Clover Hill VA Infant & Nursery School Prospectus 2017

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VA Infant & Nursery School

“Behaviour is outstanding in and out of lessons.” Ofsted Dec 2014 & SIAMS report July 2016





Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome Clover Hill VA Infant and Nursery School. We hope that the following information gives you a picture of our school, our values and vision. Children lie at the heart of this school which is a unique place to learn. Clover Hill is a Church of England School but it is also an integral part of the community and fully reflects the wide cultural make up of our families who live in the area. We are proud of our children who work hard, have fun and achieve high standards. We have high expectations of ourselves, staff and children.

We believe in working in close home-school partnership and know that children achieve their best when they are encouraged by interested adults. We value our community and recognise the contribution that richness and diversity brings to the children in our care. We are great advocates for Restorative Approaches and this is woven through all we do. This brochure gives you a picture of life at Clover Hill and some of the wonderful opportunities your children will experience as they start their lifelong journey with us. Mrs H McCarney Executive Headteacher

Our vision is that we lay excellent foundations for a life long journey which will enable our children to achieve successful, rewarding and happy lives. We provide a nurturing yet exciting and challenging learning environment and a rich variety of opportunities and experiences. We provide a curriculum which is appropriate for all children’s needs and talents. Our aim is to develop a culture of confident and responsible citizens who will make a valuable contribution to the world.

play facilities and our Wildlife Area make learning extra fun!

Early Years

Key Stage One

We have a well-established vibrant Early Years provision. Our well resourced Nursery is equipped to admit children of 3 and 4 years old. The Nursery and Reception teams work together to ensure smooth transitions and consistency across the Early Years. The outdoor area has been redesigned to enable total free flow inside and out. Exciting large outdoor

Key Stage One builds on the learning that has taken place during the Foundation Stage. The transition from Reception into Year 1 is carefully planned to ensure continuity. Staff in Years 1 and 2 work closely together to plan and develop children’s individual skills across a broad range of activities which will enable them to achieve to a high standard.



The Nursery and Reception classes enjoy a rich and varied learning environment, both indoors and out. Our Nursery accepts children on a full time or half day basis. Ofsted “Outstanding judgement” for Early Years December 2014

“Children make good, and sometimes outstanding progress in all key stages and especially in the Early Years Foundation Stage.” Ofsted Dec 2014

Enterprising Enterprising



“Pupils are supported well in lessons.” SIAMS report July 2016

“Teaching is always good and sometimes outstanding.” Ofsted Dec 2014

We have developed an inspiring curriculum which motivates our children to jump out of bed and want to come to school! We believe that a good grasp of reading, writing and maths is key to life long learning. We have a well stocked library and throughout the school a love of books and phonics is established. We also believe that all children should be well prepared for the next stage in their school journey, love learning and be competent with a wide range of technology.

Our curriculum is based on themes and launched with exciting wow – factor lessons. These may be special trips, activities or visitors into school which help the children understand the topic better and inspire them to find out more. Through a skills based curriculum, we aim to prepare our children for a future in an ever changing world.

“Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning. They work very well with each other and adults.” SIAMS report July 2016

Beyond the


The school enjoys an excellent reputation for a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our children can access the Breakfast Club and After School Club at our junior school too.



All of our children are entitled to free school meals by the government. We are very proud of our kitchen, the great food that is produced and the care that is taken to meet all dietary needs. We run our own kitchen, cook all our food on site and respond to the needs of our children as well as put on special meals to fit in with the curriculum.

Trustworthy Trustworthy


Persevering “Vulnerable children also attain well because they are helped by a very strong pastoral and learning support team of staff.” SIAMS report July 2016

Our overall aim is that every child should achieve his or her potential from whatever their starting point. We recognise that each child is an individual and we make sure that the experiences each child is given while they are with us is underpinned by exceptional care, guidance and support. Making good progress and developing a love of learning is key for the rest of their lives. We have an inclusive approach to meeting all needs whether your child has Special Educational Needs (SEN) or more able. We monitor progress carefully

and involve parents fully in their child’s learning plan, which then informs our provision. Clover Hill has an excellent reputation for supporting parents to enable them to help their child achieve even more in school. Our Pastoral Workers are strong and will provide early help to support with all matters relating to attendance, working with outside agencies, family issues and children’s emotional and behaviour support. Our activities and support groups for parents are open to all.

“The curriculum is highly effective in engaging pupils.” Ofsted Dec 2014

Enterprising Enterprising

Admissions into the nursery is through application to the school office. Admissions into school is through the Local Authority but parents are welcome to visit the school for an informal look around by appointment. Our admissions criteria is set out on our website. We are federated with St Michael’s Junior and we ensure that the transition arrangements are smooth and well planned to ensure that the children continue to be successful as they move on.


VA Infant & Nursery School Rawley Road, Bowthorpe, Norwich, Norfolk NR5 9AP Telephone: 01603 745559 Fax: 01603 744432 Email:

Designed and Produced by FSE Design Tel: 01933 303520

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