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Faculty Highlight: Yaacov Petscher


Dr. Petscher is an associate professor at the FSU College of Social Work (FSUCSW), but he also serves as an associate director for QMI, the Quantitative Methodology and Innovation division of the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) as well as the associate director of FCRR. Along with his associate directors, Dr. Christopher Schatschneider and Dr. Richard Wagner of the FSU Department of Psychology, QMI’s focus is application of rigorous research methods and advanced statistical analyses to research related to improving social, educational, behavioral, psychological and emotional outcomes.


The Agency for Persons with Disabilities

FCRR and FSUCSW partnered with the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities to evaluate and improve their assessment tools for people with developmental disabilities. The Questionnaire for Situational Information is administered by the agency to determine the level of need for individuals they serve. The 10-year old test is being evaluated by QMI and faculty members from the FSU College of Social Work including, Dr. Lisa Schelbe, Dr. Jeffrey Lacasse and Dr. Michael Killian.

Teacher Assistive Scoring Platform

is an educational platform allowing teachers and students to utilize an easy and accessible assessment tool.

The Earlier Assessment for Reading

Success is a web application (app) that assists teachers in projecting reading success in elementary-age students beyond the standard one-year period.

A.R. Chronicles Comic Kayla

Adventures in Reading comic follows Kayla, a girl with dyslexia, on her adventures in reading and encouraging kids to embark on their own. improvingliteracy.org/kid-zone/ar

Performing Assessment Without Testing

Dr. Petscher and Dr. Schatschneider received a US Patent (9,299,266) in 2017 for this educational assessment system without testing that includes client systems connected to a network allowing students and school officials to communicate with an education framework that performs and manages education assessment.” Reach Every Reader is supported by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative in partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the MIT Integrative Learning Initiative with FCRR to address the crisis in early literacy by developing innovative assessments and interventions for students K–3. The K-12 Rapid Assessment is a computer-adaptive assessment developed by FCRR’s Dr. Barbara Foorman, Dr. Yaacov Petscher and Dr. Christopher Schatschneider. It seamlessly identifies skills most predictive of success in individual students and identifies at-risk students, providing support strategies and tracking their growth.

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