2019 The year in review The Institute and our affiliates have been working on many new and exciting projects. We look forward for what is to come for the year ahead. Here are highlights from 2019!
Social Work Research at a National Level
Affiliate Advancement
Resources for Foster Youth
In January, several Institute staff members, affiliates, as well as Florida State University College of Social Work faculty and students attend the Society for Social Work and Research conference in San Francisco, CA. (Pictured: Dr. Melissa Radey) The theme for 2019 is Ending Gender-based, Family and Community Violence.
The Institute celebrates in February the promotion of three Florida State University College of Social Work faculty members and Institute affiliates: Dr. Jeffrey Lacasse, Dr. Lisa Schelbe, and Dr. Melissa Radey. Each of their promotions is a reflection of hard work and commitment to social work, scholarship, and children’s welfare.
Beginning in March, the Institute develops a series of free toolkits for pregnant and parenting youth in foster care.
Funding Research Projects
Symposium on Racial Equity
The Institute announces in April its funding of two projects to study racial disparity in Florida’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems. The racial equity grant recipients are Children’s Services Council of Broward County and University of South Florida Child and Family Studies.
The Institute hosts its annual symposium in May where professionals from the field of child welfare and beyond unite to discuss strategies for improving the existing racial and economic disparity within our communities. Corey Best and Khatib Waheed are the keynote speakers.
Focusing on Florida's Social Workers
Evaluation of Early Childhood Court
The Institute partners with the Florida Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and Casey Family Programs to create a Child Welfare Track at the Florida conference in June. Dean Clark of FSU College of Social Work facilitates a panel discussion of leaders and Institute faculty affiliates to discuss Solutions from the Florida Schools of Social Work. Institute affiliates Drs. Morgan Cooley and Heather Thompson also conduct a workshop.
The Institute submits its 2018-2019 evaluation of Florida’s Early Childhood Court program to the Office of Court Improvement in June.
Podcast for Child Welfare Professionals In August, the Institute launches the first season of the podcast series Child Protection Caseworker Support.
Learning Exchanges in Florida
Webinars with Office of Early Learning
The Institute announces Racial Equity Learning Exchanges to provide statewide diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness training for the Office of Early Learning staff throughout the state.
During October, the Institute co-hosts two webinars with the Office of Early Learning: Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture; and Enhancing Collaboration between Child Welfare and Early Childhood Systems.
Read more about the Institute’s 2018-2019 fiscal year projects in our annual report.
Institute Affiliates Learn more about all of our affiliates and their work in our affiliate directory.
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