St. Patrick's CE Primary Academy Prospectus

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St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy

We work, we play, we care, we pray Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

'The atmosphere should be bottled and given to every school’ Parent

Mission Statement Our core purpose is to provide an excellent rounded education, enabling our pupils to achieve their individual potential, within a caring and supportive Christian environment.

Welcome St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy is a thriving school where children, parents, staff, governors and trustees are committed to the work we do together to enrich our school. There is a genuine sense of belonging to a community at St. Patrick’s with the Christian ethos at the heart of our school and our values permeating all that we do.

‘Very well organised and motivated staff. I am delighted with the school’

We are proud to develop a lifelong love of learning amongst our children and, in return, the children are proud of their school and their achievements. We have extremely high expectations of ourselves and together we strive to ensure that all children realise their full potential. Hopes and dreams are eagerly shared and children are encouraged to rise to challenges, take risks and try new

things. Mistakes are celebrated here and the feelings of awe and wonder are encouraged! Classrooms are hives of activity with pupils and staff working together to master new skills and to take those exciting new steps in learning. Behaviour at our school is exemplary. We pride ourselves on good manners and respect of ourselves and others. St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy is a one form primary school offering education to 3 - 11 year olds, with extended services, located within a beautiful rural area of Solihull. In our most recent Ofsted Inspection (2007), we were graded as an outstanding school. In our most recent Anglican Inspection (2013), we also received an overall outstanding grade.


‘The school is really welcoming, you get a warm feeling when the teachers welcome you in’ Pupil

Enjoyment Forgiveness Honesty Hopes and Dreams Kindness Respect Thankfulness

Our Values We are proud that our chosen values, The Magnificent Seven, permeate all that we do. We are firmly committed to the future of our planet, creating global citizens who are active, responsible and who care about the community and beyond. We encourage all pupils to show respect and care to others in order to gain a greater understanding of different cultures and values.

‘The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. Patrick’s as a Church of England Academy are outstanding. This is a very good Academy where everyone is valued and involved. It is a place where Christian values make a difference and where all pupils are encouraged to achieve their best. As a result, standards are high. The school through its distinctive Christian character is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners. St. Patrick’s provides an excellent learning environment which is much loved by its pupils and much appreciated by its parent body’ Ofsted With a caring Christian ethos, we aim to provide a safe and happy environment which allows every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential and make a valuable contribution to the Academy and the wider community. Our school is situated alongside St. Patrick’s Church. As Christianity is central to our teaching, there are strong links between the church and the school which we continue to build, through a weekly school service in church, as well as occasional services lead by children. Links are also forged through social and fund raising occasions. The Grandparent’s Afternoon Tea and the long established Summer Fair are just two examples. We have an excellent Messy

Church which takes place every other month. We recognise the historic foundations of the church and school, and we continue to preserve and develop its religious character. We have an excellent relationship with the Reverend and work together to support causes that are close to both the church and the school. Food bank collections, Harvest Festivals and fundraising at our annual Summer Fair, bring the local community together. The church choir features children from the school.

Learning Environment

Teaching and Learning

‘You achieve exceptionally well over your time in school because you are taught successfully and experience a rich and exciting range of activities’ Ofsted

Here at St. Patrick’s, we strive to offer the very best for all children, promoting an immersive, broad and varied curriculum. Pupils model exemplary behaviour because they are proud of their school and enjoy being a part of it. Members of staff work carefully to meet the needs of all children and use information readily to inform future teaching.

‘There is lots of wide space’ Pupil Our learning environment is very special. We are extremely fortunate to be set within an extensive site with large open grounds. The children enjoy the use of a beautiful sports field, Forest School, a greenhouse and an allotment. Outdoor learning is embraced throughout our curriculum, in order for the children to learn in a variety of different ways.

‘Positive supportive environment which promotes self-esteem and confidence in my daughter’ Parent

Our curriculum offers opportunities for children to learn outside of the classroom such as trips, workshops, theatre groups and special guests in school. These help children to understand the topic fully and inspire them to find out more. Year Six pupils also take part in an exciting residential trip where they partake in many new and challenging experiences.

‘The curriculum offers a range of exciting opportunities that foster in pupils a real love of learning. Basic skills are rightly given high status alongside a rich diet of creative and sporting activities and a diverse range of visits that extend their experiences’ Ofsted





Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural The children at St. Patrick’s are encouraged to consider their Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural values and these are at the heart of everything we do. We enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities, which inspire us to work together as a school to help ourselves and to help others.

‘You really enjoy school because of your close friendships with one another and because staff go the extra mile to make sure you are well cared for as well as providing lots of out of school clubs and visits’ Ofsted

‘I enjoy learning about respecting all religions’ Pupil

We also continue to promote both Christian and British Values through our School Council and Eco Council.

Lifelong Learners ‘This is an outstanding school because pupils achieve extremely well, develop very supportive relationships with one another and grow into highly responsible future citizens who are well prepared for the next stage of education’ Ofsted Building lifelong learners is central to everything that we do here at St. Patrick’s. We equip children with the necessary skills to become resilient members of society with the strongest of aspirations for their future.

We teach children the importance of not giving up when they encounter a problem and encourage them to reflect in order to move forward positively.

‘I love the talent shows and performances we get to do’ Pupil

‘Wonderful school, can’t fault anything and my daughter is making excellent progress’ Parent



‘I love the equipment’ Pupil

‘There are lots of good opportunities and we get to go on good trips’ Pupil

‘We have fun across the whole curriculum’ Pupil

Healthy Active Lifestyle

‘I like the competitions’ Pupil

We encourage pupils to appreciate the benefits of exercise and being active and healthy. The pupils enjoy a balanced programme of sporting activities including rugby, football, cricket, athletics, netball, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading and swimming lessons. Bikeability is delivered to pupils in Year 6 and we encourage all pupils to participate.

School ethos of outdoor learning. We use our Forest School rules as the basis of learning to respect and love our environment and explore within boundaries, whilst understanding the importance of keeping safe. Children develop key skills such as independence, team building, self-confidence, self-esteem and problem solving which set them up for life.

The Daily Mile is integral to our timetable. The children gain increased fitness through the daily exercise and it has proven to impact positively upon the children’s behaviour and learning.

Throughout the year, children attend workshops to allow access to a variety of new experiences. These include tag rugby, Kwik Cricket, skateboarding, hula hooping, judo and skipping, which positively impact upon children’s skills and co-ordination and encourage new hobbies.

Foundation Stage pupils embrace the Forest

Healthy School Status St. Patrick’s C. E. Primary Academy has achieved Healthy School Status and is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle. During morning break, children can choose a fruit or vegetable snack.

team oversees the quality of meals, ensuring that children are offered a balanced and healthy diet, which is low in fat, salt and sugar. The children are always offered a choice of main courses and desserts with fresh fruit and a salad bar.

Our school meals are freshly cooked on the premises and meet the government guidelines for healthy and nutritious content. Our catering

If children choose to bring a packed lunch, we encourage parents to support us in providing a healthy, nutritious lunch.

‘My boys are thriving at St. Patrick’s’ Parent

‘I feel a part of the school’ Pupil

‘Amazing school’ Parent

‘Pupils' attendance is good and their behaviour is exemplary’ Ofsted

‘I feel safe’ Pupil

Hopes and Dreams

‘A wonderful and caring school’ Parent

Hopes and Dreams


Kindness ‘School has been very good at responding to special needs’

Achieving Full Potential


‘The school, through is distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners’ SIAMS St. Patrick’s is proud to be an inclusive school. Meeting the needs of all our pupils is a priority. We believe every child has the right to achieve their full potential. We are extremely proud of the progress all our pupils make and our record of academic excellence. We help each child develop a love of learning through a rich, creative curriculum. Progress is closely monitored to ensure pupils are challenged and supported to do their best throughout their school life. We have an inclusive approach in meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), as well as our Able, Gifted and Talented pupils (AG&T). We welcome pupils who need additional support with their learning. We carefully monitor the progress of pupils with SEND; this allows us to identify needs and informs our provision. We provide support within the classroom as well as additional interventions where appropriate.

We work closely with outside agencies and families of children with additional needs to ensure that the children are well supported and make good progress. Parents and children are at the centre of planning for SEND. Our overall aim is that every child should achieve his or her potential from whatever their starting point. We recognise that each child is an individual. We make sure that the experiences that are provided for each child are underpinned by exceptional care, guidance and support. Making good progress and developing a love of learning provide solid foundations for the rest of their lives. Our pastoral care is strong and will provide early help to support with all matters relating to attendance, family issues and children’s emotional and behaviour support. We work closely with external agencies and successfully signpost families to the relevant support.

‘The teachers are friendly and help us’ Pupil

‘Learning is fun’ Pupil

‘Wraparound care is very good’ Parent

‘You have a clear view about your personal targets and these are helping you to aim high’ Ofsted


Your Involvement St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy passionately believes in a strong and positive partnership between pupil, parent and school. We have an “open door” policy and believe that good communication between parents and school is vital for children to succeed. During the autumn and spring terms we hold parent/teacher meetings where parents can find out about their child’s progress and how they can support them on their educational journey. Workshops and information evenings, on

current topics, are available to parents to ensure that we all work together closely to ensure the best for the children. Homework diaries are used for daily contact between school and home.


valued member of their community. Children at St. Patrick’s are proud to wear their uniform and treat it with care. We keep a strict uniform policy and expect high standards of dress from all of our pupils.

‘Exemplary relationships are nurtured and everyone values the care and respect which underpins all school life’ SIAMS

At St. Patrick’s, we believe it is vital that parents support their children by taking an active part in extra curricular events and by being involved in our many educational visits. We have a clear behaviour policy to help keep everyone safe in school. We pride ourselves on ensuring that pupils understand how to behave and respect others in order to be a

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is primarily concerned with raising funds and organising activities for the benefit of all pupils within school. All parents are welcome to join. The main events of the year are the Summer and Christmas Fairs. Other fundraisers have included cinema nights, family picnics, pamper evenings and children’s discos.

‘The strong sense of belonging to a Christian community which is modelled and embraced by everyone’ SIAMS

‘It is a lovely school with good values’ Parent

Joining St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy ‘We are extremely pleased with St. Patrick’s and would highly recommend to other parents’ Parent

‘My child enjoys and looks forward to coming to school’ Parent You are warmly invited to visit our school and see the children involved in their learning.

the September your child is due to start each phase.

Children can join Nursery in the September after they turn three, and Reception, in the September after they turn four. Applications must be submitted by the December prior to

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council manage the admissions process for St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy. If you wish to apply, please contact Solihull School Admissions.

‘Fantastic school which is led by an extremely caring, dedicated and enthusiastic Head’ Parent



‘Love the school, glad to be a part of it!’ Parent ‘Here is a place where pupils are proud to belong, feel valued, and achieve highly’ SIAMS

‘My daughter absolutely loves school which is testament to your hard work in providing such a wonderful school’ Parent

‘This is the best school my child could be in. I am delighted that the school is so dedicated to their children, thank you’ Parent

‘The school is small and everybody is like a family’ Pupil

St. Patrick’s C.E. Primary Academy

Salter Street, Earlswood, Solihull, B94 6DE Telephone: 01564 702278 Fax: 01564 702262 Email:

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