1 minute read

Letter from the Editor

Dear Reader,

Happy Valentine's Day! Use this day to give love to anything in your lifeyour special someone, a loved one, friends, the world, pets, or yourself. There's so much in this world to appreciate so take the time to tell your friends and family you love them and take a second to be kind to yourself today: you deserve it!


I'm so happy to be writing my first letter as Director this semester! I hope you can just have fun reading or looking through this issue as there are many unique and amusing stories! Our team has been working hard to write these stories and create content for you guys.

A little bit about me is that I started with the HSA last year as a newsletter chair. I wrote for this exact newsletter! Although it's been a super fun challenge, there have been some learning curves and growing pains! I'm still figuring out this position, but I really hope to expand our social media presence and showcase more honors student faces and stories throughout the semester.

I'm really excited for all of the upcoming HSA events we put together and I hope you have some fun showing up and engaging within this community. If I can be of any help, I am fully accessible on the HSA Instagram or if you see me in the HSF building. We are always looking for content and ways to boast the honors community! Enjoy!

Editor-in-Chief, Max Mitchell

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