Rawlins Post 16 Course Guide 2017

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An OUTSTANDING centre for learning

Rawlins Post 16 Inspiring learning for life

Course Guide

Contents Communication Faculty A Level English Literature A Level French A Level Spanish

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Creativity Faculty A Level Design and Technology (Product Design) 8 A Level Film Studies 8 A Level Art & Design (Art Textiles) 9 A Level Art & Design (Fine Art) 10 A Level Art & Design (Graphic Communication) 10 A Level Art & Design (Photography) 11 A Level Dance 11 A Level Drama and Theatre 12 A Level Music 12 Level 3 Extended Project Qualification 13 BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production 14 BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma Media Production 15 Level 3 Diploma Food Science and Nutrition 15


Innovation Faculty A Level Maths 18 A Level Further Maths 18 A Level Statistics 20 A Level Computer Science 21 BTEC Extended Certificate Information Technology 21 Synergy Faculty A Level Biology A Level Chemistry A Level Physics A Level Physical Education

23 23 24 24

Society in Action Faculty BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health & Social Care A Level Business Studies A Level Economics A Level Geography A Level History A Level Psychology A Level Sociology

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“The curriculum is very broad. Students have a very wide range of academic and vocational subjects to choose from. This means that students are fully engaged with their courses and achieve highly. The curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure that there is an appropriate level of challenge for each intake.� Ofsted 2017


communication Faculty


A Level English Literature


A Level French


A Level Spanish


communication Faculty A Level English Literature

A Level French



Course Description

Course Description


Over the two year course, students will study for paper 1 Shakespeare, pre1900 drama such as The Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen and pre-1900 poetry. For paper 2 they will study two texts related to dystopian fiction, such as The Road by Cormac McCarthy, as well as an unseen passage analysis relating to this theme. The course has three assessments: two examinations and one coursework folder, which will consist of a creative piece and a comparative essay. Coursework texts will include poetry, prose and drama texts, all post 1900. Students must commit to a significant amount of reading outside lesson time; we want them to approach the course with independence, enthusiasm and creativity. Apathy is not an option. An independent approach is essential; students will find the course more rewarding when they work this way. Critical thinking and other opinions are also crucial to assessment and we encourage students to take advantage of theatre and cinema trips, lecture visits and university workshops. If students are absent, they must catch up on work missed. Excellent attendance is one of the keys to success. The course promotes informed, independent and autonomous reading. Ideally, they will become exploratory literary critics, pursuing their own interests and tracing connections between texts. Our aims: • To Inspire and encourage our students to read widely and enjoy a variety of texts from a number of different periods/genres; • To develop their skills in reading and analysis; • To encourage our students to become sensitive readers of literature; • To prepare students for university courses; • To encourage independence of thought and independent study.

Assessed By

The course has three assessments: 2 examinations, both of which take place at the end of year 13 and one piece of coursework which will be completed in year 13.

Potential Careers


The A Level French course has been designed to give a greater focus on countries and communities where the target language is spoken with the aim of inspiring a cultural curiosity. Students will develop a sound understanding of the grammatical system and structure of the language. The end of course exams will test their use of accurate grammar and structures appropriate to the tasks set. For A Level students the compulsory content will cover aspects of French-speaking society, looking at current trends to include the changing nature of family, ‘the cyber-society’ and the place of voluntary work. The second element will be artistic culture in the French-speaking world to encompass a culture proud of its heritage, contemporary francophone music and cinema: the 7th art form.

Assessed By

Paper 1 — Listening, reading and translation into English. 40% of A Level. Paper 2 — Written exam on two books or one book and one film. 30% of A Level. Non exam assessment — Speaking. 21-23 minute test (including 5 minutes preparation time). 30% of A Level.

Potential Careers

The importance of a foreign language at an advanced level cannot be underestimated. Language skills are highly valued by academic institutions and employers both nationally and internationally.

Student Comment

Studying French at A Level develops more than the obvious skills. As well as enabling you to communicate with others around the world, it allows you to gain in confidence as you learn to express yourself effectively. The wide range of skills that I have picked up in French lessons is extremely versatile and may be applied to many other subject areas. I have greatly enjoyed studying French for the past four years, my experiences leading me to continue my studies in this subject at university.

English Literature is an Arts subject and so lends itself to a variety of careers, including teaching, journalism, and many more. The texts we read are demanding, and will improve your analytical and reading skills which are ideal in many different career areas. Our students go on to successful university careers. We also offer practice interview panels for those students who are intending to study English at university.

Student Comment

Come with an open mind and a passion for reading.

“The teaching in the sixth form is some of the best in the school. Lessons are typified by high levels of challenge, excellent questioning, and an expectation that students will reflect on how they can do better after receiving high-quality feedback. This is helping students to excel.” Ofsted 2017


communication Faculty A Level Spanish Board AQA

Course Description

The A Level Spanish course has been designed to give a greater focus on countries and communities where the target language is spoken with the aim of inspiring a cultural curiosity. Students will study Multiculturalism in Hispanic society looking at immigration, racism and integration. In addition there will be a focus on aspects of political life in the Hispanic world dealing with today’s youth, tomorrow’s citizen; monarchies, republics, dictatorships and popular movements. A Level students will study either two books or one book and one film from supplied lists. Students are also required to undertake individual research on a subject of personal interest, relating to Spain or Hispanic countries.

Assessed By

Paper 1 — Listening, reading and translation into English. 40% of A Level. Paper 2 — Written exam on two books or one book and one film. 30% of A Level. Non exam assessment — Speaking. 21-23 minute test (including 5 minutes preparation time). 30% of A Level.

Potential Careers

The importance of a foreign language at an advanced level cannot be underestimated. Language skills are highly valued by academic institutions and employers both nationally and internationally.

Student Comment

Spanish is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world and studying it at A Level has given me the skills necessary to communicate with people from a wide range of cultures. I feel that studying this subject at A Level in a small group has been a great advantage. Having a small student to teacher ratio has enabled our class to really get to know one another and our teacher, with lots of opportunities to practice our spoken Spanish. Having studied two languages alongside one another, I have enjoyed developing my linguistic skills in an extremely supportive department.


Creativity Faculty A Level Design and Technology (Product Design)


A Level Film Studies


A Level Art & Design (Art Textiles)


A Level Art & Design (Fine Art)


A Level Art & Design (Graphic Communication)


A Level Art & Design (Photography)


A Level Dance


A Level Drama and Theatre


A Level Music


Level 3 Extended Project Qualification


BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production


BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma Media Production 15 Level 3 Diploma Food Science and Nutrition



creativity Faculty A Level Design and Technology (Product Design)

A Level Film Studies



Course Description

Course Description

EDEXCEL The structure of this course allows students to develop a wide range of practical skills and outcomes, demonstrating their creativity. The course also develops knowledge and understanding of, and skills and application in, designing products for society. Students will also develop their research, analysis, product development, project planning and evaluation skills.

Assessed By

Coursework and written examination.

Potential Careers

Many students who study Product Design go to university to study subjects such as Product Design, Manufacturing, Industrial Design, Engineering or Architecture. However, an A Level in Product Design is not just for those students who want to specialise in these areas. It allows you to add a creative slant to other subjects you choose. You will learn a number of skills such as; presenting work, developing ideas, problem solving and improving communication. All of these skills which can be transferred into most careers.

Student Comment

The A Level product design course allows you to lead your own study, following trends which you find interesting whilst working with a real life client. The equipment that we use is of a high standard which allows us to work with a wide range of different materials.


Film Studies is the study of cinema from Hollywood and Britain. There is a focus on macro features of film such as genre and narrative as well as the micro features of mise-en-scene, camerawork, editing and sound. For coursework, students are asked to write in depth about a short sequence of a favourite film and to create a sequence of their own in order to apply their learning. For the exam, the consideration of producers and audiences in Hollywood and Britain allows for the comparison of production, distribution and exhibition strategies employed by mainstream and independent films. Studies into specific British and Hollywood films allow a focus on character, narrative and genre as well as the messages and values beneath the surface of film, as a form of communication.

Assessed By

Coursework and written examination.

Potential Careers

There is a wide range of university courses available in film and media studies. This A Level would suit students wishing to study the academic side of film but would also be a sound basis for a more vocational/practical course. In terms of careers, the film and media world contains an ever expanding job market; this course would be invaluable for those students wishing to work in the film/media industry. Former students have worked in the fields of journalism, video production, and even film classification.

Student Comment

I have enjoyed Film Studies greatly. Each new topic we have studied has kept me interested. I love watching films and looking closer at why they are so entertaining and at the hidden meanings behind them. Overall, it has been my favourite lesson and is taught in an exciting, colourful way.

“Students consistently show highly positive attitudes to learning. Attendance rates are high, and students are punctual to lessons. They take part in a range of extra activities to develop their leadership and employability skills. They help younger pupils with reading and act as role models. All students experience high-quality work experience placements. They take part in regular sessions to explore the challenges facing young adults in British society.� Ofsted 2017


creativity Faculty A Level Art and Design (Art Textiles) Board AQA

Course Description

This course is practically based and explores drawing, painting, working with multimedia and Fine Art Textiles. Students will experiment with various techniques and processes, such as printmaking, embroidery, weaving, felt making, batik, working three-dimensionally, fashion and costume design and fabric manipulation. There will also be elements of photography and working with CS6 Creative Software; including Photoshop. You will work to a theme, which you will research, produce drawings and develop ideas into textile pieces. Throughout your projects it is important that you research and take ideas from the work of other artists, craftspeople and designers. You will evaluate and document the process throughout your project. Component 1 (60%) For your chosen Art Textiles specialism in A Level Art and Design, you will produce one unit of coursework, with an extended written study supporting it. You will choose your own area of study for this unit of work. This component will take place over the first and second year of study. Component 2 (40%) You will be given an externally set project with a practical exam of fifteen hours duration for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work. This component will take place in your second year of study.

Assessed By

Practical and Written Coursework (60%) and Practical Examination (40%) with fifteen hours exam for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work.

Potential Careers

Art Textiles is a good subject for students who wish to pursue a career in Art and Design. The course will give students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and put together a portfolio suitable for application to Foundation Courses in Art and Design and some direct entry Art and Design based degree courses through UCAS.

Student Comment

Art Textiles gives you the freedom to try lots of different materials, is a really creative subject and there is a lot of practical work to do. It is good because it is a mixture of Fine Art and Textiles and you also really develop your drawing skills.


creativity Faculty A Level Art and Design (Fine Art)

A Level Art and Design (Graphic Communication)



Course Description

Course Description


This course is practically based and explores drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, 3D sculpture and mixed media techniques. There will also be elements of photography and working with CS6 Creative Software; including Photoshop. As in GCSE Fine Art you will work to a theme, making drawings and studies, developing ideas, looking at the work of other artists and producing your own finished artwork whilst evaluating the process. Component 1 (60%) For your chosen Fine Art specialism in A Level Art you will produce one unit of coursework, with an extended written study supporting it. You will choose your own area of study for this unit of work. This component will take place over the first and second year of study. Component 2 (40%) You will be given an externally set project with a practical exam of fifteen hours duration for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work. This component will take place in your second year of study.

Assessed By

Practical and Written Coursework (60%) and Practical Examination (40%) with fifteen hours exam for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work.

Potential Careers

Fine Art is a good subject for students who wish to pursue a career in Art and Design. The course will give students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and put together a portfolio suitable for application to Foundation Courses in Art and Design and some direct entry Art and Design based degree courses through UCAS.

Student Comment

I chose Fine Art at A Level because the course allows me to experiment with all different kinds of media which expands both my skills and understanding of art, thereby preparing me for my art foundation degree. As a creative person I couldn’t feel more at home than in the art department here at Rawlins. I find the art staff to be both enthusiastic and attentive to all students needs making our experience here enjoyable and memorable.



This course is practically based and explores drawing, painting, printmaking, collage and mixed media techniques, as well as learning how to produce artwork using software. There will also be elements of photography and working with CS6 Creative Software; including Photoshop. As in GCSE Art you will work to a theme, making drawings and studies, developing ideas, looking at the work of other artists, illustrators, typographers and designers to help influence your own finished artwork. You will evaluate and document the process throughout your project. Component 1 (60%) For your chosen Graphic Communication specialism in A Level Art you will produce one unit of coursework, with an extended written study supporting it. You will choose your own area of study for this unit of work. This component will take place over the first and second year of study. Component 2 (40%) You will be given an externally set project with a practical exam of fifteen hours duration for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work. This component will take place in your second year of study.

Assessed By

Practical and Written Coursework (60%) and Practical Examination (40%) with fifteen hours exam for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work.

Potential Careers

Graphic Communication is a good subject for students who wish to pursue a career in Art and Design. The course will allow students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and put together a portfolio suitable for application to Foundation Courses in Art and Design and some direct entry Art and Design based degree courses through UCAS. There are a wide range of careers that students can pursue in the creative field of Art; Photography, Illustration, Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Photojournalism, Advertising and Fashion to name but a few.

Student Comment

Graphic Communication is a course that has enabled our group to apply artistic flair to a graphic brief, and it is this element of applying creativity to multiple projects with graphic outputs that sets this Art A Level apart and really helps to build a strong portfolio for anyone interested in entering the art or graphic industry. The teaching and pace has really pushed our group to diversify and improve our skills to an extent I didn’t expect. Graphic Communication requires a hardworking ethic as well as a strong interest in the subject, but it is definitely a rewarding A Level that is taught really well at Rawlins.

creativity Faculty A Level Art and Design (Photography)

A Level Dance



Course Description

Course Description


This course is practically based and explores photographic techniques. You will further develop your skills using mixed media, darkroom techniques and fine art ways of working using photography. You will work with CS6 Creative Software; including Photoshop. As in GCSE Art Photography you will work to a theme, developing your ideas, working with a wide range of materials and techniques, researching the work of artists, craftspeople and designers and producing your own finished artwork. You will evaluate and document the process throughout your project. Component 1 (60%) For your chosen Photography specialism in A Level Art you will produce one unit of coursework, with an extended written study supporting it. You will choose your own area of study for this unit of work. This component will take place over the first and second year of study. Component 2 (40%) You will be given an externally set project with a practical exam of fifteen hours duration for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work. This component will take place in your second year of study.

Assessed By

Practical and Written Coursework (60%) and Practical Examination (40%) with fifteen hours exam for the creation and completion of your final piece of art work.

Potential Careers

Photography is a good subject for students who wish to pursue a career in the creative industries. The course will allow students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and put together a portfolio suitable for application to Foundation Courses in Art and Design and some direct entry Art, Media Design based degree courses through UCAS. There are a wide range of careers that students can pursue in the creative field of Art; Photography, Illustration, Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Photojournalism, Advertising and Fashion to name but a few.

Student Comment

After being given the opportunity to take Photography A Level, I was enthused by the amount of information and techniques that we have studied in Photography. It is a very creative subject that has given me the confidence to go on to study Photography at University. The Photography teachers are very helpful, supportive and guide you in the right directions. I think they have been amazing.


This is split into two components: Component 1: Performance and choreography • Solo performance linked to a specific practitioner within an area of study • Performance in a quartet • Group choreography Non-examination assessment (NEA) marked by an external assessor from AQA and visits will normally take place between March and May. Component 2: Critical engagement • Knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of a compulsory set work and its location within a corresponding area of study. • Knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of one optional set work and its location within a corresponding area of study. Questions are in two sections: • Section A: short answer questions (25 marks) and one essay question (25 marks) on the compulsory set work/area of study. • Section B: two essay questions on the second set work/area of study (25 marks for each essay).

Assessed By

Practical exam • 80 marks • 50% of A Level Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes • 100 marks • 50% of A Level

Potential Careers

Students who have studied Dance go on to a variety of careers including; dance teacher, choreographer, dancer/performer, primary school teacher, community arts worker, dance company administrator.

Student Comment

Dance is an exciting A Level and gives me the opportunity to build on my learning at GCSE. I love the practical work and the way in which I can develop my choreography skills. It also complements my dancing outside school as well as allowing me to perform in school. I intend to carry on with Dance at university.


creativity Faculty A Level Drama and Theatre

A Level Music



Course Description

Course Description

This course is an exciting opportunity to develop your creativity, independent learning, critical thinking and effective decision making – all personal attributes that can make you stand out as you progress through your education and into employment.

You will learn all about musical elements, musical contexts and musical language through the context of six areas of study, each containing 3 set works. You will develop your performance skills and provide an 8-10 minute recital towards the end of the course. In composition you will write two pieces, one in response to a free choice brief/free composition and one in response to a brief assessing technique. You will study instrumental and applied music such as film scores, dance music or music written for a specific occasion.


A Level Drama and Theatre provides a fantastic curriculum to ignite and engage your creativity, passion and interests. Having separate performance and design components for the non-exam assessment allows you to follow your own interests and study either performance or design skills in depth. It also provides freedom for you to experiment and take risks with your work while working on developing your own style.

There are four components in the new specification; all of which will be externally assessed or moderated. • Students will complete one practical devising project and one practical text based project. • Students can take the following roles for practical work assessment: Performer, Lighting Designer, Sound Designer, Set Designer and Costume Designer. • There will be a separate performer and designer route through the qualification. • There will be two shorter written exams worth 20% each, totalling 40% of the qualification. • Students will study five different texts over the two year course; two out of five texts will be centre choice. The remaining three texts will be a choice from a list of options set by the exam board. • Students will also study two theatre practitioners and review a live theatre performance.

Assessed By

Practical and written coursework portfolio 60% and written exam 40% (2 x 20%).

Potential Careers

The course reflects current working practices in the industry, as well as studying how to analyse, create and review theatre in an academic context for university or further education. The course is designed to prepare candidates for further study or training in theatre occupations or to support a career in communication, requiring collaboration and use of initiative and problem solving.

Student Comment

The subject knowledge of my teachers is outstanding and has helped me to learn new practical skills whilst developing academic discipline. We not only learn about Drama and Theatre practically and theoretically but also key skills for life situations. Drama is essential in helping you present yourself to a target audience.


EDEXCEL A Level Music is divided into three main course units; Performance, Composition and Developing Musical Understanding.

Assessed By

Practical demonstrations/assignments/recordings/written examination.

Potential Careers

By the end of the course you will have shown that you can perform confidently, that you can work with others, that you are creative and have academic qualities of research, argument and perception. Universities and employers appreciate the skills that music students possess as being very employable. This course also prepares you properly for entry into music colleges or a music degree at university.

Student Comment

I chose Music A Level because I like performing and learning about new styles and pieces. There is a lot of practical work and the teaching is very informal and personalised, meaning you get lots of support on the things you need help with.

creativity Faculty Level 3 Extended Project Qualification Board AQA

Course Description

All A Level students are offered the opportunity to study for the Extended Project (Level 3) as part of their core studies. This allows students the opportunity to demonstrate breadth of study and independent research and study skills beyond their main studies, which will lead to a Level 3 qualification and an enhanced study profile and CV. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is completely different to all other Level 3 courses. It has no set content and students choose their own topics and form of presentation. It is an excellent way of undertaking wider and deeper research into an area related to one of the individual A Level subjects, or it can be based on a completely unrelated topic. It will help to develop and demonstrate: 1. Independent research skills and independent learning. 2. Independent decision making and strategic planning. 3. Problem solving and critical thinking. 4. Use of new technologies, such as ICT and media. Each of these skills will be highly valued by universities and employers. This is a full Level 3 qualification and so the full range of grades from A*-E are available, providing valuable UCAS points.

Assessed By

Coursework only: dissertation/essay/commentary/practical project plus logbook and oral presentation.

Potential Careers

This course will be highly regarded by universities as part of your application for a place. Employers will also value the fact that it shows a breadth to your studies. Universities and employers will be attracted by the level of independent research and expertise required for the EPQ as these are highly desirable skills.

Student Comment

Completing the EPQ has made me understand that everyone has unique ways of how to complete projects and it has made me a more independent learner. It has allowed me to trust my own abilities without having constantly to check whether I am doing it right. This growth in my self-confidence is very important and will be a great help as I progress to university. The EPQ is also important in helping me to move to a career in journalism as it is similar in many aspects to journalistic research and practice. In addition, the project has aided my critical thinking skills. It has made me analyse sources in more depth, such as my conspiracy theory on the ‘Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg’s’ census results being fixed to make them look more important than they possibly are.


creativity Faculty BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production Board Edexcel

Course Description

Designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels, this qualification offers learners a broad programme of study so that they understand the communication and planning skills needed for further study of the creative media sector. Learners work in teams and individually to develop media projects such as film productions and media campaigns. Media Production is a thriving subject, and the BTEC Level 3 courses are practical, exciting and empowering courses to study. You will develop your creative and technical ability and your professional, team working and communication skills. At the start of the course you will quickly develop skills in camerawork, editing (with Final Cut), lighting and sound through a series of practical workshops. You will then undertake the units required for the BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate, equivalent to one A Level. You will undertake two internally assessed units – Pre production portfolio & film production, and two externally assessed units – Media Representations (assessed via an on-screen exam where you will watch and respond to audio-visual media products) and Responding to a Commission (assessed as a 5 hour controlled assessment with two weeks preparation). Learners who progress quickly will have the opportunity in Year 13 to take on an additional two units - Media Campaigns & Advertising Production. This will result in the Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Creative Digital Media Production. This is equivalent of 1.5 A Levels.

Assessed By

Portfolio of evidence/On screen exam/Controlled assessment

Potential Careers

There are a wealth of careers in the fast growing Media industry, including: television and film production, camerawork, post-production, media researchers, game production, marketing and advertising, journalism, radio production.

Student Comment

I have enjoyed studying the BTEC Level 3 in Media because of the range of professional equipment available for students to use, such as green-screening and Final Cut for editing. I particularly liked working on my animated advertising project as it gave me a chance to be creative and to work on my own on all aspects of a production, even creating an original soundtrack. The film production project was also fun and developed my team-working skills.


creativity Faculty BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma Media Production

Level 3 Diploma Food Science and Nutrition



Course Description

Course Description


Designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels. The qualification offers learners a broad programme of study so that they understand the communication and planning skills needed for further study of the creative media sector. Learners work in teams and individually to develop media projects such as film productions and media campaigns. Media Production is a thriving subject, and the BTEC Level 3 courses are practical, exciting and empowering courses to study. You will develop your creative and technical ability and your professional, team working and communication skills. At the start of the course you will quickly develop skills in camerawork, editing (with Final Cut), lighting and sound through a series of practical workshops. You will then undertake the units required for the BTEC Level 3 Foundation Diploma, equivalent to one A Level. You will undertake four internally assessed units – Pre production portfolio & film production, and Media Campaigns & Advertising Production – and two externally assessed units – Media Representations (assessed via an on-screen exam where you will watch and respond to audio-visual media products) and Responding to a Commission (assessed as a 5 hour controlled assessment with two weeks preparation).

Assessed By

Portfolio of evidence/On screen exam/Controlled assessment

Potential Careers

There are a wealth of careers in the fast growing Media industry, including: television and film production, camerawork, post-production, media researchers, game production, marketing and advertising, journalism, radio production.

Student Comment

I have enjoyed studying the BTEC Level 3 in Media because of the range of professional equipment available for students to use, such as green-screening and Final Cut for editing. I particularly liked working on my animated advertising project as it gave me a chance to be creative and to work on my own on all aspects of a production, even creating an original soundtrack. The film production project was also fun and developed my team-working skills.


The Level 3 Diploma is an exciting an interesting course, which equips students with a thorough knowledge, understanding and hands on experience of both Food Science and Nutrition. The first mandatory unit will enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the science of food safety, nutrition and nutritional needs in a wide range of contexts, and through on–going practical sessions, to gain practical skills to produce quality food items to meet the needs of individuals. The second mandatory unit will allow students to develop their understanding of the science of food safety and hygiene; essential knowledge for anyone involved in food production in the home or wishing to work in the food industry. Again practical sessions will support the gaining of theoretical knowledge and ensure learning is a tactile experience. Studying one of the two optional units will allow students the opportunity to study subjects of particular interest or relevance to them, building on previous learning and experiences.

Assessed By

The WJEC Level 3 Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition is made up of four units: 1 Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Specific Groups - Controlled assessment/ Examination mandatory. 2 Ensuring Food is Safe to Eat - Examination Mandatory. 3 Experimenting to Solve Food Production. 4 Current Issues in Food Science and Nutrition. All students must take Units One and Two and then select either Unit Three or Unit Four.

Potential Careers

An understanding of food science and nutrition is relevant to many industries and jobs. Care providers and nutritionists in hospitals use this knowledge, as do sports coaches and fitness instructors. Hotels and restaurants, food manufacturers and government agencies also use this understanding to develop menus, food products and policies that support healthy eating initiatives. Many employment opportunities within the field of food science and nutrition are available to graduates.



innovation Faculty A Level Maths


A Level Further Maths


A Level Statistics


A Level Computer Science


BTEC Extended Certificate Information Technology


17 17

Innovation Faculty A Level Maths

A Level Further Maths



Course Description

Course Description


For A Level Maths, students study pure maths, mechanics and statistics. The pure maths element of the course covers algebra and functions, coordinate geometry, sequences and series, trigonometry and calculus. The course allows you to master these skills to a high degree whilst extending your knowledge considerably. Some parts of the course will take you into areas of study of which you will have little experience and so is often quite challenging, but highly rewarding. The mechanics elements of the course allow you to study the mathematics of moving bodies, allowing you to model real world problems in moving bodies, gravity, forces, friction and moments. In the statistics element of the course you will study how probability and probability distributions theory can be applied to hypothesis testing. You will also study how data can be represented in diagrams and how correlation can be used to find relationships.

Assessed By

Assessed by three 2 hour papers, equally weighted. Paper 1: Pure maths Paper 2: Pure maths and mechanics Paper 3: Pure maths and statistics

Potential Careers

Mathematical skills and mathematical thinking are widely used by careers in areas such as Industry, Engineering, Commerce, Accountancy, Banking and Insurance, Public service and Education.

Student Comment

The teachers make sure you understand everything fully and you can go to them for help at any time.


This course is for students who have already chosen A Level Maths and who wish to study the subject in even greater depth. Most students studying this subject are doing so because they want a sound basis for applying to a degree in Mathematics at university, and indeed most top universities would require this. The pure maths element of this course includes proofs, complex numbers, matrices, algebra and functions, calculus, vectors, polar coordinates and hyperbolic functions and trigonometry. The statistics option includes the study of general and specific probability distributions and hypothesis testing. The mechanics option includes the study of momentum and impulse, work, energy and power, elastic potential energy, circular motion and centres of mass. The discreet maths option includes critical path analysis, minimum connectors problems, the travelling salesperson problems, game theory and groups. Further Maths, as it suggests, builds upon the ideas covered in the A Level Maths course and takes them on to the next level. Consequently, students suitable for this course would have to be very keen mathematicians, who enjoy the subject and have very strong mathematical skills, especially in algebra. It is also assumed that they would be able to succeed at A Level Maths with ease.

Assessed By

Assessed by three 2 hour papers, equally weighted. Paper 1: Further pure mathematics Paper 2: Further pure mathematics Paper 3: Two applications options (taken from mechanics, statistics and discrete maths) We have yet to decide which two options would be most suitable for students to study.

Potential Careers

Scientific research, design and development, management services and computing, financial work, statistical work and teaching. Students taking Further Maths would normally aim to go on to do a Maths degree, or a degree that has a high mathematical content, such as Physics or Astrophysics. In particular, it is almost becoming an essential requirement for the top universities for the above courses. As with A Level Maths, it would be excellent preparation for other courses, such as Chemistry, Combined Sciences, Computing and IT, Accounting, Business Studies, Economics, Mechanical Engineering and Design.



Innovation Faculty A Level Statistics



Course Description

A Level Statistics provides students with a wide range of techniques for understanding and analysing data which are increasingly important skills in a world of constant change. The emphasis of the qualification is on understanding the implications and limitations of the various techniques in the context of practical situations. The course provides useful support for a variety of other subjects, including many of the Social Sciences. Topics include: • probability • estimation • data handling • correlation and regression • sampling • probability distributions and approximations • hypothesis testing

Assessed By

Written examination.

Potential Careers

The increasing statistical content of degree and other Higher Education courses and the study of statistics as part of many professional qualifications in employment makes A Level Statistics a sensible choice for any student with sound mathematical ability. Every year some students go on to study Applied Statistics at degree level and graduates in this area find employment with relative ease. Students who pursue studies in other areas will find A Level Statistics an excellent preparation for the increasing statistical content of degree courses. Scientific research, design and development, management services and computing, financial work, statistical work and teaching are just some careers where statistics can be applied.

“The quality of advice and guidance offered to students is outstanding. Careers advice is available at all times, as is support to fill in university application forms. As a result, all students go on to further education, employment or training after they leave the sixth form.” Ofsted 2017


innovation Faculty A Level Computer Science

BTEC Extended Certificate Information Technology



Course Description

Course Description

Computer Science is a practical subject where learners can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems. It is an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement, and gets you to look at the natural world through a digital prism. This course will value computational thinking, helping learners to develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of humans and machines. Learners will develop an ability to analyse, critically evaluate and make decisions. The project approach is a vital component of ‘post-school’ life and is of particular relevance to Further Education, Higher Education and the workplace. Each learner is able to tailor their project to fit their individual needs, choices and aspirations.

• Theory relating to Information Technology Systems (externally assessed by a written examination). • How to create systems to manage information (externally assessed 10hr set task). • How to use Social Media in Business (internally assessed coursework).


At the heart of A Level Computer Science lies the notion of computational thinking: a mode of thoughts that goes well beyond hardware and software, providing a framework within which to reason about systems and problems. (CAS-Computer Science a Curriculum for Schools).

The A Level course consists of two question and answer papers worth 40% each of the total A Level. The final unit is a non-exam assessment where the learner will choose a computing problem to work through according to the guidance in the specification. They will complete the following; analysis of the problem, design of the solution, developing the solution, evaluation. This course is aimed at students wanting a specialist computing qualification prior to studying computer science or a similar degree and demands fairly high levels of logic or mathematical ability.

Assessed By


This is a two year course. This qualification is designed for learners who are interested in furthering their skills in Information Technology (IT) alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in IT. Learners will understand:

Learners will be able to gain an understanding of the relationships between IT systems’ hardware and software, the way systems work individually and together, the relationship between the user and the system, use of IT systems’ issues and their impact on organisations and individuals. They will also develop a common core of IT knowledge through the study of areas such as managing and processing data to support business and using IT to communicate and share information. There is also the choice of two optional units and this will be decided by the teacher. This will either be website development or data modelling. Students will complete the internally and externally set units of coursework in Year 1, and if they choose to complete the course at the end of Year 1 they will have achieved the Level 3 Certificate in IT.

Assessed By

Portfolio of evidence/practical examination/written examination.

Coursework and externally marked tasks, dates to be set by exam board, and written examination.

Potential Careers

Potential Careers

Computing is a practical subject which will serve you well if you’re looking to follow a similarly practical subject at university. You will have learnt how to approach problem solving in a methodical way, and this means that you will be able to apply these skills at university or if you choose to apply for a job. Degree subjects that you may want to apply for include engineering, computer science, or even combining one of these with another subject.

Student Comment

I chose to study Computing because it is real life computing and you get to learn how computers work as opposed to just using them for work. I particularly enjoyed the programming element of the course and intend to continue my computing studies at university once I have finished my A Levels.

Appropriate as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for access to P16 studies and/or training, with a key focus on graphics design, web development, animation, general purpose ICT applications and communication techniques.

Student Comment

I have enjoyed the work we have done in ICT because this will not just help me in the field of IT, but in the wider world of work.


Synergy Faculty

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A Level Biology


A Level Chemistry


A Level Physics


A Level Physical Education


Synergy Faculty A Level Biology

A Level Chemistry



Course Description

Course Description


Biology A Level develops students biological understanding in a holistic way, developing core concepts and then applying them to whole organisms. Concepts covered include: 1. The structure and function of cells and organelles in plants animals and prokaryotes. 2. The division, differentiation and specialisation of cells and the modern use of stem cells in research and treatment of disease. 3. The problem of increasing size in organisms leading to requirement for exchange surfaces and transport systems (in mammals and plants). 4. The structure and function of key biological molecules, carbohydrates, lipids, DNA and proteins. 5. That health is a complex subject and not just the absence of disease, including the effect of lifestyle on health. 6. The theory of evolution and its importance in the development of the flora and fauna found on earth today. 7. The structure and function of the nervous system in monitoring the internal and external environment. 8. The importance of hormones in homeostasis, evaluating the causes and impacts diabetes has on the body. 9. The biochemistry of photosynthesis and respiration. 10. How genes are expressed in cells including the details transcription and translation. 11. Biotechnology and the application of cloning in plants and animals. 12. How organisms respond to the environment and animal behaviour.

Assessed By


Students begin their studies with Foundation Chemistry which covers topics such as atomic structure and bonding in far greater depth before applying their understanding to the nature of reactivity. The periodic table is dissected in order for students to uncover patterns in chemical behaviour. Students then move on to two much larger topics - Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry - where they will study the mechanisms of reaction and chemical behaviours of a range of compounds. Students will study advanced concepts such as isomerism, biochemical polymers such as DNA and proteins, as well as analytical tools available to the modern chemist such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Students will undertake a range of practical work throughout the Chemistry course many of which will be formally assessed.

Assessed By

Written examination and practical assessments.

Potential Careers

Chemistry A Level is an essential qualification for medicine, veterinary science and dentistry. It can also provide the background for university courses in many other sciences and engineering. Chemistry can be a good basis for careers in business, accountancy, personnel, computing and law, as chemists are organised and logical thinkers.

Student Comment

A Level Chemistry is a real step up from GCSE, much harder, with a much bigger focus on skills. Lots to do, and hard, but very interesting!

Written examination and practical assessments.

Potential Careers

Biology is an important subject in its own right with many applications and implications within modern society. Biology is an important qualification for industry, biochemistry, pharmacy, medical and caring services, as well as for careers in agriculture and environmental arenas.

Student Comment

I love A Level Biology. The subject is so diverse and you learn so much about many interesting topics. The teaching is really good and you get lots of opportunities to look at the wider aspects of the subject. I have enjoyed Human Biology and Genetics the most.

“New leadership of the 16 to 19 study programmes has galvanised staff and students alike into action. High expectations and aspirations for all students have led to rising standards over the last three years. Attainment and progress in 2016 were above average in a wide range of subjects and courses.� Ofsted 2017


Synergy Faculty A Level Physics

A Level Physical Education



Course Description

Course Description


A Level Physics allows students to improve their understanding of existing laws of physics as well as exploring more recent innovations. All modules are taught with a context led approach, allowing pupils to appreciate the applications of Physics. Topics covered include motion and materials in the context of sport, waves, electricity and the behaviour of light. Subsequent modules include mechanics, electric and magnetic fields and particle Physics.

Assessed By

Written examination and practical assessments.

Potential Careers

Physics, as well as supporting the traditional avenues of science, technology and engineering, may be advantageous to students wishing to go on to study the technical side of media or music. A Level Physics is required by a wide range of Further Education courses and careers ranging from Physics, Engineering and Technology, Architecture, Medicine, Geology and even Biochemistry where students who have followed a Physics course are often at an advantage over those who have not. Physics is an invaluable and respected qualification, demonstrating a strong ability to follow an academic discipline.

Student Comment

Physics is a subject which really makes you think about the world and the way it is. The work I have studied has been very interesting and challenging, and I have had many opportunities to develop my understanding of the key laws of Physics. I enjoy the way we work and the lessons and learning are fun though we have to work very hard.


Sport permeates many aspects of modern day society and is a million-pound industry. It is hardly surprising therefore that sport and leisure are now studied at a high level. By studying A Level PE, students will have a greater awareness of sport and its implications in society. It looks in great depth at many facets of sports performance and its overall implications. In the first year of the course, students will study units based on anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition and sport and society. During the second year students will study units on applied exercise physiology and biomechanics, sports psychology and sport and society with a focus on technology in sport. Students will be assessed in their chosen sport and will also produce a performance analysis which will equate to 30% of the mark on the course. You will be required to carry out independent study, background reading, research and presentations.

Assessed By

Written examination and practical assessments.

Potential Careers

A Level PE is a natural progression to sports related courses at a higher level. Students can use their knowledge from this qualification usefully in many other areas such as Leisure, Psychology, Media and the Sciences. Students in the past have gone on to university to study degrees in Physical Education, Sports Coaching, Sports and Exercise Science, Sports Psychology, Sports Development, Sports Journalism, Sports Business Management and other health related courses.

Student Comment

I have enjoyed studying A Level Physical Education, especially the work we have done about physiology and how it applies to my practical experiences. I feel well prepared for university and understand how the content of the course fits in to working life. I love the detail of the course and how I can watch top level sport and really understand some of the finer details that many people are simply unaware of. I enjoyed the coursework aspect of the course in looking at ways to improve my own practical performance—it really helped!


Society in Action Faculty BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health & Social Care


A Level Business Studies


A Level Economics


A Level Geography


A Level History


A Level Psychology


A Level Sociology


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Society in Action Faculty BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health & Social Care

A Level Business Studies



Course Description

Course Description

EDEXCEL The new BTEC National qualification has been developed in collaboration with employers and representatives from higher education and relevant professional bodies. In this way, BTEC has ensured that learning content and structure is up to date and that it includes the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the Health and Social Care sector. The BTEC National qualification provides a broad introduction, through a variety of assessment methods, to working within a number of health or social care environments. The qualifications prepare learners for a range of higher education courses and job roles related to a particular sector. The units undertaken in the first year are: Human Lifespan Development which is externally examined and Meeting the Individual Care and Support Needs which is internally assessed. In the second year the units undertaken are; Working in Health and Social Care which is externally examined and one optional unit which is internally assessed. The qualification gives learners vital transferable knowledge and skills, such as: • The ability to communicate complex ideas, with reasoning, in both written and oral forms • Logical thought and problem-solving • Critical thinking and writing skills • Research and analysis of current news, information & data • The application and evaluation of theory into practice Homework is set on a regular basis to support learning and check knowledge development.

Assessed By

Four units of work, two units of which are externally examined and two units which are internally assessed coursework based assignments.

Potential Careers

Nursing & Midwifery, Radiography, Occupational Therapy, Healthcare Science, NHS Practitioner Training Programme, BSc (Hons) in numerous Health or Social care related subjects.

Student Comment

I enjoyed the BTEC because it does cover everything that goes on in life, and it does make you open your eyes and realise what is really going on around you. It has also definitely made me more confident.


EDEXCEL The aim and objective of the course is to: • develop an enthusiasm for studying business • gain a holistic understanding of business in a range of contexts • develop a critical understanding of organisations and their ability to meet society’s needs and wants • understand that business behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives • generate enterprising and creative approaches to business opportunities, problems and issues • be aware of the ethical dilemmas and responsibilities faced by organisations and individuals • acquire a range of relevant business and generic skills, including decision making, problem solving, the challenging of assumptions and critical analysis • apply numerical skills in a range of business contexts

Assessed By

Three written examinations – Paper 1 (35%), Paper 2 (35%) and Paper 3 (30%).

Potential Careers

Students with A Level Business Studies have access to a wide range of possible career and higher education opportunities. Careers include: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing and Sales, Operations and Administration. However, an understanding of the business world will be useful in any career choice. Business Studies students can go on to study a range of related disciplines at university such as: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Economics and Business Systems and Administration. In addition, Business Studies sits alongside a wide variety of other subjects that can be taken as joint honours degrees. Popular choices include Science and Business, Business and IT, Maths and Finance, Management with Leisure, Sport or Fashion and Law with Business. Careers in Banking, Accountancy, Insurance, Sales, Marketing and even Human Resources are all likely destinations for Business students, either before or after a degree course at university.

Student Comment

I want to do management at university and I think this is a great A Level that will set me up well, especially with the range of topics we cover.

“Behaviour in the sixth form is exemplary. Students are confident and self-assured.� Ofsted 2017


Society in Action Faculty A Level Economics

A Level Geography



Course Description

Course Description

EDEXCEL Economics examines how individuals, firms and governments make decisions about using our scarce world resources to maximise standards of living and wellbeing. The course enables learners to understand the world around them and to explore both UK and global economic and business issues and practice. By studying four main themes, students will develop an understanding of detailed topics within them. Theme 1 - Markets, consumers and firms • scarcity, choice and potential conflicts • enterprise, business and the economy • introducing the market • the role of credit in the economy • market failure and government intervention • revenue, costs, profits and cash Theme 2 – The wider economic environment • business growth and competitive advantage • firms, consumers and elasticities of demand • productive efficiency • life in a global economy • the economic cycle • introduction to macroeconomic policy Theme 3 – The global economy (this theme develops the concepts introduced in Theme 2) • globalisation • economic factors in business expansion • impact of globalisation on global companies • impact of globalisation on local and national economies • global labour markets • inequality and redistribution Theme 4 – Making markets work (this theme develops the concepts introduced in Theme 1) • competition and market power • market power and market failure • market failure across the economy • macroeconomic policies and impact on firms and individuals • risk and the financial sector

Assessed By

Three written and externally assessed examinations.

Potential Careers

Students with A Level Economics have access to a wide range of possible career and higher education opportunities. Anyone intending to apply to a top university will be well served by an A Level in Economics. Students will develop important transferable skills such as: • • • •

Logical thought & problem-solving Research and analysis of current economic data Application and evaluation of theory into practice Critical thinking and writing skills

These skills are in great demand and are recognised by employers and universities as being of high value. Economics combines well with maths and social science subjects to lead to university courses in such areas as economics. law, politics, econometrics, international relations, management & finance.

Student Comment

I am looking to go to a top university and study Economics and Politics. Economics A Level will set me up really well for this. I love the way it helps us to understand the world around us.


EDEXCEL This specification for the discipline of geography encourages students to gain enjoyment, satisfaction and a sense of achievement as they develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject. This A Level course will enable students to be inspired by their geographical understanding, to engage critically with real world issues and places, and to apply their geographical knowledge, theory and skills to the world around them. Students will grow as independent thinkers and as informed and engaged citizens, who understand the role and importance of geography as one of the key disciplines relevant to understanding the world’s changing peoples, places and environments.

Assessed By

Written examination.

Potential Careers

There are opportunities to use Geography in a variety of careers, such as planning, environmental management, tourism, education, etc. Most universities have courses in Geography or in Environmental Studies. Geography can also be combined with many science or humanities subjects.

Student Comment

I chose to study Geography at A Level because I really enjoyed looking at environmental issues in Geography GCSE and the issues in the world around me. I am concerned about what we are doing to our planet and Geography has enabled me to look at these issues in more depth.

Society in Action Faculty A Level History Board


Course Description

At A Level students complete four units: Unit 1 England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and religion. This option comprises a study in breadth in which students will learn about the key political, social and economic features of Tudor England from the accession of Henry VIII to the death of Elizabeth I, an era of decisive change for the English state and church. The focus of study is on developments and changes over a broad timescale and so the content is presented as themes spanning a significant duration. Unit 2 Luther and the German Reformation, c1515–55: This option comprises a study in depth of Luther’s challenge to the Catholic Church, the development of a separate Lutheran Church within the German states, and the response of Empire and the papacy to this challenge to 1555. This would cause a fracture in the religious unity of western Christianity, which would, in time, spread through Europe and beyond. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of Luther’s religious protests and the involvement of secular and religious leaders in driving, and resisting, religious and political change in the German states in this period. Unit 3 The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991: This option comprises two parts: the Aspects in Breadth focus on long-term changes and contextualise the Aspects in Depth, which focus in detail on key episodes. Together, the breadth and depth topics explore how Russia has developed, socially, politically and economically, through a turbulent era marked by periods of stability, reform and revolution. The death of Nicholas I in 1855 ushered in a period of hope and reform under his son Alexander II. Subsequently, more violent and dramatic changes in the twentieth century turned the lives of ordinary Russians upside down. Unit 4. The coursework option is based on the causes of the First World War. Students complete an assignment exploring the long and short term causes of the conflict and in particular the extent to which Germany could be blamed for the outbreak of war in 1914.

Assessed By

Units 1, 2 and 3 written examination, lasting 2 hours 15 minutes each. Unit 4 is internally marked coursework that is externally moderated.

Potential Careers

Students who study History have access to a wide range of career and higher education opportunities. Students learn how to evaluate and analyse information, how to weigh up evidence and how to communicate complex ideas effectively. History helps students solve problems and develop the skills of argument and evaluation. The Individual Assignment provides evidence of the ability to work independently. These skills are recognised and valued by employers, universities and colleges. History combines well with maths and science subjects to create an attractive portfolio of qualifications. Combined with English and a modern foreign language it provides a good basis for an arts or languages-based degree. History provides an excellent foundation for a number of popular careers including journalism, law and business.

Student Comment

I chose to study History at A Level because I really enjoyed it! I have particularly enjoyed the modules on Germany and the controversy paper. I enjoy the individual research and feel that the subject has helped me to develop my skills of critical analysis and independent learning.


Society in Action Faculty A Level Psychology

A Level Sociology



Course Description

Course Description


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, body and our social behaviour. Students with an interest in people, their thought processes, why people behave the way they do and how people interact with each other will find psychology a challenging but rewarding subject to study. During your course you will learn about: The different approaches/theories in psychology, ethical constraints governing research, how psychology can be applied to cultural, social and contemporary issues and how to use a range of research methods to investigate areas of psychological interests. Paper 1 will cover an introduction to psychology with the topic of memory, social influence, research methods, attachment and abnormality. Paper 2 will cover approaches/theories in psychology, research methods and biopsychology which looks at the body’s reactions to stress and sleep. Paper 3 will cover issues and debates that affect psychology and its research followed by the options from the following: aggression, eating behaviour, relationships, Schizophrenia, addiction and forensic psychology.

Assessed By

Written examination.

Potential Careers

Psychology allows access to a wide range of careers and higher education courses. You will have developed important skills of analysis and evaluation. You will have learned how to organise information and communicate complex ideas. You will also have learned how to plan research, carry it out and analyse data. These skills are sought after by employers, universities and colleges. Psychology combines well with a range of subjects, enabling students to move on to science, arts, humanities degrees as well as more career specific degree courses. Anyone considering a career which involves working with people will find psychology useful.

Student Comment

I chose Psychology because I have always been interested in the human mind and the way it works. I never expected I would enjoy Psychology as much as I do. The year 13 topics are fascinating especially being able to discuss and explain why people are schizophrenic or addicted. I have now decided that I want to continue to study it at degree level. I would definitely recommend Psychology to anyone and believe that all students will find it as interesting as I have.



Sociology is the science of human social behaviour. During the A Level Sociology course you will learn about the following: The different theories, topics and approaches in sociology; the research that has been carried out by the different sociologists; how sociological findings can help us understand social, cultural and contemporary issues and how to use a range of research methods to investigate areas of sociological interest. Topics studied are: Unit 1: Education with Theory and Methods. Unit 2: Topic in Sociology: Families and households/Beliefs in society/ Stratification (inequalities) and Differentiation. Unit 3: Crime and Deviance and Theory and Methods. In Sociology we expect students to arrive with an interest in how social groups work. It is important that you are socially aware and keep up to date with current issues and read around the subject. Lessons involve a lot of discussions, in small groups and as a class. You may be asked to research ideas using the facilities in the school. Sociology requires students to write essays and conclude debates applying the theory and concepts they have learnt. Homework will be set regularly.

Assessed By

Written examination.

Potential Careers

Sociology provides a good foundation for a wide range of careers and degree courses. The skills you will develop throughout this course include: • analysis and evaluation of theories and research • the ability to communicate complex ideas and debates in both oral and written form • the design of research and the collection and analysis of results These skills are sought after by employers, universities and colleges. Sociology combines very well with a range of subjects enabling students to move into a wide variety of degree courses. Anyone considering a career which involves working with people, will find sociology a useful and interesting subject.

Student Comment

I chose to study Sociology because I enjoyed Sociology GCSE. The lessons are interesting especially when we carried out lesson observations of years 10 and 11 when we studied education. Sociology is good for a range of different careers and keeps your options open. The best thing about it is that the teaching is good and the topics are relevant and interesting.

“Students feel well supported and coached by teachers and other staff. They articulate the high expectations of the sixth form and appreciate the very high level of personalised support they have.� Ofsted 2017

31 All information was accurate at time of print, however all information is subject to change.

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“Students make sustained and substantial progress from their starting points in the sixth form, and most swiftly move on to higher levels of study. Retention rates are high, and the sixth form is a popular choice for students who did not attend the school previously. Students make above-average progress in most subjects.� Ofsted 2017

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