Gartree High School Prospectus 2017

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Gartree High School 11-16 Prospectus


As the head teacher of Gartree High School it is an absolute privilege to see our students thrive and develop intellectually, socially and emotionally. During their time at secondary school your child will develop from a child to a young adult - deciding the sort of environment in which you want your child to make those developments is one of the most important decisions a parent will make. At Gartree, you will get an outstanding school that works solely for our students, without exception. Our purpose is simply stated: our academic goal is excellence. We will work tirelessly to help all our students achieve it. We have high expectations in everything we do. We nurture self-discipline and foster independence; we encourage our students to take charge of their lives. Gartree students leave us with a confidence that comes from being known and valued as individuals, from being supported and challenged in equal measure, from taking risks, from having a wealth of opportunities and from being recognised for their many achievements.

In a changing world, the demands on young people are great. As they prepare for life’s challenges and grasp unprecedented opportunities, they are provided at Gartree with the stability and security of our school. They experience its unique ethos, culture and clear structures. They see respect underpinning every aspect of school life. We focus solely and with clarity on learning, achievement and success. We hope the information in our prospectus gives you a flavour of school life at Gartree – please visit us during the school day to truly experience the special atmosphere in our learning environment. We are immensely proud of our school. I look forward to welcoming you to Gartree and working in a genuine partnership with the parents and families who join the Gartree community.

Every Student Known Every student at Gartree High School is recognised as an individual. There is strong sense of belonging and pride in the Gartree community, built on the trust, mutual respect and rapport that are found in the strong relationships in our school. Every student is supported by a pastoral system, with expertise for every year group. Each student is part of a form group, with a tutor who we hope will stay with him or her throughout their school journey. The form tutor is the first call for questions or anxieties. A Senior Pastoral Leader oversees student wellbeing and student progress, and a member of the Senior Leadership team is linked

to each Year group. Pastoral managers deal with minor concerns which might otherwise impede learning. This continuity and personal approach is the foundation to our work and ensures that our students have ongoing guidance to reach their potential and develop their aspirations. We care for our students by equipping them to meet the challenges they face. Every student at Gartree is unique. We make it our business to discover the potential in each one, and to support each person in developing his or her own unique personality. We recognise aptitude, even if students themselves don’t, and we strive to help each and every student to fulfil their promise. We know who they are and we want the best for them. We will do all that we can to ensure they grow and develop into the people they are destined to be.

It is the people inside Gartree High School who make it a special place to learn. Our students give the school its heart beat. Their engagement, ambition and talent create an environment where the highest standards can be reached. Our dedicated team of expert teachers will help all our students reach those standards. Our student benefits from our excellent provision and outstanding teaching, which will spark their enthusiasm and imagination. We have a personalised approach and staff who care about the individual welfare and progress of every student. Every student deserves – and gets – the best. Every student known.

Our Curriculum The experience of Gartree gives our students the opportunities to thrive. Students follow a curriculum which will lead them to a good range of English baccalaureate subjects. They will also study key creative subjects such as art, dance, drama and music. In addition to the wide-ranging curriculum, students will benefit from a range of exceptional extracurricular opportunities and a culture of care and expectation. Lessons are taught in modern, purpose-built environments designed with the curriculum in mind. They are taught by fully-qualified, expert staff specialists at every stage of the way. Students thrive and are wellprepared for the next stages in their lives. We follow a mastery approach to assessment and learners. Teaching is tailored to the individual needs of students and is underpinned by skills-focused mastery learning. Above all, high quality teaching and learning is our first, last and sole priority.

Years 7 to 9 During KS3, students will study English (5 lessons per week), mathematics (5 lessons), science (4 lessons), French (3 lessons), geography (2 lessons), history (2

lessons), religious studies (1 lesson), technology (3 lessons), art (1 lesson), music (1 lesson), ICT (1 lesson), PSHE (1 lesson), PE (3 lessons).

Years 10 to 11 In the GCSE years, all students study English (literature and language), mathematics and science (double and triple) along with core PE and RE. Most students continue with a language and a humanities subject (geography, history). Other optional subjects include: art, business studies, computing, drama, food preparation, French, film studies, geography, history, music, design, Spanish, sports science and sociology. This breadth of opportunity is important to us. We believe in a curriculum that will equip students for the challenges they will face in the future, and we believe in teaching and learning strategies which will help them develop as confident and able young people. We carefully guide students to make the right option choices for them – to match their goals and aspirations.

“Lessons are challenging and interesting. All groups of pupils make rapid progress because teachers ensure that their work is carefully matched to the pupils’ learning needs.” OFSTED 2015 Aspirations at Gartree are set through the highest quality of teaching, helping to guide our students towards becoming successful and contented adults. We wish to help them meet their personal goals, both within the academic curriculum and beyond it. We offer a bespoke learning experience, where success is due to the high-quality curriculum and the high-quality teaching and relationships which support it. The school has a long tradition of academic success. The very strong academic outcomes from our students rival any achieved nationally

or locally - a view confirmed by our 2015 “Outstanding” Ofsted judgement. Students have access to a well-stocked library with helpful staff. In addition, there is a large number of computers in two designated IT rooms, in the library itself and in departmental areas. The learning hub is available to Year 10 students to help them focus on their GCSE studies. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards to enable teachers to introduce a wide variety of learning materials to promote learning. Classrooms themselves are light and airy, well-appointed and modern. Students new to the school are issued with a “tuff bag” and study planner to help them organise their learning and their learning materials.

“Outstanding achievement is the result of the school’s high expectations, outstanding teaching, excellent support and pupils’ wholly positive attitudes to learning.” OFSTED 2015

Learning at the Heart

Life at Gartree How can we describe a typical day at Gartree High School? There is no such thing as a typical day at Gartree! Every new day brings new challenges and new initiatives, as staff and students alike look for new ways to push themselves further and broaden and deepen learning. One thing is certain – the teachers at Gartree know their students, they know their capabilities, and they know that the strong relationships at Gartree are what help students stretch themselves and challenge themselves to improve further and further.

8:20 - heading into school, securing possessions in lockers (everyone has one) and making sure they have everything they need in their tuff bag (everyone in KS3 has one – so they have just what they need), before making their way to their form rooms.

“Aspiring to personal excellence in a supportive community” – we are all getting better, we are all striving for personal excellence, and we form a strong community, supporting and encouraging each other whenever possible. That’s what we do.

8:30 - registers are being taken and tutors are conversing with their tutor group, passing on messages, exploring issues big and small and getting their students mentally ready for the day. Through our electronic registering they can see any merits or consequences from the previous day, and these can be followed up too.

A “Day in the Life” of Gartree High School… 8:15 - students in the spacious playgrounds, catching up on the chat, or leaving their bikes and scooters in the designated covered area. Some are already in breakfast club, while others may be at reception, returning letters or making other enquiries. Students might be gathering for a trip or educational visit, or using the fingerprint machines to top up their cashless catering balances.

8:40 - lessons are underway. On the ground floor: • music, working on a composition in GarageBand or strumming away on ukuleles. • science, taking advantage of our four specialist modern science laboratories. • design, with laser cutters, lathes and drilling machines

in action in their carefully-designated safety zones. It’s students who are using them – look online for their “how-to” videos on how to operate this equipment. • textiles and food, working carefully with needle and thread, or cooking a delicious dish such as tuna pasta bake or lovely lasagne. 10:20 - Break. • games of football, basketball or table-tennis in designated areas. • some students in quieter spots such as the outdoor café-style seating to the rear of the school. • house area, using the comfortable seating to discuss an issue with form captains, or ordering food electronically for later. • the canteen serving delicious food at the Grab Shack, with more drinks and snacks in the cafeteria area. • the conservatory (“batcave”) to catch the sun and catch up with your mates.

• students working in the library, or issuing books for work or pleasure. • if the weather is good enough students will be taking full advantage of our rolling fields too. 10:40 - lessons and learning well underway again. On the first floor: • the specialist IT rooms are filled with the clatter of keyboards as students code, research or program. • In the humanities department - lessons in history, geography - exploring life in a medieval village or demonstrating their models of volcanoes. • the library - dive into the imaginative worlds of fiction or make use of yet more computers - and on those rare sunny days the outside library balcony is most inviting! • the English department is at the centre of the school, where imaginative and creative lessons are in full swing.

12:20 - Lunchtime! Lunch time clubs underway, a chance to move outdoors and let off steam, a chance to use the library, a chance to eat something from the delicious range of food freshlyprepared on site. You are never more than three minutes from anywhere else in school – so you don’t waste time getting where you need to be. Lunchtime supervisors ensure it all goes as smoothly as possible. 1:10 - Back to work. On the top floor: • the sun shines through the huge windows, filling the school with natural light. MFL French or Spanish, conversing and repeating until they have mastered some aspect of the language. • in the mathematics department - complex algebraic

equations or geometric constructions, guided by the supportive and attentive staff. • students in the KS4 learning hub, developing independent learning skills until they are fully accomplished in the areas they need to succeed. • In the sports hall, main hall or dance studio, or our extensive playing fields to front and back - using up to date facilities with experienced and expert staff. 3:00 - The final bell (well, it’s more of a beep) of the day and students leave in a steady stream, chatting to friends or teachers. Some head for school buses, some walk or cycle, some meet parents parked safely outside the gates - all of them will have made learning a priority all day and will be ready and eager to be back tomorrow for more. And every day is something different; every day is something new. Day builds on day builds on day – success is not an overnight achievement, but a succession of successful days. That’s the Gartree experience.

Beyond the Curriculum Gartree has a long tradition of offering our students activities and opportunities that stretch their horizons and benefit not only themselves, but also the wider community. Gartree is a vibrant, dynamic school which places opportunity at its heart. Our students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible - and our teachers give of their time very generously to make this happen.

Maths Homework Club Gymnastics Engineering Club Girls Basketball Rugby Girls Football Boys Football Indoor Cricket

The following list gives a taste of what has been on offer recently, both within school time and outside it:

This list is complemented by a wide range of other experiences. In recent years, students have enjoyed a fabulous range of enrichment opportunities, trips and visits, including:

Games Club Chess Club Boys Basketball Gartree Against Poverty Jaguar Cars Club YouTography Christian Union Art Club

Debate Club Cartoon Club Homework Club Film Club Singing Club Netball German Club Eco Club

Sculpture Fest Bugs to Stars Dramarama Fashion Designer Sports Week History on Your Doorstep

Spanish Club Dance Club Minecraft Wii Club Duke of Edinburgh Science Club Badminton Maths GCSE Drop-in

My Pony Peak District Exhibition Baking and Cake Making Bright Lights, Big City My Life Sporting Maths Earth and Space

On Two Wheels Howzat Health and Beauty Puzzlemania Nothing But Chocolate It’s a kind of magic Crest Awards Podcasting Things to do Before 15

Helping Hands Why Don’t You...? Animals and Nature Around Us Best of British Food Glorious Food Planes Trains and Automobiles Indian Experience

Plus trips and educational visits to: Iceland Barcelona

Sorrento Norfolk

Normandy Yorkshire

Students will be allocated to one of four houses, based on expanses of water around the world: Atlantic, Arctic, Caspian and Pacific. They will compete in a number of challenges throughout the year, to win points for their houses and credit for themselves.

What will be expected of a student at Gartree High School?

You will be attending a school Ofsted describes as having ‘excellent behaviour’ and as being ‘a school which has clear rules’ (2015).

Expectations of students at Gartree are of the highest standard in all areas of school life:




We expect all students to be aiming for 100% attendance. Occasional illness is a fact of life, but we expect all students have a minimum of 95% attendance across a school year.

The code of behaviour is read and discussed with all students, and seen in every learning area and in public places around the school. It will be referred to on a daily basis. A copy of the school behaviour policy will be available for all students and their families to read. All students are expected to follow the Gartree code of behaviour, as it reflects our ethos of respect and fairness for all, and our aspiration that every student will be the best they can possibly be. Any behaviour which fails to meet this standard will be challenged and a range of appropriate sanctions would result.

If behaviour falls below the high expectations of Gartree, there is a four level consequences system. It includes short detentions, departmental sanctions, pastoral detentions – and on rare occasions can escalate to isolations, fixed term-exclusions or permanent exclusions from school.

Registration takes place during form-time between 8:30-8:40am. After morning registration, teachers take an electronic register in every lesson.

Punctuality We expect students to be on time for lessons. If a student is late, the time will be recorded and a school detention would be given for repeated lateness. Any student late will be expected to enter the class quietly and explain their lateness to the teacher.

Rewards Across all year groups, students receive ‘merits’ for making constructive contributions, producing outstanding work and demonstrating positive attitudes to learning. These are celebrated by a range of certificates, celebration meetings and contact with home.


School Life

Gartree has a uniform of which we are proud. The wearing of it demonstrates to our students that they belong to and represent Gartree High School. Students are required to wear full uniform at all times, including to and from school.

All students are allocated a personal locker. We expect coats, back-packs and mobile phones will be stored in the locker at the beginning of the day.

The full dress code can be found on the school website and will be included in information packs. Uniform checks are made on a daily basis by tutors to ensure the highest of standards. The Gartree PE kit for girls and boys can be found on the school website. We expect all students to wear this. It has been designed to be suitable for the variety of sports undertaken in school.

Books and resources required for the day will be carried in the Gartree “tuff-bag” for Years 7-9 and in a suitable bag of choice in Y10 and Y11. Movement around school needs to be calm and controlled, making full use of the wide landings. Students are expected to keep to the left as they travel along corridors and stairways, and to follow the one-way system in applicable areas.

Areas in/out of bounds School doors open at 8:20am on a normal school day. Once students arrive, they do not leave the school grounds at all until the end of school at 3pm. The school is secure throughout the day. Any movement in or out of school is via the front office only. All students are to sign out if permission has been granted for an authorised appointment out of school.

School building and environment Students are responsible for looking after the school environment and its resources. We expect students to use school facilities in a respectful way. Accidents can happen, but if they do students are responsible for reporting them to their tutor, or their subject teacher (in lesson), or duty member of staff (outside lesson).

There expectations are governed by key principles: respect; pride; safety. These are the foundations of our learning experience.

We expect exemplary behaviour, as we have high standards to maintain: “The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. The school has worked very effectively since the previous inspection to ensure that pupils are fully engaged in their lessons. Pupils say that behaviour has improved and that any incidents of low-level disruption are extremely rare. They clearly understand the procedures to encourage high standards of behaviour, and those who spoke to inspectors were extremely positive about how well the system works.” OFSTED 2015 “Pupils concentrate exceptionally well in lessons and are keen to contribute their own ideas and opinions. They demonstrate mature attitudes to learning, and are respectful of the opinions of others, even when they differ from their own. They are well aware of the next steps in their learning, and consistently strive to achieve their best. Teachers and teaching assistants agree that behaviour is exceptionally good.” OFSTED 2015

How to apply? A step-by-step guide to the application process: • September Application process published on the Gartree website • End of September Prospective Parents’ Evening and Open Morning • 31st October Deadline for receipt of Common Application Form at your Local Authority • 1st March National offer day and Appeals information available • End of April Final date for appeals information

We hope this prospectus has shown you enough of what Gartree High School is like. You can visit the school website at for more. If you have further questions, or if you would like to arrange a visit, please contact the Head’s PA, Mrs. Helen Piper, at the school.

Gartree High School Ridgeway, Oadby, Leicestershire, LE2 5TQ Tel: 0116 271 7421 Email:

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