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Music students may combine their study of music with another field in the form of a double major or dual degree. In fact, about 15% of our students pursue this option in order to customize their experience and develop expertise in multiple fields. Students may also double-major within music or add a specialized studies program to customize their degree. Specializations include: Jazz, Music Entrepreneurship, Performance, Piano Pedagogy, and Sacred Music.
“FSU means “community” to me as everyone I have met has been incredibly inviting. From the National Trumpet Competition to the Goldwater Scholarship, every group at FSU has accepted me with open arms no matter what path I elected to pursue in terms of my education.”

— Jack Lyons BM Brass Performance / BS Astrophysics, 2024
Representative Double Majors
African American Studies, Art History, Behavioral Neuroscience
Biochemistry, Biological Science, Cell/Molecular Neuroscience

Commercial Entrepreneurship, Communication & Technology
Communication Disorders, Computer Science, Creative
Writing, Criminology, Cyber Criminology, Economics, Editing
Engineering, Environmental Science, French Language

General Linguistics, Global Club Management & Leadership
Hospitality & Tourism Management Information, International Affairs, Japanese Language & Culture, Literature/Media/Culture
Management Information Systems, Marketing, Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering, Media/Communication Studies
Physics, Political Science, Professional Sales, Psychology
Public Health, Religion Retail Entrepreneurship, Social Sciences, Statistics, Studio Art Theatre, Writing & Media