Ridgewood School Post 16 Prospectus

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Admission Requirements


Courses on offer


Support for students


How do I choose a course


Bursary Information




Learner Support


Popular Destinations

Welcome to POst 16 Rated ‘OUTSTANDING’ by Ofsted This is clearly a very exciting time for Ridgewood School, we continue to offer a range of academic courses and a variety of vocational programmes of study providing a broad curriculum. Our students are able to access a purpose built Post 16 Centre that houses facilities of the highest quality and we have an established pattern of excellent and outstanding results. Our ethos reflects the main school vision: ● To raise the aspirations of students so they desire to achieve and exceed targets set for them, both within and beyond the classroom. ● To engender a sense of collaborative purpose, so students and staff work together to achieve their best. ● To care for students as individuals and respect their talents, aspirations, strengths and unique qualities. ● To provide opportunities for students to be engaged, interested and challenged by what they do and learn, everyday. ● To continually strive for improvement in all areas, through hard work, resilience and determination.

The success of each individual will produce and sustain the success of all involved, and give them variety and diversity. We intend to always aspire to, and strive for, just that – why settle for anything else?

Purpose built facilities

We continue to be very proud and excited by our purpose built Post 16 Centre. The building development houses facilities to enable and support teaching and learning tailored to the needs of our curriculum, and the wider areas of provision which will be on offer.


areas offer the chance for students to work undisturbed on a more individual basis. There will also be a number of computer suites available during study periods and at break and lunchtime.

Social Spaces

As well as the many teaching spaces which are the clear focus of the Post 16 facilities, there are a number of social spaces with a contemporary feel where students can socialise in a more adult environment. The final design of the social space has had significant student input in an attempt to meet such needs.

The 200 seat, multi-use auditorium is a state of the art venue for presentations, drama and dance productions and conferences.

A café provides a range of high quality food and drink for Post 16 students throughout the day.

The space is highly serviced with the most up to date audio visual equipment including 3D projection and Wi Fi. The seating area is retractable to provide a much bigger space if required.

The purpose built resource centre, open for student use throughout the day, contains a variety of resources including a section focused around careers and Higher Education. There will be spaces for students to work and research.

Study Areas

We offer a mix of study spaces available for students to use throughout the school day. There are non-private study areas where students can work collaboratively with one another in small groups. Private study

Library and Resource Area

Admission requirements For admission to the A Level programmes of study, students are expected to have a grade B or higher in the subjects they wish to study and a least 6 GCSEs including English Language and Mathematics with grades A*-C (or equivalent). If students have the grades to take specific subjects, but have a grade D in English or Mathematics or both, resit classes will be available. For students who have studied BTEC along with GCSEs, a Merit or Distinction is required to progress onto A Level courses or BTEC courses unless otherwise stated in this prospectus. Students will also be expected to have outstanding and motivated attitude grades. Some subjects may have additional requirements and the departmental course leaflets contain further information.

GCSE suggested profile study programme Students who achieve 7 GCSEs A*-C (or equivalent) with minimum B grades in the subject areas selected at A Level should choose 4 A Levels (or equivalents). Students who achieve at least 6 GCSEs mainly B grades with some C grades (or equivalent) should choose 3 A Levels (or equivalents). To move from Year 12 to Year 13 in any subject a student will require: ● A minimum of a grade E or Pass ● A good level of attendance during Year 12 (90% or higher). A positive attitude towards their: ● Learning ● Behaviour ● Standard of Work and Deadlines.

Courses on offer A Level Art and Design

A Level Geography

A Level Biology Cambridge Technical Level 3 in Business

A Level Government and Politics

A Level Chemistry

A Level Mathematics

A Level Computing BTEC Level 3 Construction A Level Drama A Level Economics A Level Electronics A Level Engineering A Level English Language A Level English Literature A Level French

A Level History Cambridge Technical Level 3 in IT A Level Further Mathematics A Level Music A Level Physical Education A Level Physics A Level Product Design A Level Psychology A Level Philosophy & Ethics A Level Spanish

Please be aware that some courses would not run in either Year 12 or Year 13 if numbers interested were very low, although the course offer contained in this prospectus has been extensively researched and evolved to minimise the prospect of this occurring.

support for students At Ridgewood we have a high performing dedicated team of staff who provide support and guidance for all the students in their care. From initial meetings with staff whilst in Year 11, we aim to support students in choosing courses that they will be successful at. Once students are enrolled, they will have direct support from their personal tutor who will encourage students’ academic performance and oversee their well being. We also have Academic Tutors, Learning Mentors, Health Team, Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Team, Achievement Co-ordinator and Post 16 Manager to help students with the challenges they may meet during their time studying with us. By supporting our students in this way we enable them to pursue excellence and be aspirational in their Post 16 pathway.

bursarY information If you need some financial support to help you stay in education or training after the age of 16 you can apply to us for the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

how do i choose a course? There are three main ‘need to knows’ when choosing your a Levels or equivalent qualifications: 1. Check with universities what course requirements there are for specific degrees. For example – Pharmacy must have Chemistry plus one from Biology, Maths or Physics. 2. If you don’t know what you want to study at university keep your options wide and select a mix from the most commonly asked for subjects (facilitating subjects). Biology, Chemistry, English, Geography, History, Maths, Modern Foreign & Classical Language and Physics. However, we also have a wide range of additional courses which compliment the facilitating subjects. 3. A Levels are more difficult than GCSEs so be prepared for an increase in the level of difficulty, what’s expected of you or the way in which you are taught. Therefore, choose subjects you enjoy!

The 16-19 Bursary is targeted towards those young people considered most in need of financial support. The Government has identified a priority group of young people and have asked that Schools give priority to this group first and offer them a Guaranteed Bursary. After this group has been considered, the School expects to have a small amount of funding available for other young people in need of financial support. The School has set eligibility criteria to ensure the remaining funds go to those who are seen to need it most. Any young person who meets these eligibility criteria can apply for a Discretionary Bursary. This limited fund is available to support eligible young people with the costs of transport, food, books, educational visits or other course materials or equipment essential to successfully completing their programme of study. If you require further information about The 16-19 Bursary Fund please contact Ms Deakin at Ridgewood Post 16.

CEIAG In December 2014 Ridgewood was unique in South Yorkshire in gaining the prestigious National Careers Award with the recommendation to attain GOLD status within three years. We are contributing to this project with the development of an Alumnus. Our former students help to advise and inspire our students in so many ways, from talking about their journey to where they are now, acting as a mentor, inspiring career choices and supporting our students academically.


It is essential that students of all ages at Ridgewood are aware of the educational, vocational and career options available to them at every stage of their learning. Our Director of CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) has a unique responsibility for ensuring that all students are guided through the process of making next steps, be it pre or Post 16. The menu of support includes individual careers guidance for those students who need it, but it also extends to group work and other activities, such as support for accessing and researching information. Dedicated information sessions on both Higher Education (HE) and apprenticeships are offered, led by specialist consultants from external providers to share expert details of the pathways available.

Apprenticeships and HE

After studying at Ridgewood, some students may wish to take up an apprenticeship. Ridgewood will offer support through our contract provider CareersInc to deliver impartial advice and guidance and we will secure external speakers from the professional community to promote alternative pathways and opportunities. On average 85% of our students wish to continue academic study once they complete Post 16 at Ridgewood. We guide students through the UCAS process as successfully, smoothly and early as possible with the help of specialist support. We also encourage students to attend open days at universities where they may be interested in applying, in order to experience the institution first hand. The UCAS process starts in Year 12 for all students who wish to apply for Higher Education. For further information please visit www.ucas.com. The number of students gaining a place at a Russell Group University is significantly above the UCAS national average. Bespoke Internships An internship is a job, paid or unpaid and usually temporary, which involves training for a professional career. At Ridgewood, we make these part of our whole school

approach to maintaining close links with local and regional employers. By working in conjunction with employers, our students gain an insight into the world of work which prepares them for the challenging pathways ahead. Our outstanding internship programme provides this necessary experience. In the majority of cases, internships will be arranged in holiday periods where suitable, though some experiences may also be arranged on an appropriate ‘sandwich’ basis during term time. Longer internships for students may also be available; see the Director of CEIAG for more information. This is part of the curriculum offer and students are required to complete 40/80 hours. For more information about careers, you may wish to speak to our Director of CEIAG, or you could visit an independent website such as www.careersincportal.co.uk/ridgewoodschool or www.susanburkecareers. co.uk. Whilst you may choose to visit these websites, we are not responsible for the content and updating of them, so please bear this in mind when visiting them.

Learner support Supportive Ethos

At Ridgewood Post 16 we know all of our students individually, we are rightly very proud of the support we give to students at 11-18. This level of support will be available to all of our Post 16 students. We have staff that focus on the development of students academically, personally, and socially. These members of staff give individual support with progression processes such as the UCAS University entry process, and securing further training and employment. We also offer a comprehensive Curriculum, Information, Advice and Guidance programme that can be accessed easily to help with Post 18 pathways. Students have access to the facilities that have been specially designed to promote independent learning, which is crucial to success in later life.

House System

Students have every opportunity to become actively involved in the life and development of Post 16 education at Ridgewood. All students have the potential ability to be leaders and role models for their school and wider community. With the introduction of a House system students will have wider opportunities for personal growth, the capacity to display initiative and take a leadership opportunities, this

will in turn, help with their development as lifelong learners. House members are actively involved in all areas of school life not just at Post 16 and students have the chance to lead younger students in these activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in committees and other mechanisms that will support the running of the Post 16 Centre.

Activities and Events

We have an outstanding enrichment programme. Students can take part in a huge range of sport, music, performance, debating society, Duke of Edinburgh and voluntary work. It is a priority to timetable enrichment time into the curriculum through which students can participate in additional studies aside from their more formal qualifications. Students are also expected to partake in an internship/work experience programme which will give them valuable experience in a field related to the path they wish to take once they have finished life at Post 16 at Ridgewood. We expect all students to take part in as wide a range of opportunities as possible. We endeavour to engender an ethos and experience for Post 16 students where essential personal skills are developed in

preparation for the next step, whether that is university, further training with employment. We run Community Sports Leader, Coaching and Officiating Qualifications, and many other curriculum areas offer courses and extra-curricular activities related to their programmes. Students have benefited from a great range of trips from Geography trips to Iceland and the Alps, Art and History trips to New York and Language trips to France. The extensive range is set to continue and expand appropriately in the context of Post 16 provision.

Attendance Policy

At Ridgewood Post 16 Centre students are expected to aim to achieve 100% attendance and be punctual for all their lessons. However, in some circumstances students may not be able to avoid being absent. Therefore, it is expected that students notify attendance of any absence as soon as possible in line with the school’s attendance policy. Absences that would be considered as acceptable and authorised are: � Medical appointment (supported by appointment care/letter).

● Educational visit. ● Attendance at a funeral of immediate family. ● Career related interview. ● Driving test. Absences that would be considered as unacceptable and unauthorised are: ● ● ● ● ● ●

Social event during term time. Birthdays or similar activities. Babysitting younger siblings. Shopping. Driving lessons. Part / full time work which is not part of the student’s programme of study.

It is vitally important that holidays are not taken in term time.

Post 16 Dress Code

In order to provide a clear identity and a business-like approach within the Post 16 Centre, there are strict dress and appearance regulations for all students. We believe that high standards of personal appearance equate to high standards in all other matters. An approach to dress code has been evolved in full collaboration with students. Appropriate action will be taken, in the interest of all students, if these standards are not maintained.

Jewellery and make up may be worn discreetly and in a ‘business like’ manner and there should be no body or facial piercings other than in the ears and there should be no visible tattoos. Where jewellery is worn it should pose absolutely no health and safety risk. Hairstyles should not be extreme.


● Black, navy or grey tailored jacket / blazer and / or pullover / cardigan. ● Business style shirt must be worn. These should be tucked in. ● Sports shirts and tee shirts must not be worn. ● Black, navy or grey trousers or business suit. ● Shoes in black, grey or brown may be worn. Canvas and / or training shoes of any kind must not be worn. Sandals or flip flops should not be worn. ● Denim must not be worn. ● Pinstripe patterns are acceptable for shirts, jackets and trousers. ● Ties are optional (if worn, these should be fastened properly).


● Black, navy or grey tailored jacket blazer and / or pullover or cardigan. ● Shirt / blouse must be worn these may be collarless. These should be tucked in unless they are fitted blouses. Sports shirts and tee shirts must not be worn. ● Black, navy or grey trousers, skirt or ‘business dress’ suit / dress. Dresses and skirts must not be worn too long or too short. ● Shoes in black, grey, or brown may be worn. Canvas and / or training shoes of any kind must not be worn. Sandals or flip flops should not be worn. ● Dark tights / socks in black, navy or grey. ● Denim must not be worn. ● Pinstripe patterns are acceptable for shirts, blouses, jackets and trousers. ● Ties are optional (if worn, these should be fastened properly). If you are in any doubt about a particular item’s adherence to the Post 16 dress code please check before you purchase.

popular destinations The University of Edinburgh


Northumbria University

Finance and Investment Management

The University of Hull

Sport Rehabilitation

Edge Hill University


The University of Manchester

Biomedical Sciences

Lancaster University


The University of Manchester

Biomedical Sciences

York St John University

Human Geography

The University of Salford

Sport Rehabilitation

De Monfort University

International Business

The University of Sheffield

Biomedical Science (3 years)

Sheffield Hallam University

International Business

The University of Sheffield

English and Philosophy

Northumbria University

International Business Management

The University of Sheffield

Mechanical Engineering with a Year in North America

Northumbria University

International Business Management with Spanish

The University of York

English Language and Linguistics

Newcastle University


The University of York

Environmental Science

Northumbria University

Law with International Business

The University of York


Loughborough University

Manufacturing Engineering

Hull York Medical School


Liverpool John Moores University


Hull York Medical School


Sheffield Hallam University


Newcastle University


Sheffield Hallam University


The Manchester Metropolitan University

Physical Geography with Study in Europe,

University of Leeds


North America or Australia

Newcastle University

Mathematics (4 years)

Leeds Beckett University

Accounting and Finance

University of Lincoln

Mechanical Engineering

Sheffield Hallam University

Accounting and Finance

University of Chester

Mental Health Nursing

Sheffield Hallam University

Accounting and Finance

University of Chester

Mental Health Nursing

University of South Wales

Aeronautical Engineering

Leeds Beckett University


University of Bath

Biochemistry (with placement )

Durham University


University of Lincoln

Biomedical Science

De Monfort University


Newcastle University

Biomedical Sciences

Northumbria University


Newcastle University

Biomedical Sciences

Northumbria University


University of Lincoln


Sheffield Hallam University


Edge Hill University

Business and Management

Sheffield Hallam University


Newcastle University

Business Management

Kingston University

Politics and International Relations

Leeds Beckett University

Business Studies

De Monfort University


Leeds Beckett University

Business Studies

Sheffield Hallam University


Lancaster University

Computer Science

Sheffield Hallam University


Edge Hill University


University of Leeds


York St John University

Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring

University of Leeds


Sheffield Hallam University

Criminology and Psychology

University of Lincoln


Sheffield Hallam University

Criminology and Psychology

Northumbria University

Quantity Surveying

Doncaster College

Early Childhood Studies

University of Leeds


University of Wolverhampton

Early Primary Education

University of Lincoln

Social Work

Sheffield Hallam University

Education Studies

Sheffield Hallam University

Sport Business Management

Sheffield Hallam University

Education Studies with Psychology and Counselling

Newcastle University


Newcastle University

English Literature

Please note: There is a proposal for transport to be available from Barnby Dun, Kirk Sandall and Edenthorpe covering the Hungerhill catchment area.

Skellow Carcroft

Barnby Dun

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Barnsley Road, Scawsby, DN5 7UB T: 01302 783939 F: 01302 800488 W: www.ridgewoodschool.co.uk E: post16admin@ridgewoodschool.co.uk

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