Meadowbank Primary School Prospectus

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We are a family of learners who enjoy and achieve together

A Warm Welcome From Meadowbank Primary School Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to Meadowbank Primary School. If you are a parent who is new to our school we are very pleased to welcome you and your child to Meadowbank and look forward to a happy and successful partnership over the coming years. If you already have a child or children in school, we are equally pleased to welcome you again with your new child. As our Vision Statement says, at Meadowbank we work to create a warm, friendly atmosphere where children and their families can experience a sense of belonging; where every child is recognised as being an individual and their uniqueness is valued. We believe that school should be a fun experience which develops a positive attitude towards learning. We have very high expectations of and for our children and encourage them to aim for their best in both academic and personal success. We strive so that all children can achieve their potential. Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. When you visit us you will notice the friendly and purposeful atmosphere that pervades, created by a dedicated staff and children who are motivated and happy. It is important that mutual understanding and trust should be the basis of our shared responsibility. We look forward to building a fruitful partnership in which we all work together; as only by working together in partnership will we be able to achieve our aim of providing the best possible education for your children. This prospectus pack will give you information about the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, its organisation and curriculum and is designed to enable you to feel more informed about our teaching and learning in school. However, throughout your child’s time in school, there will be a number of opportunities for you to see teaching and learning in action, via parent activities in class, adult learning opportunities, open days and parents’ pupil progress meetings.

“I would like to thank all the staff at Meadowbank. My child has thoroughly enjoyed his time with you and as parents we have been very pleased with the school and his progress.” Parent

I look forward to a long and successful partnership with you. Regards Janine Appleton, Headteacher

“Meadowbank is a happy school. We love learning new things and have fun.” Pupil

Our School Aims • Making parents and the community partners with our school. • Building a welcoming, friendly, safe and happy place. • Working together to develop a creative approach to learning. • Nurturing respectful and responsible citizens. • Including everyone and celebrating difference.

Admissions Criteria Most children living within the school’s priority area gain a place at Meadowbank providing that an application is made within the deadlines specified by the Local Authority and there is a place available. Children from outside the priority area may be admitted; if there are places available, after all priority children have been accepted. Parents have the right to appeal against a decision not to admit a child to the school of their choice.

(Foundation Stage 1) do not automatically gain a place in the Reception class (Foundation Stage 2). Parents will need to apply for a Reception place for their child by completing an application form which can be accessed via the Stockport Council website or by contacting Stockport Town Hall. In the term prior to their child’s entry, parents of new intake children are invited to meet the staff who will be involved in the teaching and care of their child.

Parents of prospective pupils are welcome to visit the school. Please contact the school office to make an appointment so that arrangements can be made for you to be shown around.

“I think that the outside learning is fantastic and say keep up the good work.”

The Local Authority manages nursery applications centrally. Children who attend our Nursery


The School Day Foundation Stage The Foundation Stage in school includes the Nursery and Reception age children (3-5 years old). Parents of Nursery age children can choose from one of the following options: • 12 part time morning Nursery places 8.55 - 12.00 5 days a week. • 8 part time beginning of the week places Mon/Tues 8.55 - 3.15 and Weds morning 8.55 - 12.00 (2 1/2 days). • 12 part time afternoon Nursery places 12.15 - 3.15 5 days a week. • 8 part time end of the week places Weds afternoon 12.15 - 3.15 and Thurs / Fri 8.55 - 3.15 (2 1/2 days).

Reception age children School starts at 8.55am and ends at 3.15pm.

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 1 includes Year One and Year Two children (5-7 Years old). The Key Stage 1 school day begins when the doors from the Key Stage 1 playground are opened at 8.50 am. Our children are encouraged to be independent and to go into school on their own. Lunchtime starts at 12.00pm and ends at 1.15pm. School finishes at 3.15pm for our Key Stage 1 children. At the end of the school day the children are taken into the playground by their class teachers. We ask parents to please stand back from the lines, towards the back of the playground and children will then be sent to their parents when they are seen by their class teacher.

For safety reasons we ask parents not to allow their children to use the play equipment in the playground or to play on the field at the start and end of the school day. Please keep your children with you and ensure that they dismount any bikes or scooters whilst in the school grounds to avoid any injuries.

Key Stage 2 Key Stage 2 includes children from Year Three to Year Six (7-11 Years old). The morning session begins at 8.50am when the school gate and doors into the building are open and children come into school, go to their classes and get ready to start their day promptly at 8.55am. Parents with children in Key Stage 1 will have time to walk with them to their playground. Lunchtime starts at 12.15pm and finishes at 1.15pm. School finishes at 3.20pm for our Key Stage 2 children. Parents are asked to bring their children along the side path into the large Key Stage 2 playground at the start of the school day. Please do not allow your children to come to school early as the gates will be locked and they are unsupervised. For parents who wish their children to come to school early, our Breakfast Club opens at 8.00am. Breakfast Club is held in the Playhouse building for Key Stage 1 children and is situated at the end of the path that leads into the Key Stage 1 playground. Key Stage 2 children have their Breakfast Club in the main school building and enter via the main reception door at the front of school.

The Foundation Stage

Effective Practice

The Curriculum for the Foundation Stage is organised into seven areas of learning and development. There are three prime areas and four specific areas.

Effective Practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage is built on four complementary themes which support the development, learning and care of young children. These are:

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Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

Every child is supported individually to make progress, working through the developmental stages towards the statutory Early Learning Goals, which establish expectations for most children to reach by the end of the Foundation Stage.

A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development

This approach ensures that the Early Years Foundation Stage meets the overarching aim of improving outcomes and reflects that it is every child’s right to grow up safe, healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and with economic well-being.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion All our children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are fully included in the life of the school and we work closely with parents to ensure that all of our children make progress no matter what difficulties they face. Within school there is a Special Educational resourced provision for children with moderate to complex learning difficulties. Places are allocated by the Local Authority. The children are taught for periods of time in small groups with

a higher level of support. Whenever possible they work, with support, alongside their peers in their mainstream classes. It is very important that school knows about any medical conditions which may affect your child’s progress. For example eye problems, ear trouble, asthma, nut allergies, etc. Please inform the school office of any such conditions.

“Teachers skilfully and rapidly increase the rate of learning when they recognise that pupils have understood the work set and are ready for harder work.” Ofsted

Assessment Ongoing observational assessment will take place on a daily basis and will be used to inform future planning; this ensures that the next steps to meet each child’s developmental and learning needs are identified quickly and met.

Equal Opportunities In school we aim to foster a climate in which equality of opportunity is supported by a policy to which the whole school subscribes. In this way, positive attitudes to gender equality, cultural diversity and special needs of all kinds are actively promoted. For all children in school, equal opportunities is concerned with enabling all children to achieve their fullest potential and develop all their talents, ensuring their contributions are equally valued.

“Meadowbank is a happy school, filled with well-behaved children who are positive about their learning. The children are supported to reach their full potential by talented and committed teaching teams who are constantly striving to make the school the best it can be.”

“As soon as you walk through the door at reception you start to feel the warm family feeling that has been created here which instantly puts a smile on your face.“

Chair of Governors

Head Coach

Promoting Positive Behaviour in school

Anti-Bullying Policy

We have rules, which are designed to allow the school to function fairly and efficiently as a place of learning, both academically and socially. At its heart is the emphasis on respect for all, self-discipline and conduct which is appropriate to a well-ordered learning environment.

We are extremely proud of the behaviour of the children in school and they tell us that they are happy and feel listened to. However, as in all schools, whilst children learn the social skills needed in adulthood, on rare occasions bullying behaviours may happen.

We expect our children and all adults in school to behave in a considerate and courteous manner on all occasions. We have a clear behaviour policy which is on display and shared with children on a regular basis.

Older children in school are trained as play buddies to support positive play and play leaders are trained as mediators of the Peer Mediation System L.E.A.F (Listen, Effects, Amends, Follow-Up).

If a child’s behaviour or attitude is giving us cause for concern, parents are informed and invited to come to school in an attempt to resolve the problem. We follow the 6 Golden Rules: • Do be gentle, don’t hurt anybody • Do be kind and helpful, don’t hurt people’s feelings • Do be honest, don’t cover up the truth • Do work hard, don’t waste time • Do look after property, don’t waste or damage things • Do listen to people, don’t interrupt.

Safeguarding The safety of our children is paramount, therefore safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people at Meadowbank Primary goes beyond implementing basic child protection procedures. It is an integral part of all activities and functions. We ensure that all adults in school are working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

If you have a concern please inform the school, firstly through the class teacher. Any further concerns may be discussed with a member of the school’s Leadership Team.

Child Protection At Meadowbank there may be times when issues are brought to our attention or things are noticed relating to children in our care that concern us. The protection of children and their well-being is most important to us at school. On such occasions the school will always follow Stockport’s Safeguarding guidance, either by voicing our concerns to the family or to outside agencies. The Inclusion Team and Headteacher are responsible for issues such as these. In school we have a number of structures that allow children to voice their worries, fears or concerns about all aspects of their life.

“It’s always fun running and taking part in Friends of Meadowbank activities in school, seeing the enjoyment of all the children. School staff are always welcoming and appreciative.” Parent Volunteer

Absences, Appointments and Late Arrivals If your child is absent please call before 9am to let us know the reason, if school is not informed that your child will not be in, a first day absence call will be made to investigate why, similarly a third day call should be made to school for continued absence. We expect all children to arrive on time for school, school doors open at 8.50am ready for lessons starting at 8.55am. If your child is late for school they must come into the building via the ‘red door’ to the left of the main school reception entrance where they can sign in. Late arrivals are monitored and if a child is late more than twice in a half term a letter is sent home. If additional late arrivals happen parents are asked to meet with school to plan for improvement. We hope for each child to have at least 96% attendance over the school year. If we become concerned about your child’s attendance we will consult with the School’s Attendance Officer, who will follow this up. This might involve a home visit from the officer and the absence will be registered as unauthorised. It is also very important that the school has your current address and contact numbers in case of emergencies. Please keep us updated of any changes.

“Meadowbank is a family. We all care about each other and look after one another.” Pupil

Family Holidays Parents are expected to plan family holidays or breaks during school holidays and not during term time. The Education Regulations 2006 and accompanying guidance published by the Government makes it clear that parents do not have a right to have time off school for holidays. In 2013 the Government took further steps to discourage holidays in term time. It passed legislation abolishing the right of schools to authorise up to 10 days a year specifically for holidays if special circumstances exist. Therefore, permission for holiday or other leave is rarely given. Any request for any leave of absence should be made in writing to the Headteacher at least 4 weeks before the proposed date/s. Leave of absence request forms can be obtained from the school office.

Extended School Our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Breakfast Clubs are run by school staff and open at 8.00am. There are healthy choices of breakfast cereal, toast, milk and juice available and plenty of games for the children to play. Our Playhouse After School Club is non-profit making and offers high quality out of school care for children aged 3-11 years. This is also run by school staff and is open Monday to Friday 3.15 - 6.00pm during term time. A healthy snack is provided along with fruit and water.

School Meals/Snacks Milk is free for children under 5 and subsidised for children aged 5 to 11. If your child is unable to drink milk please let us know, water will then be provided. All Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable as a snack each day. At morning break time there is a healthy tuck shop in Key Stage 2 where children can purchase items. Key Stage 2 pupils are also able to bring a piece of fruit with them to school as a morning snack, however we ask parents not to send in any other types of snack. As our school strives to encourage children to be healthy we ask families to think carefully about what is given to their child in their packed lunch. We discourage sugary drinks or sweets from being included. We are able to provide advice on healthy lunches to parents. School meals are cooked in our own kitchen; there is a choice of items for each course, including a vegetarian option. Meals have been carefully planned and prepared for nutritional value. As the cost of a school meal may be subject to change, information is given to families via the Newsletter and the website. All Foundation Stage 2 and Key Stage 1 children are currently entitled to have a free school meal if they choose to have one, under the Universal Free School Meals system introduced by the Government in 2014. For those Key Stage 2 children who choose to have a school meal we use Parentpay to accept payment on line. Information about using Parentpay is provided by the school office. If your child is entitled to free school meals, you have to apply for them via the Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council’s website: www. Visit the website then type ‘free school meals’ into the search engine. Information is also available at all Council Information Centres and Libraries.

“I find Meadowbank a friendly place to work. It has a positive and inclusive environment which celebrates the progress of their children. Meadowbank recognises that children need to feel happy to make good progress in life.” School’s Therapist

“Pupils are courteous and friendly. They show respect for each other and for all other adults.” Ofsted

Our Curriculum Objectives In the light of our school aims we strive to enable our children to experience a full and relevant curriculum. In this way our aims are: • To encourage high expectations in work, behaviour and relationships amongst all those involved in our school. • To provide a skills based, creative curriculum that is broad, balanced and matches each pupil’s individual needs. • To encourage an enjoyment of learning (by following governmental guidelines in a way that challenges each individual).

• To develop a wide range of teaching methods and styles this offers a variety of experiences for the children and enables them to acquire all the basic skills necessary to realise their full potential. • To develop the life skills necessary for the children to become valuable school and community citizens. • To develop within children, enquiring minds, which encourage them to develop an ability to work independently and show pride in their work. • To provide all members of staff with high quality professional development and resources, so that they are able to deliver the quality of experiences necessary for our children to fully develop.

The Curriculum English

Design Technology

Throughout the school English is taught as both a means to enjoyment and as a fundamental life skill. The areas of reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking and listening are taught through a variety of approaches, which allow discussion, language exploration, reflection, and identification of personal targets.

Design and technology gives all children the opportunity to be hands-on when solving real problems. The children learn to think imaginatively when designing their ideas and learn the skills required for making an end product.

Often teaching is cross-curricular. Reading is taught through a structured phonics scheme (Letters & Sounds) and a colour banded reading scheme until our readers are confident to enjoy reading freely.

Maths From the time the children first come into school, they begin to develop their mathematical knowledge, understanding, skills and vocabulary through a variety of practical activities, exploration and discussion.

Computing We are committed to providing our pupils with the tools that they will need as learners and in their future workplaces. We strive to continually adapt our resources to keep up to date with current technology. We have a multimedia resources centre in school alongside wireless access to laptops and iPads in our classrooms.

Languages Whilst in school children enjoy developing skills in French and this is taught both through directed lessons and informal conversational French in class throughout the day.

Science Through our science curriculum we aim to develop children’s curiosity about themselves and the world around them. Our curriculum sets out to develop enquiring minds and children are encouraged to observe, question, predict and hypothesise to gain an understanding of scientific ideas. Most of the work is ‘hands-on’ investigative work, involving children enjoying experiments and developing a wide range of scientific skills.

Religious Education Religious Education develops children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other faiths in our multi-cultural society. Children are encouraged to understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions. They have opportunities to reflect upon the world around them and express their responses to religion through a varied approach.

History We aim to develop a sense of history and a sense of ‘time’ by encouraging an interest in the past and an understanding of chronology. Children learn about lifestyles and significant events from the past including those from both the United Kingdom and the wider world.

Geography Children carry out geographical enquiries inside and outside the classroom environment. They investigate both their local area and a contrasting area either here in the UK or in the wider world. Children can then raise and answer questions about people, places and environments using their knowledge and skills through maps, photographs and ICT based resources.

Art There are many ways in which art is taught across the curriculum. Children have the opportunity to develop skills and techniques in varied media, to appreciate paintings, the work of other artists, cultures and traditions. Children use artefacts to develop their own styles and observations from first hand experiences.

Music We aim to develop a love of music by offering first hand experiences with music. All children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to learn a brass or string instrument. The school also has a choir, recorder group and brass band.

Physical Education Through the PE curriculum we offer a wide range of sporting activities. All children are included in the lessons and our aim is to improve their skills and promote a healthy lifestyle. In Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to have swimming lessons.

Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship At Meadowbank we aim to promote healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage all our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. PHSE gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to stay healthy and safe, develop worthwhile relationships, respect differences, develop independence and responsibility and make the most of their own abilities and those of others. It underpins our teaching and learning and aims to help children understand how they are

developing personally and socially and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We like our children to be confident individuals and responsible citizens who recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning and own behaviours both inside and outside school.

Extra Curricular Activities Meadowbank offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities that give children an opportunity to develop skills and attitudes in a number of areas. Activities which occur during periods throughout the year are:

in school. This also applies to both nail varnish and make up. We are unable to take responsibility for any losses or damage to such items and they can present a health and safety risk.

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All children wear a PE kit for physical education lessons.

Football Multi-skills games Street dance / cheerleading Choir Cookery String instruments Brass instruments Recorder group

Uniform We feel that wearing the uniform is important and we rely on support from families to encourage their children to be proud of their appearance. Uniform consists of: • • • • • •

Royal blue sweatshirt Royal blue cardigans Royal blue Fleece jackets White polo shirt Navy skirt or trousers Blue gingham summer dress during the summer term • Shirt and tie for year 6 pupils PE Kit • White T shirts • Blue shorts Uniform can be purchased from Monkhouse in Cheadle Hulme. We ask parents to send their children to school wearing black school shoes and not trainers, sandals or boots. With the exception of watches and small stud earrings, which must be removed for PE, jewellery of any kind is not allowed to be worn by children

Property The school and its staff will not be held responsible for the loss of or damage to any personal property before, during or after, the school day. Parents and pupils should not ask staff to ‘mind’ or ‘store’ property.

Charging Policy We depend upon parents contributions towards school trips and we keep costs as low as we are able. If there is insufficient voluntary support, the trip or activity may have to be cancelled; however we try to work with parents to avoid this wherever possible.

Communication Should you wish to speak briefly to your child’s class teacher we request that you do this at the end of the school day. Parents are asked to contact the school to arrange an appointment with their child’s teacher to ensure that quality time is made for any longer discussion. If you wish to make an appointment to speak to a member of the Leadership Team please contact the school office and convenient arrangements can then be made.

Health and Safety We are vigilant, as a school, on Health and Safety issues. We comply with all LA recommendations including risk assessments and fire drills.

Website Learning Environment

Several members of staff have attended First Aid training courses organised by the Local Authority.

The school’s website is a really useful tool to keep up to date with school events and the curriculum, it also holds independent learning activities and ideas to extend your child’s learning at home.



We ask that parents do not send medicines into school unless absolutely necessary. The majority of medicines can be timed outside of the school day. If your child does need to take medicines in school time please go to the school office so that medicine forms can be completed with you. In some instances an Individual Health Plan may be put in place. We are unable to allow children to bring paracetamol (e.g. Calpol), cough sweets or lozenges into school.

We are committed to investing in parents and carers for the achievement of children and have been accredited the Leading Parents Partnership Award. We regularly give guidance to parents and carers by providing curriculum information and practical advice that will help them support their children’s learning. Joint parent and child enrichment activities also enable parents and children enjoy and celebrate learning and achievements together.

Study Club School runs a study club after school for our Key Stage 2 children. This gives pupils some additional time to use school resources e.g. ICT equipment and the library enabling them additional independent study or research for projects or hobbies. Whilst this is not a homework club, some children do bring their homework along to complete as they can use school resources to help them.

Policies A selection of our policies can be found on our school website. If parents would like to read any additional policies please request them from the school office.

Independent Learning Activities At an age related level, Independent Learning tasks are set each week. In Foundation Stage 2, these take the form of weekly challenges and home school diaries and in Key Stages 1 and 2 children receive a homework ‘menu’ each half term, from which they can select challenges. This work is returned to school weekly. In addition, children are expected to regularly read with an adult and will have spellings to learn each week. There may also be mental maths facts to learn. As identified in their targets, children may be given focused tasks to complete at home following discussions between parents and teachers.

Friends of Meadowbank We have a very supportive ‘Friends’ Group in school, which is run by Parents and Carers. They organise events that take place both in school hours and outside of the school day. The activities raise funds, which are used in a number of ways to enrich the children’s experience in school. Some of the events organised by the Friends of Meadowbank Group are; Summer Fairs; BBQs; Competitions in school; Discos; Bingo family evenings and Fun Runs. Additional support is always welcome so If you would like to be part of the Friends of Meadowbank group, either a regular member or a helper at school events, please call in at the school office and they will be happy to pass your details on.

Complaints We hope that by working together any problems can be successfully solved informally however, the Education Reform Act 1988 requires all Local Authorities to have arrangements for dealing with formal complaints about the school curriculum and related matters. If you wish to make a complaint, please come in to school and speak to the Headteacher. If this does not alleviate your concerns then you may write to the Chair of Governors at the school address.

“The high quality learning environment and all communication to parents reflects very high standards.” Assessor, Leading Parent Partnership Award.

“Extensive opportunities for parents to attend workshops and joint enrichment activities, ‘parent participation’ events, help them support their children’s learning.” Assessor, Leading Parent Partnership Award.

“Pupils rise to teachers’ expectations and have a positive attitude to their learning; they work hard and cooperate well with each other.” Ofsted

Meadowbank Primary School Councillor Lane, Cheadle SK8 2LE Telephone: 0161 428 6286 Email: Headteacher: Mrs Janine Appleton

We are a family of learners who enjoy and achieve together

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