FREDERICK M. ABBOTT Edward Ball Eminent Scholar Professor of International Law LL.M., U NIV E RS ITY O F CALIFO RNIA , BER KEL EY, 1989 J .D ., Y ALE U NIV E RS ITY , 1977 B.A., U NIV E RS ITY O F CALIFO RNIA , BER KEL EY, 1 97 4
Supplement to the UNDP Guidebook for Low- and MiddleIncome Countries: Using Competition Law to Promote Access to Health Technologies (UNDP Publications) (forthcoming 2021) International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy (with updated teacher’s manual) (with Thomas Cottier & Francis Gurry) (4th ed., Kluwer/Aspen Publishers 2019) Technology Governance in a Devolved Global Legal Order: lessons from the China-USA strategic conflict, in A New Global Economic Order (Cheng Chia-Jui et al., editors) (Brill/Nijhoff Publishers) (forthcoming 2021) Managed Trade and Technology Protectionism: A Formula for Perpetuating Inequality?, in Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Global Inequality (Daniel Benoliel, Francis Gurry, Keun Lee and Peter Yu, editors) (Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming 2021) Legislative and Regulatory Takings of Intellectual Property: early stage intervention against a new jurisprudential virus, in Honor of Pedro Roffe, Liber Amicorum Pedro Roffe, Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Investment: Understanding the Interfaces and Development Impact (C. Correa & X. Seuba, editors) (Springer 2019) Public-Private Partnerships as Model for New Drug R&D: the future as now, in The Cambridge Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships, Intellectual Property Governance, and Sustainable Development (M. Chon, A. Abdel-Latif & P. Roffe, editors) (Cambridge University Press 2018) Health and Intellectual Property, in Research Handbook on Global Health Law (G-L Burci & B. Toebes, editors) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2018) The Generics Pathway in the USA: The American Experience, a Model for the World?, in Industria Farmacéutica, Derecho a la Salud y Propiedad Intelectual: El Reto del Equilibrio (M. (continued next page)