I came out of the program with a strong sense of community with other divers.” — Emma Graumlich, anthropology, ’20
Although snorkeling on vacation was the closest to diving Emma Graumlich had experienced, she knew the Advanced Science Diving Program would open doors to ancient times. After earning her dive certifications, she spent the entire summer exploring the depths with an FSU anthropology team to uncover traces of ancient people. “Underwater archaeology hadn’t been something I saw myself doing before I came across this opportunity, but now I see it as a possible career path,” she said. Working in silted waters for hours at a time, she used her cavern and rescue training to navigate with little visibility while loaded down with equipment and specimens. “Taskloading was a real concern, so having the experience in cavern diving in which you have to manage a lot of equipment and rescue diving in which you have to problem solve was very valuable,” she said.