Sharpton Makes a Point She Gone Off That Molly Do You Know Who You’re Dating? Homecoming Preview 2012 Judas Iscariot And much more…
vol 4 issue 4
sk u o e g n a i r h u t e o h c o "T mosts still trself. act i for youAloud."~Coconel Cha
Dear readers, We've heard your concerns. Oh and yes, we have heard your complaints. So with no further ado we at The Voice would like to introduce a new brand of newspaper. Truly, this edition is For Student & By Students, and we pride ourselves on striving for perfection. Special thanks to our cover models Lamar Bryan and Brandi Monroe of Black Millennium model troupe and shout out to Tim of C&J Barbershop on Yadkin Road, for an awesome hair cut! Extra special thanks to DaVille Skateshop! This is only the beginning! Cover Photographer: Anna Rhodes Editors: Antonio Monroe Shirley Townsend Anna Rhodes Operations Manager: Jennifer Lucas Editor- In-Chief Alisha Murphy Adviser: Andrea Baker
Get Your Hand Outta My Pocket By Brian Ashley Nance Certainly, transportation costs, especially with the price of gas hovering around $3.75 a gallon, are a major concern to many. As many students have realized or are beginning to learn, it’s essential to make your dollars stretch. For those FSU students living on campus without their own cars, FSU provides a free shuttle bus service. But, remember that old cliche'--Nothing is ever free. So what’s the catch? Any FSU student who shows their student identification to the driver can board the shuttle bus. The bus is a decent size and is equipped with ADA seating to accommodate those with a disability. It runs on Friday from 4pm -10 pm and Saturday 12pm-10pm, making stops every hour at High Smith Rainey Hospital Urgent Care, Westwood Shopping Center, Cross Creek Mall, and WalMart on Skibo Road. The cost to run the shuttle has to come from somewhere, so who pays for the bus service? The less obvious answer is oncampus students. On-campus students, and only on-campus students, are charged a $375 “transportation” fee as part
of their tuition bill. In 2011 FSU had roughly 5,160 students. During that same time, 29% of students were oncampus students. So here is the mathematical breakdown, if roughly 1490 students are charged $375 each, it amounts to $558,750 for a shuttle that is offered 2 days out of the week and makes 4 stops. Talk about robbery. The “transportation” fee for 2011-2012 totaled $500, and raised to $825 for the 20122013 school year. Keep in mind that the transportation in 2010 wasn’t operational until October 1, when half of the semester was over and at that time it was only available on Saturdays. It doesn’t take a financial planner to realize more accommodations can be made w i t h t h a t k i n d o f m o n e y. If you’d like to voice your concerns about this or other campus issues the Division of Student Affairs is located in W.R. Collins building Suite 202, or you can attend the next Student Government Association meeting held in the Student Center every other Wednesday in room 236.
Sharpton Makes a Point By Francena Turner
“You did not miss the struggle because you are too young. It’s still going on. You missed the struggle because you decided to miss the struggle,” said Reverend Al Sharpton during his oration at Seabrook Auditorium. Yet another honorable and highly
notable speaker in the Chancellor’s Distinguished Speaker’s Series took the stage this semester. Sharpton spoke on activism, and the importance of voting, in height of this upcoming November election.
only requires us to make up our minds to do so. He charged that perhaps some of us have rolled over and accepted inequality. Going further, he added “No one has to beat you when you’ve defeated yourself”.
“The job of an activist is bring attention to stuff [people] don’t know about. If they tell you ‘Al just wants attention’, tell them t h e y a re a b s o l u t e l y r i g h t ! ”
“I have one wish when I go to sleep at night. I pray that when I rise in the morning, every bigot, backbiter, and racist in the world says “Damn, he got up again.”
Recalling going into his kitchen only to see roaches everywhere, the Reverend spoke of his childhood. When he ran to wake his sister, and turned on the light, the roaches would disappear. “After about the third time that happened I realized something,” continued Sharpton. “When you turn on the lights, roaches run for cover. [So] I’ll be turning on lights for the rest of my life.”
He challenged the audience to be truthful with itself. “If you’re scared, say you’re scared. We have real issues with real opportunities with someone with courage to make something happen”
A true activist in deed, Sharpton reminded us that there is no resume requirement for being an activist. It
Across Which Stage? By Annissa George
"Should graduation ceremonies be held on campus or at other off campus venues?" was the question Dr. Brooks, associate professor of sociology asked at the Sept. 26 SGA meeting. The forum proposed to save money by holding future graduations on campus as the state continues to make budget cuts. “If the commencement ceremonies were to move back onto campus, this would mean more money being saved and possibly put back into its respective programs,” said Brooks. Jermaine Coble, SGA President voiced his concern about whether FSU would p ro v i d e e n o u g h s e a t i n g i f commencement ceremonies were moved back onto campus. To alleviate space concerns, D r. B r o o k s s u g g e s t e d that the commencement ceremonies be divided with two schools graduating in the morning and two schools graduating in the evening. This would cause FSU’s Band &
University Choir would have to perform at two separate times over the course of one day. The inconvenience, outweighs the benefits, especially for December graduates. The last year FSU held commencement ceremonies on campus was spring 2007. Every year after that commencement ceremonies have been held at the Crown Coliseum. Over the 2011-2012 academic school years FSU has had approximately 1,175 graduates. In the previous years when commencement ceremonies were held on campus the graduates were only allowed 5 to 8 tickets, but now that graduation is held at the Crown Coliseum there is no limit to the number of guest a graduate brings. Dr. Perr y Massey, the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, said "it would be a major inconvenience to hold commencement ceremonies on campus because it would limit the numbers of guest that students would be allowed to bring, [as] many students may be the first to graduate from their families.
When asked by Chancellor James Anderson to give the students in the audience their marching orders, Sharpton offered, “Decide your life’s purpose and decide the mark you want to make on the world. Use your time in college to sharpen your skills. Determine where you are going.”
g n i m o c Home2012 y t i r b e l e C tus Sta By Nicholas Phipps-Evans
H ave you ever wanted to go to Hollywood? Well, here’s your chance. The Student Activities Council will host Fayetteville State University’s Hollywood themed homecoming week, beginning Oct. 22 – 27. SAC will provide numerous celebrity styled activities, So, get ready for bright lights and flashing cameras, even if it’s only for a week. Here are some of the events to look forward to: On Oct. 22, the “Celebrity Affair” homecoming dance kicks off the festivities, for $3 students can dance the night away. Non-FSU students will be charged $10. The location is undetermined at this time. Bronco Pride will definitely be in the air during the campus parade, Oct. 23, at 2pm on the band practice field. All are encouraged to wear their FSU paraphernalia. Later in the evening on that day, Students will have the opportunity to enjoy the showcase of their fellow Broncos, during the talent competition at the “Spotlight is Mine” talent show. This event will take place at 8pm in the Seabrook Auditorium. Don’t miss the amazing choreography of The Alvin Ailey Dance Company on Oct. 24, beginning at 7pm in the Seabrook Auditorium. Admission is free for FSU students and $10 general admission. The Homecoming Coronation will take place on Oct. 25 in the Capel Arena. There is no cost however, all in attendance must wear formal attire. Are you hype enough? Well the pep rally on Oct. 26 is sure to get your bucks up! From Hackley Honors hall to the Rudolph Jones Student Center, there will be food, sales vendors, bookstore hosted activities, and much more. At 8pm in the Capel Arena, the “Lights, Camera, Action” step show will commence at $11 for FSU students, general admission $16 in advance, and $21 at the door. Finally, the main event football game versus Livingston Bears will be at 2pm on Fayetteville State’s home turf. Tickets are free for FSU students. Hoping for victory, but still Bucking if we lose, FSU will also present 2Chainz, Future, and French Montana at the Crown Coliseum at 8pm. The event will be $20 for FSU students and $29.60 for general admission.
Join us for all these A-List events and support our Bronco Pride…. Proud to Be!
By Tanesha Slaughter
She gone off that...
Molly? You may have heard your favorite rapper speaking of her euphoric powers but what exactly is a Molly? It is infamously known as the molecule 3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, or MDMA. Since drug users and sellers call it a molecule, they use the slang term "Molly" for street reference. It is a pure form of ecstasy, the popular party drug of the early 2000s. Usually mollies are not supposed to have fillers, or potent mixer drugs, so they are typically white in color. However, mollies can come in powder or crystalline and pill form and are commonly found as beige, brown, or a yellow-brown, which means that the drug has been tainted. Tainted mollies are usually packaged as tablets and capsules which may be clear or colored. Manufacturers of the illegal drug often add chemicals, similar to that of cough syrup or cocaine for a stronger product. As it is a street drug, the purity of this drug is always in question. The MDMA was created in 1912 by Merk, a phar maceutical company, according to The drug was initially used to stop abnormal bleeding in a patient. Although it was legal Merk wasn’t interested in the drug’s properties so it wasn’t used for 65 years. In 1985, the DEA petitioned to have MDMA banned and tagged it as a schedule one, t h e h i g h e s t l e v e l o f re s t r i c t i o n f o r d r u g categories, as it proved no medical value, and high potential of addiction or abuse.
The United States reported that recreational molly usage is at an all time high. According to National Drug Abuse, 12th graders have admitted usage in an increase of 2.3 percent since 2010. MDMA acts specifically on the brain by interfering with the neurotransmitter serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin is responsible for mood regulation including sexual activity, p a i n s e n s i t i v i t y, a g g re s s i o n a n d s l e e p . Norepinephrine increases heart rate and blood pressure. The interference of these chemicals in the body can have harsh side affects. When ingested, MDMA causes anxiety, confusion, depression, sleep issues, profuse sweating, chills, and dizzy spells. MDMA has also been known to cause muscle tension. Users have been seen with objects in their mouths to ease the tension in the jaw muscles which causes grinding of the teeth. Symptoms are individualized. There is no true time at when the user experiences the side effects of the drug; it could take two hours after ingestion or weeks after ingestion. Symptoms may worsen if the user has hypertension, hear t disease, diabetes, liver problems, epilepsy, mental illness, and panic attacks, according to an article in In the case of an emergency or potential overdose, a person should remain with the user at all times, keep crowds away and have open windows for airflow. Do not lay victim on their back to avoid choking. If breathing stops, perform CPR, and call 911 immediately, seconds matter. You never know what a "Molly" can do to you.
What You Gonna Do When They Come For You? By Sheneka Tyson
You're on your way to campus, bumping that latest mixtape and those blue lights in your rearview are all too distracting. Whoop! Whoop! "Excuse me sir, you were black in a 35 mph," says officer such-nsuch. You have just been racially profiled. If only it were that direct. What constitutes racially or ethnically biased policing? An indicator may be if the officer can not give a concrete reason for stopping your vehicle. Racial profiling has been an ongoing topic in Fayetteville this year. Some Fayetteville residents have accused the city police department of r a c i a l p ro f i l i n g , a c c o rd i n g to the Fayetteville Observer. “In 2010 Fayetteville police made 38,595 traffic stops of those, officers searched 1,610 black drivers and 510 white drivers,” the Observer r e p o r t e d . H o w e v e r, e v e n
though the statistics indicated racial bias, it is still unclear and has yet to be proven. “Blue lights in Your Rearview: Navigating Traffic Stops,” a program to educate students a b o u t r a c i a l p ro f i l i n g w a s held by TALIAS (Technology Assisted Legal Instruction And Services) in early September. In efforts to eliminate wrongful p r o s e c u t i o n , D r. R o b e r t B ro w n , a p ro f e s s o r i n t h e Criminal Justice Department offered several helpful tips. Individuals should pull over quickly and safely as possible in well lit areas or public places.
Individuals should slow down as a sign that they are aware they are being pulled over. If you speed up the police officer may feel disrespected, said Brown. Turn off your vehicle when you stop, tur n down music, roll down driver window and put both arms on steering wheel. Do no reach into glove department, purse or bag until the officer asks of you to do so. F i n a l l y, B r o w n o f f e r e d t o remain calm and avoid any suspicious movements. If you feel you were stopped unjustly contact the police department, or interested in making the incident known you can also contact the NAACP .If you want to go a step further, you have the option of contacting an attorney. However you follow up immediately after the incident happens.
Do You Know Who You Are Dating ? By Beatrice Young
“Rape is an act of power and control,” said Kamille Brown, an officer with the campus police and public safety department. Brown spoke to a group of students Sept. 27 at the Rudolph Jones Student Center at an informational discussion on rape and sexual assault titled “Do You Know Who You Are Dating?” Statistics show that 1 out of 6 American woman has been the victim of an attempted or actual rape in her lifetime. Sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with an average of only 39% being reported to the police each year, according to presenter Ms. Ze Suratt, a counselor at the Rape Crisis Volunteers of Cumberland County. The closer the relationship between the female victim and the offender, the greater the likelihood that the incident will not be reported. The effects of sexual assault on victims
and their loved ones can be felt psychologically, emotionally, and physically. These effects can be brief or last a lifetime. It is important to remember that there is no one "normal" reaction to sexual assault. Every individual's response will be different depending on the situation. Healing from rape or sexual assault, ultimately takes time. “This is an issue that goes on at every college campus, so people need to be aware of what they can do and what they cannot do,” said Ms. Surratt. Officer Brown also gave tips on how to stay safe such as walking with a group of people, letting your peers know where you are going, and using the call boxes on campus if necessary. As a student on campus one must be aware of your surroundings. If there happens to be an issue going on you should always report it. There have been sexual assault cases on campus, which have been reported. But imagine how many that have not been reported? “Depending on the person they could have been blackmailed or even just scared to
even come forth about the situation”, Chasity Brown, an FSU student. The rape crisis volunteers of Cumberland County provide a confidential service to help anyone who has been affected by sexual violence. The 24 hour crisis hotline can be used to discuss feelings, concerns, and ask questions. The 24 hour emergency room responders will meet with victims at the hospital to support them during the exam process, and will inform victims on reporting options. Other resources and Licensed professional counselors are also provided for services. Support groups are provided to female victims over the age of 18. Court room advocacy is provided during the trial process, and advocates will accompany the victim during trial. If you or someone is in danger call the hotline at 910 485 7273.
Courtesy of
Dr. Phyllisa Deroze and English 370 students surround the memorial tree stump where Danell Hernandez was killed by her husband in 1995.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and Dr. Phyllisa Deroze and the students in English 370 (Black Women’s Literature on Abuse) are on a mission to bring awareness to Fayetteville State’s campus and the local community. Dr. Phyllisa Deroze, a professor of English, takes pride in the special topics course she designed (the first on Fayetteville State’s campus) because it represents another expansion of her dedication to end violence in our communities. “As a child, I witnessed the men I love abuse the women I love and that experience is very traumatizing. I use to call 911, run away, and beg for the violence to stop,” Dr. Deroze said. “As an adult, I often think about the tremendous amounts of courage it took to make those stances against violence at such a young age and I know that I can’t stop. My experiences as a kid are the reasons why I am fully invested to the feminist principle of ending violence against women. Thankfully, I have never had a man hit [me], but unfortunately, I don’t know many women who can say the same.” The effort to end domestic violence is an issue dear to the Fayetteville State University community. In 1995, Danell Hernandez was shot and killed by her ex-husband near the Lyons Science Building and to honor her, the campus has a memorial tree stump near the building in her honor. Roughly, two weeks ago, Dr. Deroze held class near the stump so that her students would have a better appreciation of the literature they are reading and the service-learning project they are working on. On Oct. 10 at 7pm in the Shaw Auditorium, the ENGL 370 students will host a Night of Awareness. This event is the class’s service-learning project and it is free and open to the public. Donations will be collected at the end of the program to benefit the Fayetteville Family Justice Center (a place a refuge for those victimized and in need of shelter or assistance).
Johnny "J Lovely" Brooks
The Theater Department Presents:
Been singing since I was 6 years old FUTURE PLANS
To start my own band at the end of the month INSPIRATIONS
Singing in the youth choir, Chris Brown, Michael Jackson Ryan Leslie, and Trey Songz
You can hear Johnny Lovely's "Mind Loving" on Youtube and Follow him on Twitter @welovejlovely
L-R: Ronald Nelson (El-Fayoumy), Erica Mansfield (Gloria), Ronald Blanks Jr (multiple roles), and Whitney Manns (multiple roles) performing in Judas Isacariot By Francena Turner
Was Judas Iscariot mentally ill? Is God’s love conditional, or is He spiteful? Is Satan good? Did the Jews kill Jesus? These are just a few of the questions asked but not answered in “The Last Days of Judas Iscariot”, a play put on by FSU’s Department of Performing and Fine Arts on September 27. Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis, the play takes an edgy, arguably blasphemous, look at Judas’ role in the murder of Jesus, and puts Christianity and Judaism on trial in the process. At the play’s opening, Judas is in a place called “Hope”, described as somewhere between heaven and hell, in a catatonic state. An attorney with an axe to grind with religion, Fabiana Aziza Cunningham (Monty Medeiros), is commissioned by God and St. Peter to represent Judas (Devin Lanier) in an attempt to try to redeem his soul. A string of controversial figures from collective histories are called as witnesses and their courtroom antics are anything but your standard boring courtroom affair. Funny, painful, controversial, and thought provoking, this play was not for the faint of heart! Myka Webster (St. Monica), Monty Medeiros (Cunningham), Joey Narvaez (Satan, Sigmund Freud), and Shabazz Davis (Judge Littlefield/Caiaphas) all performed superbly!
As an Alumni of Class of '35, Mama Tina is always the definition of Bronco Pride! Proud to Be!
What Would Frederick Do? the most uniquely American of rights: the right of the people to select their own government.
By William G. Thomas
For the past two years, the Fayetteville State University Bronco Debate Team has successfully hosted the Frederick Douglass Debate Series as our tribute to Black History Month. During those debates issues and topics discussed range from equal rights to immigration and education. However in light of the current election year, this month the Debate team will present public viewings of the Presidential (and Vice-Presidential) Debates. The homage paid to Douglass's legacy would hold no relevancy if students are not active in the voting process. The opportunity to vote, provides a platform for development, that many leaders such as Douglass, sought and promoted in their lifetime. Frederick Douglass dedicated his life to making sure that everyone had the opportunity to be educated and to be free to control his or her own destiny. By extension, Frederick Douglass and those who came before and after him succeeded in establishing equal access to
Flashing forward over a century, I cannot help but think that Mr. Douglass would be disappointed to say the least. A man that treasured education and professed its value to anyone who would listen, would undoubtedly be appalled by the fact that so many people neglect to exercise this most empowering of rights. More frustrating is the idea that many who do vote do so blindly without educating themselves on the issues that can guide their decisions. Nevertheless, this accurately describes the state of our nation. According to the United States Election Project (at George Mason University), the VEP, or Voting-Eligible Population, turnout in the 2008 General Election was 62.2%. While that may sound acceptable, what that really says is that in a year, which featured one of the largest voter turnouts in recent history, only about 6 out of every 10 Americans who were eligible to cast a vote (there were an estimated 213 million people that fell into this category) actually bothered to do so. Moreover, if 6 out of 10 are voting, we have to ask ourselves, how many of those six actually know why or what platiform to vote on. According to the Los Angeles Times, the ratings for the first of the three 2012 Presidential Debates between incumbent President
Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney were up 28% over the first debate between Barack Obama and John McCain in 2008. Promising sign right? Nope. In real numbers, that means that approximately 67.2 million people watched the debate on October 3rd. If the VEP is approximately the same as it was in 2008, and if we assume that all 67.2 million viewers were eligible voters (not likely), that means that 31.5 percent of those eligible to vote actually watched the debates. If we make the even larger leap to assume that all of those viewers will vote, we can estimate that out of the approximately 62% of people we expect to vote only half of those bothered to watch and figure out what they are going to be voting for. Some would argue that since they know who or what they are voting for and because they have done their homework, that thus they do not need to watch the debates. Others would claim that the numbers reported are not necessarily accurate because people may have watched the debates online, or DVR’d the debates for later viewing, or read even read transcripts online the following day. While all of these may be valid, any headway these arguments make into the reality of this situation does little to negate the sadness of this situation. Specifically Frederick Douglass and other heroes have fought the fight to make cure our right to vote. Those heroes include all types of people ranging from civil rights
leaders to politicians, from the military to teachers. Whether your hero is Frederick Douglass or Thomas Jefferson, Seal Team Six or your sixth grade teacher, I want everyone who reads this to do me a favor. Next week, when the second debate comes on TV (the Vice Presidential Debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Candidate Paul Ryan on Thursday October 11th) and you are trying to decide whether to watch, I want you to think about your heroes. Think about everything that those people have done for you and why they did it. No matter who your hero is, would they want the sacrifices that they made for you (and do not kid yourself, our heroes all make sacrifices) to be wasted? If you want to honor those who have laid their lives on the line to make America the great country it is, you should make it your goal to educate yourself and then go forward and make evidence based decisions at the polls on November 6th. You can start down that path by simply committing to watching the remaining three debates. Would I like you to come and watch them with the FSU Bronco Debate Team? Of course I would. However, the truth is the most important thing is just that you watch the debates and listen to what the candidates have to say. Then take that knowledge, go to the polls, and vote from a position of knowledge. No matter who you vote for, it is the right thing to do.
Proactive Student To Do List: Wednesday, October 10
~Professional Etiquette RJSC, Chancellor's Dining Hall, 5-6pm Career
Hosted by Kaity Parson, Mose Harris
Thursday, October 11 Community
~Are Leaders Made or Born? SBE Shaw Auditorium, 2-3 pm Presenter Rodney McCrowre
Friday, October 12 ~Are You A 360 Leader? Reception, RJSC 226 4-6pm Hosted by Olivia Chavis
VOTER REGISTRATION ENDS Friday, October 12 at 5pm
Contender or Pretenders
into the Swing of Things
Left: Tony Gonzalez catches TD over Reed Doughty
Courtesy of prod. static.falcons.clubs By DeSean Lawson
By: DeSean Lawson To question Frazier’s dedication and determination for golf, one would have to overlook Frazier’s hard work on the golf course. It’s 7 am on a Saturday morning and unlike most college students, Jedidiah Frazier is not sleeping. In fact, he is awake and practicing his swing. Frazier, a junior and criminal justice major at Fayetteville State University began golf at age three, and has been extremely dedicated in perfecting his craft. His hard work and determination finally paid off when he was awarded a full-athletic scholarship from FSU in the fall of 2009. In 2009, Frazier then a freshman, spent most of his time becoming a collegiate level athlete. Prior to college, Frazier struggled little with man-
aging school and being an athlete, but as many freshmen soon find out, balancing both can present a task. Frazier found himself behind in his studies. The rigorous hours that most collegiate sports programs demand can be difficult to adjust to, unless the athlete is motivated.. Frazier now spends majority of his day in class or practicing golf, leaving little time for social events. In addition to being a full-time student, roughly 15-20 hours per week are spent practicing with the Bronco golf team. During tournament week, Frazier must increase his practice time, by 5-10 more hours per week, still in addition to his studies; somehow he manages.
FSU lls Fa to w a Sh
This week showed everyone who was a contender and who was a pretender in week five of the NFL games. One of the surprising teams coming into this week was the Arizona Cardinals and their league leading 4-0 record. The Cardinals were heavy favorites entering this weeks match up against the Saint Louis Rams. But the Rams ignored the hoopla and upset the Cardinals 17-3 last Thursday night. The Rams young and ferocious defense led by captain middle linebacker James Laurinatis led the attack with 10 tackles, seven of which were solo, one sack and one tackle for loss. The Rams defense sacked quarterback Kevin Kolb nine times and held the Cardinals offense to just 282 total yards. The Rams win improved them to 3-2 and the loss drop the Cardinals to 4-1. So the jury is still out on the Cardinals regarding to them being contenders or pretenders. The other NFC undefeated team was the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons started the game off very sluggish against the Washington Redskins, but picked up the offense as the game went on. The Falcons defeated the Redskins 24-17 to improve to 5-0 for the first time in franchise history. Quarterback Matt Ryan went 34-52, 345 passing yards two touchdowns and one interception. Tight-end and future hall of famer Tony Gonzalez added 13 receptions for 123 yards and one touchdown. The Falcons defense was solid as well. The Falcons held the Redskins offense to just 202 passing yards, including knocking off starting quarterback Robert Griffin III. So it’s safe to say that the Falcons are definitely contenders. In other NFL games the Baltimore Ravens defeated the Kansas City Chiefs 9-6 in an offensively challenged game. The Ravens defense forced four turnovers. The MVP of the game was the Ravens rookie place kicker Justin Tucker. Tucker went 3-3 connecting on field goals from 27, 25 and 39 yards. The Ravens improved to 4-1. Also the San Francisco 49ers defeated the Buffalo Bills 45-3 to improve to 4-1. Quarterback Alex Smith went 18-24, 303 passing yards and three touchdowns. But as usual the 49ers defense over shadowed Smith and the offense. The 49ers defense held the Bills to just three points and only 204 total yards. The NFL game of the week featured two future hall of fame quarterbacks. Quarterback Tom Brady and Peyton Manning renewed their rivalry. This great match up did not disappoint. The New England Patriots defeated the Denver Broncos 31-21. Brady went 23-31, 223 passing yards and one touchdown. Manning went 3144, 345 passing yards and three touchdowns. Just like when Manning was in Indianapolis majority of the time his stats were significantly better than Brady’s but Brady and the Patriots won the game and on this day it was no difference. The Patriots improved to 3-2 while the broncos fall to 2-3. So going into week six of the NFL the top teams have to be the Falcons, 49ers, Ravens and the Houston Texans. The Texans are 4-0 and will face the Green Bay Packers this Sunday night at Reliant Stadium.
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"Oye Mi Canto!" By Cynthia D. Arroyo
You may remember the song titled “Oye Mi Canto” by rapper N.O.R.E featuring many Hispanic rap artists such as Daddy Yankee, Nina Sky, and Gem Star. This song acknowledged all of the Hispanic countries and Hispanic Heritage Month does just that. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 to embrace the many different Spanish cultures. North Carolina has a large Hispanic community especially in the Sanford area. Recently, at the 34th Annual International Folk Festival in downtown Fayetteville, people were able to see different Hispanic groups at the parade. There were a few of the Hispanic cultures such Panama, Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Mexico exhibiting their beautiful and colorful native flags. Hispanic Heritage month is also a time when younger generations of Hispanic offspring delve deep into their cultural roots and try to define and understand who they are and to gain pride for their unique roots. Hispanics have learned that our bright and optimistic ways of living make us interesting. We have also learned that because of our language, our culture may not always be accepted but we seek to overcome that and continue living life and teaching others about our Hispanic roots. I know I am proud to be Puerto Rican! My heart belongs to my island, the place that taught me that hot blood runs through my veins and that salsa is my domain. Boriqua, Morena, Cubano, Mexicano, Oye Mi Canto!
Did you know? The Hispanic population in North Carolina has grown 394 percent Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures Did you know that Ronald Reagan made the dates official on August 17, 1988
projected Hispanic population of the United States in 2050. If the projection holds true, Hispanics will be 30 percent of the nation’s population at that time.
Four percent make up Fayetteville State University population Puerto Rico is U.S. territory
132.8 million is the
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By: Antonio Mayo Have you been publicly humiliated, embarrassed or harassed? Then you may have been a victim of hazing. In an effort to stop hazing, FSU’s Division of Student Affairs an several organizations on campus, held anti-hazing programs during the last week in September. Hazing is defined as any form of harassment or bullying in efforts to initiate or accept an individual into a group, organization or social setting.
Although FSU has never experienced any incidents involving hazing, administrators, faculty and staff continue to educate the students on the potential dangers of hazing. “ I feel that the emotional damage is the hardest to get over, the physical will go away but the memories will stay with these people forever,” said Julian Capel, program director for FSU student Activities Council.
“I am totally against hazing, it is a form of mind control,” said FSU student Brandon Wade.
Capel and others encouraged students who may be a victim or have knowledge of hazing to speak out against it.
During one event, Greek members were asked specifically had they ever been a part of hazing; the answer was not at all. Considering that hazing is illegal and can permanently disband or suspend such organization, it could be assumed that the responses were a part of protocol. Cases of hazing are commonly reported on college campuses involving Greek life and athletics for interested students.
FSU’s Division of Student Affairs also held a mandatory hazing prevention program for all student organizations on Sept. 27. Charles “Chuck” E. Hobbs II, lawyer for FAMU’s former marching band director at the time of the Champion incident, spoke to students about the impact of hazing on college campuses.
The fact is hazing can and has lead to serious injuries and the death of students time and again on campuses across the country. In November 20122, Florida A and M University marching band member Robert Champion died as a result of hazing. The mother of an East Carolina University student who died in a car crash in 2010 is suing the university saying hazing played a role in her daughter’s death, according to the Oct. 4 issue of the Fayetteville Observer.
By Michael Grayson
“It’s a scary thought,” said JaCoya Thompson, a FSU senior, in reference to life after graduation. Thompson, along with many other college juniors and seniors, are bracing themselves to face the harsh reality of competitive job markets and an unstable economy as they prepare to leave college. And, while it may be challenging, obtaining a job after graduation is possible with the right approach. Employers and university administrators suggest that setting realistic goals and acquiring experience through internships might just be the solution to landing that first job. Furthermore, employers said the size of the university you attended isn't as much of a factor as students believe. “It sucks to come out and owe all this money, and still not be able to get a job,” said Brooke Vann, an FSU junior said. Alumna Crystal Lise, who graduated in May of 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in communications states, “I graduated over two years ago and I‘m still unemployed. It’s like you do everything that everyone has been telling you to do since you were a little kid and still [you don't] prevail.” According to 2012 Associated
Life after Graduation
Press reports, about 1.5 million or 53.6 percent, of bachelor degree holders under 25 years of age are jobless or unemployed. Fayetteville Observer’s New Media Director, Randy Capps, offered advice to landing a quality job. Capps stated that it’s always a good idea to obtain as many skills in your arsenal as possible. In order to make yourself a standout candidate “you have to be versatile,” Capps said. In addition, he highlighted the importance of obtaining several internships as opposed to just one. Beasley Broadcast Vice President and Market Manager, Mac Edwards, also stressed the importance of obtaining strong internships. Edwards suggested that students stay on an intern assignment for at least three to six months to gain efficient knowledge and skills. However, not everyone supports the idea of graduating from a fouryear college and jumping straight into the workforce. “A bachelor’s degree is the bare minimum needed [today],” said Dr. Todd Frobish, associate professor and FSU Communications Department interim chair. “A bachelor’s degree now is what a high school diploma use to be.”
Answers from previous issue
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Dr. Frobish highly recommended that all students attend graduate school post completion of college. “You already have been in school for seventeen years, what’s two more?” According to Dr. Frobish, the difference between a bachelor's and a master’s degree is about $1 million dollars in salary over the course of a career. FSU may not appear on the nation’s most prestigious institution list, but some say the idea of having to graduate from a larger university opposed to a smaller university to obtain a job may be a bit overrated. Beasley Broadcast Marketing Consultant Ronnie Wike, said, “It’s not the university that matters, it’s all about the degree.” Capps from the Fayetteville Observer echoed the sentiment and said he has worked with individuals from several different universities in the University of North Carolina system. “No one is judged by where they graduated from, but how they perform,” Capps said. Dr. Frobish said the idea that students who graduate from smaller schools can’t compete is a myth. “ I graduated from a community college” and went on to get my PhD,” he said and added that people can graduate from Harvard and still “fail
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at life.” Still many students fear that immediate employment after graduation is out of their reach. FSU senior Chantella Jude said it’s not obtaining the experience that she's concerned about.“It’s getting my foot in the door that bothers me," Jude said. It's almost like you have to “know somebody that knows somebody” to get anywhere today, she added. Edwards, of Beasley Broadcast, said presentation throughout the application process also matters to employers. One of the areas Edwards said he pays attention to is the cover letter. Edwards said the cover letter really gives candidates the opportunity to open up. Good interviewing skills and experience are also other key determining factors for Edwards. Dr. Frobish, says one of his main deciding factors for candidate selection depends heavily on the ability to work well the team of existing staff. “I look at personality first,” Dr. Frobish said. While the fact remains that landing a job out of college is becoming more difficult, Edwards stressed that, “You have to set realistic goals and put in the effort to achieve them.”
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