Baden-Powell & St Peter's Prospectus

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Baden-Powell & St Peter’s Church of England Junior School

'Treating all children as individuals is a key principle of the school.' (SIAMS 2014)


'Very positive relationships with staff and

between pupils make it a very happy and safe place to be.' (Ofsted 2014) It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the vibrant and positive community that is Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s Church of England Junior School. We are hugely proud of our school which is extremely well regarded by the community that it serves. Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s is an energetic place of learning, defined by its Christian ethos and a commitment to excellence. Children are treated as individuals and they enjoy coming to school. As a large school, we are able to bring considerable resources to bear and provide your children with a wide and varied range of opportunities and experiences. Our children thrive in an engaging and positive environment where they all have the chance to

succeed, develop and grow. Above all, our school is a happy place, the success of which is underpinned by the positive relationships which exist between all members of the school community, adults and children alike. As an ex-pupil myself, having joined the school as a child in 1982, my personal commitment to the ongoing success of the school and its pupils is profound. This prospectus, along with the school website, aims to offer you a ‘window’ into school life; however, nothing is quite the same as visiting in person which you are warmly encouraged to do.

'The Headteacher is extremely successful in creating a culture that strives for excellence.'

Paul Howieson Headteacher

(SIAMS 2014)

(Ofsted 2014)

'Parents and staff speak warmly of the personal family feel of the school despite its size.'

The community of

Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s Junior School

'The very strong caring relationships and inclusive nature of the school encourages all pupils to flourish.' (SIAMS, 2014)

'A wonderfully vibrant and amazing school. This comes from the passion and commitment of the staff.' (Parent, March 2014)

'Relationships throughout the whole school are outstanding.'

'There is an outstanding learning ethos in all classes.'

(Ofsted 2014)

(Ofsted 2014)

'Behaviour around school and in lessons is excellent.' (Ofsted 2014)

'The school's work to keep pupils safe and secure is outstanding.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Lovely, welcoming, supportive atmosphere.' (Parent, March 2014)

'A key factor in helping to raise achievement is that pupils are consistently encouraged to develop a deep understanding of their learning.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Attainment in reading, writing and mathematics by Year 6 has remained high compared to most schools and progress is accelerating.' (Ofsted 2014)

'I love the fun side to BPSP - this is important in life as well as in childhood.'

'Opportunities for music at the school are amazing music teaching is inspirational.'

(Parent, March 2014)

(Parent, March 2014)

‘The variety of after school activities is excellent. Something for everyone!’ (Parent, March 2014)

Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum 'Great teaching and fair, firm discipline.' (Parent, March 2014) Learning is an engaging, rewarding and positive experience for the children at Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s Junior School. Lessons are active, creative and vibrant and, quite simply, the children enjoy them. Their behaviour in lessons and around school is exemplary because they are proud of their school and enjoy being part of it. Teachers work hard to really understand all of the children they are working with and adjust their practice to meet the needs of all the children. Consequently

all children, including those with additional needs, progress well in their learning and enjoy applying what they learn to a wide variety of situations and contexts, supported by our thematic curriculum. Our curriculum offers many opportunities for children to learn outside of the classroom, getting out and about in the community. The residential activities offered throughout the school allow children to enjoy totally new experiences away from home.

'Pupils are polite, open and honest and say they really enjoy coming to school as lessons are interesting and fun.' (SIAMS 2014)

‘Challenging activities that help pupils, whatever their needs or talents, to make good progress are consistently planned in all lessons.’ (Ofsted 2014)

'The quality of vocabulary pupils use in their writing is excellent.' (Ofsted 2014)

Beyond the Classroom 'There is an amazing range of extra curricular activities.' (Parent, March 2014) Learning in our school happens all the time – not just when the children are in their lessons. Our curriculum extends its reach right around the school day, offering children a wide variety of opportunities and experiences, not least of all in our worship which sits at the heart of the school community. Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s is a musical school

– the 2014 winner of the ‘Best School Music Department’ award. Our sporting endeavours are also significant, encouraging children to enjoy sport as part of an active and healthy lifestyle. For busy, working families, our ‘Superstars’ breakfast and after school childcare facilities are invaluable.

'The school provides expert coaching and a wide range of sports activities that greatly enhance pupils' enjoyment, participating in sport and their well-being.' (Ofsted 2014)

'My child is happy to attend school - his time is enriched with lots of opportunities.' (Parent, March 2014)

An inclusive and emotionally literate school 'Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for secondary school.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Pupils have an excellent awareness of the rights and responsibilities of themselves and others.' (Ofsted 2014)

Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s is a fully inclusive and accessible school; children are individuals and they are treated as such. Their characters, traits and personalities are encouraged to shine through their work and their play. Our pupils learn to understand the interdependence of each of us on everyone else; their respect for others is evident in their conduct and interactions around school. Those children with very

specific needs are fully supported within a secure, positive and safe environment. The pastoral care offered to every child is outstanding and, where children need some additional emotional support or encouragement, the school provides this working very closely with the family. This pastoral care we offer each other, and the way we value each other, arises from the Christian ethos in which the school is rooted.

'The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. This makes a major contribution to their achievement.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Challenging activities that help pupils, whatever their needs or talents, to make good progress are consistently planned in all classes.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Those pupils who find learning difficult attend small group or individual activities very well tailored to their needs.' (Ofsted 2014)

‘The pastoral support worker provides excellent support for pupils and families.’ (SIAMS 2014)

'Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs achieve well.' (Ofsted 2014)

'Pupils in this school have an excellent understanding of other faiths.' (SIAMS 2014)

Christian Distinctiveness 'Support for pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.' (Ofsted 2014) In the spirit of the Christian ethos of the school, we respect and value every person and encourage everyone to give of their best at all times and to contribute all that they can to our life together in school. It is our belief that all people are children of God, equally loved by God; through our Christian character and our commitment to being a Rights Respecting

School, children develop their understanding of equality, fairness, justice, tolerance and generosity and the Christian principle of love for God and neighbour. Our strong link with St. Peter’s Church makes a special contribution to our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and learning.

'Collective worship has a high priority in the school and it has a huge impact upon the spiritual development of the pupils.' (SIAMS 2014)

Open door approach to communication 'I have found the staff to be approachable and caring towards parents and pupils.' (Parent, March 2014) Parents are part of their child’s journey through school. Through working in close partnership with our families, we are able to provide the very best for every child. Although a large school, we have all the warmth of a much smaller one – staff are approachable and give of their time to allow parents to be fully immersed in the life of the school. Baden-Powell & St. Peter’s Junior really does operate an ‘open door’ policy, seeing positive engagement with parents as a priority.

'The school has a very productive relationship with parents.' (Ofsted 2014)

'I have found the staff to be approachable and caring towards parents and pupils.' (Parent, March 2014)

'Parents appreciate the strong leadership of the Headteacher, his approachability, his understanding and his rapid response when they bring issues to him.' (SIAMS 2014)

Baden-Powell & St Peter’s

Church of England Junior School

Mill Lane, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH14 8UL Tel: 01202 743280 E-mail: Web: Please contact us if you would like this information in an alternative format such as Braille, large print or audio. Designed & Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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