Ysgol Treffynnon - July 2024 Newsletter

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Welcome from Headteacher

As we come to the close of another academic year, I am delighted to reflect on the remarkable achievements and memorable moments that have enriched our school community.

Our recent Estyn inspection has highlighted the exceptional dedication and hard work of our entire staff. This achievement is a testament to the daily commitment each one of you brings, creating a nurturing environment where our students can truly thrive.

To our Year 11 students, I wish you the very best of luck with your GCSE results and future endeavours. Watching you grow from young Year 7s into confident, accomplished individuals has been a true pleasure.

We also take this moment to say farewell to some long-serving staff members who are moving on to new ventures and retirement: Mr. Gillespie, Mrs. Butterly, Mrs. Wildsmith, Mrs. S. Roberts, and Mrs. D. Anderson. Your invaluable contributions to Ysgol Treffynnon have left a lasting legacy, and we wish you all the best for the future.

We said goodbye to our Year 11s

This year’s Year 11 leaving celebrations were held on June 20th, a day blessed with sunshine.

The evening began with the progress file event, followed by a journey to the mysterious prom location, which was revealed to be Flint Mountain Hotel. It was delightful to see everyone dressed so smartly and to witness friendships that we hope will last a lifetime.

The evening was a joyous occasion, enjoyed by all who attended. We hope our Year 11s are making the most of their extra-long summer and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours. We look forward to welcoming them back to school for results day on Thursday, August 22nd.

... and hello to our new Year 7s

Transition Events

Year 6 transition events are a big thing at Ysgol Treffynnon, we want our Year 6’s to get to know their form tutors, know their way around school and start to make new friends so September is as easy as possible for students and parents.

This year’s transition events included transition meetings, tours, days in school and trips to Glan Lyn!

“Great works are performed, not by strength but by perseverance”

The achievements of our students this term have been outstanding, showcasing their dedication, talent, and hard work. From academic successes to extracurricular triumphs, every student has contributed to the vibrant life of our school. We are incredibly proud of each one of you.

I must also extend my heartfelt thanks to our families for their unwavering support. The strong relationship we share with you is vital to the success of our school, and we deeply appreciate your continuous encouragement and involvement.

As we look forward to the next academic year, I am excited to welcome our new Year 7 students, current students, and new staff members—Miss K. Bolton, Mr. D. Sweets, and Miss L. Young—back to Ysgol Treffynnon in September.

In the words of Samuel Johnson, “Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.” I hope you all enjoy a restful and joyful time with your families, using this time to recharge and reset for the new year.

Until then, stay safe and have fun.

Best wishes, John Weir - Headteacher

Celebrating Our Successes

Annual Prize Giving Ceremony

This week we all attended our annual prize giving ceremony held here at the school.

It was wonderful to come together as a community to recognise our students’ achievements and to celebrate the end of a fantastic year.

We would like to thank all the parents that attended to support our students and would also like to extend our thanks to our wonderful guest speakers, Norma Collin, Laura Thomas, a member of Ysgol Treffynnon’s Alumni. The evening provided us with the opportunity to gather as a community and reflect on our collective journey as a school over this academic year. There have been so many highlights throughout the year and it was wonderful to celebrate the progress and achievements of our students in all areas of school life.

Snowdonia Here We Come

A special congratulations to our Eco Council who have been hard at work, pitching their fantastic idea for a Plastic-Free Snowdonia.

The summit of Yr Wyddfa is 5% microplastics and volunteer groups collected over half a car’s weight of rubbish from the slopes in just six months. This is why the Eryri National Park Authority ™ started the Plastic Free Yr Wyddfa project – to put an end to plastic pollution.

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been shortlisted with our amazing video!

We can’t wait to attend COPA1 at the summit of Yr Wyddfa in September, where the winner will be revealed. Fingers crossed!

To watch their video head over to the School Website or the YT Facebook page.



Diversity at ‘Just the Way You Are’ Pride Festival”

Students recently attended the “Just the Way You Are” Pride Festival at Hawarden High School, a vibrant celebration of diversity and inclusion.

This event, part of the Flintshire Schools initiative, created an inspiring atmosphere where students engaged in various workshops and activities designed to promote LGBTQ+ awareness and acceptance. Emphasizing the importance of self-expression and respect, the festival provided a platform for students to explore and celebrate their identities. The positive impact was evident as the event fostered a strong sense of community and understanding among students from different backgrounds, reinforcing the value of acceptance and the beauty of individuality.

Celebrating Culinary Excellence in Food and Nutrition!

Our students have been achieving fantastic milestones in Food and Nutrition recently, showcasing their skills and teamwork in practical lessons.

In every food practical lesson, students collaborate and work together in teams. Mrs. Morris recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding teamwork and organization by awarding them with epraise points. These exemplary students also get the honour of wearing the coveted MasterChef hat as a celebration of their excellence.

In recent weeks, we’ve had several shining stars. Congratulations to Year 8 students Isabella and Ella, and Year 7 students April, Darcy, and Hollie, for winning the teamwork and organization awards. Their dedication and collaborative spirit set a high standard for their peers.

A special shout out goes to our Year 10 Food and Nutrition students who recently completed the Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene course, conducted by the Food Standards Agency. This achievement not only enhances their culinary knowledge but also ensures they maintain high standards of food safety.

Well done to all our students for their hard work and commitment to excellence in Food and Nutrition! Keep up the fantastic work!


At the start of the summer term, the school embraced the Workplace Recycling Regulations, transforming all the bins across campus.

This initiative has significantly increased our in-school recycling and transitioned us to sorting waste at the source.

The NEWydd catering staff have echoed our efforts by eliminating all non-recyclable knives and forks. Reusable plates and cutlery are now available for everyone. By working together to lessen our environmental impact, the school community has shown fantastic efforts all around. Well done!

Sporting Achievements

Sports Day 2024

Ysgol Treffynnon’s highly anticipated sports day took place in school and was a resounding success.

The rain held off and it brought students together from Year 7 to Year 10, showcasing their athletic prowess whilst fostering a great sense of healthy competition. Overall, our sports day celebrated athleticism, team work and the Ysgol Treffynnon team spirit! A big thank you to NEWydd Catering and Cleaning for providing the “Hydration Station” for our athletes!

Year 8 Rounders

We took year 7/8 mixed rounders team to the year 8 play night.

We played against: Hawarden - losing by 3 Mold alun - losing by 7 and Drew with the over all winners Buckley 10-10 in the very last game!

They improved - SO MUCH and were so positive in the last game well done girls!

Year 7

Athletics Tournament

Ysgol Treffynnon boys come 3rd overall!

Ysgol Treffynnon girls come 9th!

Well done to all but especially:

Louie - 1st in 600m and 2nd in 300m

Tristan - 1st 300m

Charlie - 3rd in 100m

Eliot - 3rd in 200m

Jac - 2nd in Discus

Harry - 5th in Shotput

Arthur - 5th in High Jump

Kaitlyn - 6th in Long Jump

Lucy - 6th in Shot put

Pheobe - 5th in High Jump

Da Iawn to all competitors you made us all very proud.

Trip-Tastic Summer Term

Super Curricular Week!

This week was definitely a trip-tastic adventure for both students and staff!

Everyone really got their steps in, with an action-packed itinerary starting on Monday, July 8th. The week kicked off with invigorating walks through Basingwerk Abbey, Greenfield Valley, and Moel Famau.

We also enjoyed educational trips to Manchester’s War Museum and History Museum, as well as an inspiring visit to London’s Gouldrey Art Gallery. The excitement peaked with a fun-filled day at Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

Wow, after such an eventful week, I think we all need a well-deserved sit-down!

Year 7 Girls attend Women in Construction Event at ‘Just the Way You Are’ Pride Festival”

9 Year 7 girls visited Coleg Cambria at Deeside to participate in a Women in Construction and Day.

Hosted by CITB, the construction industry training board, the girls listened to a number of presentations from trailblazing women in the construction industry. In addition, students took part in activities to develop their team building, knowledge of environmental management, myth busters and trying on a range of construction PPE which was a firm favourite. After lunch, students from all 5 schools attending took part in a Q&A session with women working across the sector. They all thoroughly enjoyed the event and enjoyed hearing about the varied and interesting opportunities for women and girls in construction.

Year 9 Engineering Trip to Airbus

17 Year 9 students studying Engineering gained behind the scenes access at the UK’s largest production facility for Aircraft Wings during their recent visit to Airbus in Broughton.

Students were given an overview and history of Airbus and the Broughton site before learning about how wing production has changed over the years. They heard about how Airbus has changed its production lines to be more ergonomic for staff as part of their continuous culture of improvement where staff are at the centre of decision making.

Students were then treated to a tour of the A350 Wing Production Facility where they got to see many of the engineering concepts discussed in lessons applied in a real life scenario. After their tour students were given an overview of the Airbus apprenticeship and careers programmes, by interns and apprentices from across the business, before taking part in a Q&A and fun quiz to test what they’d learnt throughout the day!

Year 10 Students Shine at Women in Maths Conference

Year 10 students attended the highly anticipated Women in Maths Conference at Wrexham University.

The event, designed to inspire young minds and promote the importance of mathematics in various fields, turned out to be an unforgettable experience for our students.

The day was packed with engaging activities that blended fun with learning. The students kicked off their adventure by diving into the world of card tricks, where they explored the fascinating mathematical principles behind some mind-boggling illusions. This session not only showcased the magic of maths but also sparked a keen interest in the subject.

One of the highlights of the day was the dodecahedron-making workshop. Armed with just A4 paper, the students learned to fold and create intricate dodecahedrons. This hands-on activity not only tested their geometric skills but also encouraged teamwork and problem-solving. The sight of colourful, perfectly folded dodecahedrons was a testament to their creativity and precision.

The excitement didn’t stop there. The students participated in a trading activity where they honed their skills in accurate shape-making. This interactive session allowed them to apply their mathematical knowledge in a practical, real-world context, reinforcing the importance of precision and accuracy.

The crowning moment of the day was when one of our students emerged as the winner of the day’s quiz. This achievement not only filled our group with pride but also highlighted the talent and potential within our student body.

Overall, the Women in Maths Conference was a resounding success. It provided our students with a platform to explore the wonders of mathematics, develop new skills, and gain confidence in their abilities. The conference underscored the importance of encouraging young women to pursue careers in STEM fields and left a lasting impression on all who attended.

We look forward to more such opportunities that inspire and challenge our students, paving the way for future mathematicians and innovators.

Lord Speaker Day

Year 9 Girls Dive into STEM at Wrexham University!

Our Year 9 girls recently embarked on an exhilarating STEM adventure at Wrexham University, and what a day it was!

On Wednesday, the students were immersed in a variety of exciting and educational activities designed to ignite their passion for science, technology, engineering, and math.

The day was packed with engaging experiences. The girls tackled challenging math problems, showcasing their problemsolving skills and teamwork. In a creative twist, they stepped into the world of media production, where they had the unique opportunity to produce their own chat show. This activity not only fostered creativity but also introduced them to the fundamentals of media and communication.

The excitement continued as the students delved into game development using software similar to that of Fortnite. This hands-on session allowed them to explore the basics of game design and coding, sparking interest in potential careers in the gaming industry.

The girls were also treated to captivating science demonstrations that brought theoretical concepts to life. These interactive displays highlighted the fun and fascinating side of scientific exploration.

In addition to the activities, the students received an insightful introduction to undergraduate life at Wrexham University. This glimpse into the future provided them with valuable information and inspiration for their academic journeys ahead.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Wrexham University for providing such an inspiring and enriching experience. This trip not only broadened our students’ horizons but also reinforced their enthusiasm for STEM subjects.

Well done to all the participants for their curiosity and engagement! We look forward to seeing how this experience shapes their futures in STEM.

A day of history, 4th July, saw a number of our students embracing a unique opportunity to travel to London to visit the Houses of Parliament They got a chance to meet with some members of the House of Lords and ask questions. After a tour of both houses of Parliament, they spent time with Lord Haskel, deputy Lord Speaker who answered all of their questions. The students were so well behaved and had fun exploring the big city.

School Essentials Grant

You should have received the letter from the Cabinet Secretary outlining the School Essentials Grant which opened on 1 July. This highlights the need for those eligible to claim free school meals to register with their local authority to be able to access the grant. It will also enable schools to receive additional funding so it is important to encourage families to register as eligible even if they consider that they do not need the grant.

Further information for parents can be found on the Welsh Government website.

Uniforms Donations Wanted / Uniform Re-homing

If you are having a sort out after your child has outgrown their school uniform or has left Ysgol Treffynnon in Year 11, please consider donating any non-longer needed uniform to the school, we would be grateful of any items you may be able provide.

If you need any extra pieces of uniform this year, please check the rails outside reception, there are a number of items including blazers, trousers, shirts and shoes that area ready to collect. Alternatively check out the Holywell Town Council Uniform Hub.

Water Safety Messaging

On behalf of the Water Safety Wales, we are sharing this important safety information with all parents and carers following a tragic and stark rise in the number of tragedies in and around water amongst young people. In 2023 there was an increase in the number of fatalities in and

Free Summer Holiday Programme 2024

It’s not too late for a spot on our Food and Fun Summer Holiday Club 2024.

6 Weeks can be a long time to occupy the kids in the summer holidays. We have a fun filled 3 week programme of activities planned completely free, delivered in partnership with Flintshire County Council Healthy Schools Team and Newydd Catering. Breakfast and a hot lunch will be provided Monday – Thursday. The scheme is open to children in Year 6 transitioning to Ysgol Treffynnon and current Year 7 pupils in Ysgol Treffynnon.

Summer Holiday Food & Fun Summer Club 2023

typical day will include:

To get more information and register your child please email foodandfun@yt.flintshire.sch.uk

Join Our Team

Breakfast Club Assistant – 5 hours pw

Are you an early riser with a passion for working with children? Our school is seeking a dedicated Breakfast Club Assistant to help kick-start our students’ day in the best possible way. For more information please contact g.boniface@yt.flintshire.sch. uk

• Arrival &

• Fun Learning Activities

• al Activity and Sport sessions

• Lunch

Key Dates

Relief Midday Supervisor – up to 10 hours pw

6 Weeks can be a long time to occupy the kids in the summer holidays.

Do you have any spare time in the day and want to support our school? We are looking to appoint a couple of relief/supply midday supervisors to support the school during our busy break and lunchtime periods. Fixed hours will be available for the right candidate. For further information please contact g.boniface@yt.flintshire.sch.uk

Why not register your child for the FREE food and fun holiday club based at Ysgol Treffynnon. Breakfast and a hot lunch will be provided together with a packed programme of fun activities, including multi-sports, cooking and games.

We are working with Ap-prentis and Achieve More Training to offer the following apprenticeship placements starting in September 2024 -

The scheme is open to children in Year 6 transitioning to Ysgol Treffynnon and current Year 7 pupils in Ysgol Treffynnon.

Office Administration Apprentice – 30 hours pw

We are looking for an office admin apprentice to work alongside experienced office staff and receptionists and undertake duties including: maintaining office systems including data management and filing, answering phone calls, meeting and greeting visitors, Provide general office support to Head Teacher, Business Manager and Teachers

To get more information and the registration link email foodandfun@yt.flintshire.sch.uk

22nd August – GCSE Results Day

2nd September – Staff Training Day – School closed to pupils

3rd September – Whole school return

20th September – School photographer, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11 including group for Year 11.

26th September – Open Evening

7th October – GCSE Information Evening

21st October – Year 7 Parents Evening

25th October – Last day of school before half term break

4th November – Return to school

For more information and to apply please follow the link Office Administration Apprentice - Achieve More Training Ltd.

Pastoral Support Apprentice – 30 hours pw

We are looking for multiple pastoral support apprentices to rotate across different departments within the school on a termly basis to gain a holistic support for students. As pastoral support you would support teachers and help children with their educational and social development, both in and out of the classroom. In this role you will work with form tutors, to ensure the welfare and progress of students in their learning, personal development and at certain transition/intervention points as well as spending time with attendance officers.

July, 9am – 1pm Thursday 27th July, st

18th November – Year 10 parents evening

– 3rd August 9am - 1pm Thursday 3rd August

9am – 1pm Thursday 10th August

For more information and to apply please follow the link Pastoral Support Apprentice - Achieve More Training Ltd.

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