DAVID E. LANDAU Mason Ladd Professor and Associate Dean for International Programs P H .D ., P O LITICAL S CIE NCE , H ARVA R D UN IVER SITY, 2015 J .D ., H ARV ARD U NIV E RS ITY , 20 04 A.B., H ARV ARD U NIV E RS ITY , 20 01
Abusive Constitutional Borrowing (with Rosalind Dixon) (Oxford University Press 2021) Comparative Constitution-Making (co-editor with Hanna Lerner) (Edward Elgar Press 2019) The Evolution of the Separation of Powers (co-editor with David Bilchitz) (Edward Elgar Press 2018) Constitutional Backsliding and its Responses in Colombia, in Constitutionalism in Context (David Law, editor) (Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming 2022) Defensive Social Rights (with Rosalind Dixon), in Oxford Handbook of Economic and Social Rights (Malcolm Langford & Katharine G. Young, editors) (Oxford University Press) (forthcoming 2021)
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Professor David Landau’s co-authored article, The Uses and Abuses of Presidential Impeachment, 88 University of Chicago Law Review 81 (2021, with Tom Ginsburg & Aziz Huq), examines the law and practice of presidential impeachment globally. It draws first on case studies from countries such as South Korea, Paraguay, Brazil and South Africa, and then on empirical analysis of constitutional texts. This comparative analysis has significant implications for the design and practice of impeachment, especially in the United States. In particular, it supports a broader, more political gloss on the famously cryptic phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors.”