ERIN RYAN Elizabeth C. & Clyde W. Atkinson Professor and Associate Dean for Environmental Programs J .D ., H ARV ARD U NIV E RS ITY , 20 01 M.A., E TH NO MU S ICO LO G Y , WE S L EYA N UN IVER SITY, 1994 B.A., H ARV ARD -RAD CLIFFE CO LL EGE, 1 991
The Public Trust Doctrine, Private Rights in Water, and The Mono Lake Story (Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming 2022) The Twin Environmental Law Problems of Preemption and Political Scale, in Environmental Law, Disrupted (Keith Hirokawa & Jessica Owley, editors) (Environmental Law Institute 2021) Federalism as Legal Pluralism, in The Oxford Handbook on Legal Pluralism (Paul Berman, editor) (2020) Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: Comparing the Public Trust Doctrine and the Rights of Nature Movement (with Holly Curry & Hayes Rule), 43 Cardozo L. Rev. _ (2021) Tribute to Professor David Markell: A Colleague among Colleagues, 36 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. _ (forthcoming 2021) (continued on next page)
Professor Erin Ryan’s co-authored article, Environmental Rights for the 21st Century: Comparing the Public Trust Doctrine and the Rights of Nature Movement, 43 Cardozo Law Review _ (forthcoming 2021, with Holly Curry & Hayes Rule), compares two theoretically distinct approaches to related objectives of environmental protection: the public trust doctrine and the rights of nature movement. It reviews the development of both approaches in domestic and international contexts, contrasts their underlying environmental ethics and compares surprising points of pragmatic commonality as they unfold.