An abstract is a brief excerpt from the content of a more extensive work. Its primary purpose is to help the reader get a quick outline of the respective work.
For the same reason, the AbStrakt’20 publication has been conceived as a guide to extensive outputs of students’ and teachers’ activities related, in particular, to the Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral study programme of Architecture and Building Sciences implemented at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague. About two thousand student projects are created there every year, two Ph.D. students’ conferences, two schools of architecture, field trips and trips abroad, a dozen lectures, workshops, an average of six student competitions and over two dozen exhibitions are regularly held there.
Following the previous AbStrakt'10, AbStrakt'12, AbStrakt'14, Abstrakt'16 and AbStrakt'18 publications, AbStrakt'20 is also a peer-reviewed publication devoted to the issues of teaching architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague and design