The Savvy Seminole Cookbook

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The Savvy Seminole Cookbook

Welcome to CHAW Nutrition We know that college is a time of change and busy schedules often affect your eating habits. Our goal is to help you optimize your nutrition by strategizing with you to set realistic, behavior change goals that support overall wellness. Our Philosophy We utilize evidenced based, peer-reviewed research and national nutrition guidelines to provide the best care. We embrace a wellness versus weight philosophy, health at every size and a non-diet, mindful and intuitive eating approaches. We do not provide weight loss counseling. We help students incorporate balance, variety, and moderation in all food choices, improve their relationship with food, learn to identify and trust our natural hunger and fullness cues and promote body positivity to achieve overall wellness. Intuitive Eating Research shows that dieting doesn’t result in long-term weight loss (it may even cause weight gain) or better health. In addition, restrictive eating, either quantity or food type, has been proven to lead to overeating and bingeing. Intuitive Eating is a process that allows you to listen to your body and eat accordingly. You trust your body enough to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Intuitive eating allows you to eat the foods that you want without guilt or shame. You learn how to eat for satisfaction, move for enjoyment and become more accepting of your body. You develop a healthier relationship with food and eating. You basically go back to eating like a toddler! Intuitive Eating has the following 10 principles: 1. Reject the diet mentality 2. Honor your hunger 3. Make peace with food 4. Challenge the food police 5. Feel your fullness 6. Discover the satisfaction factor 7. Cope with your emotions without food 8. Respect your body 9. Exercise-Feel the difference 10. Honor your health with gentle nutrition Intuitive eating has become a “buzz” word lately, but if weight loss or restriction is mentioned, it isn’t truly intuitive eating. Intuitive eating isn’t any of the following: • It isn’t a weight loss method. • It doesn’t mean you are forbidden from making conscious decisions. • It doesn’t mean you don’t care about nutrition. • It’s not about always eating the perfect amount of delicious and nutritious foods in the ideal balance at the perfect time. • It doesn’t mean you have given up. • It isn’t easy!

Eating Tips Unless you have a food allergy, there is no reason to ban foods/food groups from you diet. If you want to eat healthy, you need to listen to your body and allow yourself to eat all foods. Eating healthy means you have to eat, relax and listen to your body. When you eat intuitively and mindfully, you listen to your body and not outside voices. You eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full and you enjoy what you are eating. Here are some basic things to keep in mind: Eat Food- If you are not giving your body enough food, i.e. energy, how can it possibly keep you from breaking down physically and mentally? Your body knows when you are starving it so it holds onto your fat stores. In addition, your metabolism slows down when your body is starved making it harder to even maintain your weight. Break the Fast- Your body needs something to get its engine started in the morning. It doesn't have to be a big meal, just consist of some protein and carbohydrate. Don't Label Food- As soon as you label a food "bad," you will want it more than ever. Labeling leads to binging. Have the Real Thing- If you really want ice cream, then the fat free stuff is just not going to cut it. Chances are you will eat at least two times more of the imitation frozen dessert. Fat is what makes premium ice cream so good. It gives it texture and body so when that is missing, you will eat more in an attempt to achieve that same mouth feel. In addition, the lower fat, lower sugar version often comes from a lab. Be a Mindful Eater- Really taste your food by making your meal last 30 minutes. Put your fork down between bites or eat with your non-dominate hand. Don't Skip Meals- Eating more frequently keeps your blood sugar steady, reduce carvings and help you with focus. Have a Drink or Two- It is important to stay well hydrated and water is the best choice. At a minimum, you should drink 64 ounces per day. Add Protein- You can eat too much protein (and no eating more will not give you bigger muscles), but it is important to make sure you have some each time you eat. Protein helps you feel full. It slows down the absorption of sugar into your blood stream so you'll have energy for a longer period of time. If you want to make sure you are meeting your nutritional needs, make your plate look like this:

The Well-Stocked Kitchen There are some basics that every kitchen needs. If you live in the dorm, form a cooking club where each person keeps some of the essentials in their room. Pantry Essentials Dry Storage Canned Tomatoes Tomato Sauce Low Sodium Broths Canned Tuna in H2O & Canned Chicken Canned or Dry Beans Nut Butters-Peanut & Almond Oils-Olive & Canola Vinegars Dijon Mustard Black Pepper & Sea Salt Salsa Dried Herbs-Bay Leaves, Dill, Sage, Thyme & Italian Pasta Spices-All Spice, Cinnamon, Chili Powder, Crushed Red Pepper & Garlic Powder Almonds, Walnuts & Mixed Nuts Oatmeal Rice Chocolate

Cold Storage Eggs Chopped Garlic in H2O 2% Cottage Cheese Plain Yogurt Lower Fat Cheeses-Mozzarella, Feta, Fresh Parmesan Butter & Margarine Milk or Dairy-Free Alternative Lemons & Limes Baking Soda Bagged Salad High Quality Deli Meat-Turkey Breast, Roast Beef, Ham Frozen Jumbo Shrimp (non-breaded) Frozen Vegetables-Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Summer Squashes, Chopped Onions & Peppers. Frozen Fruits (Berries, Peaches, Bananas, etc.) Fresh Ginger (wrap and keep in the freezer) Ice Cream

Butcher Shop When you are buying higher cost ingredients, keep the following in mind: Red Meats • Choose leanest cuts of beef- Eye of the Round Roast and Steak, Sirloin Tip Side Steak, Top Round Roast and Steak, Bottom Round Roast and Steak and Top Sirloin Steak • Select beef that has the least visible fat or marbling • Look for the words “choice” or “select” • Buy ground beef that is at least 90% lean Poultry • Don’t pay extra for skinless chicken- Cook it with the skin on and remove it before eating. The amount of fat added is minimal, but the flavor and moisture are measurable. • Opt for ground poultry that is white meat only Pork • Check out the leanest cuts of pork- Tenderloin and Boneless Loin Roast and Chops Seafood • Only buy fish that doesn’t have a fishy smell • Make sure fish looks moist and doesn’t have any browning on the edges • Shellfish (i.e. lobster) should always be alive and kicking

The Kitchen Tool Box Sharp Knives & Scissors:  Serrated  8-inch Chef’s  Paring  Cooking shears Pots & Pans:  10-inch Sauté Pan  8-inch Skillet  1 ½ quart Saucepan  8-quart Stockpot  12-quart Stockpot Small Tools:  Slotted Spoon  Tongs  Spatulas  Can Opener  Thermometer  Timer  Grater  Vegetable Peeler Measuring Cups and Spoons Mixing Bowls (3 different sizes) Plastic Cutting Boards (2) Mesh Strainer Immersion Blender Top 10 Food Safety Tips 1. Wash Your Hands- Always wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. 2. Thaw Law- Always thaw foods in the refrigerator and place on a plate to catch any drippings. 3. 2- Hour Rule- Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared food and leftovers within 2 hours. 4. Take Its Temperature- Use thermometer to ensure that protein foods are cooked to the proper temperature. Take the temperature from the thickest part. • Ground Beef- 160° • Ground Turkey/Chicken- 165° • Beef/Lamb/Veal- 160° to 170° • Pork- 160° • Chicken/Turkey Breast- 170° • Chicken/Turkey Leg, Thigh & Wings- 180° 5. Colorful Cutting Boards- Have at least 2 cutting boards of different colors. One should be for fruits & vegetables and one should be for meat/chicken/pork/seafood. 6. Don’t Mix Raw & Cooked- Never put cooked food on a cutting board/surface that previously had raw food on it until it’s properly sanitized. To sanitize you should place 2/3 cup bleach into a gallon of water and keep a spray bottle handy with this solution. 7. Refrigerator Etiquette- Store raw meats, poultry and seafood on the bottom shelf to prevent juices from dripping onto other foods. 8. Change It Up- Wash dish towels and sponges often to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria throughout the kitchen. 9. Marinate Mindfully- Always marinate in the refrigerator and discard any marinate that has been used with raw meat/poultry/pork/seafood. 10. Stay Out of the Danger Zone- Keep cold foods below 40 and hot foods above 140 to prevent bacterial growth.

The Kitchen Dictionary Cutting the right way is essential if you want a great end product. Here are the most common “cuts”: • Chop- To cut into bite-sized pieces with quick, heavy blows of the knife. • Cube- To cut into little cubes that are usually ½ -1 inch. • Dice- To cut into really tiny cubes that are anywhere from ¼’ to 1/8 of an inch. • Grate- To take a large piece of something and make it smaller by rubbing against a coarse surface. Usually requires some type of grater. • Julienne- To cut into long skinny strips that are 2 inches long and 1/16th of an inch wide. • Mash- To make food soft by crushing, beating or squeezing with a fork or masher. • Mince- To finely cut something as small as possible using a knife, grinder, blender or food processor. • Pare- To cut off the outside covering of items such as potatoes and apples. • Peel- To strip the outer covering of foods like oranges and grapefruits. • Score- To make shallow or deep cuts in a decorative pattern with a point or knife. This allows food to cook more evenly. • Shred- To cut into very fine strips or pieces. • Slice- To cut into even slices, many times across the grain. • Snip- To cut into small uniform lengths using kitchen shears. Cooking terms to know include: • Bake- To cook in the oven. • Blanch- To plunge food into boiling water for a few seconds (up to a minute or two) and then immediately place in cold water. This is used to loosen skin, brighten color and enhance flavor. • Braise- To cook in a small amount of liquid in order to concentrate flavor. • Broil- To cook close to a direct heat source. This will cook your meat quickly and give a nice brown exterior. • Grill- To cook above a heat source (gas, charcoal, wood) in the open air. • Pan-fry- To cook larger pieces of food in a small amount of hot fat, turning only once or twice. • Parboil- To cook partially in boiling water. • Poach- To cook in a shallow pan of water that is just below boiling. • Reduce- To cook liquids down so that some of the water evaporates. • Roast- To cook, uncovered, in an oven with the goal to produce a well-browned exterior and moister cooked interior. No liquid should contact item being roasted. • Sear- To cook quickly over a high heat so that juices are sealed inside. Can be done in very hot oven, under a broiler or in a skillet. Other terms that you need know: • Al dente- Usually used to describe how to cook pasta. It is when pasta is cooked for shorter period of time so it has a slight resistance when chewed. Fresh pasta can’t be cooked this way, as it is too soft to start with. • Beat- To blend quickly in order to add as much air as possible so that the end result is smooth. • Cream-To work a fat against the side of the bowl until smooth adding tiny air bubbles to the mix. Often, sugar is also included. • Drizzle- To pour a liquid over a food in a thin stream. • Fold- To incorporate a delicate substance, such as whipped cream or beaten egg whites, into another substance without releasing air bubbles. Cut down through mixture with spoon, whisk, or fork; go across bottom of bowl, up and over, close to surface. The process is repeated, while slowing rotating the bowl, until the ingredients are thoroughly blended. • Resting- To allow a roasted meat or turkey to sit for 20-30 after removing from the oven before slicing. Loosely cover item with foil to maintain heat. • Sift- To shake through a fine sieve to combine dry ingredients.

The Herbs and Spices Cheat Sheet Herbs Fresh herbs are all about the flavor they impart to a dish. But, sometimes dried is a more economical and convenient option. Since the drying process concentrates herb oils so you need less. The general rule is 1 teaspoon of dried to 1 tablespoon of fresh. Here are the most used herbs in cooking: Basil has an anise- and clove-like flavor and aroma. Think black licorice. This herb is most often associated with Mediterranean foods like pesto and tomato sauce. Sweet basil and tomatoes are a natural pairing, but basil can be used with just about anything. Parsley has a light peppery flavor that compliments other seasonings, making it one of most widely used herbs out there. It's one of those herbs that does best when added at the end of cooking which is why you see it used in sauces, salads and sprinkled over dishes for a flash of green and a fresh taste. Cilantro/Coriander is one of the world's most popular spices. It actual imparts a citrus and sage-like refreshing layer to many Latin and Asian dishes. Mint is commonly associated with sweet treats, but its cooling, peppery bite adds another layer of flavor to plenty of savory dishes. Fresh mint is perfect for summer salads, sauce and fragrant teas. Rosemary is a tough, woody herb with a pungent flavor best suited for the long cooking of soups, meats, stews or sauces. It has a subtle hint of lemon. This is one of those herbs where a little goes a long way so start sparingly at first and add more if needed. Thyme can be paired with nearly every meat, poultry, fish or vegetable. It’s slightly pungent, spicy, savory and clove-like and blends well with other herbs. Sage works well with pork, beans, potatoes or in the classic sage and brown butter sauce. The flavor is earthy, musty mint with a hint of lemon and can be overwhelming so less is more. Chives add a flavor similar to onion without the bite. Add these delicate herbs at the very end to maximize their color and flavor. Dill has a subtle flavor that works best foods with delicate flavors such as fish and seafood. The feathery leaves add a pleasant anise-like flavor with hints of celery and lemon. Oregano is earthy and intense with hints of clove and balsam. You will find it just about every tomato dish, which means most Mediterranean and Mexican dishes.

Spices Spices are any part of the plant that is not a leaf and are almost always dried. They tend to impart stronger, bolder flavors than herbs. Allspice has aromatic notes reminiscent of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. It’s used in marinades, stews, preserves, pies, barbecue sauce and baked goods. Cayenne Pepper is made from the small, very spicy red cayenne chili pepper and imparts a sweet heat to dishes. It’s often used in Indian cuisine and both Cajun and Southern dishes. Chili Powder is actually a blend of the following spices: chilies, oregano, coriander and cumin. It’s usually used inn Mexican and Southern cuisines. Cinnamon has a bittersweet, earthy flavor and is used in baked goods, coffees, curries, chilies and stews. Cumin adds a warm earthiness and smoky taste to stews, soups, curries and gravies. It’s found in most Indian and Mediterranean dishes. Curry powder is a popular Indian blend of up to 20 spices which include coriander, turmeric, cumin, and chili peppers. It is used in South Asian dishes. Ground Nutmeg has a slightly sweet flavor and is used in drinks like mulled cider and wine, savory dishes, soups, potato dishes and baked goods. Paprika is made from the air-dried fruits of chili peppers. It is used to season, with a hint of sweetness, and color meat, seafood, vegetables, rice dishes, stews and soups. Turmeric is often used more for its yellow color than its mild woody flavor.




Overnight Oats Overnight oats are an easy to prepare, inexpensive and filling “on-the-go” breakfast. Plus, you can make hundreds of different combinations so you’ll never get bored. Here are some guidelines: The Jar • At least 8-ounces • Good fitting cover The Base • Old-fashioned rolled oats • Chia seeds help to thicken The Liquid • 2% milk or any non-dairy alternative such as almond, soy, coconut. The Yogurt (if using) • Greek provides extra protein and tends to be thicker The Amounts • 1:1 ratio of oats and liquid • 1:1:1 ratio of oats, liquid and yogurt The Extras • Fruit, nuts, spices, extracts, nut butters, chocolate, etc. • Be creative

Basic Overnight Oats (1 serving) Research suggests that people who plan make healthier food choices, making overnight oats a perfect meal. The soaking of oats in milk or Greek yogurt creates a creamy, pudding-like jar of joy. Ingredients ½ cup old fashioned rolled oats ½ cup milk (2%, Almond, Soy) 1 tbsp. chia seeds 1 small banana, mashed Directions 1. Add the oats to an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in the milk. 2. Mix in the banana and chia seeds. 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Chocolate Almond Banana Overnight Oats (1 serving) If you have a blender, you can make your own almond butter in under 5 minutes. Just add 3 cups of dryroasted, unsalted almonds to a blender with a teaspoon of kosher salt and blend on the lowest speed for a minute. Increase speed and blend about 1 to 2 minutes more until a smooth paste forms. Scoop into an airtight plastic container and keep refrigerated. Ingredients ½ cup old fashioned oats ½ cup milk (2%, Almond, Soy) ¼ cup plain yogurt 1 tbsp. almond butter ½ banana, sliced 1 tbsp. mini chocolate chips 1 tsp. chia seeds 1 tbsp. honey Pinch sea salt Directions 1. Add the oats to an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in the milk. 2. Alternate layers of yogurt, almond butter and banana slices. 3. Top with chocolate chips, chia seeds and honey. 4. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats (1 serving) Chia seeds are known as “running fuel” to Aztec and Mayan culture because they are a nutrient-rich energy source that keeps you feeling satisfied and full of energy for a long time. Ingredients ½ cup old-fashioned rolled oats 1 tsp. chia seeds ½ cup 2% milk ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt 1 tsp. light brown sugar ¼ tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. vanilla extract ½ tbsp. chopped pecans Directions 1. Add the oats to an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in the milk. 2. Layer apples, yogurt, brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla on top; sprinkle with nuts 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Chocolate, Banana & PB Power Overnight Oats (1 serving) Peanut butter and peanuts give these overnight oats staying power. Protein, fiber and healthy fats help to curb carvings and keep blood sugar levels stable. Ingredients ½ cup old-fashioned oats ½ cup milk (2%, Almond, Soy) ½ cup plain Greek yogurt 1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder 2 tbsp. peanut butter 1 small banana, sliced or diced 1 tbsp. chopped peanuts Directions 1. Add the oats to an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in the milk. 2. Layer bananas, yogurt, cocoa powder, and peanut butter on top; sprinkle with peanuts. 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Banana Nut Overnight Oats (1 serving) Walnuts contain the highest concentration of antioxidants of any kind of nut, and studies have shown that eating them regularly may help reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease. Plus, they are also a great source of fiber and contain omega-3 fatty acids. Ingredients 1 ripe banana, sliced, divided ½ cup old-fashioned oats ½ cup 2% milk ½ cup Greek yogurt 2 tsp. honey ½ tsp. vanilla ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tbsp. chopped walnuts Directions 1. Place oats in the bottom of an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in milk. 2. Layer Greek yogurt, sliced bananas, honey, vanilla and cinnamon on top of oats; sprinkle with nuts. 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Overnight Oats (1 serving) Blueberries contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Ingredients ½ cup old-fashioned oats ½ cup 2% milk ½ cup frozen blueberries 2 tbsp. peanut butter 2 tbsp. jelly Directions 1. Place oats in the bottom of an 8-ounce mason jar; pour in milk. 2. Layer blueberries, peanut butter and jelly on top. 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

S’mores Overnight Oats (1 serving) These oats make a great snack or dessert. By using dark chocolate, you may improve brain function by increasing blood flow. And for a short-term boost, it contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine. Ingredients ½ cup old-fashioned oats ½ cup 2% milk 1 tbsp. dark mini chocolate chips 1 tbsp. marshmallows 1 graham cracker sheet Directions 1. Place oats in the bottom of 8-ounce mason jar; pour in the milk. 2. Layer mini chocolate chips, marshmallows and graham cracker. 3. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Smoothies We often feel more satisfied when we eat our food versus drink it, but smoothies can be a filling and nutritious option when you are a busy college student. Smoothie bowls are a thicker version that you eat with a spoon. Here are some smoothie tips: 1. Frozen fruits provide the best consistency. 2. Use foods like nut butters, avocado, cooked oats and Greek yogurt to add creaminess. 3. Really ripe bananas and dates can be used to add creaminess. 4. Put the liquids in first to get things going faster. 5. Start a lowest speed and turn it up about 1/3 of the way through. Once the fruit pieces have broken up, slowly add more speed.

Basic Smoothie Recipe (1 serving) The best part of a smoothie is that it can be different every time you make it. Try using a smoothie as way to try a new fruit or vegetable. Ingredients 1 cup fruit, cut up ½ cup 2% milk/fruit juice/non-dairy milk alternative ½ cup yogurt Ice *omit if using frozen fruit Directions 1. In a blender, place the liquid, fruit and yogurt. 2. Blend until smooth (add ice for desired consistency).

Banana Chocolate Almond Smoothie (1 serving) Bananas are filled with fiber, B vitamins and potassium which are all nutrients that promote sustained energy and muscle function. Ingredients 1 frozen banana, cut into chunks 1 cup chocolate almond milk 1 tbsp. almond butter Directions 1. In a blender, place the almond milk, banana chunks and almond butter. 2. Blend until smooth.

Chunky Monkey (1 serving) Cocoa contains the substance phenethylamine, which is a neurotransmitter, found in the brain that acts as a mood elevator and natural antidepressant. Ingredients 1 frozen banana, cut into chunks 1 cup 2% milk (or non-dairy milk) 2 tbsp. peanut butter 2 tbsp. cocoa powder Directions 1. In a blender, place the 2% milk, banana chunks, peanut butter and cocoa powder. 2. Blend until smooth.

Berry Bliss Smoothie (1 serving) Strawberries contain potassium, vitamin K and magnesium which are important for bone health. Ingredients ½ cup frozen blueberries ½ cup frozen strawberries 1 frozen banana, cut into chunks ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt ¼ cup orange juice Directions 1. In a blender, place the orange juice, berries, banana chunks and yogurt. 2. Blend until smooth.

Peach & Cream Smoothie (1 serving) Greek yogurt is thicker & creamier than regular yogurt because it's strained more, removing most of its whey. What results is a product that is higher in protein (feel full longer) & lower in carbs. Ingredients ½ cup old-fashioned oats ½ cup 2% milk ½ Greek yogurt ½ frozen peaches 1 frozen banana, cut into chunks 1 tsp. vanilla extract Directions 1. In a blender, place the milk, oats, yogurt, peaches, banana and vanilla. 2. Blend until smooth.

Breakfast Garden Vegetable Egg Bake (2 servings-2 squares each) Eggs set the standard for protein and can be eaten anytime of the day. Plus, eggs contain choline, a Bvitamin required for brain function and energy production. Ingredients 3 eggs 6 egg whites 1 small sweet potato, cubed ¾ cup 2% cottage cheese ¼ tsp. hot pepper sauce 1 medium zucchini, chopped ½ lb. fresh broccoli, chopped 1 small head cauliflower, chopped 1-cup cherry tomatoes, quartered Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°. 2. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, egg whites, cottage cheese and hot pepper sauce. 3. Stir in the vegetables and sweet potatoes. 4. Transfer to an 8-in. x 8-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. 5. Bake, uncovered, for 45-50 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. 6. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting into 4 squares.

Easy Pancakes (2 servings) Instead of flour, this recipe uses oats which contain a fiber called beta-glucan. This particular fiber boosts your T-cell’s ability to fight off infections. Plus, oats are natural gluten-free. Ingredients 1 banana ½ cup oats 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. oil Directions 1. Mix all ingredients except for oil in a blender until well mixed. 2. Heat oil in a pan over medium high heat. Pour batter into pan to make 8 small pancakes. 3. Cook each side for about a minute, or until the sides start to bubble and appear golden brown.

Hard Boiled Egg (1 serving) Hard boiled eggs are great option as a salad topper, sandwich filling or quick protein source for your breakfast. The reason why eggs got a bad rap awhile back was because they are a little high in cholesterol, and it was thought that high cholesterol foods would lead to high cholesterol in the body. We know this is not the case anymore so eggs are no longer taboo. Ingredients 2 large eggs Directions 1. Place eggs in saucepan large enough to hold them in single layer. 2. Add cold water to cover eggs by 1 inch. 3. Heat over high heat just to boiling. 4. Remove from burner and cover pan. 5. Let eggs stand in hot water about 12 minutes for large eggs. 6. Drain immediately and serve warm. Or cool completely under cold running water or in bowl of ice water, then refrigerate.

Avocado Black Bean Breakfast Sandwich (1 serving) The combination complex carbs, fiber, protein and monounsaturated fats will keep you energized and satisfied all morning long. Our brain and body need to be woken up in the morning since our bodies slow down while we are sleeping. Skipping breakfast might seem like a good idea, but it is like trying to drive car without any gas. Ingredients 1 English muffin 1 tsp. olive oil ½ cup baby spinach 1 large egg 2 tbsp. mashed black beans 2 tbsp. mashed avocado 1 slice pepper jack Salt & pepper to taste Directions 1. Toast the English muffin. 2. In a skillet on medium heat, sautÊ spinach with olive oil and salt & pepper if you wish. Cook greens until slightly wilted down; transfer to plate. 3. Cook egg on low-medium heat until egg white is fully cooked but yolk is soft. 4. On the muffin bottom, spread on black beans and top with spinach. On the muffin top, spread on mashed avocado. Place the cooked egg on top of black bean and spinach and top with sliced cheese. Place the avocado smeared muffin top on top to make your sandwich.

French Toast Wrap (1 serving) Don’t skip breakfast because of time. This “wrap” is protein packed, berry filled and hand-held. Ingredients Non-stick cooking spray 1 egg ¼ cup 2% milk ½ tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg 1 tsp. sugar 2 flour tortillas 2/3 cup strawberries, sliced 2/3 cup blueberries 1 banana, sliced 1 cup Greek vanilla yogurt ¼ cup granola Directions 1. In a shallow bowl, whisk the egg, milk, cinnamon and nutmeg. 2. Spray a large skillet with non-stick spray and heat over medium heat and spray with non-stick spray. 3. Dip both sides of a tortillas in egg mixture. Cook tortillas for 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown. 4. In a small bowl, combine the berries, banana, yogurt and granola. 5. Spoon yogurt mixture down the center of tortillas and roll up.

Baked Veggie Egg Muffins (3 servings) For a balanced breakfast or even lunch, sandwich 2 of these tasty cups between an English muffin. Egg muffins will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days (or can be frozen). To reheat egg muffins, simply microwave them for about 20 seconds. Ingredients 1 cup spinach, chopped 1 tomato, diced ¼ cup mushrooms, diced 6 eggs 2 tbsp. 2% milk Salt & pepper to taste 1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Divide spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, evenly between 6 muffin tins. 3. In a bowl whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper until well combined. 4. Fill each muffin tin about ¾ way full with egg mixture; sprinkle cheese on top. 5. Bake for 25-30 minutes until eggs are set and puff up in the tin. 6. Once the muffins are slightly cool, run a knife around the edges of each cup and remove.

Raspberry Muffins (12 muffins) Raspberries top the fruit list when it comes to fiber. Plus, they are a great source of vitamins C and Bcomplex, manganese, copper, magnesium and iron. Ingredients 1-cup whole-wheat flour 1-cup all-purpose flour ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ tsp. salt 3 tbsp. maple syrup ½ cup light brown sugar, loosely packed ¼ cup plain Greek yogurt 2 eggs 2/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1½-cup fresh raspberries Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325°. Place muffin liners in 12 muffin tins. 2. In a large bowl, gently toss the flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk maple syrup and brown sugar (try to get out as many lumps as possible). Add yogurt, and beaten eggs. 4. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Gently begin to fold it all together. It will be very thick. Add the milk slowly and continue to gently mix the ingredients together. Fold in the raspberries. 5. Divide the batter between 6 muffin tins. Bake for 15 minutes until very lightly browned on the edges. A toothpick inserted in the center should come out clean. Place on cooling rack; cool completely.




Soups Leek and Potato Soup (2 servings) Leeks, a member of the onion family, have a sweeter, more delicate flavor than an onion. It’s important to make sure clean them properly- cut off green tops of leeks and remove outer tough leaves then cut off root and cut leeks in half lengthwise. Fan out the leeks and rinse well under running water, leaving them intact. Ingredients 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 leeks, chopped ½ cup frozen chopped onions 4 potatoes, scrubbed and diced 2 ½ cups vegetable broth Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Heat oil in saucepan over medium heat; add leeks and onions and cook until softened (5-6 minutes). Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. 2. Add the potatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the stock and bring to a boil; reduce the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. 3. Season with salt and pepper.

Easy Chunky Tomato Soup (4 servings) By taking 2 different canned soups and canned tomatoes, you can create a hearty tomato soup. And, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C which supports the growth and repair of tissues in the body. Ingredients 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 can condensed cheddar cheese soup 1 can fire-roasted diced tomatoes, drained 2 cups spicy vegetable juice 1 tsp. basil Directions 1. Combine all the ingredients in a medium saucepan. 2. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until hot

Minestrone Soup (2 servings) Cannellini beans are also known as white beans. They are fiber filled, protein packed and potassium rich. Adding beans to this soup makes it a more filling meal option. Ingredients ½ cup pasta shells 10 baby carrots, cut in ½ 1 zucchini, chopped (bite-sized pieces) 1/3 cup frozen chopped onions 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 cup cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup seasoned diced tomatoes, drained 1 cup vegetable broth 1 tsp. Italian seasoning Salt and pepper to taste ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese Directions 1. Cook pasta per directions on the box; drain and set aside. 2. Combine carrots, zucchini and onions in a microwave-safe bowl and toss with olive oil; cover and microwave on high for 3-4 minutes. 3. Add pasta, beans, tomatoes, vegetable broth and seasonings to bowl with vegetables and combine; cover and microwave on high 8-10 minutes. 4. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

Chicken Noodle Soup (2 servings) When you are feeling sick, nothing hits the spot like chicken soup. You can easily make your own in under 30 minutes. Using baby carrots and frozen diced onions, saves you the hassle of having to peel and chop. Ingredients 3 tbsp. olive oil 10 baby carrots, cut in ½ 3 celery stalks, chopped ½ cup frozen diced onions 4 cups chicken broth ¼ tsp. dried marjoram ¼ tsp. dried parsley 1 bay leaf 1 cooked chicken breast, shredded 4 ounces wide egg noodles, broken in ½ Directions 1. In a large pot, heat the oil over a medium heat; add the carrot, celery and onion. Sauté approximately 8 minutes or until carrots are slightly tender. 2. Add the chicken, broth and seasonings; bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. 3. Add the noodles and simmer for an additional 5 minutes.

Salads A salad can be a meal when you know how to build it to perfection. You need a good base, protein source, lots of colorful vegetables, a yummy dressing and of course, croutons. Base Mix a couple of greens to add different flavors and textures. Salad greens should be vibrant and crisp–avoid signs of wilting, yellowing or brown spots. Butter Lettuce Romaine Leaf Lettuce Escarole Radicchio Kale Spinach Arugula Protein Sources It’s important to make sure that your salad has protein so that it is filling and provides lasting energy. Cooked Chicken Chickpeas Black Beans Sliced Deli Meats Cheese Hard Boiled Eggs Canned Tuna in Water Shrimp Nuts and Seeds Veggies & Fruits Veggies and fruits add color, texture, flavor and an abundance of vitamins & minerals. Tomatoes Broccoli Cauliflower Cucumbers Carrots Mushrooms Onions Radishes Bell Peppers Avocado Olives Apples Blueberries Strawberries Oranges

Dressings A dry salad is a boring salad. Dressing should enhance the flavors of your salad, not hide them. Vegan Lemon Vinaigrette (1 ½ cups) Traditional Dijon mustard is made with verjuice—an acidic juice made from unripe grapes. Using a less acidic liquid gives Dijon mustard a robust profile, intensified heat and a more pungent flavor. Today, most Dijon mustards are made with white wine and utilize the hotter brown and/or black mustard seeds. Ingredients 3 clove garlic (minced) 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1/3 cup olive oil ¾ cup lemon juice 1 ½ tablespoon basil (finely chopped) 1/3 bunch parsley (finely chopped) Optional: dash of salt and pepper, to taste Directions 1. In a 16oz. jar, combine the minced garlic, Dijon mustard, olive oil and lemon juice. 2. Place the cover on the jar and shake until all the ingredients fully incorporated and the olive oil won't separate. 3. Add the finely chopped fresh basil, fresh parsley and salt & pepper; cover and shake again.

Balsamic Vinaigrette (1 ½ cups) Balsamic vinegar boosts the activity of pepsin, an enzyme that breaks protein down into smaller amino acids that can be more easily absorbed by the body. Ingredients ½ cup olive oil ¼ cup balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 tbsp. maple syrup ¼ tsp. garlic powder ¼ tsp. salt Black pepper to taste Directions 1. Add everything to a 16oz. jar, screw on the lid and shake like crazy until mixed well.

Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower (2 servings) Roasting vegetables with a little oil olive causes them to caramelize and enhances their sweetness. Ingredients 1 cup broccoli florets 1 cup cauliflower florets 1 tbsp. olive oil ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees. 2. Toss broccoli and cauliflower with oil. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Roast until browned and tender, approximately 25 minutes, tossing veggies halfway through. 4. Remove the pan from the oven, toss veggies with Parmesan, and return to oven for another 5 minutes

Apple Quinoa Salad (2 servings) Apples are great source of fiber and help to regulate your blood sugar. In addition, they contain Quercetin, which helps to reduce muscle inflammation and soreness. Ingredients 1/3 cup apple juice 1/3 cup water 1/3 cup quinoa, rinsed ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 1 medium red apple, diced 1/3 cup celery, sliced ¼ cup dried cranberries 2 tsp. fresh mint, chopped 1 tsp. olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper ½ lemon Directions 1. Place juice, water, quinoa and cinnamon in medium saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cover. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Cool slightly; transfer to large serving bowl and cover. Refrigerate for 1 hour. 2. Add apples, celery, cherries, mint, oil, salt and pepper to quinoa. Squeeze lemon juice over salad; toss to coat.

Avocado and Black Bean Salad (2 servings) How you prepare your avocado is key. To do it properly you should follow these steps: 1. cut in half lengthwise and strike pit with chef’s knife. Twist blade to remove pit 2. use wooden spoon to knock pit off blade 3. secure avocado half with dish towel and use paring knife to make ½-inch crosshatch slices into flesh without cutting into skin 4. insert spoon between skin and flesh to separate them. Gently scoop out avocado cubes. The dark green fruit closest to the skin is the most nutritious. Ingredients 1 avocado, peeled, pitted and diced 1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in ½ ¼ cup sweet onion chopped 1/3 cup black beans drained and rinsed 2 tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro 1 tbsp. olive oil ½ lime 1 tsp. garlic, minced Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil, lime juice, garlic and salt & pepper to taste. 2. In a medium bowl, combine avocados, tomatoes, onion, black beans, cilantro and dressing. Gently toss until everything is coated.

Baked Sweet Potato Fries (1 serving) If you want crispy fries, coat the potato with cornstarch, which absorb some of the moisture. Also, you want to roast the “fries” at a higher temperature for a crisp outside and tender inside. Ingredients 1 sweet potato, washed and peeled 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. cornstarch 1/8 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper 1/8 tsp. garlic power 1/8 tsp. paprika Directions 1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees 2. Cut into ¼ -inch thick wedges. 3. Place the wedges in a large zip-top plastic bag, add the cornstarch, salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika. Shake to combine. 4. Add the oil to the bag and toss vigorously to coat. 5. Spread fries out on the baking sheet. 6. Roast for 30 minutes, turning after 15 minutes.

Oven Roasted Vegetables (2 servings) Baby carrots are actually full-sized carrots that are grown to be cut and shaped into 2-inch pieces. Originally, they came about when a farmer was told his carrots were too ugly to be sold. He used a bean cutter to make them more presentable. Ingredients ½ bag baby carrots 1 zucchini, chopped ½ bag broccoli florets 1 yellow pepper, sliced 1 tsp. dried thyme 3 tbsp. olive oil Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 ºF. 2. In a bowl, mix the vegetables, olive oil and dried thyme. 3. Place the vegetables on a cooking sheet 4. Bake for about 25 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked.

Buffalo Cauliflower with Blue Cheese Sauce (4 servings) Cauliflower will never be a chicken wing, but this is a great way to add some heat your vegetables. Using Greek yogurt in the sauce, adds protein and some coolness to this side dish. Ingredients 1 large head of cauliflower, cut into florets ½ cup flour ½ cup water 1 teaspoon garlic powder Salt & pepper ¼ cup buffalo sauce Blue Cheese Sauce ¾ cup Greek yogurt ½ cup blue cheese crumbles 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon salt Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. 2. In a large bowl whisk together flour, water, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Add cauliflower florets and toss to coat. Spread evenly onto large baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, flipping once. 3. Remove from the oven and coat with the buffalo sauce. 4. Place back in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until crispy, flipping once. 5. Prepare the blue cheese sauce by mixing all the ingredients together.



The Perfect Grilled Cheese (1 sandwich) If you use bread that it is slightly stale, you will get better browning. American cheese has added (safe) additives that allow it to melt without breaking. Ingredients 2 slices white bread 2 slices American cheese Butter Directions 1. Heat medium-sized skillet to a medium hot temperature. 2. Butter one side of each slice of bread. 3. Place one slice of bread in the pan, buttered side down, and top with cheese slices; cover with the remaining slice of bread, buttered side up. 4. Turn the heat down a notch and cook until golden brown, about 2-4 minutes; flip and cook until golden brown on the other side, about 2-4 minutes.

Toaster Grilled Cheese (1 sandwich) Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium. Since mozzarella can be made with skim milk, you can get a naturally lower fat version. Plus, it’s great for this grilled cheese because it melts so well. Ingredients 1 large pita pocket, split in 2 2 slices part-skim mozzarella cheese Directions 1. In ½ pita pocket, place 2 slices of cheese. 2. Put in toaster slot and toast until cheese is melted. 3. Repeat with other ½.

Spinach Artichoke Grilled Cheese (1 sandwich) Artichokes are actually a flower and are high in phenolic compounds which give them their antioxidant power. They are the perfect addition to dips because it has a mildly sweet and tangy taste. Ingredients 2 slices sourdough bread 2 tbsp. store bought spinach artichoke dip 2 slices Swiss cheese Butter Directions 1. Heat a medium-sized skillet to a medium hot temperature. 2. Butter one side of each piece of bread; place one slice, buttered side down, in the pan. 3. Place a slice of cheese on the bread and top with the spinach artichoke dip; spread to cover the bread and cheese. Top with the second slice of cheese and place the other slices of bread, butter side up, on top. 4. Turn the heat down a notch and cook until golden brown, about 2-4 minutes; flip and cook until golden brown on the other side, about 2-4 minutes.

Avocado Grilled Cheese (1 sandwich) An avocado contains more potassium than a banana and adds a creamy, fatty texture to any sandwich. Ingredients 2 slices 100% whole grain bread Ÿ avocado, peeled and sliced 2 slices Monterey jack cheese Juice from ½ lime Butter Directions 1. Heat a medium-sized skillet to a medium hot temperature. 2. Mix the avocado and lime juice. 3. Butter one side of each piece of bread; place one slice, buttered side down, in the pan 4. Place 1 slice of cheese on the bread and top with avocado slices. Top with the second slice of cheese and place the other slices of bread, butter side up, on top. 5. Turn the heat down a notch and cook until golden brown, about 2-4 minutes; flip and cook until golden brown on the other side, about 2-4 minutes.

Bacon Waffle Grilled Cheese Sandwich (1 sandwich) Toaster waffles make great “bread” for a grilled cheese sandwich. And if you use precooked bacon, this sandwich is a snap to make. Ingredients 2 toaster waffles, thaw 2 slices cheddar cheese 2 slices crispy bacon Butter Directions 1. Preheat a medium-sized skillet to medium heat. 2. Butter one side of each waffle; place one waffle, buttered side down, in a medium skillet. 3. Place slice of cheese on waffle and top with bacon and second slice of cheese. Place the other waffle, buttered side up, on top. 4. Cook for about 2 minutes or until golden on the bottom. Flip and cook for another 2 minutes or until golden on both sides. Cinnamon Raisin & Apple Peanut Butter Sandwich (1 serving) Having trouble sleeping? Iron deficiency anemia can be a cause for your insomnia trouble. Raisins contain a considerable amount of iron, which directly helps in the treatment of anemia. They also contain many B vitamins and a high amount of copper that are essential for the formation of new blood. Ingredients 2 slices cinnamon raisin swirl bread ½ apple, sliced 2 tbsp. peanut butter Directions 1. Spread the ½ the peanut butter on each slice of bread. 2. Place the apple slices on the bottom slice and top with the remaining slice.

Roasted Vegetable & Black Bean Mash Wrap (2 servings) You don’t need any fancy equipment to mash your beans, you just need a good old-fashioned fork. With your fork, smash them against the sides of the bowl. Ingredients 1 zucchini, cubed 1 yellow squash, cubed 10 baby carrots 1 red pepper, cored and cut into strips 10 cherry tomatoes Olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 tsp. garlic, minced 2 flour tortillas Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and line a baking sheet with non-stick aluminum foil. 2. Toss the vegetables with olive oil and season with salt and pepper; roast until tender, approximately 15 minutes. 3. Mash the beans and mix with the garlic. 4. Spread black bean mash on the tortillas; add the roasted vegetables. Fold the tortilla to create a wrap.

Mediterranean Wrap (1 serving) Feta cheese is made from sheep or goat milk which makes it easier to digest and less inflammatory than cow’s milk cheese. It’s tangy and slightly salty so a little goes a long way. Ingredients 1 large tortilla 2 tablespoons garlic flavored hummus ¼ cup roasted red pepper strips 4 slices roast turkey breast ¼ cup baby spinach ¼ cup crumbled Feta cheese or 2 slices Feta cheese Directions 1. Spoon hummus evenly over tortilla to within ½ inch of edge. Place peppers evenly over hummus. Layer on turkey slices. Layer on spinach leaves and top with Feta. 2. Fold in sides and then roll to form wrap. Cut diagonally in half. Serve immediately or wrap tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

PB & Banana Sandwich (1 serving) Make sure that your whole wheat bread states 100% whole wheat or you probably are just eating white bread that has been colored brown. Ingredients 2 slices whole wheat bread 1 small banana, sliced 2 tbsp. peanut butter Directions 1. Spread the ½ the peanut butter on each slice of bread. 2. Place the banana slices on the bottom slice and top with the remaining slice.

Chicken & Cashews Lettuce Wraps (2 Servings-2 wraps each) Cashews are a great source of iron (they contain more than twice the iron in beef, ounce for ounce.) Plus, they're also a good source of magnesium, calcium, vitamin B, zinc, folic acid and vitamin E. Ingredients ½ tbsp. low sodium soy sauce 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar 1 tbsp. honey 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 2 chicken breasts (boneless and skinless), cut into small cubes 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 2 tsp. fresh ginger, grated 2 scallions, sliced ½ cup chopped celery ¼ cup dry roasted unsalted cashews 1 small head Bibb lettuce, leaves separated Directions 1. Combine the soy sauce, vinegar and honey in a small bowl. Set aside. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken with black pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until it begins to brown, about 2 minutes; lower heat to medium and stir in the garlic and ginger. Add the scallions and cook for 1 minute. 2. Stir in the celery and half the soy sauce mixture. Continue cooking until the chicken is cooked through, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and sprinkle with the peanuts. 3. Divide the chicken mixture among 4 lettuce leaves and drizzle with remaining soy sauce mixture.

Main Meals

Chicken & Roasted Tomato Salad (2 servings) With kale you hit the nutrition jackpot, but it’s important to make sure you clean it properly before using it. You should place it a bowl of water, swish it around and then rinse to make sure all of the dirt has been removed. Ingredients 1 pint of cherry or grape tomatoes 1 red onion, thinly sliced 1 tbsp. olive oil ½ tsp. black pepper 8 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 bunch kale, thick stems removed (about 4 cups) 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice Directions 1. Heat oven to 450° F. 2. Cut the tomatoes in half. 3. On a baking sheet with sides, place the tomatoes skin side down and add the onions. Drizzle with olive oil and ¼ tsp. pepper. 4. Roast for 20 minutes, shaking the pan after the first ten minutes to prevent sticking. 5. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. 6. Season the chicken with ¼ tsp. pepper and cook until browned and cooked through, 5 to 6 minutes per side. Cut into cubes. 7. In a large bowl, toss the warm tomato mixture with the chicken, kale and lime juice.

Loaded Nachos (2 servings) One cup of corn contains about 4.5 grams of fiber which helps to fill you up, keep your blood sugar level more consistent and maintain a healthy digestive system. Ingredients ½ bag corn or multigrain tortilla chips 15 oz. black beans, rinsed 1 cup fiesta corn, drained ½ cup salsa ¼ cup roasted red peppers, drained and chopped ½ cup cilantro, chopped 1 cup Mexican cheese, shredded Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350. 2. Line a baking sheet with non-stick foil. Place the chips on the foil in a single layer. 3. Top with black beans, corn, salsa, red peppers and cilantro. Sprinkle with cheese. 4. Bake for 5-8 minutes or until cheese is completely melted.

Stuffed Sweet Potato (2 servings) Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting, but their natural sugars are slowly released into your bloodstream. This means you’ll have more lasting energy without sugar spikes and drops. Ingredients 2 sweet potatoes 1 cup black beans, drained and rinsed 1 tomato, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 2 tbsp. onion, minced ½ lime, juiced 2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped Directions 1. Cook sweet potato in microwave for 5-10 minutes, until soft (tip: puncture sweet potato with a fork a few times and cover with a moist paper towel to help it cook quicker). 2. Chop tomato, onion, cilantro and garlic; mix together to make a salsa. 3. Cut sweet potato in half; gently mash the two halves with a fork. 4. Pour black beans into the potato; top with the salsa mix 5. Finish off with lime juice.

Spinach Pesto Chicken Packets (2 servings) Pesto is traditionally made with basil, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil and Parmesan, but our version uses walnuts and adds spinach for a twist. You’ll have extra which can be mixed with pasta or used as a sandwich spread. Ingredients Spinach Pesto: 2 cups fresh basil, packed 2 cups baby spinach, packed ¼ cup walnuts, chopped 1 lemon cut in ½ Garlic clove 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil Chicken Packets: 4 tbsp. Spinach Basil pesto 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 Roma tomatoes, sliced Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 and prepare Spinach Pesto; place the basil, spinach, walnuts, juice from lemon and garlic in food processor and pulse until chopped. Slowly add the oil while processing and process until smooth. *Note-it will be thick. 2. Place 1 sheet of foil on baking pan and lay 2 breasts on foil; top each breast with 2 tbsp. of pesto and tomato slices; place other piece of foil on top and roll sides over to make a sealed packet. 3. Bake for 25-30 minutes. 4. Remove chicken packets from the oven and cut along the top to open.

Burrito Bowls (2 servings) Quinoa is great alternative to rice. It’s higher in fiber and is a plant-based complete protein, meaning it has all the essential amino acids. Plus, with this recipe, you can use the dressing and corn salsa in other recipes. Ingredients For the cilantro honey lime dressing: 2 tbsp. fresh cilantro 1/8 tsp. garlic powder 2 tbsp. honey 1 lime, juiced 2 tbsp. olive oil Fine sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste For the corn salsa: 1 cup Mexican corn, drained and rinsed ½ medium avocado, diced 1 tbsp. finely chopped cilantro ½ lime, juiced ½ tbsp. honey For the burrito bowls: Non-stick cooking spray ½ cup quinoa 2 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped ¼ tsp. chili powder ¼ tsp. ground cumin 1 tbsp. olive oil Fine sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste 1/8 tsp. garlic powder 1 cup black beans, drained and rinsed Directions For the cilantro honey lime dressing: 1. In a blender, combine cilantro, garlic powder, honey, lime juice and olive oil. 2. Blend until smooth. Season with fine sea salt and ground black pepper. For the corn salsa: 1. In a large bowl, stir together corn, avocado, cilantro, lime juice and honey. Season with salt and pepper. Refrigerate until ready to use. For the burrito bowls: 2. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Lightly spray a rimmed baking pan. 3. Cook quinoa according to package directions. Set aside and keep warm. 4. In a large bowl, toss together sweet potatoes, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Spread onto prepared baking pan in a single layer and roast in the oven 10 minutes or until tender. 5. Place the quinoa, sweet potatoes, black beans and corn salsa into a bowl; drizzle with cilantro honey lime dressing.

Pizza Chicken (1 serving) Canned tomatoes are a pantry staple that can turn any protein into a meal. Ingredients 1 chicken breast, skinned 1/4th can finely diced tomatoes 1 slice part-skim mozzarella cheese Italian seasoning Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 2. Place chicken breast on baking sheet and cover with diced tomatoes. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning. 3. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until no longer pink inside. 4. Top with cheese and place back in the oven until cheese is melted.

Spinach & Black Bean Quesadillas (2 quesadillas) Spinach is high in non-heme iron, which is not absorbable by the body. By adding the tomatoes (acid), you release the iron so your body can use it. Ingredients ½ cup canned black beans, rinsed 1 cup packed spinach leaves, rinsed and chopped 2 (8 inch) flour tortillas ½ cup finely shredded cheddar cheese 1 small tomato, chopped Directions 1. In a large skillet, place one tortilla. 2. On 1 half, place ½ of the spinach, black beans, tomatoes and cheese. Fold tortilla in half and press down with back of the spatula. 3. Cook over medium heat, flipping after 2 minutes. Cook until golden brown and cheese is melted. 4. Transfer onto a plate and cut into 2 wedges. 5. Repeat with other tortilla and filling ingredients.

Oven Hobo Stew (2 servings) Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6. This is necessary for the breakdown of glycogen, the form in which sugar is stored in our muscle cells and liver, so this vitamin is a key player in athletic performance and endurance. Ingredients ½ pound ground beef 1 potato, scrubbed & sliced 2 carrots, sliced 1 onion, sliced Salt & pepper Cooking spray Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 375. Spray (2) 12”x18” pieces of aluminum foil with cooking spray. Place ½ the sliced potatoes, carrots and onions in the middle of the foil. 2. Form ground beef into 2 patties. Place on top of the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Place a second piece of foil on top and seal to make a packet. Place on a baking sheet. 4. Bake 35-45 minutes or until potatoes and carrots are tender.

Vegetarian “Fajitas” (2 servings (2 fajitas/serving)) Black Beans are high in protein and fiber and have an assortment of critically important nutrients. These help you with your "long term hunger"- when you get enough nutrients over time, you'll feel less hungry. Ingredients 1 medium red pepper, cored and sliced 1 medium yellow pepper, cored and sliced 1½ cups baby spinach, chopped 1 small onion, diced 2 Roma tomatoes, diced 1 cup black beans, drained and rinsed (from 15 oz. can) ¼ cup 2% shredded sharp cheddar cheese ½ tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. smoked paprika ½ tsp. cumin, ground 2 limes, cut in ½ to use for juice 4 Multi-Grain Flat Outs with Flax or 4 (8-in) whole-wheat flour tortilla Directions 1. In a medium sized bowl, squeeze the limes to get as much juice as possible. Mix in the paprika and cumin. Add the peppers, onions, tomatoes and beans and mix well. 2. Heat the oil in a sauté pan, add the vegetables and beans and cook for 7-10 minutes until peppers are soft. Stir 2-3 times during the cooking. 3. Place ¼th of the spinach on ½ of each Flat Out/tortilla, top with ¼ vegetable-bean mixture and 2 tbsp. shredded cheese. Fold over or roll.

Mediterranean Nachos (2 servings) This recipe uses store-bought tzatziki, tangy yogurt-based sauce flavored with cucumber, garlic, and fresh herbs, but you can easily make your own. Mix Greek yogurt with shredded cucumbers, some minced garlic, fresh mint and dill and a squirt of lemon juice. Ingredients 2 whole wheat pita rounds, cut into triangles Olive oil 1 small cucumber, diced 1 medium tomatoes, diced ½ cup chick-peas, drained and rinsed ½ lemon ¼ cup hummus ¼ cup tzatziki 2 Kalamata olives, chopped ¼ feta cheese, crumbled Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 2. Lay cut pita triangles on sheet pan in a single layer 3. Drizzle lightly with olive oil and bake for 6-8 minutes, until crispy 4. Layer baked pita chips on platter 5. Top with hummus, tzatziki, cucumber, tomato and chick-peas. 6. Squeeze lemon over the nachos. 7. Sprinkle chopped olives and feta over the top

Black Bean Burgers (4 servings) Black beans are one of the richest sources of antioxidants and one of the healthiest beans. Their dark color indicates a strong antioxidant content and they have less starch than some other beans. Ingredients 1 15-oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained ¼ cup flour 2 tbsp. yellow cornmeal ¼ cup salsa 1 tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. garlic salt Directions 1. Place beans in a bowl and mash. Add flour, cornmeal, salsa, cumin and garlic salt; mix until well combined. 2. Form into 4 burgers (½-inch thick), place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap/wax paper. Refrigerate at least 1 hour. 3. Heat a pan over medium heat. Place the patties in the pan and then cook until browned and heated through (about 4 to 5 minutes per side).

Vegetarian Curry (2 servings) Brussels sprouts are high in vitamin C, which is important for immune health, iron absorption, collagen production and the growth and repair of tissues. Ingredients 1 medium sized sweet potato, scrubbed and diced 1 small head cauliflower, cut into florets ½ small sweet onion, diced 8 Brussels sprouts, cut in ½ 1 (14.5 oz.) can no salt added diced tomatoes, drained 1 (15 ounce) can chickpeas, rinsed and drained ½ small sweet onion, diced 1 garlic clove, chopped 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil ¾ cup low sodium vegetable broth 2 tsp. curry powder ½ cup plain Greek yogurt Directions 1. Heat oil in skillet over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and onions and cook for about a minute. Add the sweet potatoes; sauté for 3 minutes. 2. Decrease the heat to medium and add cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and curry powder; cook for 1-2 minutes while stirring constantly. 3. Add the broth, tomatoes and chickpeas; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes or until vegetables are tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. 4. Serve with Greek yogurt.

Easy Ground Beef Burrito (2 servings) You can put a quick and tasty meal together with pantry staples such as microwavable rice, canned beans and tomatoes. And, this one pan meal provides you with all your food groups in every bite. Ingredients 1 tbsp. olive oil ½ lb. lean ground beef ½ 1.5-ounce package burrito seasoning ¾ cup water ½ package microwave brown rice pouch ½ can black beans, drained and rinsed ½ can Mexican corn, drained 4 burrito-sized flour tortillas ½ can petite diced tomatoes 1 cup shredded Mexican cheese Directions 1. Brown ground beef in oil. Mix the burrito seasoning and water; add to ground beef and stir well. 2. Prepare brown rice according to package directions 3. Add brown rice, black beans and corn to beef mixture and mix thoroughly. 4. Warm tortillas in oven for 2 minutes. Evenly portion burrito filling into tortillas. 5. Top with tomatoes and shredded cheese. 6. Fold sides of tortilla and roll.

Spinach Tomato Pizza (4 servings) Since this crust doesn’t use yeast, you don’t have to let it rise. To prevent the cheese from stick to your pan, place parchment paper on the baking sheet and coat with cooking spray. Ingredients Cooking spray 1 cup all-purpose or white whole wheat flour 1 ½ tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. kosher salt 1 cup Greek yogurt, drained handful baby spinach 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 16 cherry tomatoes, sliced salt and pepper Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 450F. Spray a large baking sheet cooking spray. 2. In a medium bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt; whisk well. 3. Add the yogurt and mix with a fork until well combined (small crumbles). 4. Lightly dust flour on a work surface and remove dough from the bowl, knead the dough a few times until dough is tacky, but not sticky, about 20 turns (it should not leave dough on your hand when you pull away); divide into 4 balls. 5. Sprinkle a work surface and rolling pin with a little flour; roll the dough out into thin ovals. 6. Place on the baking sheet; top with spinach, tomato halves and mozzarella. 7. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, until the crust is golden. Season with salt and pepper.


Eggs in a Mug (1 serving) The yolk contains over 40% of the protein in a whole egg – and more than 90% of the calcium, iron, and B vitamins. It also contains all of the egg’s fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). Ingredients 2 eggs Cooking Spray Salt and pepper Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Crack two eggs into the mug and add salt and pepper; scramble with a fork. 3. Microwave for 45 seconds and flip the partially cooked egg with a fork; microwave for another 45 seconds. 4. Fluff with a fork before serving.

Spinach, Tomato & Cheese Frittata (1 serving) Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C which supports growth and repair of tissues in the body, including skin. Research shows this might help with acne. Ingredients 2 eggs 4 spinach leaves, chopped 1 cherry tomato, chopped 1 tbsp. shredded mozzarella cheese Cooking spray Salt and pepper Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Crack two eggs into the mug and add salt and pepper; scramble with a fork. Add chopped spinach leaves, chopped tomatoes and cheese. 3. Microwave for 75 seconds.

Mexican Eggs (1 serving) If you are suffering with nasal congestion or a sinus headache, spicy salsa might be help. Spicy foods tend to act as natural decongestants. Ingredients 1 egg 1 tbsp. 2% milk 1 tbsp. shredded sharp cheddar cheese 3 tortilla chips 1 tbsp. salsa Salt and pepper Cooking spray Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Beat egg and milk with a fork in the mug; season with salt and pepper. 3. Add cheddar; stir to coat. 4. Break tortilla chips in small pieces to fit in the cup; stir into the mixture. 5. Add salsa. 6. Microwave for 75 seconds.

Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin (1 serving) This is a quick breakfast option. Top it with some Greek yogurt for your morning dose of protein. Ingredients Âź cup quick oats 1 egg Âź cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) Pinch of brown sugar Directions 1. Coat a large, microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Mix the oats, egg, berries and brown sugar. 3. Microwave on high for 1 minute; check for doneness. Continue to cook in 30 seconds increments until muffin looks firm.

Macaroni & Cheese in a Mug (1 serving) The calcium in cheddar cheese helps maintain strong bones and teeth, may relieve PMS symptoms, and can help maintain healthy blood pressure. Ingredients ½ cup elbow macaroni noodles ½ cup 2 % milk ½ cup finely shredded cheddar cheese Cooking spray Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe oversized mug with cooking spray; add milk and noodles. Place the mug on a large plate (this is to catch the overflow of milk that occurs when cooking). 2. Microwave for 1 minute, then stir, making sure noodles do not stick to the bottom. Microwave for an additional minute and stir again. Noodles should be almost cooked at this point and most of the liquid should be gone. If not microwave for 30 seconds more. 3. Immediately add in cheese and stir until it completely coats the noodles. If you're using very finely shredded cheese, it should completely melt. If you are using thicker shredded cheese, you may need to microwave for an additional 20 seconds and stir again before it's uniform.

Burrito in a Mug (1 serving) Brown rice is white rice in its natural state. It’s easier to digest and are digest more slowly, keeping your blood sugar and energy levels stable and helping you feel satiated longer. Ingredients 1 cup brown rice, cooked ½ cup canned black beans, rinsed 1 tbsp. shredded cheddar cheese 2 tbsp. salsa 2-3 corn tortilla chips, crushed ¼ cup avocado, diced Directions 1. Coat a large, microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Combine rice, black beans and shredded cheese in the mug. 3. Microwave on high for 30 to 60 seconds, or until heated through. 4. Top with diced avocado, salsa and crushed tortilla chips.

Meatloaf in a Mug (1 serving) The oats not only act as a binder, but also add fiber, which helps with blood sugar control, your cholesterol levels and even keeping your skin healthy. Ingredients 2 tbsp. 2% milk 1 tbsp. ketchup 2 tbsp. quick-cooking oats 1 tsp. minced dried onions ¼ pound lean ground beef Cooking spray Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine the milk, ketchup, oats and onions; crumble beef over mixture and mix well. 2. Coat an oversized, microwave-safe mug with cooking spray and place the meatloaf mixture into the mug. 3. Cover and microwave on high for 3 minutes or until meat is no longer pink 4. Let stand for 3 minutes. Serve with additional ketchup if desired.

Pizza in a Mug (1 serving) Pizza is the ultimate food. You get all of your food groups in each bite. Ingredients 4 tbsp. all-purpose flour ⅛ tsp. baking powder 1/16 tsp. baking soda ⅛ tsp. salt 3 tbsp. 2% milk 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 ½ tbsp. finely diced tomatoes 1 ½ tbsp. shredded mozzarella cheese ½ tsp. dried oregano Directions 1. Coat a large, microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in the mug; add the milk and oil and mix. 3. Add the diced tomatoes and spread it around the surface of the batter 4. Sprinkle on the cheese and oregano 5. Microwave for 1 minute 10-20 seconds, or until it rises up and the topping are bubbling.

Peanut butter Rice Krispies Treat in a Mug (1 serving) Peanut butter is a good source of magnesium which is excellent for bone building and muscle recovery. Ingredients 1 ½ tsp. tablespoon butter 5 large marshmallows 1 cup Rice Krispies 2 teaspoons peanut butter Directions 1. Coat a large, microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Place butter and marshmallows in the mug. Microwave on high for 30 seconds. 3. Remove from the microwave and stir until the marshmallow are completely melted and combined with the butter. 4. Stir in peanut butter just until combined and quickly stir cereal. 5. Press into the bottom of the mug and allow to cool before eating.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Mug Cake (1 serving) Who doesn’t love cookie dough? Some research has shown that chocolate can improve the flow of blood to the vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the heart and brain. Ingredients 1/3 cup flour 1/8 cup brown sugar 3 tablespoons mini semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 tablespoon butter, room temperature 1 egg, lightly beaten Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray; add the egg and beat. 2. Add the brown sugar, flour and softened butter; mix. 3. Mix in the chocolate chips. 4. Microwave on high for 2 minutes, or until the center has set.

Brownie in a Mug (1 serving) Brown sugar is simply white sugar mixed with molasses which allows it to hold its shape like wet sand and add some additional flavor and texture. Ingredients 3 tbsp. all-purpose flour 3 tbsp. brown sugar 3 tbsp. cocoa powder 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 3 tbsp. 2% milk or water ½ tsp. vanilla extract Pinch of salt (tiny) 2 tsp. semi-sweet mini chocolate chips Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. Using a small whisk or fork, combine all the ingredients in the mug. 3. Microwave on high for about 2 minutes. 4. Let cool completely before serving.

“Funfetti” Cake in a Mug (1 serving) The more protein a flour has, the greater its ability to form gluten, which is what gives baked goods structure. All-purpose flour is typically made from hard red winter wheat, which contains 10 to 13 percent protein, though many manufacturers mix in soft wheat, with a protein count of 8 to 10 percent, in order to meet protein specifications. Ingredients ¼ cup all-purpose flour 2 tbsp. granulated sugar Pinch of salt (tiny) ½ tsp. baking powder ¼ cup 2% milk ½ tsp. vanilla extract 1 ½ tbsp. vegetable oil 2 teaspoons sprinkles Directions 1. Coat a microwave-safe mug with cooking spray. 2. In the mug, whisk together the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. 3. Make a small well and add the milk, vanilla and oil. Mix just until combined. Stir in the sprinkles. 4. Microwave for 90 seconds at 70-80% power (adjusting as needed depending on the heat/power of your microwave).


Snacks and Sweet Treats Tropical Trail Mix (6 servings) Almonds are rich in vitamin E which can help prevent cognitive decline. Ingredients ½ cup toasted coconut almonds ½ cup cashews ½ cup banana chips ½ cup dried pineapple chunks, diced ½ cup dried papaya, diced Directions 1. In a medium bowl, mix all the ingredients. 2. Scoop into 6 snack sized baggies.

Breakfast Mix On-The-Go (1 serving) Dried cranberries are a lower sugar dried fruit so a great choice to add some texture and just a little bit of sweet. Ingredients ½ cup Honey Nut Cheerios ½ cup Wheat Chex ¼ cup almonds ¼ cup walnuts ¼ cup dried cranberries Directions 1. In a small baggie, mix all the ingredients.

Movie Munch (4 servings) Since popcorn is 100% whole grain, it’s a great source of fiber. Plus, it has B vitamins and minerals such as manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorous. Ingredients 4 cups popcorn, popped 1 cup M & M’s 1-cup peanuts 1-cup chocolate dusted almonds Directions 1. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients. 2. Portion into 4 servings.




Granola and Yogurt Sundae (1 serving) Need something quick? Add granola to not only give some crunchy texture but also extra nutrients. Granola’s ingredients include oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruit, which provide protein, iron, heart healthy fats and fiber. Ingredients 6-8 oz. vanilla Greek yogurt ¼ cup granola ½ cup strawberries (frozen or fresh) Directions 1. Mix the yogurt with the strawberries and granola.

Avocado Hummus with Pita Chips (Serves 8) A potato masher works great for this hummus because it leaves some chunky pieces. Having different textures helps to make you feel more satisfied. Ingredients Hummus 2 ripe avocados, pitted 1 15-oz can garbanzo beans (drained and rinsed) 1 garlic clove, minced Juice of ½ lemon 2 tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Chips 3 pitas, sliced into wedges and separated Cooking spray Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400. 2. Place a single layer of pita wedges on a baking sheet. Lightly spray with cooking spray and sprinkle with garlic salt. 3. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy; cool. 4. To make hummus, mash avocado, garbanzo beans, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil together; season with salt.

Edible Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (12 servings) Because this recipe doesn’t call for eggs, you don’t have to cook it. Dark chocolate has a richer flavor, more of a bite and a ton of nutritional benefits. Look for chocolate that is at least 70% cacao. Ingredients ½ cup unsalted butter, softened ½ cup brown sugar ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 tbsp. almond milk 1 cup all-purpose flour ¼ tsp. salt 1 cup dark chocolate chips Directions 1. Cream the butter and sugars together in a mixing bowl with an electric handheld or stand mixer until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. 2. Add the vanilla extract and almond milk; mix to combine. 3. Combine the flour and salt, and add to form the dough. Fold in the chocolate chips. 4. Chill in the refrigerator and enjoy.

Banana Boat (1 serving) Aluminum foil is a great “pan” and because the heat stays trapped inside, this is a quick, no-mess treat. This is the basic recipe, but you can make it your own. Here are some possible flavor combos: S’mores: Banana + Chocolate Chips + Broken Graham Crackers Samoas: Banana + Chocolate Chips + Caramel Sauce + Toasted Coconut PB & C: Banana + Peanut Butter + Chocolate Chips Banana Split: Banana + Milk Chocolate + Marshmallows + Cherries Pecan Praline: Banana + Pralines + Dark Chocolate Ingredients 1 banana 2 tbsp. chips 2 tbsp. miniature marshmallows Directions 1. Preheat oven to 300 F. 2. Make a slit in the banana lengthwise through the peel. Make sure to not cut through to the other side. 3. Widen the opening slightly and fill with mini chocolate chips and marshmallows. 4. Wrap loosely in aluminum foil and cook for 5 minutes or until everything is melted and gooey.

Apple & Blueberry Vegan Tart (Serves 8) A crust made with nuts and seeds gives this tart a unique base. Plus, you get a dose of protein and vitamin E boost. Ingredients Crust 1 ½ cups old fashioned oats 1 cup mixed chopped nuts and seeds (examples include almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds) ¼ cup coconut oil 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract Filling 1 24-ounce container Vanilla So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Yogurt Alternative 1 apple, thinly sliced ½ cup blueberries Directions 1. Set oven to 350 F 2. Mix the oats, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, sugar and vanilla together in a bowl until everything is thoroughly coated. 3. Press the mixture into a greased 9” deep pie plate. Use a measuring cup to help press the granola evenly across the pan and up the sides. 4. Bake for about 15 minutes, until lightly golden. Let cool. You can make the crust ahead if you want to and fill it the next morning just before serving. 5. Spread the yogurt evenly over the cooled granola crust. 6. Beginning with the outside edge, arrange the apple slices around the crust for 2 layers. 7. Fill the middle section with blueberries. 8. For best results, serve right away. Use a sharp knife to cut through the crust and ease out your slices with a pie server.

The Center for Health Advocacy & Wellness at University Health Services encourages students to make healthy lifestyle decisions that facilitate academic success and lead to life-long health and wellness. The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness provides quality, research-based wellness services and Health Promotion programs available to all FSU students. Mission The Center for Health Advocacy & Wellness promotes a collaborative campus culture rooted in wellbeing and resilience. Vision A dedicated campus community that is enhanced and empowered by innovative health promotion standards of practice. Values DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (INCLUSIVITY) We embrace diversity and are committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment in all of our decisions to ensure the best outcome for faculty, staff and students involved. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT We facilitate the development of life and leadership skills through experimental opportunities. We advocate for students individually and systematically by developing policies, programs and services that are student-centered. INTEGRITY We value honesty, transparency, and hold each other accountable for cultivating a workplace that respects, supports, and appreciates the uniqueness of all. INNOVATION We strive to create an environment that encourages forward thinking, accepts grand challenges, and takes informed risks. We believe that the combination of best practices, creativity, and originality can improve the overall well-being of our campus. What We Can Do For You •

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Direct Services  Nutrition Coaching  HIV testing/sexual health consultations  SMART CHOICES  Tobacco cessation coaching  Wellness Coaching Presentations and outreach events Peer education and student involvement

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