Imberhorne School Insert Booklet

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IMBERHORNE SCHOOL Compassion • Achievement • Respect • Endeavour

Admissions The school is happy to accept any student we believe will be able to take full advantage of the opportunities available at Imberhorne. As a consequence of this a number of parents living a considerable distance from the school choose to send their children to Imberhorne. The admissions policy of this school is common to all maintained schools in West Sussex. Interested parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school. If you wish to make an appointment please contact the main school switchboard where you will be directed to the most appropriate member of staff. Heads of Year and other pastoral staff are always happy to meet with parents and discuss any aspect of transition to the school. Our pupil admission number is currently 270. The procedure relating to transfer to secondary school is managed by West Sussex Local Authority and is outlined in the booklet “Information for Parents� which is published by the Authority. This document is available to download on the West Sussex website:, alternatively please telephone 0845 075 1007 or contact the Pupil Admissions Office either by email at: or by writing to County Hall North, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1XH. Free transport is only provided for the Imberhorne catchment area. Those parents who live in the catchment area but less than three miles from the school are expected to make their own travel arrangements, although the school is prepared to negotiate concessions.

“The focus on individual ambition and independent learning is emphasised from the start of Year 7 onwards. It equips students with the best possible social and academic skills necessary for them to meet the challenges of life after school.” OFSTED

The School Day The day is divided into five, one hour teaching periods. In addition to this, students have time for form-based activities and assembly in the mornings. Lunch and break times are supervised by teaching staff and allow students to access our canteen facilities as well as make use of the library, participate in clubs or simply socialise with friends. • • • • • • • •

Registration/assembly Period 1 Period 2 Morning break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch break Period 5

8.40am – 8.55am 8.55am 9.55am 10.55am – 11.20am 11.20am 12.20pm 1.20pm – 2.00pm 2.00pm

Students in Key Stage 4 (year 10 and 11) as well as students in the 6th Form may also have twilight lessons which commence at 3.00pm.

School Uniform School uniform identifies students with Imberhorne School and should be worn with pride and a sense of responsibility. We believe the uniform is smart and practical, ensuring students are comfortable in a range of different classroom settings. The school has a clear and firm policy on uniform and we ask parents to study our guidance carefully and give it their full support. This helps us avoid having to spend valuable time reminding pupils about particular details. We run our own uniform shop, based at the Imberhorne Lane site. The shop is open on Monday and Wednesday in term time. Special opening hours are arranged prior to and during the summer to enable parents to purchase uniform prior to September. Alternatively parents may complete the “Imberhorne Uniform Order Form” and return it to school with payment. Purchased uniform will then be sent home with your son/daughter. Any families experiencing financial hardship should contact the school in confidence regarding help with purchasing uniform as subsidies are available. Information about this is available on the school website. We have arranged with Sportswear International to sell items of uniform as well as school trousers, optional PE thermal base layers and name tapes direct to parents. If parents wish to purchase directly from our supplier, orders can be placed for these items in one of three ways: 1. Online: on the Sportswear International website 2. By phone: 0845 519 00 99 3. By post: Sportswear International Ltd, Fairoak Lane, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Runcorn, WA7 3DU

“Safeguarding procedures and their impact are outstanding.”


“The curriculum is outstanding in meeting the individual and often complex needs of all groups of students.� OFSTED

The School Curriculum Students at Imberhorne follow the National Curriculum. The programme of study remains common to all students in Key Stage 3 with an element of their curriculum devoted to personal development, particularly in Year 7. In Year 9 slightly more flexibility appears with students starting to study a second modern foreign language whilst others may express interest in a more skills based curriculum option. In Key Stage 4, students make choices about their programmes of study with an optional element to their curriculum. We provide a pathways system to help students combine different options whilst retaining a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the varied needs of all individuals. A significant majority of our students stay on to study in the Sixth Form. We are able to offer an extensive programme of AS and A Level courses as well as a mixture of Level 3 and Level 2 vocational courses. Please visit the school website for further details about study in the Sixth Form.

Curriculum Enrichment and Support We offer a considerable range of trips and extra-curricular opportunities throughout the year encouraging students to participate in events and activities when possible. We believe that such opportunities enhance students’ personal and social development. We can provide financial assistance to help support students upon request.

“Students respect one another and the high levels of inclusion are central to the school’s ethos and reflected at every level.” OFSTED

We seek to quickly identify students arriving at the school who are below the expected levels in English and mathematics, providing timely interventions and boosters to move them on as rapidly as we can. Support is available as required in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. When appropriate, students can access such support, often working in small groups and/or with one to one specialist help to address their specific needs. Details about the range of curriculum opportunities available to students in Key Stage 4 can be accessed through the school website. We have a number of gifted and talented students and continually look for ways to extend and challenge them, both in their studies and beyond lessons. Many subjects offer such extension opportunities, in addition to this we also offer the Higher Project Qualification in Key Stage 4 and the Extended Project Qualification in Key Stage 5 for students to demonstrate their independent study skills and to pursue specialist areas of interest.

Special Educational Needs and Students with Disabilities (SEND) Our aim is to ensure the personal, social and educational integration of students with special needs and/or disabilities, so that they receive a broad and balanced education. The school’s provision for students with additional needs is in line with the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice (2014). This states that a child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Disability: Many children and young people who have SEN may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. This definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer. The Leader of Learning for SEND works in close conjunction with the primary schools to ascertain those pupils most likely to have special needs. All new entrants to Imberhorne are tested in reading and spelling skills with further diagnostic tests given to those whose reading and spelling scores indicate they are in need of some intervention. In addition, the school administers the NFER Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS). The school also accesses support from a wide network of external support agencies.

Homework Learning to work independently is an essential part of every student’s education. Homework is therefore seen as being important and it is set regularly at Imberhorne. Students receive an appropriate amount of homework per week, including some extended projects. Homework is made available through our online learning gateway. This is a web-based information point for students and parents. Students can either record their homework in provided diaries or access it online. Alternatively students can ensure they synchronise their personal digital device with the school calendar, enabling their homework to be viewed directly in their own online calendar.

“All teachers I have had contact with, work incredibly hard to offer a great learning experience at Imberhorne.� OFSTED

“Very good transition arrangements exist from primary school and in the subsequent transfer to upper school.� OFSTED

Charging We are not allowed to charge for an activity which is part of the syllabus for a public examination, although parents will be asked to make a voluntary contribution for transport and incidental expenses. We may, however, charge for board and lodging if the activity requires it, for example, residential field courses. We may also charge for activities which take place out of school hours. If more than half the time spent on the activity is out of school hours then it may be charged for, those who do not wish to pay will not attend. For any other activity taking place in school time, for example, a visit to the local theatre, the same rules apply and we are not allowed to charge. We may, however, ask for a voluntary contribution and explain that the activity will not run unless the full costs associated with the activity are met.

Ethos and Values Imberhorne is a caring, friendly school built on strong relationships and a clear sense of purpose that drives us to do the best we can for every individual. We believe our students are successful, happy, well-rounded individuals who thrive on the challenge and support we provide. The school is focussed on every student achieving the best they can and realising their full potential. We aim to provide a curriculum that inspires and motivates, taking time to reflect on how we teach and how students learn most effectively. We think it is important to establish high expectations and want our students to develop a passion for learning fuelled by an ambition to be as successful as they can be. We try to ensure our students are both challenged and supported in equal measure whilst recognising they have a responsibility to participate fully in order to maximise their learning. They must, therefore, be prepared to work hard, set demanding personal targets and have the self belief to meet such expectations.

Rewards and Recognition We try to take every opportunity we can to recognise and celebrate the successes of our students. In both Key Stage 3 and 4 students earn merits for working well, trying hard and being helpful members of our community. Early in Year 7 we hold a merit award assembly for students to show how much we value their endeavours and good behaviour. Staff also send praise emails directly to parents in recognition of outstanding effort, achievement or conduct. At the end of Year 9 we hold a celebration evening to recognise the contributions students have made in Key Stage 3 prior to transition to our

Imberhorne Lane site. Students are rewarded for compassion, achievement, respect and endeavour. At the end of Year 11 we hold a graduation evening to celebrate our students’ journey through the school. They compile a record of achievement demonstrating the contributions they have made as good citizens both within the school and the wider community, the graduation scheme recognises the outstanding personal qualities our students demonstrate.

Pastoral Care and Working Together On entry to the school, students are allocated to a mixed ability form group. All form groups are then overseen by a Head of Year who, along with the form staff and other pastoral staff, support the welfare and wellbeing of all students. Form staff have dedicated mentoring time with every individual within their form group to ensure that all students are appropriately supported. There is a really strong sense of community within the school. Staff, students and parents support a wide range of activities and events beyond the curriculum, reflecting the varied opportunities we aim to provide for all students. All strong communities rely upon good citizenship. We expect our students to demonstrate personal responsibility in the way they conduct themselves, showing respect, tolerance and commitment to both staff and their fellow students. We encourage students to act as leaders, considering how their behaviour and their contributions to the community can inspire and motivate others. We believe everyone has the potential to show leadership qualities and aim to provide as many opportunities as we can for students to show such skills and capabilities.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development We aim to provide opportunities for students to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, as well as spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive and caring attitude towards others, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of the cultures in the United Kingdom and the wider world. All students in years 7 – 11 attend assembly twice a week. In assemblies we try to ensure that we promote the values and qualities we think are central to the school and the development of young people. We emphasise personal development within the whole curriculum and specifically within our personal development lessons. In these sessions we focus on aspects of citizenship as well as moral, emotional and social education.



KS3, KS4 and all enquiries T 01342 323562

Main Fax 01342 317366

Sixth Form T 01342 310986

Sixth Form Fax 01342 310988

Address Upper School (KS4 and Sixth Form) Imberhorne Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1QY

Emails Lower School (KS3) Windmill Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 2DT


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