The Buckingham School Prospectus

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The Buckingham School A Specialist Sports College Success for All through Achievement, Challenge & Enjoyment

Headteacher’s Welcome Welcome to the Prospectus of The Buckingham School. We are an inclusive school, where everyone works together to achieve their very best. Everyone belongs and everyone is valued. Students are able to achieve their full academic potential through accessing a broad and balanced curriculum, high quality teaching and caring support. The pathways we offer ensure that every student is prepared well for higher education or quality apprenticeship routes to employment. Pastoral care and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) education are great strengths within the school. The Buckingham School is at the heart of its community. Students are great ambassadors for the school. Student leadership is of paramount importance and contributes to all aspects of school improvement and innovation. Staff are truly committed to getting the very best out of our students in partnership with you, the parents and carers. We welcome visitors into our school and if you would like to learn more please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Buckingham School’s strives for

Success for All through Achievement, Challenge & Enjoyment This Statement encapsulates the ethos of our school and underpins everything we do.  We strive for excellence in all that we do.  An ethos of care and challenge pervades all aspects of school life. We all thrive in a highly inclusive, supportive, mutually respectful and tolerant environment. Everyone belongs and everyone is valued. Trust and respect are values which underpin all work and relationships at The Buckingham School, together with a high sense of unity that is ensured by honest interactions.  Learning and progress are vital to our values. We promote a vibrant, exciting learning environment for everyone, encompassing flexible skill development, technological capability, skilful communication, and entrepreneurship, as well as providing breadth of knowledge, creativity, and sporting opportunities, both within and beyond the classroom, for all learners.

 We invest in staff through high quality professional development.  We provide an environment where spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding underpins all aspects of school life, and ensures that everyone understands their rights and responsibilities as British Citizens. Self-esteem, independence and resilience are fostered in all years.  Relationships with Parents / Carers, Staff and all Stakeholders are of paramount importance, with effective communication and collaboration leading to successful learning for all students.  We serve the community, valuing and respecting the needs of all.


The curriculum which is good, is reviewed every year. Ofsted 2016

Curriculum Our school follows the National Curriculum. Our curriculum has been designed to provide a broad education and to give students the opportunity to achieve their potential. All students are taught using a range of techniques that suit their individual needs and to develop independent thinking skills. Year 7 and 8 (Key Stage 3) students study English, Maths, Science, Languages (French and Spanish), IT, Design & Technology, Art, History, Geography, Philosophy & Ethics, PE, Drama and Music. In the Spring term of Year 8, students and their parents and carers commence dialogue with teachers regarding their Key Stage 4 option choices (GCSE courses). We acknowledge students’ varied interests and skills and offer subjects leading to either the full English Baccalaureate qualification or an alternative mixture of work-related and academic subjects. This takes into account further and higher education routes and other Post 16 options. The three year GCSE route allows students to achieve their full potential and obtain those all important good grade passes in their chosen pathways.

Students’ concentration and willingness to learn are evident in many lessons. Ofsted 2016

Many of our Year 11 students continue their education with The Buckingham School’s Centre of Further Education (Post 16).

As students, our opinions matter and the school council is a valuable aspect of school life. Year 8 Student

ACHIEVEMENT Teaching and Learning

We promote high expectations of our students and teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves in tailoring our teaching techniques to student needs and we are proud of the excellent and respectful relationships students have with teachers. The school’s teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects. They want students to achieve their very best, to learn, be challenged and to enjoy. We aim to teach students how to learn as well as the specific subject content. We aim to give opportunities for personal development

and building self-confidence, which we believe are crucial to prepare students for the modern world. Students are taught to understand their rights and responsibilities as British Citizens. Selfesteem, independence and resilience are fostered throughout. The school’s work on student leadership and student voice is a real strength. Around 200 students take on leadership roles making a valuable contribution to school life.

A Specialist Sports College The sports specialism aims to develop and improve learning opportunities for all.

The sports college provides students with opportunities to participate in a wide range of sport as well as using sport as a vehicle to raise standards across the whole school.

Pastoral Care Pastoral Care is a key strength of our school. Our students are your children and their safety, care and wellbeing are of paramount importance to us. All staff support students both academically and emotionally and we believe for students to achieve they need to feel supported, safe and secure.

My child who has special educational needs achieves as well as other children. Parent Pastoral care, especially in Year 7 and for those with special educational needs is very supportive. Ofsted 2016

We are committed to ensure that all students are included. We value diversity, understand difficulties

and recognise and respect individual differences so that all students feel that they belong. All students belong to a tutor group and one of six Houses. Form tutors play a key role in the student’s overall development both academic and personal and are the first point of contact for parents and carers. Tutors are supported by an experienced Head of Year.

Special Educational Needs Students who have a special educational need are given specific support in accordance with the provision required. Our learning support team works closely with a range of external agencies and professionals. We have an in-school Counsellor to support the

emotional wellbeing of students and a Wellbeing Centre for those who require nurture to improve their confidence and self esteem.


Joining The Buckingham School We place great emphasis on supporting the successful transition from primary to secondary school. The school has strong links with its feeder primary schools and we work closely together to make the transition to The Buckingham School as smooth as possible. Our thorough and comprehensive transition is underpinned by a caring pastoral system helping all new Year 7 students to quickly settle and feel part of the whole school community.

The Buckingham School has great opportunities and fantastic facilities. Year 7 Student

Positive Behaviour We expect the highest standards of behaviour from all students whether in lessons, or outside the classroom such as on a school trip or travelling to and from school. Our students are great ambassadors for The Buckingham School and we encourage good behaviour through a clear policy supported by a rewards system.

Behaviour of Students is Good. Ofsted 2016

Beyond the Classroom


We know the opportunities and learning beyond the classroom plays a critical part of the development and achievement of students. Giving our students wider experiences help them to develop as young adults by building their self confidence, encouraging them to work effectively in teams and teaching them that they can do things which they may not have thought possible. At The Buckingham School we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport, performing arts, IT, visual arts, subject related clubs and support sessions. Clubs run at break, lunch, after school and evenings.

Students represent the school in clubs, fixtures and competitions with other schools. Sports for All is within the school and students are given opportunities to develop their skills and to improve their health and fitness to the best of their ability. Some students participate at county, regional and national level in their particular sport. The school has extensive sporting facilities including a full size astro pitch, extensive fields, tennis courts and use of the Swan Pool leisure centre for swimming.

We work closely with primary and other secondary schools, external coaches and organisations to continually grow and develop all students. Our Schools Sports Partnership is highly regarded and our school is a hub for over 40 partnership schools. The Buckingham School has strong and effective links with the community which are very important to us. Students contribute to our community through a variety of ways. We are immensely proud of the charitable work undertaken by our fundraisers.

Students experiences are enriched by the extra-curricular activities. Ofsted 2016



In many lessons students work extremely hard and are totally absorbed by high quality and challenging teaching.

The school has improved greatly over the past few years. Students are now learning well and making good progress.

We are ...


The behaviour of students is good. They take pride in their uniform and move around school sensibly. They are polite and welcoming. All students feel safe.


Sixth form learners’ are very good role models for younger students and contribute much to school life.

Ofsted 2016

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Strong senior and middle leaders strengthened the effectiveness of leadership and teaching.

The Buckingham School We are delighted to share with you our vision for the future, so contact us today to find out more information. Telephone: 01280 812206 Fax: 01280 822525 Email: The Buckingham School, London Road, Buckingham, MK18 1AT Headteacher: Miss A P Wells

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