Madeley High School Prospectus

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A Specialist Technology Academy

“Madeley High is a great school with many opportunities available and lots of enjoyable things to do.” Imogen Morris – 10KT

“Madeley High School is a very caring environment with dedicated teachers to make the pupils education better.” Lucy Eardley – 9NJ

“Madeley High is a comfortable environment with many outstanding features and teachers devoted to make you the best you can be.” George Jackson – 9AM

“Madeley High School is a wonderful school and the pupils and teachers make me feel like I belong. There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities and great opportunities to get your voice heard at Parliament meetings. I genuinely love going to this school and it’s an amazing start to adult life now going into GCSEs.” Jude Leath-Yates – 10KT

madeley parliament

HEADTEACHER’S INTRODUCTION Madeley High School is a community built upon shared core values; a respectful, caring and inclusive community, where learning and personal growth is linked to reflection, collaboration and celebration. We are committed to partnership and believe in working closely with parents/carers in fulfilling the potential of each pupil. This prospectus seeks to outline how these values make Madeley a school where every person matters. Every pupil joining Madeley is encouraged to aim high, believe in themselves and find and nurture their strengths and talents. They are valued and supported as individuals by a committed and experienced team of staff, who measure success in the many and varied achievements of each pupil in their care. Every care is taken to ensure that teaching, learning and support across the school is of the highest standard, with the aim of providing inspirational experiences in all areas of the curriculum. This is linked to a commitment to supporting the academic success of all pupils and the school is proud of its outstanding results. A wide range of activities: clubs, trips, sports, House competitions, arts events, music and more make up the cultural life of the school. There are numerous opportunities for pupils to fulfil leadership roles, most notably as part of the Madeley Parliament, and to make a positive contribution to the wider community around them; encouraged to grow socially, morally and spiritually. This prospectus gives a flavour of our school. I warmly encourage you to visit the school in order to gain a sense of how we live out our values and endeavour to ensure that every pupil leaves Madeley with happy memories, good qualifications, and self-confidence; equipped to follow their dreams and make a difference in the world. Martin Kerridge Headteacher

“Students’ behaviour is exemplary.” Ofsted 2013

“ You can teach students a lesson for a day; but if you can teach them to learn by creating curiosity, they will continue the learning process as long as they live.” Clay P. Bedford

“The promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.” Ofsted 2013

RESPECT AND TOLERANCE OF ONE ANOTHER We define tolerance as the acceptance and understanding of social, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. It is the ability to listen and accept others, valuing the different ways of understanding. Tolerance is about being respectful and considerate towards all people.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” Bryant H. McGill

We define respect as having a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation, group or a religion). It is our culture to use positive actions, language and conduct as a representation of this esteem. We see respect as a specific feeling of regard for the qualities of each individual’s physical, social, cultural and religious experiences. The school provides an education to our community to allow individuals to understand differences that individuals have, which allow them to be tolerant and respectful of each other. This is supported through: • Listening and responding to the views of students, parents/carers and our wider community • Being active at the heart of our local and global community • Encouraging individuals to make a valuable contribution to society • Promoting a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy school • Providing, encouraging and promoting a safe, secure and stable environment • Valuing the spiritual, moral, social and cultural diversity of our school and community.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” Native American Proverb

CARE FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT Today’s young people need the skills and experience to shape a sustainable future for themselves and their own children. For our learning community, sustainability is about finding ways of living and working that support a high quality of life without compromising the future of generations to come. At Madeley we create powerful educational experiences that prepare pupils for active citizenship in today’s world, where they can make a difference in their communities by actively caring for the environment. We believe that if we are going to serve as a model of responsibility we must embrace ecologically friendly technologies and ideas. Our pupils are given regular opportunities to think about, discuss and debate environmental concerns.

The learning experiences that our commitment to caring for the environment offers for pupils, staff and the wider community are an important and highly valued part of the curriculum in its widest sense. We aim to develop our pupils’ understanding of the need to help people in all parts of the world to find solutions that improve their quality of life without storing up problems for the future, or impacting unfairly on other people’s lives. Sustainable development means much more to us than just recycling or giving money to charity. It is about thinking and working in a profoundly different way for the benefit of everyone both now and in the future.

INCLUSION AND EQUALITY FOR ALL Inclusion is about removing the barriers for our students and community to support the participation and learning of individuals. Inclusion eliminates discrimination and promotes equality. Best practice approaches are those that are holistic and so working together, developing positive relationships and communication are key in making inclusion work. These are all beliefs that Madeley High School feel are at the heart of our school and we continue to reflect and strive to improve. Equality is a fundamental part of inclusion. No matter what gender, ethnicity, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or socio-economic status all individuals in the community are treated equally and fairly. We do this through the following means:

“When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self.” Confucius

INCLUSION AND EQUALITY FOR ALL • Provide a rich, wide and varied learning experience for everyone • Inspire lifelong learning and economic well being • Challenge the boundaries of each individual’s learning through inspirational teaching • Listen and respond to the views of students, parents/carers and our wider community • Encourage individuals to make a valuable contribution to society • Value spiritual, moral, social and cultural diversity.

PERSONAL REFLECTION AND LEARNING Madeley High School prides itself on offering our pupils more than academic success. We want them to be ‘well-balanced’ citizens of our world, who are equipped with the confidence and skills to succeed in life. Throughout their journey of learning, we try to invest in them our time and high levels of aspiration. As a result, our pupils are committed to their lessons, motivated by the activities on offer and celebrate when they and others succeed. We believe that teaching is different and individual to every classroom; there is no one ‘recipe’ for the delivery of lessons, no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Teachers are here to meet the needs of all of our pupils, as their learning needs are different. We expect pupils to take risks with their learning, and believe that success is reflected in many different ways depending on the child. Whether the pupil has a specific educational need, is gifted or talented or a clear ‘all-rounder’, we feel that we can personalise their differences in an environment towards any learner. The curriculum will provide the formal education that our pupils require to be functional in society. However, we believe education is also about the following six key personal learning and thinking skills needed to become: • Independent enquirers • Effective participants • Reflective learners • Team players • Self-managers • Creative thinkers Our focus is on building learning power and encouraging their participation in all of the extracurricular activities on offer. We work hard to create the opportunities for them to become the ‘wellbalanced’ citizens that we always intended at the beginning of their education at Madeley High School.

“Staff provide pastoral support of outstanding quality.” Ofsted 2013

“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

COLLABORATIVE APPROACHES TO IMPROVEMENT At Madeley High School the importance of working together and the success that comes from team work are made clear.

PARTNER PRIMARIES We work closely with our partner primary schools through the Madeley Partnership of Schools. We share a belief that we have the privilege and responsibility of providing the very best education we can to the children in our care. Through this partnership we seek to share the journey of learning together. An integral element of this is the management of pupils’ transition to Madeley High School. There are a number of key events and processes that take place at school to support effective transition. The Year 7 Co-ordinator, Student Welfare Support Officer and Learning Support Co-ordinator also visit every feeder school during the school year. Throughout the year transition days involving our main feeder primary schools take place. In the summer term there are two new intake days when Year 6 pupils from local primary schools come to meet their form tutor and take some “taster” lessons. This provides them with an ideal opportunity to get to know their new environment and an insight into the busy life of a high school. On the evening of the second day parents and pupils are invited to come to school and meet with form tutors. School badges, ties and PE kit can also be purchased at this meeting.

Individual handbooks are provided for all pupils and parents. The handbooks are designed to be full of useful and practical information about everyday life at Madeley High School. Our priority is to ensure that new pupils settle into our school as quickly as possible and have a clear understanding of what it means to be a member of our community.

GOVERNING BODY As a school we are fortunate to have a committed and engaged Governing Body that supports the strategic development of the school and ensures accountability for improvement is at the heart of the school’s plans and self-evaluation. Within this approach we have specific strategies for partnership, community development, and school improvement.

EXTERNAL PARTNERSHIP We work with numerous external providers and agencies in our search for continuous improvement. From universities and the field of teacher training, consultant networks with other secondary schools, to high quality professional development programmes; each partnership has at its focus the aim of inspiring the pupils of Madeley High School to succeed.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

RECOGNITION AND CELEBRATION OF ACHIEVEMENT Pupils’ achievements can be closely linked to their sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. At Madeley High School we believe that recognising and celebrating the achievements of all our pupils is an important way of supporting their personal development. We aim to identify and develop every pupil’s talents and celebrate their success. To do this we employ a whole range of awards, rewards and praise strategies, but in every case, the aim is to reward pupils across the whole spectrum of achievement. The principles that underpin the recognition and celebration of achievement at Madeley are: • Maintaining a friendly atmosphere that encourages mutual respect, tolerance and cooperation • Providing opportunities for the talents of all pupils to be identified and developed through a range of learning experiences • Ensuring that the curriculum is both broad and flexible so that it meets the individual needs of all our pupils • Developing a strong sense of self-belief and selfconfidence in our pupils to prepare them for life in a rapidly changing world • Maintaining good communications with parents and with our local community.

“ Where teaching is outstanding, teachers set work that is precisely matched to students’ individual abilities.” Ofsted 2013

“We all have ability The difference is how we use it.” Stevie Wonder

madeley parliament “Madeley High is a brilliant school with a great range of technology and activities, also it’s a great zone to make great friends.” Louis Austin Hawkins – 10AE

“Madeley is a brilliant school that gives you a variety of support, help and chances for your life ahead of you.”

“Madeley Parliament has been a unique experience of which I have thoroughly enjoyed and would not have experienced at any other school.” Adam Barr - 10CS

Jasmine Veitch – 9AM

“Madeley High School is very good because the environment is kind and friendly and the teachers help pupils to do the best they can.” Harriet Hopwood – 10LV

“Madeley is really great as it offers plenty of activities to do and the school is very supportive in getting you your target grades. I’ve enjoyed my time at Madeley and I’m looking forward to helping younger students through my Senior Prefect status.” Patrick Breslin – 11AB

“After 4 years of being at Madeley High School each day holds new things to learn and try and no day is the same. It pushes you to try new things which you may not have tried otherwise.” Sam Atherton – 11CL

“Madeley High is one in a million. It has dedication. The students give themselves to the school, to take what opportunities there are. The teachers dedicate themselves for our learning by giving us the opportunities we need.” Maisie Williams – 9ND

“Madeley is a really good school with lots of opportunities and brilliant extra-curricular activities. I enjoy going to Madeley as I think it is an easy place to fit where everyone is nice to you.” Libby James – 9BN



A Specialist Technology Academy Madeley High School is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with Company Number: 0862116 Registered office: Madeley High School, Newcastle Road, Madeley, Crewe CW3 9JJ T: 01782 297200 F: 01782 297222 E: W: Headteacher: Mr M Kerridge Chair of Governors: Dr A Becket

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