The Green School Prospectus 2016

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Let Your light Shine

welcome Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to The Green School for Girls. We are a successful dynamic learning community with a rich heritage. Our overriding aim is to provide a stimulating and enriching education founded on Christian values within a supportive, inclusive, multi-faith all-girls environment. We value every student and enable them to flourish both academically and in their personal development. When our girls leave us, they do so as confident young women well prepared for University or Apprenticeship and the world of work and committed to contributing to the world around them. High achievement is a priority, and each year we are able to celebrate our consistently excellent examination results. The success of our students is attributable to their commitment to their school life and to their learning, to the strong support of parents and carers, and to the dedicated hard work of a strong teaching and support staff. Students are expected to work to the best of their abilities in both formal lessons and beyond the classroom. We offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities, including clubs, educational visits at home and abroad, music and sporting enrichment and opportunities for student leadership.

We are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel and fulfil their potential. We take Safeguarding extremely seriously and the safety and well being of our students is a key priority. If you decide that The Green School for Girls is right for your daughter, please be assured that we will work with you to provide her with the best possible educational experience. Information further to that in this prospectus is available on the school website Our Open Evening is at 6.00pm on Tuesday, 4th October 2016. Prior to this date we also offer open day tours either at 9.00am or 1.30pm on the following dates; Tuesday 27th September; Wednesday 28th September; and Thursday 29th September. We would be delighted to show you around our wonderful school and look forward to meeting you. Mrs Sally Yarrow, Headteacher

ethos We are proud to be a Church of England School which serves students of the Christian faith, other faiths and of no faith. Christian values underpin all we do, whether in formal Religious Education lessons, daily worship, charity work or our relationships with one another. The school chaplain is central to the life of the school and serves our whole school community. A weekly Communion Service is held in the school chapel and we have close links with local churches. As a Church of England School we expect all parents and carers to support our Christian ethos. In particular, we aim to inspire and nurture: • a love of learning, creativity, and an enquiring mind • academic excellence, personal development and spiritual awareness • aspirations, knowledge, skills and attributes in preparation for future studies and career pathways • a sense of responsibility, self–confidence, self–worth and the resilience to overcome life’s challenges • integrity, emotional intelligence, compassion and respect for others • appreciation of different cultures, religions and points of view • a desire to serve and to make a positive contribution to society

Pastoral We have an experienced and dedicated inclusion team who are there to support, advise and guide our students as they progress through the school. We believe in high standards of behaviour and our shared commitment is outlined in the home-school agreement. Our CODE OF CONDUCT programme underpins this with each member of our community being expected to be Ready, Respectful and Responsible. We work closely with parents and carers if there are any concerns about a student’s work, behaviour or attitude. Success of all kinds is celebrated and rewarded through our house point system. In addition, there are many opportunities for the development of personal responsibility such as serving as house or form captains, prefects, peer mentors or helping to organise school or charity events.

Facilities We are privileged to have excellent facilities including a large sports hall, drama studio, tennis courts, photography studio, networked computer suite and music practice rooms. Our Green CafĂŠ offers a range of healthy food options at breakfast, break and lunch times, whilst our chapel provides a quiet space for reflection and fellowship. The Centre for Independent Research, Careers, Literacy and Enterprise is well stocked with books, magazines and articles to inspire our students to read and broaden their knowledge and horizons. We have large outdoor spaces for team games and recreation.

extra curricular activities We believe in the value of extra-curricular activities and offer a wide range to suit the interests of our students. Sporting activities include traditional team games as well as dance, trampolining, gymnastics, cross-country, athletics, basketball, football and rowing. Many of our students achieve sporting success at borough and county level. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is highly successful and available for older students, many of whom complete the Silver Award in the Sixth Form. Clubs in STEM subjects as well as Drama, Art and Music enrichment are also available comprising choirs, instrumental lessons and ensembles. Regular trips both at home and abroad enrich and enhance the curriculum. Recent visits have included art galleries, field studies in Devon and Dorset, skiing in Austria, History trips to Berlin and the WW1 Battlefields, language visits to Spain and France, and visits more locally to Heathrow Airport, BSkyB and London Theatre Productions.

Curriculum We want all our students to excel and fulfil their potential. Our exciting broad curriculum provides academic challenge for all students, combined with a rich cultural experience, allowing our students to develop skills and knowledge across a range of subjects and disciplines. In addition to the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and Religious Education, we offer Humanities, Languages, Computer Science, Performing and Creative Arts, Physical Education and Personal Social Health and Careers Education, the latter for which we have recently been awarded the Investors in Careers Full Award. Students’ progress is monitored regularly and we provide careful advice to ensure that students take suitable options for further study when choosing GCSE, BTEC and A level courses. We value our students as individuals and see it as both a joy and privilege to encourage them to succeed and shine.

We aim to offer a vibrant Sixth Form experience. Alongside academic study we provide a range of enrichment activities to broaden horizons and prepare students for their future choices such as The Extended Project Qualification. Our students gain entry to the full range of higher education institutions, including Russell Group Universities and apprenticeships, both within London and nationally. Students are never short of experiences to reference in their UCAS statements and our Sixth Form Student Leadership Team play a key role in the success of our school. The Green School Busch Corner, London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5BB t: 020 8321 8080


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