The Cottesloe School Prospectus

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Message from the Headteacher Dear Students and Parents/Carers I am privileged to be the Head teacher of a vibrant, exciting and caring learning community that endeavours to deliver high quality learning experiences for all students. At The Cottesloe School, we are committed to the highest expectations and standards of our students. We genuinely focus on the individual, both in the academic sense and in valuing learning outside the classroom with the same rigour as learning within it. The Cottesloe School offers an open, friendly and enthusiastic approach to education, combining a drive for continuous progress in all academic years with the establishment of high standards of Literacy and Numeracy, preparing our young people for a world that demands a commitment to lifelong learning. Our success can be measured not only by the academic progress each student makes from their start point, but also by their confidence and maturity demonstrated when participating in school events.

We strive to create a purposeful school community, where students feel safe and happy so that their talents can flourish. We listen closely to what our students say about the School. Our Student Council provides a formal representative voice, but equally individuals are encouraged to offer their views on everything from school meals and what makes a good lesson to being part of the staff recruitment process. We work in close co-operation with parents and encourage them to form a close link with staff and to celebrate their child’s progress and achievements with us. Our parents appreciate the fact that we keep them well informed and they are made very welcome in school. I hope this prospectus gives a flavour of what The Cottesloe is like and would encourage you to visit us; it is only by meeting us that you will gain a true impression of the ethos of our school. A McBurnie BEd (Hons), MBA Headteacher

The Learning Environment The Cottesloe School is located on the outskirts of Wing village in Buckinghamshire. It has a very large, attractive and rural site with views of the countryside in one direction and overlooking the village and its Saxon church in the other. Our considerable investment in high-quality teaching staff and technical support ensures that everyone can learn effectively. Our first-class facilities include a new sports hall, gymnasium, tennis courts, dance studio, purposedesigned rooms for drama and music, art and technology facilities and well-equipped science laboratories. We have over 450 computers located throughout the school and all classrooms are equipped with data projectors, supplemented by interactive whiteboards, and there are ample dedicated computer suites. The school library incorporates a fully computerised learning and resource centre that is available to all students throughout the day. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) allows students and parents to access work and information from home via a PC.

A Curriculum that Delivers ‘Our curriculum provides challenges for students of all abilities’ Our curriculum has been carefully designed to: • Provide in-class and wider curriculum opportunities which match learners’ needs, aspirations and capabilities and build upon prior attainment and experience. • Ensure the curriculum and enrichment activities provide enjoyment and breadth, balance and depth for the learner. • Work in partnership with parents and other educational providers to offer a curriculum and additional experiences that provide diversity and a personalised learning approach. • Allow all students to achieve national accreditation at the highest grades in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science The curriculum is reviewed annually to ensure that it provides maximum opportunities for student challenge, participation and success.

How Learning is Organised

Independent Learning

‘We place academic rigour at the heart of everything we do’

‘Taking every opportunity to reinforce learning and develop independence’

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students are organised and taught in ability sets for all subjects. This allows all students to be taught in a way best suited to their individual needs. The progress of every student is assessed each half term ensuring all students receive appropriate challenge and support within a subject.

Independent learning is set regularly in all subjects in order to deliver an appropriate level of challenge to all students, raising attainment and achievement. It is designed to be consistent, rigorous and responsive to students’ learning needs across the curriculum. It also develops the skills of independent learning and research and provides opportunities for parents to become involved in their children’s’ learning. Teachers recognise the importance of constructive feedback to students.

In Years 10 and 11, students remain in their tutor groups for registration but are taught in different groups for all other subjects, depending on their particular learning needs and their choice of subjects for Key Stage 4. Students remain in ability sets for English, Maths and Science.

Inspirational Teaching and Learning ‘High quality learning experiences for all learners’ We believe that teaching and learning is our core business. We have a clear focus on learning and on achievement. At The Cottesloe School students are taught by teachers who are qualified specialists in their subjects. Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects. They spend time planning interesting and challenging lessons so that their love of the subject is passed on to the students. We encourage aspirations of excellence in the academic achievements of our students by promoting consistently high expectations in both teachers and students. We provide students with a variety of learning experiences to allow all individuals to meet their potential. The school constantly searches for ways to use new technology to enable us to enhance and support students’ learning. Staff development is a key component of the school’s strategy for raising standards. We provide a high quality and innovative professional development programme to impact positively upon students’ classroom experience and on examination results

Special Educational Needs The Cottesloe School offers full entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum to all students deemed to have special educational needs. Such students include those with a Statement of Educational Needs, those on Action or Action Plus, those with emotional and associated behavioural issues which constrain access to the formal curriculum, as well as students who have been identified as gifted and talented in one or more curriculum areas. These students are given a range of support within lesson time, in some instances by our team of Learning Support Assistants or, when appropriate, more individual help away from the classroom setting. To meet the more complex needs of individual students the school liaises with specialists such as physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, school and community nurses/doctors and Educational Psychologists.

Expanding Knowledge Beyond Boundaries Our classroom opportunities are supplemented by a variety of extra-curricular activities which are offered at lunchtime, after school, weekends or within school holidays. Currently our programme embraces opportunities that are: • Curriculum related, eg. sports, drama, music practice, exam preparation workshops • Intended to enrich the classroom experience, eg. visits to theatres, museums, school drama/music productions • Designed to broaden horizons, eg. foreign overseas trips to Iceland, France and Germany • To enrich leisure time and develop new skills, eg. ski trips, chess club, golf • To advance personal development, eg. Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. We are firmly of the view that sport, drama and music can enrich students’ experience at School and seek, therefore, to involve students as fully as possible in both timetabled and extra-curricular activities. Those with particular talents will be encouraged to develop them and go on to perform at a high level.

Outstanding Support At The Cottesloe School we are proud of the comprehensive pastoral care, guidance and support which we provide for all our students. We believe that the welfare of each individual is important, for it is only when a student feels safe, secure and happy in their environment that he or she can develop all of their skills and talents to the full. The care and development of our students are the concern of every member of staff led by a team of dynamic and committed Heads of Year, supported by the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Student Educational Experience. To facilitate this structure, each member of our learning community is supported within their year group through the mentoring and guidance of a Form Tutor. A Form Tutor’s primary responsibility is to carry out the statutory daily registration of those within their group and additionally: • • • •

To get to know the students on an individual basis To help create a strong social bond amongst their tutees To track the progress of those in their care To ensure that the highest standards of behaviour and uniform are maintained.

The Form Tutor is the first point of contact with parents regarding the progress or welfare of their child through the use of the student planners, letters, telephone or e-mail.

Partnership with Parents


At The Cottesloe School the partnership between parents and carers, teachers and students is central to the achievement and wellbeing of the student. We know that parental encouragement is key to the student’s success and we firmly believe that home and school should work closely together to achieve this. We also know that information from parents will help us ensure that their child makes progress throughout their time at school. Parents and carers are informed about how to support and encourage their child through:

A happy and harmonious school is the best environment for students to realise their potential. At The Cottesloe we place great emphasis on supporting the successful transition from primary to secondary school. We have strong links with our local primary schools and our teachers visit each primary school to get to know students, and ensure that the transition is as smooth and anxiety free as possible. There is an induction programme for students and parents to assist in this process, prior to commencing at The Cottesloe School.

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Two subject Consultation Evenings Information Evenings and Workshops A termly report Regular informal contact and feedback through student planners and exercise books • Parent Forums.

The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Our practices, policies and procedures reflect this commitment and the school will always respond if a child is in need. A copy of the school’s Child Protection Policy may be found on the school’s website.

Attendance and Punctuality Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential if students are to maximise their potential. Our Attendance Officer, Heads of Year and Form Tutors work tirelessly to ensure that students arrive at school on time every day. Every minute matters in the endeavour to raise a student’s academic attainment. It is for this reason that we monitor attendance closely and reward good attendance.

Uniform The school has a straightforward but strict uniform policy and we ask parents to support us by ensuring that students adhere to it at all times. Students are expected to arrive at school in full school uniform and fully equipped to begin their learning.

Attitude to Learning The Cottesloe Charter We have an Attitude to Learning Policy which operates on the premise that positive reinforcement of pupil engagement and progress through recognition and rewards creates a happy, safe and secure environment for everyone in the school community. Such an approach is conducive to achieving the highest standards of teaching and learning for all. We also pride ourselves on our ability to proactively re-engage students through early intervention and support rather than waiting for disaffection resulting in sanctions. Our caring and supportive approach allows us to enjoy a ‘Whole School Community’ reality, where every individual, whether pupil or staff, are valued equally. The School communtiy benefits from ‘The Cottesloe School Charter’ which unites all students and staff in a shared vision of high quality education for all, safeguards emotional and physical wellbeing, promotes the very best in effort and resilience witout compromise, in order to realise the highest academic achievement and progress. The Cottesloe Charter can be found on the School Website.

Friends of Cottesloe We have a very energetic committee made up of parents, staff and friends of the school. The objective of the Friends of Cottesloe is to support the School and education of its students by developing effective relationships between the students, staff, parents or carers and others associated with the School. They also engage in fundraising activities that enhance and support the students’ learning environment.

Local Community The Cottesloe School takes an active role in both our local and wider community and has built relationships with local community groups, primary schools and performed in many events. We have worked with arts’ organisations, theatres and community groups on projects which will inspire students to succeed and produce work of the very highest standard. Our Governing Body is made up of a wide selection of individuals from the community, parents and the local authority who work effectively in steering the school to achieve its maximum potential.

Aylesbury Road, Wing, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 0NY Telephone: 01296 688 264 Fax: 01296 681 729 Email:

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