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The Retail Pulse FSP Retail Business Consultants June 2015
Retailer Births & Deaths
There were 0 administrations recorded in June. There were 8 new additions to the FSP Retailer Database in June, with 1 new retailer proposing to enter the UK market: Beefy's, a new steakhouse and seafood restaurant with plans to expand.
Retail Burn This month, as usual, the big national chains attract the most press. The most talked about retailers, according to the Retail Burn, include: Costa, H&M, Holland & Barrett, Debenhams, Home Retail Group, BHS, Jones Bootmaker, Shoe Zone, Marks & Spencer PLC and McDonald's. The retailer with the highest number of positive news articles in June was Costa, having performed well in its first quarter and continuing on the expansion trail. At the other end of the scale is McDonald's, having announced a global restructuring plan in an effort to curb falling sales.
Hot 100 The Hot 100 in June 2015 included; Opening in Bury St Edmunds, Pandora Jewellery Continuing to post good results, Sports Direct International Plc Expanding and investing in staff on the back of good results, Pets at Home Sales continuing on the up, WH Smith Travel Retail Opening in Times Square, Gap Continuing its positive press, SuperGroup Asos click & collect trial partnership so far so good, Boots The Chemist Continuing its growth, Ted Baker
Retail News Index
The June RNI index for All Retailers, at 102, has increased by 1. Leisure, at 110, has increased by 2. Clothing & Footwear, at 93, has increased by 2. Household, at 108, has increased by 7. Personal, at 100, has decreased by 2. Grocery, at 97, has increased by 2. Food & Beverage, at 108, has decreased by 1. For the full report, click here. FSP on average reviews over 350 unique items of retailer news. Each article is scored according to sentiment. RNI is the sum of these scores indexed against 2005 and averaged over a three month period. The RNI time series for all retailers starts from May 2002.
Product Focus Product Focus – Leasing Support
FSP’s role in Leasing Support is to help present the opportunity for a given shopping location using compelling business evidence to retailers. Vacancy rates were reported to be declining in 2014 but appear to have stabilised over the last few months there is still more available space than retailers to fill it. For the most successful retailers the number of opportunities typically exceeds requirements. Landlords are therefore competing for retailers’ attention and...
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