Imberhorne School Prospectus 2017

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IMBERHORNE SCHOOL Compassion • Achievement • Respect • Endeavour

“The focus on individual ambition and independent learning is emphasised from the start of Year 7 onwards. It equips students with the best possible social and academic skills necessary for them to meet the challenges for life after school.� OFSTED

WELCOME Imberhorne is a successful, happy school where staff are committed to fully developing the potential of all students. I am proud of the outstanding achievements of students across the school and am equally proud of what hard-working, respectful and compassionate individuals they are as well. Our excellent academic record along with the great emphasis we place on personal development creates a thriving and vibrant school community. We are continually looking to the future as we endeavour to prepare our students for life in the 21st century. We are committed to pursuing academic excellence whilst also very aware of the importance of interpersonal skills that are so highly valued in the workplace. We want to give our students an appetite for life and a love of learning, seeking to provide the conditions that will foster the confidence and enjoyment we think are a necessary part of their educational journey. Martin Brown, Headteacher

Students learn best when they are happy, encouraged and challenged. We expect them to be active participants in their learning and want them to question, discuss and reflect together in lessons as well as beyond the classroom. Students also need to have resilience and be prepared to persevere; the path to success is often paved by one’s repeated efforts. Outstanding academic success in the core subjects of Mathematics, English and Science is complemented by high levels of attainment in all other areas of the curriculum. We are proud of our academic traditions but also keenly aware that we must meet the needs of all our learners. Our very broad curriculum means that students can choose to study from an extensive range of qualifications and courses. The open options system enables students, with their parents’ support, to choose the most appropriate pathways enabling them to progress and achieve to the best of their ability. Such pathways ensure all students can ultimately access a broad range of further and higher educational courses. We consider the act of securing the future pathways of all students to be a key responsibility of the school.

“Staff really know my child and care how well she is doing.”


High expectations, achievement and endeavour

“Students respect one another and the high levels of inclusion are central to the school’s ethos and reflected at every level.” OFSTED

Compassion,, guidance and support

We believe the school is a very caring community and seek to place the relationships that exist between students and staff at the heart of the school. The school has a well developed pastoral system and we pride ourselves on the level of personal care we provide for all our students. Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Assistants exist in all Key Stages (from Year 7 to Year 13). They are often the first point of contact for parents when making enquiries about social or academic issues. The pastoral teams are supported by form staff who provide a daily point of contact for students. A key factor in the character of the school comes from the split site we inhabit. Students start Year 7 at our Windmill Lane site which also houses students in Year 8 and Year 9. This site has a particularly friendly and intimate feel to it and serves our younger students well, combining the challenge of a secondary curriculum with a strong sense of nurturing and support. At the end of Year 9 students then transfer to our Imberhorne Lane site marking the transition into Key Stage 4 and the study of examined courses. Whilst we retain the caring and supportive philosophy established at Windmill Lane, students also develop a more academic focus accompanied by a greater level of challenge and raised expectations. We have established close working relationships with the East Grinstead primary schools, particularly those that tend to feed into Imberhorne. Well established joint literacy and numeracy projects run prior to transition facilitated by staff and students at Imberhorne. Year 6 students are then further supported by our transition programme which culminates in a transition day at the school in the summer before the students start in September. Appropriate additional support is available across the school depending on students’ needs. We work hard to quickly raise levels of literacy and numeracy, particularly for students who may arrive below the expected level. We also aim to stretch and challenge our most able students both in the classroom and beyond with targeted tuition, resources and enrichment opportunities.

Respect, participation and personal development We aim to provide rich and varied extra-curricular opportunities for all students, firmly believing that such opportunities help students develop their interpersonal skills and broaden their experience of the world. We have a significant number of international links, most notably our link with Minaki School in Tanzania. Such links develop students’ cultural understanding and provide contact with other young people from a wide range of backgrounds, generating memorable and sometimes quite moving experiences for them. The arts have a very high profile in the school, numerous events and activities occur throughout the year providing students with wonderful opportunities to sing, dance, perform, act and exhibit. Sports have an equally high profile; we are proud of our very many achievements reflected in the numerous tournaments and competitions our students participate in at local and national level. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is thriving in the school with significant numbers of students participating in the scheme, starting in Key Stage 4 and leading on into the Sixth Form. All of these opportunities enrich the school community but critically help the students learn how to express themselves, work with and support others, show responsibility and become increasingly self assured members of our community.

“Our daughter has loved her time at Imberhorne, flourishing under the care and guidance of the staff.” PARENT

SIXTH FORM Imberhorne is justly proud of its thriving and successful Sixth Form, our students are role models across the school and take the lead on many aspects of student life. Key components in the life of the Sixth Form at Imberhorne are: • Excellent academic standards with frequent admissions to Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group universities. • Wide ranging academic and vocational courses. • Outstanding leadership and development opportunities. • Unrivalled support and guidance. Success in the Sixth Form relies on a close partnership between staff, students and parents. We value the relationships that we have and work hard to ensure parents and students feel well-informed and supported. Our Sixth Form is successful, energetic and innovative with students involving themselves in a wide range of activities, both within the school and the community. Extensive opportunities are provided to develop leadership skills, this includes the option of being; student governors, senior students (leading the whole school council), subject leaders (supporting teachers and younger students in lessons), personal mentors (offering mentoring and support to younger students) along with many other examples or leadership across the school. In the Sixth Form students work towards achieving demanding academic targets, we challenge our students to work hard, show independence and to extend their thinking. Staff mentors and our experienced pastoral team support students’ welfare and wellbeing. We have high standards but also recognise the importance of students feeling happy and fulfilled. Life at Imberhorne provides for both academic and personal development.

“We chose to move to the area to ensure our daughter had a place at Imberhorne. She has taken full advantage of many fantastic opportunities the school has offered and now successfully moved on to university.” PARENT

IMBERHORNE SCHOOL Telephone KS3, KS4 and all enquiries T 01342 323562 Sixth Form T 01342 310986

Address Upper School (KS4 and Sixth Form) Imberhorne Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1QY

Emails Lower School (KS3) Windmill Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 2DT


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