF in the very best interests of the students in our care and thank you for your interest in our academies. IAIN DENNING CEO Our MAT has a passion for seeing all children succeed and we are guided in our decision-making by one question, “Is this in the best interests of children?” This question does not just relate to academic attainment. It also underpins our strong duty of care to ensure that children’s wellbeing and self-esteem as learners and citizens, are nurtured and supported.

Our core values are to:


Work hard and ensure that your best effort drives all that you do


Aim high and to be best you can possibly be


Fulfil your potential and make a real difference


Oakley Primary Academy Welcome and thank you for your interest in Oakley

educational journey of our pupils and welcome

Primary Academy. We are situated in the village of

and encourage full support from parents in as

Oakley and work closely with the local families of

many ways possible.

the village. We are a welcoming and hardworking team with the pupils at the heart of everything

We are a values based school and proud to be able

we do. We continually strive to provide the best

to demonstrate how our pupils learn and live by

education for our pupils so that they become

these every day.

resilient and independent with the key skills needed to become successful citizens of the 21st

Oakley Primary Academy is a member of the


Sharnbrook Academy Federation (SAF) and is a named feeder school for Lincroft Academy.

We offer a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum with a range of opportunities for cross-curricular

Sarah Litchfield

and extra activities during, before and after school.

Academy Principal

We are keen to involve all stakeholders fully in the

Our Core Vision • To promote an open and supportive partnership with children, parents, staff, governors and the community and through that partnership endeavour to raise standards and remain a focal point of the community.

• To provide a positive and challenging environment in which all children are valued and educated according to their needs and potential.

• To create a happy, caring and secure atmosphere that will foster in each child independence; self discipline and a responsible and sensitive attitude towards life.

• To provide good quality resources and a stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to have enquiring minds and are challenged through their work and play.

• To encourage mutual respect, confidence and co-operation and teach children to work together, to show consideration for each other, people of all cultures and the world around them.

• To take advantage of change and be recognised by all as an innovative school in the creation and adaptation of new ideas, best practices and processes.

Starting School FOUNDATION STAGE Children are admitted to Oakley Primary Academy

A wide range of activities are organised to

in the September following their fourth birthday.

help your child to adjust to school life and to communicate clearly and confidently with adults

We hold a “New Parents” evening during the

and other children, both individually and in group

Summer Term prior to the children starting


Reception. All parents are invited to attend; the curriculum and day to day routines are explained

Children are introduced to early reading and

and parents have an opportunity to visit the

writing skills as set out in the Early Years

classroom, meet staff and discuss concerns.

Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. During the year, more formal written activities are introduced

The Reception team arranges home visits prior

to prepare children for entry into Year 1. Children’s

to your child attending school. This is seen as an

mathematical skills are developed through

important event for all concerned and promotes a

practical games and activities.

good relationship between home and school. They learn about the world around them and are Our Early Years Stage is happy and lively, enabling

helped to develop enquiring minds.

children to progress in both their development and learning in a stimulating and caring environment.

During the Reception Year, children’s physical

The learning of skills and social awareness are

development is fostered by the use of outdoor

encouraged through structured play and practical

play and PE equipment. Activities such as art,

activities which help your child to achieve the

music, cooking, dance, role play and imaginative

Early Learning Goals by the end of the year.

play help to develop the child’s creativity.

The Curriculum THE FOUNDATION STAGE CURRICULUM We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance, which sets the standards for Learning, Development and Care of children from birth to five. This continues throughout the Reception Year and creates the foundations for future learning in school and beyond. These early experiences can have a significant effect on pupils’ attitudes to learning. Our school is committed to each of the four principles and the commitments laid out in the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance and we aim to develop the whole child. We aim for children to feel motivated and excited about their learning. Well planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge. Children will be encouraged to think creatively and imaginatively whilst practising and building upon ideas, concepts and skills and will be encouraged to develop independence and confidence.



At Oakley Primary Academy we are committed

The creative curriculum continues through Key

to delivering a creative and enriching curriculum

Stage 2, although some lesson are taught as

which is in line with current research, new

discreet lessons, such as French and Music. The

initiatives and evolving practices. We feel it is

PE curriculum also becomes more focussed on

of paramount importance to engage children,

specific team games and competitive sports. We

in order to maximise their learning, through an

ensure the children are ready for their end of

exciting cross-curricular approach. This involves

Year 6 SAT’s and we work closely with other SAF

linking subjects together within a theme that has

colleagues to ensure they are secondary ready.

a ‘real’ focus to which the children can relate. ICT,

We focus heavily on developing the pupils’

for example, is not only a valuable skill, which

independence through a range of ways, such as

stands alone, but it can also have a positive impact

walking to and from school (from Yr 4 summer

on other curriculum areas. We also have themed

term onwards,) becoming young leaders and being

days or weeks, visitors and speakers to consolidate

encouraged to take more of an active part and

and further learning as a fun and memorable

responsibility in their own learning journey.

experience. Every area of the National Curriculum, including English and Maths, is covered thoroughly

We believe strongly in the benefit of educational

whether it is via a cross curricular approach

Visits and incorporate these alongside the

or as an independent subject. Objectives are

curriculum where appropriate, allowing children to

planned to ensure a comprehensive programme

gain valuable experiences that cannot be obtained

tailored to each child’s individual needs. In order

in the classroom. We also offer residential trips for

for all children to access learning, lessons are

children in Key Stage 2.

differentiated and the environment facilitates different learning styles. We aim for both staff and children to have high expectations of achievement and behaviour.

Awards & Achievements AT OAKLEY PRIMARY WE CELEBRATE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AS WELL AS OUR SCHOOL VALUES. Entries are made in the Principal’s Achievement Book as a record of the recognition of good work, good manners and good deeds. Children are congratulated in Friday assemblies and receive a certificate. Children are encouraged to bring in other certificates for activities out of school to share in class. Handwriting Cups are presented to those who we feel have made good progress and tried their hardest. Values Cups are presented to the individual pupil and class who have demonstrated the school values. We also have academic awards given out to the Year 6 pupils at the end of the academic year.

A Values Education Values are principles that guide behaviour. At Oakley Primary Academy, adults and children are encouraged to model values as we believe this helps individuals to be effective learners, happy people and good citizens. Our values-based education philosophy underpins work to actively promote fundamental British values of democracy, liberty, respect and tolerance of those from all faiths, or no faith, backgrounds and cultures. Assemblies, lessons and events promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, enabling guidance to what is right and what is wrong.

EXAMPLES OF OUR VALUES ARE: • Responsibility • Honesty • Courage • Respect

• Caring • Team work • Politeness • Understanding

• Perseverance • Loyalty • Independence

Letters are sent to parents at the beginning of each month explaining the value and how we will define the value to the children, with a booklist of stories they might want to share with their children at home. Children are encouraged to share with their class how they have demonstrated values outside of school.

The School Day The school doors open at 8:45am and pupils are encouraged to come in at that time so that they can settle and be ready for the day ahead. The doors close at 8:55am for registration. The day ends at 3:15pm

TRANSITION TO SCHOOL The Early Years teachers meet your children in a variety of ways in order to get to know them. They visits their pre-schools and invite them in to school for some stay and play sessions. We also have home visits so we can get to know the families.

BEHAVIOUR AND HIGH EXPECTATIONS We have high, but appropriate expectations of the children academically, socially and emotionally.

Kids’ Club is open during term time only from Monday to Friday, between the following times: 8:00 am to 8:45 am 3:15 pm to 6:00 pm Children attending Kids’ Club are supervised at all times, the supervisor acting in loco parentis. Further information regarding bookings and fees should be made by contacting the club or the school office.


Everyone at Oakley Primary Academy has the right to feel happy, safe and secure. Everyone will show

Children in Foundation Stage, Year One and Year

respect for others and themselves.

Two are entitled to free school meals. All meals are booked and paid for online through ParentPay

ATTENDANCE If young people are to achieve their potential, good attendance and punctuality are critical. The link between attendance and achievement is well documented. Parents have a legal duty to make sure that their child attends school regularly. We work closely with families to ensure good attendance is up held.


at least 3 days before. You will be issued with a username and password to sign up to ParentPay. Our catering company supplies a daily meal to all children with a choice of main course, sweet, and a drink of water. We have our own kitchen manager and the meals are cooked on the premises to a very high standard. Packed lunches may also be brought to school in a suitable container containing the whole lunch. We encourage children to bring healthy lunches. Nuts or food containing nuts must be excluded

Kids’ Club is an out-of-school care facility, to

due to nut allergies in other children

support families with child care. It offers a secure

It would be appreciated if parents would omit

and stimulating environment for play before and

these items from packed lunches.

after school.

MILK Milk must be ordered in advance through Cool Milk https://www.coolmilk.com/ for the whole term and no refunds for absence can be given. Children under 5 years of age receive free milk and after this time milk may be paid for.


Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 receive free fruit to eat each day in school under the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. They are encouraged to also bring in an additional piece of fruit or vegetable to eat during the afternoon. Children in KS2 have one snack time a day and will need to bring in their own piece of fruit or vegetable. All children will need to have a water bottle at school, which can be re filled during the day.

We encourage the children to follow healthy

School water bottles are available from the school

lifestyles and this includes eating a healthy diet.


Additional Information ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES A mixture of clubs and activities run every day. These sessions are led by teachers and staff, qualified coaches or outside organisations such as local sports clubs. We offer a wide range of activities suitable for the age range of children in our care, including peripatetic music lessons.

SCHOOL UNIFORM All uniform can be ordered by following the link from our website


COMMUNICATION All letters are emailed unless requested otherwise. Letters requiring a return slip will be sent home in your child’s book bag. Text messages are sent to the nominated emergency contact 1 only.


Oakley Primary Academy The admissions policy for Oakley Primary Academy can be viewed at:


APPLICATION PROCESS: For admissions to Reception, please visit www.bedford.gov.uk/onlineadmissions or contact your local authority if outside Bedford Borough. For admissions for other year groups, please visit www.bedford.gov.uk/inyearadmissions for full information. For information about our school, to arrange a visit please contact us at: Oakley Primary Academy, Station Road, Oakley MK43 7RE Tel: 01234 822104 Email: admin@oakley.beds.sch.uk For any questions, please get in touch.


Brook Day Nursery

SAF has an on-site nursery, Brook Day Nursery, which caters for children from 3 months until they start primary school. This is a fantastic facility and benefits our staff members and the wider community. The nursery is located on the Sharnbrook Academy site. Sharnbrook Academy are privileged to have excellent facilities, a wide curriculum and extensive extracurricular opportunities for students to get involved in. Our vertically structured pastoral system provides a very high level of care that allows all students to feel a sense of belonging to the school as well as meeting their needs. We set high academic standards and support pupils in realising their potential. We spark intellectual curiosity and encourage a love of learning in our students. Sharnbrook is a school where success is encouraged and celebrated, and creativity is nurtured.


Sixth Form

The most important people in the SAF Sharnbrook Sixth Form are the students themselves! Our focus is to ensure that we provide every opportunity for them to learn and to grow as individuals on their journey through life. As the world beyond education becomes ever more competitive, it is essential that we prepare our students to make the most of their aptitudes and abilities as they move towards higher education and a successful future career. We believe that students who choose to study at the Sixth Form are choosing to achieve the very best they can, and we know that they will be given all the support, guidance and encouragement they will need along the way. Oakley Primary Academy is a friendly village school. We are proud to be a ‘values’ school. The values we teach are modelled by all of the team and are integral to everyday life. We strive for resilience and excellence though a supportive atmosphere and engaging lessons.


The SAF Pilgrim Partnership has been providing classroom-based School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) in the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes areas for over a decade. We offer four comprehensive training routes where young and mature students can learn how to become inspirational teachers and future school leaders.

Lincroft Academy has high expectations of all of its students and in return offers a high quality education at the heart of our community. We develop our students into successful, confident and responsible young people ready for further education or employment. At Lincroft, it is important to us that our students feel safe and happy. We are certain that young people work most successfully in a school community that is caring and friendly, yet firm and clear in its expectations and standards.

Great Ouse Primary Academy is a school that thinks and dreams big for its pupils. Expectations are high for all who make up the Great Ouse Primary Academy community and these standards reflect the wonderful physical environment we have developed to enable children to flourish within and beyond the school walls. We are committed to developing learners who are resilient, learners who are focused and learners who are aspirational in their goals; learners well prepared to be successful citizens of the 21st century.

MAT Trading


SAF MAT Trading is committed to continuous school improvement and we have a wide range of CPD opportunities and links with external organisations to ensure that all staff receive the best possible training and experiences to enhance the learning environment and outcomes for all our young people.

Harrold Primary Academy is situated in the pleasant residential village of Harrold in North Bedfordshire. We share the school grounds with Harrold Pre-School with whom we enjoy close links which benefits the children when they transfer to the Reception Class. At the end of Year 6, the children usually transfer to Sharnbrook Academy.

Primary Academy


Community Sports Centre

A friendly local community sports centre located in the heart of Bedfordshire countryside. We specialise in rehabilitation schemes, ranging from GP referral to Cancer Rehabilitation. Our fitness studio is air conditioned for your complete comfort; we have over 40 stations that are simple and easy to use. Free weights, barbells, kettlebells, core & stretching areas, cable machines and vibration plate included to add variety to your routine. The Cardiovascular equipment has on board touch screen TV monitors to provide entertainment while you work out. We offer a personalised programme for all our members.

OAKLEY PRIMARY ACADEMY Academy Principal - Sarah Litchfield OAKLEY PRIMARY ACADEMY STATION ROAD OAKLEY MK43 7RE Telephone: 01234 822104 Email: admin@oakley.beds.sch.uk Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520 www.fsedesign.co.uk

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