Welcome to AP environmental science. You have chosen to participate in a class that could change the way you see the world around you. During this class we will explore the many aspects of environmental study. However, We will focus most of our attention on the “scientific” study of the environment. There are three important aspects of this course. First, this is an AP class. That means that one of our goals is that by the successful completion of this course you should be able to score a 3 or better on the AP environmental science test. This means that the grade expectation has been set accordingly. I have set the grading system so that those completing the course with an A should be able to score that 3 or better on the AP exam. A second aspect of this course is that this is a ‘lab” course. This means you will use the scientific method as we conduct lab and fieldwork. We will explore several ways to quantify and qualify the environmental system that we call Earth. Several of our lab experiences will require fieldwork. This course is taught from August to May, so our field labs may take place in less than ideal weather conditions. You are expected to dress accordingly. The majority of our class time will be occupied by lab work. The third and last aspect of this course is that it is taught as a hybrid (online/classroom) learning system. This means that you will be continually viewing, organizing, and storing information on several electronic systems. You are expected to keep up with the online component of this course. Check it often. This online component of the course is your responsibility. However, if you need additional help please ask. I won’t be aware of you needs unless you talk to me.