20th & 21st Century Piano Literature Seminar Final Recital
David Kalhous, Instructor
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 7:30 p.m. Housewright Music Building, Room 105
Induló György Ligeti Poliphon etüd (1923–2006)
I. Allegro
II. Andante
III. Vivace
Játékok, Book IV
György Kurtág
Fog-canon (b. 1926)
Furious Chorale
Hommage a Sárközy - Hand in Hand
Hommage a Stravinsky - Bells
Hommage a Sáry László (Dot and Spot)
Hommage a Halmágyi Mihály
Hommage a Soproni (in memoriam matris carissimae)
Prelude and Waltz in F
Játékok, Book VIII
One more voice from far away Dirge
Hommage a J. S.B. Beating - Quarrelling
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Lisztomania Peter Eötvös
I. ♩=108 (1944–2024)
II. ♩=60
III. ♪=160
Mehrere kurze Walzer
Wolfgang Rihm
Nr.1 – Nr. 2 – Nr. 3 (Languido con tenerezza) – Nr. 4 – Nr. 5 – Nr. 6 (Un poco elegante) – (1952–2024)
Nr. 7 (Feroce) – Nr. 8 (Schnell) – Nr. 9 (Très lent) – Nr. 10 – Nr. 11–Nr. 12 (Zögernd, schwankend), Nr. 13 – Nr. 14 – Nr. 15 – Nr. 16 (Très lent) –Nr. 17 – Nr. 19 – Nr. 18 (Ohr - und Wurmwalzer / Sehn - und Suchtwalzer. Commodo)
Cheng Chen, Ruiting Chen, Thadyn Du Pont, ZiAn Fan, Fernando Garcia, Elizabeth Grice
Minhye Heo, Woojeong Jeon, Khatia Kang, Seunghye Kim, Dain Lee, Yuchen Lin, Ruoyu Liu
Alex Nagy, Quin Nardone, Thong Truong, Sihan Wang, Yicheng Wang, Yingge Wang, and Yutian Wang