St Clement Danes School Prospectus 2016

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Loyauté m’oblige

St clement danes school

Founded in 1862

Excellence, Respect and Trust 01

“The excellence of the care, guidance and support for students is a bedrock of the school.” OFSTED

Welcome “The school is deeply committed to the comprehensive nature of its intake, equality of opportunity is implicit in the school’s values and no form of discrimination is tolerated.” OFSTED Choosing a new school for your child is a huge decision. We understand the many factors and issues that have to be weighed up. Throughout the process, you will be steered by an unswerving belief that your child deserves the very best. A high-quality learning environment, of course, and a culture that embraces care, tolerance and trust. At St Clement Danes, we share your belief. Our aim, quite simply, is to enable every one of our students to grow into responsible and fulfilled adults with the skills, qualifications and confidence to shape their futures. When it comes to academic achievement, our goal is nothing short of excellence. Building on our

distinguished heritage and traditional values, a progressive approach to delivering the curriculum has seen St Clement Danes achieve some of the best results in the country. This was validated by Ofsted; our school was judged ‘Outstanding’ overall and in every aspect of school life. This is an endorsement of all we do at St Clement Danes and an accolade held by very few secondary schools. As each new student joins us, we take the time to build a genuine partnership between family and school, built on mutual trust and open communication. You can be sure that your child will be nurtured and enriched in a supportive and challenging academic environment. Just as importantly, we will ensure that their individual talents are recognised and developed in full. Josephine Valentine BSc, PhD Headteacher


our vision At St Clement Danes, we aim to create and inspire: • the principles of excellence, respect and trust • an environment of support, development and challenge • a commitment to tradition, adaptation and transformation • the skills with which to develop confidence, curiosity and courage

Excellence, Respect and Trust We are guided by the principles of excellence, respect and trust. We expect all members of our community to recognise the contribution of each individual and to work together to achieve outstanding outcomes. Our school’s motto is Loyauté m’oblige (Loyalty binds me); we understand this to mean that the school’s commitment to the individual - and individual’s commitment to the school - lasts beyond the years that are spent here, and follows us all in future endeavours.

Support, Development and Challenge


We strive to ensure that every individual in our community is not only known and valued, but also

challenged to be the best they can be. We aim to provide a supportive environment in which we foster the development of aspiration, ambition and moral purpose alongside a lasting love of learning.

Tradition, Adaptation and Transformation We are a school with a deep-rooted tradition and history, but our history is itself one of innovation. Time and again, St Clement Danes has shown itself strong enough in its foundations to embrace change and adapt to the evolving needs of our community. We aim for excellence through a commitment to sustained improvement; our future focus and transformation is always based in robust reflection, research and evaluation.

Confidence, Curiosity and Courage We wish all our students to leave St Clement Danes equipped with the skills they need to become happy, twenty-first century, global citizens. In all areas of life, we want our students to be confident in their pursuits and passions; to be ever curious in approaching new ideas and environments, and to be prepared and courageous in their choices and decisions.

“Students are known as individuals by their teachers and other staff. Their needs are met to a very high standard.� OFSTED



Heritage Tradition, Adaptation and Transformation “The school’s history, traditions and consistent high expectations by all staff create a powerful school ethos.” OFSTED We have a proud history dating back to 1862 when the first St Clement Danes was opened as a boys’ grammar school in Houghton Street, London. In 1928, the school transferred to a new site in Hammersmith before moving to its present location in Chorleywood as an all-ability, co-educational school in 1975.

The eight houses are: Burleigh, Clare, Clement, Dane, Essex, Exeter, Lincoln and Temple.

We receive the support and financial backing of the St Clement Danes Holborn Estate Charity, established in 1552 to support the education of the children of the parish of St Clement Danes Church in London. We became an Academy Trust in 2011 and this has afforded us significant autonomy to manage our activities in the best interests of the whole school community.

Each September, the school holds its Speech Day. The event takes place in the Barbirolli Hall, named after Sir John Barbirolli, an Old Dane who went on to conduct the Hallé Orchestra in Manchester for over three decades. Every November, we celebrate our history through a Commemoration Service held at St Clement Danes Church in London. Both these occasions celebrate our heritage and testify to our successful present and ambitious future.

Links with the past have a very real impact on school life today. The school is organised into eight houses named after individuals or locations associated with St Clement Danes Church in London and the Inns of Court.

Students take part in inter-house events throughout the year, culminating in our Sports Day where the overall winning house is presented with the annual House Cup.


Curriculum Support, Development and Challenge Our curriculum is rich and varied. Each faculty comprises a highly qualified, specialist team of teachers based in well-resourced subject areas. Outstanding practitioners lead research into cutting edge teaching and learning techniques, resulting in a first-class, personalised curriculum which leads students to academic success and engenders a love of learning. Students aged 11 to 16 are offered a broad and balanced curriculum: • • • • •

English Mathematics Science Creative Arts (Art & Design, Drama, Music) Humanities (Geography, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies) • Modern Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish) • Personal Development, Careers & Resilience


• Physical Education • Social Sciences (Business Studies, Computing) • Technology (Food, Graphics, Product Design and Textiles) The majority of our students complete seven years’ education at St Clement Danes and are offered a wideranging curriculum at A-level, choosing from twentyeight subjects. Results across curriculum areas far exceed the national and Hertfordshire averages at both GCSE and A-level. As you will see in the Student Performance section of our website, at GCSE over 90% of students typically achieve 5 A*-C passes with almost 50% of grades at A or A* and we are consistently in the top 10% of schools for student progress nationally. At A-level, we are routinely in the top 5% of schools in terms of the progress made between GCSE and A-level and almost 70% of students’ grades are A* to B.

“The curriculum provided for students is outstanding in its depth, range and personalisation to meet individual needs.� OFSTED



Sixth Form Confidence, Curiosity and Courage “The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is outstanding. Attainment is high and students’ progress, relative to their starting points and nationally, is outstanding. Students’ personal development is also outstanding.” OFSTED Our Sixth Form is housed within The Carey Sixth Form Centre. The accommodation boasts well-equipped classrooms, large private study rooms, a computer suite and social area including a coffee bar. The Sixth Form experience is carefully designed to bridge the gap between school life and the world of further study and work. Students typically make exceptional progress during these crucial two years of school. Before entering the Sixth Form, students benefit from substantial support to help them make the transition from GCSE, support which is continued by Form Tutors and the Sixth Form Leadership Team throughout the two years. Extensive monitoring and assessment keeps students on track and comprehensive guidance is offered for applications to university or jobs. This culminates in a two-day work shadowing placement and annual forum at which students are interviewed and given feedback

by subject specialists. Many students choose to complete an Extended Project alongside their studies – an A-level standard qualification which involves independent research and is highly regarded by universities and employers. EPQ students achieve impressive results with recent cohorts attaining 100% A or A* grades. A programme of external speakers ensures a focus on wider social, political and cultural issues whilst all Sixth Formers are encouraged to take on leadership roles. These include leading the Student Council, mentoring younger students, taking part in Sports Leaders programmes, working in the local community or becoming part of the prefect team. As a result, St Clement Danes students leave with excellent examination results and as rounded, confident individuals.


Every student known Excellence, Respect and Trust “The school’s engagement with parents and carers is outstanding.” OFSTED Each student at St Clement Danes is recognised as an individual. Supporting students to achieve their potential means recognising and nurturing their distinct talents, abilities and aspirations. Before they join us, we visit students in their primary schools, endeavouring to get to know them. Our prime objective is to support each student to make the most of every opportunity that arises, both inside and outside the classroom. Every student is supported by a strong pastoral framework and individual mentoring by Form Tutors, Pastoral Leaders and the Senior Leadership Team. This personal approach is the bedrock of St Clement Danes and ensures that our students enjoy ongoing guidance to develop their aspirations to the full.


In the classroom, we have established a robust system of

monitoring and assessment, providing regular feedback on progress and setting dialogue between student and teacher at its heart. This is supported by a range of intervention programmes to ensure that all our students, whatever their ability level or particular learning need, are able to flourish and thrive. Ultimately, it is the students themselves who create the unique, St Clement Danes atmosphere that is so conducive to learning, underpinned by the values of excellence, respect and trust. In all three Ofsted inspections since 2002, behaviour has been described as ‘exemplary’. There is a strong sense of pride and belonging here. Even after leaving St Clement Danes, many students are part of our alumni group who contribute to our enrichment and extension programmes or attend school events.


“There are wideranging, extremely rich extension activities and many opportunities for international visits. More than fifty extra-curricular opportunities are available per week.� OFSTED


Extra-Curricular and Community Confidence, Curiosity and Courage At St Clement Danes, we provide an unrivalled programme of extra-curricular activities. Year 7 enjoy a stimulating week at an outward bound centre in Bude; Year 8 and 12 students participate in work-shadowing events; all students are able to join a host of subject-focused clubs and our Charities Prefects lead Charities Week which is at the heart of our fundraising efforts. Musicians enjoy an almost endless range of ensembles including two orchestras, two choirs and a jazz band, which provide opportunities for beginners through to National Youth Orchestra members. As well as the prestigious Commemoration Service, we put on concerts throughout the year, not to mention regular tours to Europe.

Keen sportsmen and women enjoy the extensive playing fields, all weather flood-lit pitch, hard courts, gymnasium and sports hall which are used by all students during their time at the school. Teams regularly compete at a high level, with many achieving success in regional and national competitions. The annual Gym and Dance display is a highlight of the year. Students attend an annual athletics training camp in Lanzarote and a football tour to the USA. They take part in the popular Duke of Edinburgh scheme, supported by staff and parents. Since 1995, many students have undertaken World Challenge expeditions which help them discover talents they never thought they had.

Enrichment opportunities in other subjects feature highly with language exchanges to Lyon, Bilbao and Potsdam, art trips to the galleries of New York or Venice, field trips in Geography and Biology, and theatre trips in Drama, to name but a few. At the entrance to the school, we are proud to display photographs that celebrate members of the school community who have achieved national honours. While delivering a high quality experience for all, we also believe in providing opportunities for our most gifted and talented students in all areas of achievement.


Teaching School Alliance Support, Development and Challenge St Clement Danes was designated a National Teaching School by the National College for Teaching and Leadership in 2013. This prestigious role sets us at the cutting edge of developments in teaching and learning and facilitates a close working relationship with the Department for Education. We lead the Herts & Bucks Teaching School Alliance, a group of over twenty schools, universities and local authority learning trusts in the south of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire who collaborate to promote exceptional standards of education. All parties share a common ethos: we strive for outstanding student outcomes, have a proven track record of good practice and a desire to deliver a world class education to our students. With such a wealth of expertise to draw upon, the Teaching School Alliance is already succeeding in its aim to promote and sustain an exceptional quality of education.


St Clement Danes’ leadership of the Teaching School Alliance ensures that we remain at the forefront of research and development, bringing a wealth of benefits to staff and students alike. Teachers are constantly improving their practice through collaborative work, and students reap the benefits in innovative teaching methods and, ultimately, in their results. A sharp focus on continuing professional development enables us to sustain outstanding teaching and retain such practitioners in our school. We are able to attract high quality staff who are drawn to St Clement Danes by the many opportunities on offer. Thank you for taking the time to read this prospectus. We look forward to welcoming you to St Clement Danes School.

“What drives school improvement is the commitment, shared by all staff, to ensure that all students have the very best of opportunities to succeed at the highest possible level.” OFSTED



“… thank you for providing a thriving school environment for all four of our children. St Clement Danes has been a part of our family life for the past thirteen years. It has been the source of stimulating learning, rich relationships, stimulus for personal growth and fodder for lively discussions around the dinner table.” PARENT

St Clement Danes School Chenies Road, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, WD3 6EW. T 01923 284169 General Enquiries School Admissions W

St clement danes school

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