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OBJECTIVE 4.1 | Evaluate GROW Center workforce initiatives and training opportunities

™ STRATEGY 4.1.1 | Plan and conduct robust initial evaluations of each major GROW Center initiative, to include formative, process, and summative evaluations as appropriate.


™ STRATEGY 4.1.2 | Leverage multiple data sources to examine intermediate and long-term outcomes of the GROW Center as time progresses.

™ STRATEGY 4.1.3 | Conduct Level 1 evaluations of all singular training opportunities and produce reports to inform future decision-making regarding Institute offerings.

OBJECTIVE 4.2 | Center community voice and lived experience within all phases of research and program development

™ STRATEGY 4.2.1 | Establish a standard practice of inclusion of those with lived experience on each major initiative, to include compensation when allowable.

™ STRATEGY 4.2.2 | Cultivate partnerships with organizations that work directly with youth and families to increase connection to potential team members with lived experience.

™ STRATEGY 4.2.3 | Develop and monitor contact lists specifically for individuals with lived experience who want to remain connected to the Institute and utilize lists to present opportunities for collaboration (e.g., to advertise for staff positions and consultant-based work, to recruit for studies).

OBJECTIVE 4.3 | Cultivate ongoing relationships with partners at the local, statewide, and national level

™ STRATEGY 4.3.1 | Establish annual meetings between Institute leadership and representatives from Florida’s community-based care lead agencies, regional Department of Children and Families offices, and sheriffs’ offices (if providing child protective investigations) to provide a direct line of communication between agencies and the Institute.

™ STRATEGY 4.3.2 | Ensure Institute representation at significant events and conferences relevant to our mission to enhance networking and connections with potential partners.

™ STRATEGY 4.3.3 | Promote multisite and interdisciplinary partnerships on programming and research and evaluation initiatives.

™ STRATEGY 4.3.4 | Continue the Child Welfare Professional of the Year Awards to publicly acknowledge workers’ contributions to the field and communicate the Institute’s valuation of workers as an important stakeholder in our work.

Goal 5

OBJECTIVE 5.1 | Enhance child welfare workforce stabilization

™ STRATEGY 5.1.1 | Generate and disseminate relevant evidence-based recommendations for innovative preservice, recruitment, and onboarding practices.

™ STRATEGY 5.1.2 | Provide ongoing coaching opportunities for the workforce.

™ STRATEGY 5.1.3 | Leverage FICW resources including funding, training, and technical assistance to promote the prioritization of wellbeing and trauma-informed practices in Institute programming and at the child welfare organizational level.

OBJECTIVE 5.2 | Increase professionalization of the child welfare workforce

™ STRATEGY 5.2.1 | Increase preparedness of students intending to enter the child welfare workforce through intra- and interdisciplinary curriculum enhancements.

™ STRATEGY 5.2.2 | Develop Advanced Certifications on high priority topics in child welfare, and align certification with partners’ professionalization initiatives, such as the Department of Children and Families career ladder and Florida Certification Board standards.

™ STRATEGY 5.2.3 | Develop the MyALIGN platform to enhance networking and support options for frontline child welfare workers.

OBJECTIVE 5.3 | Enable and promote child welfare leadership development and capacity building

™ STRATEGY 5.3.1 | Adapt and Implement the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute’s Leadership Academy for Florida Alliance for Workforce Enhancement (AWE) sites.

™ STRATEGY 5.3.2 | Create leadership training opportunities for workers at all levels.

™ STRATEGY 5.3.3 | Partner with child welfare agencies on assessing their organizational health and building a vision for enhancement.

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