The Fund for Theological Education (FTE) is a leading ecumenical advocate for excellence and diversity in Christian ministry and theological scholarship. It supports the next generation of leaders among pastors and scholars, providing fellowships and a network of support for gifted young people from all denominations and racial/ethnic backgrounds.
Help for the Journey:
The Fund is also a resource for educational and faith communities, offering programs that encourage highly capable candidates to explore vocations in ministry and teaching. Since 1954, FTE has awarded nearly 6,000 fellowships in partnership with others committed to the future of quality leadership for the church. In addition to fellowships for doctoral and dissertation students from underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds, FTE offers fellowships for undergraduates exploring ministry, for students entering seminary and for secondyear Master of Divinity students. We also offer programs for congregations cultivating the call to ordained ministry among young people.
Inform and inspire FTE also offers workshops to help students of color learn more about graduate studies in religion and theology. Please contact us for more information.
Pursuing a
Fellowships for
Doctoral Students in Religion & Theology
Supporting the next generation of leaders for the church and the academy.
Information about FTE fellowships is available on the Web at
doctorate can be A long road That is why FTE offers support to racial/ethnic doctoral students— scholars traditionally underrepresented in the academy. We assist African-American, Asian-American, Native American and Hispanic doctoral students in religion, biblical studies and theology: providing financial awards, mentoring, practical advice and a network of support.
Our society grows more diverse each day. Seminaries, churches and communities need leaders who reflect the diversity of those they serve—leaders who are capable of sharing knowledge and building mutual understanding.
Improving Diversity in Theological Education
Doctoral Fellowships include:
North American Doctoral Fellowships include:
Financial award Fellows receive a stipend of up to $18,000 from FTE. In addition, the recipient’s institution must provide a full tuition scholarship or remission as a condition of the award. Doctoral Fellowships are renewable for a second year, depending on the student’s progress during the first year.
Financial award Students chosen as North American Doctoral Fellows receive a stipend ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.
Conferences Award recipients attend a special conference for FTE Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows. This gives Fellows an opportunity to engage with peers and faculty to discuss contemporary issues in religion, biblical studies, theology, scholarship and teaching. Expenses are included as part of the fellowship award. Fellows also receive a travel stipend to attend the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature annual meetings and other professional development opportunities. Network of support Fellows have an opportunity to meet and network with other young African-American scholars, as well as faculty, theologians and FTE staff. This support helps them realize they are not alone as they complete their doctoral work and prepare for their calling in teaching and research. Eligibility v You must be an African-American student preparing to enter your first year of an accredited Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religion, biblical studies or theology v Intend
to teach or do research in theological education and demonstrate a capacity for leadership
v Be
F TE offers three types of doctoral fellowships for racial/ethnic students who demonstrate high academic performance: Doctoral Fellowships for African-American doctoral students who aspire to teach and do research as faculty in theological schools;
a U.S. citizen
If you’re already enrolled in a doctoral program, you are not eligible for this fellowship, but you may be eligible for a Dissertation Fellowship or a North American Doctoral Fellowship.
Dissertation Fellowships include: Financial award Dissertation Fellows receive a stipend of up to $18,000 for one year. In addition, the recipient’s institution must provide a full tuition scholarship or remission as a condition of the award. Conferences Award recipients attend the conference for FTE Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows. Expenses are included as part of the fellowship award. Fellows also receive a travel stipend to attend the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature annual meetings and other professional development opportunities. Network of support Dissertation Fellows have the opportunity to network with peers, faculty, theologians and FTE staff through conferences, workshops and other activities. Recipients are invited to participate in a special Writer’s Workshop. Eligibility v You must be an African-American student in religion, biblical studies or theology at the final writing stage of your dissertation. Your dissertation committee must have approved your dissertation research proposal and writing plan and must have given you permission to proceed before you submit your application for the Dissertation Fellows Program. v Be
able to write full time during the fellowship year
v Intend
Dissertation Fellowships for African-American doctoral students at the final writing stage of their dissertations; and
“FTE offers real support. Someone there believes in you when you’re not sure you believe in yourself.”
North American Doctoral Fellowships for racial/ethnic scholars, including African-American, Asian-American, Native American and Hispanic students.
Dr. Marcia Riggs J. Erskine Love Professor of Ethics Columbia Theological Seminary
to teach or do research in theological education and demonstrate a capacity for leadership
Be a U.S. citizen
If you are now preparing to enter your doctoral program, you are not eligible for this fellowship, but you may be eligible for a Doctoral Fellowship or a North American Doctoral Fellowship.
Network of support FTE provides Fellows with networking support, maintaining regular contact and acting as an advocate for them in the profession. Eligibility must be an African-American, Asian-American, Native American or Hispanic doctoral student v You
v Be enrolled full time in a Ph.D. or Th.D. program in religion, biblical studies or theology v Be a U.S. or Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of either country v Intend
to teach or do research in theological education and demonstrate a capacity for leadership
Preference is given to students nearing the end of their studies.
How to Apply For fellowship applications, visit our Web site at or contact us at the address below. If you know students who would benefit from these fellowships, please share this information with them. The deadline for Dissertation Fellowship applications is February 1. The deadline for Doctoral Fellowship applications is March 1. The deadline for North American Doctoral Fellowships is March 1. Recipients will be notified by the end of April.
The Fund for Theological Education
825 Houston Mill Road, Suite 250 Atlanta, GA 30329 Phone: 404-727-1450 Fax: 404-727-1490 Email: