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Letter from the Editor
Dear Reader,
Hello and welcome to the early Spring edition of The Medallion! We hope you ' re as excited as we are to introduce new themes, new teams, and to get back into it.
The theme for this edition is
"New Beginnings " . To me, this is a very heavy theme. Beyond those resolutions we all set (and fail to complete), new beginnings is the first theme of a new e-board, new positions, and a new life for HSA. I' m proud to be your new Director of Marketing and Communications, and happy to introduce our new Medallion writers.
I' ve spent the past three years involved with the HSA marketing team as a writer and freshman liaison and am happy to show off the work of our new chairs: Jamie Guterman; Sasha Smith; and Max Mitchell. Our communications chair, Alexis Dorman, is also writing for us this edition, and has been hard at work keeping all of you in the loop through our social media.
This edition also features our first creative student submission of the semester! Hopefully, this represents another " new " - a movement towards involvement, representation, and sharing within the honors community. As always, send any questions, concerns, or submissions to us at hsaeboard19@gmail.com
2022 will be a time of growth, renewal, and more. Let this edition give you a fun reprieve from midterms, the srress of life, and whatever else you need it to be while you set up your own new beginnings.
Editor-in-Chief, Callista Payne
Anythoughts,opinions,politicalbeliefs, orotherwisepersonalideasare representativeofthestudentwriter,and notoftheHonorsProgramitself.The HonorsStudentAssociationstrivesto offerplatformsfordiscussionandcritical thoughtforits members,and The Medallion ishappytobeapartofthat. Writersforthiseditioninclude: JamieGuterman,SashaSmith,Max Mitchell,AlexisDorman,CallistaPayne, andNathanWilliams.