FSU Honors Newsletter Issue #12 April 2018

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Issue #12 April 2018



Photo by Brittany King

























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April 18, 2018 - 5-7 PM Landis Green outside HSF /Yoga, Snacks, Relax April 20, 2018-6PM at Main Campus Fields/ Relay for Life April 31, 2018 -10AM-2PM in HSF /Study


May 1, 2018 -6:30-9:30 PM-Nancy H. Marcus Great Hall / Donuts at Dusk May 2, 2018 -9AM in HSF/ Monthly


May 3, 2018 -11AM - 2PM in HSF/ Finals



Dear Honors Students, This time of year is filled with various end-of-theyear events so congratulations to everyone that has won an award or has been recognized in some way. I have attended many of these events and I love hearing about your accomplishments. I would like to give a special “shout out” to all of the Honors graduates. I know many of you personally and I am so impressed by your academic achievements. However, I am even more impressed with you as people. Wherever you are headed for the next stage in your life, I hope you keep in touch because I am confident you will be successful and make a positive impact in your community and beyond. Good luck with finals, Dr. Kearley mkearley@fsu.edu

Alumni Spotlight

Alissa McShane McShane, who graduated in 2016, with a degree in Information Technology, as well as a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Public Administration, currently lives and works in Tallahassee, where she serves in several professional organizations and is working to attain her Masters in Business Administration. She also hosts a podcast called "StartUp." While she was attending FSU, she was on the executive board for the Garnet and Gold guides, where she was in charge of philanthropy efforts. She co-led the organizations participation in Dance Marathon, and was also on the executive board of Habitat for Humanity. McShane was attracted to the small class sizes and involvement opportunities offered in the Honors program. Her immersion in business and entrepreneurship classes led her to find her passions and ultimate goal of being an analyst, as well as someone who worked on the business operations side of an organization. She says that FSU gave her countless connections and a great foundation for building her professional network. The classes she enrolled in challenged her and encouraged critical thinking in the workplace. Since graduating, her biggest accomplishment is getting into one of the top 20 MBA programs in the country. "Braoden your outreach to extend beyond the university!" McShane encourages, " There are plenty of resources for you within the walls of Florida State, but there are also so many resources and things to discover in your community. Become civically involved, volunteer, get a local internship, join a union or cohort, soak it all up while you can."

Read more @: alissamcshane.com https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/cuttlesoft/startup-capital-tlh

UROP Symposium Feature:

Nurses' Competencies Caring for Patients with Comorbid Mental Illness Research Assistants: Ellis Daugherty, Meagan Johnson, and Sarah Merriman

My group worked under Dr. Cormier in the College of Nursing. Our project looked at nurses' perceived competencies caring for patients with comorbid mental illnesses. Comorditity is a situation when a patient presents with a physical medical issue like cancer or heart failure, but they also have a mental health illness such as aggressive shizophrenia or depression. Nurses working in the hospital are usually only trained extensively to care for the physical side of a patient's health unless they work in the psychiatric unit. So when a patient presents with a unique combination of both physical and mental illness a nurse may or may not feel confident handling the situation. We are looking at the relationship between a nurse's confidence in these situations and how this affects his/her views of the mentally ill. UROP is a fantastic experience. I definitely recommend it. If you want to learn more about it, go to their website (http://cre.fsu.edu/programs/urop-undergraduateresearch-opportunity-program)! The applications are due soon (May 1st) . If you apply and get in, doing research in UROP is something you can shape to be whatever you want it to be. Some people are always in their lab and apply themselves and some don't. To make research enjoyable, you have to love what you're researching and put your entire self into the work. Ellis Daugherty would like to thank Dr. Cormier and the College of Nursing for the opportunity to work with them during her time with UROP. She also gives a big thank you to her two research partners, Meagan Johnson (middle), and Sarah Merriman (right). Meagan, Sarah, and Ellis are all looking forward to continuing their research as nursing students in FSU's College of Nursing in the Fall.

UROP 2018 Recognizing Student Research Endeavors Congrats, students! You did it!


Blueberry Muffin in a Mug INGREDIENTS 1 egg 2 T golden flax meal. 2 T almond flour 2-4 t of Stevia (Truvia or Gentle Sweet) 1/2 t aluminum free baking powder 1 flat T coconut oil 1/2 C blueberries (fresh or frozen) Your favorite mug butter (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Crack 1 egg into a coffee cup and whisk it well with a fork. 2. Add 2 T golden flax meal. 3. Add 2 T almond flour. 4. Add 2-4 t of Stevia (Truvia or Gentle Sweet) 5. Add 1/2 t aluminum free baking powder 6. Add 1 flat T coconut oil 7. Stir vigorously with a fork until mixed together. 8. Fold in 1/4 C blueberries. 9. Microwave on high for 1 minute.

D O R M R OPRODUCTIVE OM RECIPES STAYING OVER THE SUMMER! Summer is great for relaxing and resting after a hard year, but it's also a great opportunity to prepare yourself for the upcoming semester! Classwork Know your schedule! Plan out the best way to get between classes, and try and think when you can take breaks for coffee/food/studying / naps If you have friends who already took the course, ask for advice regarding studying, assignments, and test taking.

Volunteering/ Interning Summer is a great time to build your resume! Look online or at local organizations to see what is available. Parents, neighbors, or friends can offer insight into places that could provide job experience while volunteering, and those hours can be used towards your Honors requirements.

Work Make some money!! Working and saving money over the summer is a great way to keep your bank account afloat during Fall/Spring semester. Most businesses hire for the summer season, and you could potentially find a part-time job that relates to your major.

Ask Sybill:

Advice and Tea Leaves

Preparing for Finals DEAR SYBILL: I do fine in my classes during the semester but when it comes to finals I tend not to

focus much on studying and have a history of doing much worse. This consequently ruins my grade in the class. What can I do to prepare better for my finals? -STUDY BUG DEAR STUDY BUG: Thanks so much for the

question! Preparing for finals can be difficult if you're not equipped with the right tools. My first suggestion, which may not help you now, is to prepare actively during the semester for the inevitable final exam. Review your notes weekly when possible. This will help your grades improve in the class during the semester and make the end of the semester less stressful. Additionally, during the semester, make sure you're truly learning the material. A lot of students will simply study for the test and then forget the material after the exam. However, this is when it is essential to keep reviewing the material. It will make learning new material so much easier and again, lessen the stress you feel at the end of the semester. The concepts you learned at the beginning of the semester will stay fresh. Prepare early for your finals! Start at least a week or two before your final and begin reviewing the material. Focus on the concepts you didn't understand the first time around. Spend more time on the material you didn't understand or were weak on instead of the material you do know. This will maximize your studying so you will be much stronger on all the material for the final exam.

If you just "don't get" a concept, now is the time to go to ACE Tutoring Center, ask a friend, or go to your professor. My final suggestion is to just buckle down and get to it. The end of the semester, especially spring semester, is tough. The sun is shining and you're ready to be DONE. There's just a few more weeks left and you'll have all summer to have a little more time to yourself. Take pride in the work you're doing. You'll soon be done and you can relax knowing you did your very best up until the end. Most importantly, while take active concern with your studies around finals, don't kill yourself. You can't learn everything single bit of information that your professor taught during the semester in several days. Give yourself time and give yourself breaks. It's key to ensure your mental well being is healthy during this time. All-nighters, caffeine headaches, and stress will not improve your grade; but, hard work, breaks, and giving yourself enough time will. Take care of yourself and the rest will come.

HSA Event Photos Can you spot yourself? CAN YOU SPOT YOURSELF??

Mastering Interviews

Mastering Interviews

Cosmic Bowling Night

Mastering Interviews

Spring Social

Cosmic Bowling Night

Spring Social

Monthly Breakfast

Photo by Brittany King

Editor:-in-Chief: Kayla Rojics Content Editors: Ellis Daugherty and Jordan Block

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