1 minute read
Senior Felix Janzen-Chappell and English teacher Sophia Coen discuss self-expression,passions and interests surrounding fashion
Story by Becky Coston
Q: What most heavily influenced your style?
: The music I listen to: alternative, indie, grunge, a lot of the older stuff.
: What are some of your go-to stores?
: Definitely Wild Man Vintage, anytime I go there I always find at least one thing I want to buy. ATC is always good. Downtownthey have some great thrift stores - and I sometimes look on Depop for online thrift stuff.
: How do you choose an outfit every day?
: I think about a color scheme or different clothes that I haven’t worn in a while and just see what goes together.

Q: What is the most surprising thing in your closet?
A: I have a dress made completely out of tinsel by someone who recently just made a costume for Harry Styles.
Q: How did your style start to evolve into what it is now?
A: I went from wear ing uniforms at private school to going to public school in mid dle school, I wanted to dress like everyone else so I would fit in. I re alized I didn’t like how everyone else dressed in high school and started thrifting and buying vintage clothes.

Q: How does your style express who you are?
A: I’m a very chaotic and haphazard per son, so most of the time, what I’m wear ing doesn’t match and that’s how I feel inside.