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What Goes On
Cooley Photography Center: Bradenton Rd; Crossley Gallery: Hughes Studio Bldg, 2698 Bradenton Rd; Selby Gallery: 2700 N Tamiami Tr; Skylight & Thompson Galleries: Keating Center, Bradenton Rd; Stulberg Gallery: 1188 MLK Way). Tue 9a-9p & Wed-Sat 9a-4p. 941474-5548. Jul & Aug Mon-Fri 10a-4p; Sep Mon-Sat 10a-4p. 941-359-7563.
•Ringling Museum of Art: 5401 Bay Shore Rd, Sarasota. Thru Sep 4: Reclaiming HomeContemporary Seminole Art; thru Aug 6: From the Chambers - John Sims Memorial; thru Oct 15: Lorna Bieber; Aug 5-11, 2024: Mountains of the Minds; Sep 30-Jan 2024: Stereo Photography; Oct 14-Jan 21, 2024: Guercino Show; thru Jan 2024: As long as there is sun, as long as there is light. Circus Museum. Bayfront Gardens. Gardens of Ringling Guided Tour: Thu 10:30a. Daily 10a-5p, Thu 10a-8p. 941-359-5700.
•Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center: 300 Tower Rd, Naples. Thru Jul 28: 100 Years of Collier County’s Waterfront - Paul Arsenault paintings. Tue-Sat 9a-4p. 530-5940.
•Sanibel Captiva Art League: Temporary Closed. Exhibitions at Sanibel Public Library, 770 Dunlop Rd, Sanibel— thru Jul 3: Fab 5 Artists; Jul 3-Sep 25: Home Sweet Home. Jul 7-Sep 9: Fortitude at Tribby Arts Center, Shell Point, 17281 On Par Blvd, Ft Myers. Meetings 3rd Thu Sanibel Community House, 2173 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 1-3p. 322-8593.
•Sanibel Public Library: 770 Dunlop Rd, Sanibel. Sanibel Captiva Art League exhibits–thru Jul 3: Fab 5 Artists; Jul 3-Sep 25: Home Sweet Home. Mon-Fri 9a-35p. 472-2155.
•Sarasota Art Center: 707 N Tamiami Tr, Sarasota. Thru Aug
5: Identity, Exploring the Human Condition; Aug 24-Sep 30: An Abstract View; Aug 24-Sep 30: Lauren Mann, Iren Tete, Ry
McCullough. Mon-Fri 101-5p 7 Sat 12-5p. 941-365-2032
•Sarasota Art Museum: Ringling College, 1001 S Tamiami T, Sarasota. Thru Sep
17: The New Black Vanguard - Photography Between Art & Fashion; thru Sep 17: Stephanie
J Woods; thru Sep 17: Sara
Berman’s Closet; Jul 16-Oct
29: Chakaia Booker - Surface Pressure; Jul 23-Oct 29:
Reassembling Split Light. TueSun 11a-5p. 941-309-4300.
•Sheldon Fine Art: 460 Fifth Ave S, Naples. Sun-Thu 10a-6p, Fri-Sat 10a-9p. 649-6255.
•Sidney & Berne Davis Arts Center: 2301 First St, Ft Myers. Grand Atrium—Jul 7-27: Iberian Influences – Spanish Artists in Florida; Aug 4-24: A New Beginning. Capital Gallery—Jul
7-27: Follow the King; Aug 4-24:
On Board. Mon, Tue & Thu 10a-
5p, Wed & Fri 10a-10p. 337-1933.
•Sweet Art Gallery: 852 1st Ave S, Naples. Mon-Fri 10a-5p & Sat 11a-2p. 597-2110.
•Tammra Sigler Studio: 5760 Shirley St, # 11, Naples. By appt. 821-1017.
•Things I Like by Catherine: 3954 Bayshore Dr, Naples. Thru August 31: Mark Hunt. Tue-Sat 11a-5p. 778-4665.
•Timeless: 2218 First St, Ft Myers. Daily 11a-6p; Fri & Sat 11a-8p. 332-8463.
•Tower Gallery: 751 Tarpon Bay Rd, Sanibel. Tue-Sat 10a-5p. 340-6467.
•Tribby Arts Center at Shell Point: 17281 On Par Blvd, Ft Myers. Thru Jul 29: Styled Steel
- The Art of Automotive Design; Jul 1-Sep 9: Fortitude - Ft Myers Beach Art Assoc & SanibelCaptiva Art League. Tue-Sat 10a-3p. 415-5667.
•Union Artists Studios: Alliance of the Arts, 10051 McGregor Blvd, #202, Edwards Bldg, Ft Myers. Sat 10a-2p & by appt. 980-1394.
•Venice Art Center: 390 Nokomis Ave S, Venice. Thru Jul 20: Passion; Jul 28-Aug 16: Reflections; Sep 15-28: tba; Sep
29-Oct 28: tba; Nov 3-30: Fall Members Show. Mon-Fri 9a-4p. 941-485-7136.
•Visual Arts Center: 210 Maud St, Punta Gorda. Main Gallery— Thru Jul 17: Summertime; Jul 22-Aug 24: Members Showcase; Sep 14-Oct 31: 5x5 Mural Fundraiser. Goff Gallery—Jul 22Aug 24: Members Showcase; Sep 12-29: Visual Art Center Student Show. Rebecca Hall— thru Jul 17: Blck & White Morality; Jul 22-Aug 24: Members Showcase; Sep 12-29: Hurricane Ian - The Healing. Mon & Fri 10a-4p, Tu-Thu 10a-7p, Sat 10a-2p. 941639-8810.
•Zero Empty Spaces: Bell Tower Shops, 13499 S Cleveland Ave, #181, Ft Myers. Daily 12-5p. 844427-8788
•Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Seminole Tribe of Florida Museum: Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation, 30290 Josie Billie Hwy, Clewiston. Exhibit— ongoing: Seeing Red - A Community’s Response to Missing & Murdered Indigenous Relatives. Daily 9a-5p (boardwalk closes 4pm). 877-902-1113.
•America’s Museum of the Military & First Responders: Naples Airport, North Road Terminal, 500 Terminal Dr, Naples. Mon-Sat 10a-4p & Sun 12-3p. Free. 614-205-0357.
•Architecture Sarasota: McCullough Pavilion, 265 S Orange Ave, Sarasota. Thu-Sat 10a-4:30p & Sun 11a-4:30p. 941364-2199.
•Artis-Naples: Baker Museum of Art, Daniels Pavilion, Hayes Hall, 5833 Pelican Bay Blvd, Naples. 597-1900.
•Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum: 3075 Sanibel-Captiva Rd, Sanibel. Tue-Fri 11a-3p. 395-2233.
•Bishop Museum of Science & Nature: 201 10th St W, Bradenton. Exhibits, manatee habitat, planetariumTue-Sat 10a5p & Sun 12-5p. 941-746-4131.
•Burroughs Home & Gardens: 2505 First St, Ft Myers. Tours Tue-Thu 11a. rsvp 337-9505
•Butterfly Estates: 1815 Fowler St, Ft Myers. Tue-Sun 9a-2p.
•Calusa Heritage Trail: Randall Research Center, 13810 Waterfront Dr, Pineland. Guide Calusa Heritage Trail tours TueSat 10a; Mon-Wed, Fri & Sat 1p. Sunrise-sunset. 283-2062.
•Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium: 3450 Ortiz Ave, Ft Myers. Museum, butterfly aviary, walking trails, animal talks, butterfly talks, planetarium shows daily. Guided walks select
Tue, Thu, Sat 10a; Full moon night hikes & haunted Walks select nites 8p. Planetarium shows MonSat 12 & 2p & Sun 12, 2, 3:30p.
Tue-Sun 10a-4p. 275-3435.
•Cape Coral Historical Museum: 544 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral. Wed-Fri 11a-4p & Sat 10a-2p. 772-7037.
•Children’s Museum of Naples: North Collier Park, 15080 Livingston Rd, Naples. Exhibits— Thru Sep 3: The Pigeon Comes to Naples – A Mo Willems Exhibit; thru Jul: Inventioneers LabWoodworking. Sun-Tue & ThuSat 10a-5p. Closed Sep 10-16. 514-0084.
•Collier County Museum at Government Center: 3331
Tamiami Tr E, Naples. Thru Aug 8: 1923 - Exploring Collier County’s Founding Year; Aug 12-Nov 25: Preserving Collier20 Years of Conservation Collier.
Mon-Sat 9a-4p. Free. 252-8476.
•Conservancy of SWFL: 1495
Smith Preserve Way, off Goodlette Frank Rd. Nature Center, exhibits, kayaking, nature walks, electric boat eco-tours.
Tue-Sat 9:30a-4p. Free. 2620304.
•Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary: 375 Sanctuary Rd. Visitor center, boardwalk, exhibits, guided walks, swamp walks, night events. Daily 8a-1p. 348-9151.
•CREW: Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed. Marsh Hiking Trails, 4600 Corkscrew Rd, Immokalee. Guided wildlife walks & hospital tours. Trails open daily sunrise-sunset. Free. 657-2253.
•CROW: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife. 3883 Sanibel-Captiva Rd, Sanibel. Visitor Education Center, wildlife presentations daily 11a; speakers. Jul Mon-Sat 10a-4p, Aug & Sep Mon-Fri 10a-4p. Free. 472-3644.
•’Ding’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge: 1 Wildlife Dr, Sanibel. Wildlife viewing, education Center. Exhibit– Jan xx-Feb xx: Niki Butcher. Wildlife drive: Sat-Thu 7a-5p; Visitor center: Sat-Thu 9a-5p. 472-1100.
•Edison & Ford Winter
Estates: 2350 McGregor Blvd, Ft Myers. Historic homes, gardens, laboratory, museum. Exhibits. Guided homes tours daily; Automotive Tour Mon 10:30a; Inside homes tour: Tue & Thu 10a; Garden tour by appt; Yoga in the Moonlight Garden Wed 10a; piano concert every other Wed 9:30a. Daily 9a-5:30p. 334-7419.
•Estero Historic Cottage
Museum: One-room schoolhouse & historic cottage. Estero Park, 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero. Sat 1-4p. Free. 272-1911.
•Estero Historical Society: Estero Park, 9285 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero. Sat 1-4p. Free. 272-1911.
•Historic Palm Cottage Museum & Norris Gardens: Naples Historical Society, 137 12th Ave. S, Naples. Cottage tours: Tue-Sat 12-4p rsvp; Guided garden tours: 1st & 3rd Thu of month 10a. Tue & Wed 12-4 & Sat 12-7p. Tue-Sat 12-4p & Sat 1-4p. Free. 261-8164.
•Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center: 975 Imperial Golf Course Blvd, # 108, Naples. Exhibits, guided tours. Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun 1-4p. Closed thru Aug 9. 263-9200.
•IMAG History & Science Center: Exhibits, activities, live sea life touch-tank & feedings, films. Cranford St, Ft Myers. Mon-Sat 10a-5p & Sun 12-5p. 321-7420.
•Immokalee Pioneer Museum at Roberts Ranch: 1215 Roberts Ave W, Immokalee. Thru Jul 15: Viva Florida - Florida Before Statehood. Tue-Sat 9a-4p. Free. 252-2611.
•Marco Island Historical Museum: 180 S Heathwood Dr, Marco Island. Thru Aug 5: The Queen of Marco and the Creation of Collier County; Aug 10-Nov 4: From the Gulf to the Glades - Photography of Jim Freeman. Tue-Sat 9a-4p. Free. 642-1440.
•Marie Selby Botanical Gardens: 1534 Mound St, Sarasota. Jul 22-Sep 17: John Pirman - Diving Into Nature. 10a-5p daily. 941366-5731.
•Marie Selby Botanical Gardens: Historic Spanish Point, 337 N Tamiami Tr, Osprey. Thru Sep: Seeing the Invisible. Daily 10a-5p daily. 941-366-5731
•Mound House: 451 Connecticut St, Ft Myers Beach. Guided tours Tue, Wed & Sat 9a-3p; programs Tue, Wed, Sat 10a; Shell Mound tours Tue-Sat 11a & 1p; Garden tours Tue & Fri 1p; Untold Stories tours Thu 2p; Free guided beach walks Tue & Thu 9a at Newton Park, 4650 Estero Blvd, Ft Myers Beach. Tue-Sat 9a-4p. 765-0865.
•MOTE Marine Laboratory & Aquarium: 1600 Ken Thompson Pkwy, Sarasota. Daily 10a-5p. 941-388-4441.
•Museum of the Everglades: 105 W Bwy, Everglades City. Thru Sep 9: Hometown Heroes. MonSat 9a-4p. Free. 695-0008.
•Museum of the Islands: 5728 Sesame Dr, Bokeelia. Tue-Sat 11a-3p. 283-1525.
•Naples Botanical Garden: 4820 Bayshore Dr, Naples.
Exhibitions– Jul 15-Oct 29:
Ehren Fritz Gerhard – Understory Wonders; thru Sep 10: Frida & Her Garden; thru Sep 4: Viva la Vida; thru Nov: Stickwork. Fogg Café exhibit— thru Jan 21, 2024: Patricia Zalisko - For Life to Return, Music in the Garden: 2nd Sat. Birding tours: Tue 8a. Tours daily 10a-1p on hour. 9a-2p. 643-7275.
•Naples Depot Museum: TemporaryClosed. 1051 Fifth Ave S, Naples. Mon-Sat 9a-4p. Free. 262-6525.
•Naples Zoo at Caribbean
Gardens: 1590 Goodlette-Frank Rd, Naples. Wildlife & botanical exhibits. Daily 9a-4:30p. 2625409.
•Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary: 41660 Horseshoe Rd, Punta Gorda. By appt. Sun 11a-4p. 543-1130.
•Ostego Bay Foundation Marine Science Center: Temporary Closed. 718 Fisherman’s Wharf, Ft Myers Beach. Mon-Sat 10a-4p. 765-8101.
•Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens: 5827 Riverside Dr, Punta Gorda. Sat 10a-1p. Dogs welcome Tue. TueSun 9a-4p. 941-621-8299.
•Randell Research Center: 7450 Pineland Rd, Pineland. Calusa Heritage Trail, South Florida archeology & ethnography exhibits. Guide Calusa Heritage Trail tours Tue-Sat 10a; MonWed, Fri & Sat 1p. Sunrisesunset. 283-2062.
•Revs Institute: 2500 Horseshoe Dr S, Naples. Tours & workshops. Tue, Thu, Sat 10a-4p. Tix in advance. 687-7387.

•Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center: 300 Tower Rd, Naples. Thru Jul 28: 100 Years of Collier County’s Waterfront - Paul Arsenault paintings. Exhibits, daily programs, guided boat & kayak tours. Tue-Sat 9a-4p. 530-5940.
•Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation Nature Center: TemporaryClosed. 3333 Sanibel-Captiva Rd, Sanibel. Exhibits, programs, guided tours. Mon-Fri 8:30a-3p. 472-2329.
•Sanibel Historical Museum & Village: TemporaryClosed. 950 Dunlop Rd, Sanibel. Sanibel Heritage Trail. Opens Oct 18. 472-4648.
•Shangri-La Springs: 27750 Old 41 Rd, Bonita Springs. Organic spa, garden & dining. Garden tours Tue & Wed 10a. Daily 9a4p. 949-0749.
•Shell Factory & Nature Park: 16554 N Cleveland Ave, N Ft Myers. Shell exhibits, Animal exhibits, petting farm, Christmas house, natural history exhibits, water games, video arcade, miniature golf, playgrounds, zip line. Live music Tue-Sun afternoons. Daily 10a-5p. 9952141.
•Williams Academy Black History Museum: Clemente Park, 1936 Henderson Ave, Ft Myers. Wed-Fri 11a-4p & Sat by appt. Free. 332-8778.
•Wonder Gardens: 27180 Old 41 Rd, Bonita Springs. Botanical gardens, animals, alligator feedings. Guided tours Thu-Mon 1p. Daily 10a-2p. 992-2591.
Parks & Beaches
•Alison Hagerup Beach: 14790 Captiva Dr, Captiva. Dawn-dusk. Parking fee. 472-2472.
•Alva Park: 21471 N River Rd, Alva. Dawn-dusk. Free. 6940398.
•Bailey Homestead Preserve: TemporaryClosed. SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundation. 1300 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. Walking tours Mon 2p & Thu 10a. Free. 472-1932.
•Bonita Beach Park: 27954 Hickory Blvd., Bonita Springs. Dawn-dusk. Free. 533-7444.
•Boca Grande Park: 131 1st St, Boca Grande. Dawn-dusk. Free. 839-6008.
•Bowditch Point Regional Park: TemporaryClosed. 50 Estero Blvd, Ft Myers Beach. Free. 463-3764.
•Bowman’s Beach Park: 1700 Bowman’s Beach Rd, Sanibel. Dawn-dusk. 533-7575.
•Brooks Park: 50 South Rd, Ft Myers. Dawn-dusk. Free. 340-0397.
•Buckingham Park: 9800 Buckingham Rd, Ft Myers. Dawndusk. Free. 237-9306.
•Bunche Beach: 18201 John Morris Rd, Ft Myers. Dawn-dusk. Free. 707-6794.
•Caloosahatchee Regional Park: 18500 North River Rd, Alva. Dawn-dusk. Free. 693-2690.
•Cayo Costa State Park: 4 nautical miles west of Pine Island. Accessible only by boat or kayak. Camping, boating, bicycling trails. 8a-sunset daily. 941-964-0375.
•Charlotte Harbor Preserve State Park: 12301 Burnt Store Rd, Punta Gorda. Environmental Center, hiking & bicycling trails, guided hikes. 8a-sunset daily. 941-575-5816.
•Collier-Seminole State Park: US 41, S Naples. Hiking & bicycling trails, boating, camping, boardwalk. 8a-sunset daily. 394-3397.
•Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park: 11135 Gulfshore Dr, Naples. Beach. Hiking trail, paddling, boating, boardwalk, restaurant. 8a-sunset daily. 597-6196.
•Dog Beach: 14436 Bonita Beach Causeway, Bonita Springs. Dogs can run free. Dawn-dusk. Free. 229-0632.
•Estero Bay Preserve State Park: 4940 Broadway W, Estero. Hiking trails, off-road bicycling trails, boating. 8a-sunset daily. 992-0311.
•Estero Park: 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero. Rec Center. 6a-9p. Free. 248-1609.
•Everglades National Park: Gulf Coast Visitor Center, 815 Oyster Bar Ln. Everglades City. 6953311.
•Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park: 8137 Coastline Dr, Copeland. Hiking & bicycling trails, boardwalk, paddling, historic site. 8a-sunset daily. 695-4593.
•Four Freedoms Park: 4818 Tarpon Ct, Cape Coral. Dawndusk. Free. 574-0804.
•Gasparilla State Park: 880 Belcher Rd, Boca Grande. 8a-sunset daily. Bicycling & hiking trails, paddling, museum. 8am-sunset daily. 941-964-0375.
•Harlem Heights Park: 7340 Concourse Dr, Ft Myers. Dawndusk. Free. 839-7062.
•Hickey Creek Mitigation Park: 17980 Palm Beach Blvd, Alva. Dawn-dusk. Free. 693-2690.
•John Yarbrough Linear Park: 14608 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy, F Myers. Dawn-dusk. Free. 218-1032.
•Judd Park: 1297 Parkview Ct, N Ft Myers. Dawn-dusk. Free. 357-5443.
•Koreshan State Historic Site State Park: US Hwy 41 & Corkscrew Rd, Estero. Access to Mound Key Archeological State Park. Historic settlement, hiking trials, boating, paddling, camping. 8a-sunset daily, historic site 8a-5p daily. 9920311.
•Kurt Donaldson Park: 180 Hunter Blvd, Cape Coral. Dawndusk. Free. 357-5443.
•Lake Manatee State Park: 20007 State Rd 64 E, Bradenton. Hiking & bicycling trails, paddling, boating. 8a-sunset. 941-741-3028.
•Lakes Regional Park: 7330 Gladiolus Dr, Ft Myers. 7a-dusk. 533-7575.
•Lehigh Acres Park: 1400 W 5th St, Lehigh Acres. Dawn-dusk. Free. 204-1165.
•Lehigh Acres Trailhead Park: 213 David Ave, Lehigh Acres. Dawn-dusk. Free. 204-1165.
•Lighthouse Beach Park: 110/153
Periwinkle Way, Sanibel. 7a-dusk. 472-0345.
•Lovers Key State Park: 8700 Estero Blvd. Ft Myers Beach. Bicycling & hiking trails, boating, paddling. Guided walks select Fri & Sat 10:30a; 8a-sunset daily. 463-4588.
•Lynn Hall Beach Park: 950 Estero Blvd, Ft Myers Beach. Dawn-dusk. Free. 229-7356.
•Manatee Park: 10901 Palm Beach Blvd, Ft Myers. Free butterfly garden tours Sun 9a thru Mar. Free. 690-5030.
•Matanzas Pass
Preserve: TemporaryClosed. 119 Bay Rd, Ft Myers Beach. Free. 707-3015.
•Matlacha Park: 4577 Pine Island Rd, Matlacha. Community Center. 7a-9p. Free. 771-1078.
•Myakka River State Park: 13207 SR 72, Sarasota. Canoeing, camping, paddling, hiking & bicycling horseback riding trails, wildlife tours by air-boat & tram, scenic drive, guided walks. 8a-sunset daily. 941-361-6511.
•Nalle Grade Park: 8350 Nalle Grade Rd, N Ft Myers. Dawndusk. Free. 357-5443.
•Naples Preserve: Eco-center. 1690 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. Free. 261-4290.
•North Collier Regional Park: 15000 Livingston Rd, Naples. Free. 652-4512.
•North Fort Myers Park: 2000 N Recreation Park Way, N Ft Myers. Rec Center. Dawn-dusk. Free. 533-7200
•North Shore Park: 13001 N Cleveland Ave, N Ft Myers. Dawn-dusk. Free. 357-5443.
•Olga Park: 2325 S Olga Dr, Ft Myers. Community Center. Dawn-dusk. Free. 694-2291.
•Oscar Scherer State Park: 1843
S Tamiami Tr, Osprey. Hiking & bicycling trails, paddling, camping. 8a-sunset daily. 941483-5956.
•Phillips Park: 5675 Sesame Dr, Bokeelia. Dawn-dusk. Free. 771-1078.
•Pinewood Trails Park: 5901 Pine Island Rd NW, Bokeelia. Dawn-dusk. Free. 771-1078.
•Rutenberg Park: 6500 South Pointe Blvd, Ft Myers. Dawndusk. Free. 340-0397.
•San Carlos Bay-Bunche Beach Preserve: 18201 John Morris Rd, Ft Myers. Free. 765-6794.
•Schandler Hall Park: 419 Royal Palm Park Rd, Ft Myers. Dawndusk. Free. 533-7200.
Lee County Sports Complex Hammond Stadium 14400 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy. Fort Myers 768-4210
Jul 1: vs Lakeland Flying Tigers
Jul 2: vs Lakeland Flying Tigers
Jul 3: vs Lakeland Flying Tigers

Jul 14: vs Clearwater Threshers
Jul 15: vs Clearwater Threshers
Jul 16: vs Clearwater Threshers
Jul 25: vs Clearwater Threshers
Jul 26: vs Palm Beach Cardinals
Jul 27: vs Palm Beach Cardinals
Jul 28: vs Palm Beach Cardinals
Jul 29: vs Palm Beach Cardinals
Jul 30: vs Palm Beach Cardinals
Aug 8: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 9: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 10: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 11: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 12: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 13: vs Bradenton Marauders
Aug 22: vs Daytona Tortugas
Aug 23: vs Daytona Tortugas
Aug 24: vs Daytona Tortugas
Aug 25: vs Daytona Tortugas
Aug 26: vs Daytona Tortugas
Aug 27: vs Daytona Tortugas
Sep 5: vs Bradenton Marauders
Sep 6: vs Bradenton Marauders
Sep 7: vs Bradenton Marauders
Sep 8: vs Bradenton Marauders
Sep 9: vs Bradenton Marauders
Sep 10: vs Bradenton Marauders
•Six Mile Cypress Slough
Preserve: 7791 Penzance Blvd, Ft Myers. Boardwalk, interpretive center open Tue-Sun 10a-4p. Guided boardwalk walks Wed 9:30a. Guided ‘wet walks’ select Sat & Wed 9:30a & 1p Sep & Oct, rsvp. Dawn-dusk. Free. 533-7550.
•Stump Pass Beach State Park: 900 Gulf Blvd (south end of Manasota Key, Englewood). Hiking, paddling, guided tours. 8a-sunset daily. 941-964-0375.
•Three Oaks Park: 18251 Three Oaks Pkwy, Ft Myers. Dawn9:15p. Free. 478-6998.
•Veterans Park: 55 Homestead Rd, Lehigh Acres. Rec Center. Dawn-dusk. Free. 369-1521.
•Wa-Ke-Hatchee Park: 16730 Bass Rd, Ft Myers. Rec Center. Dawn-dusk. Free. 533-7468.
•Bonita Springs: 10560 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs. Mon, Wed, Thu 10a-6p, Tue 12-8p, Fri & Sat 9a-5p. 533-4860.
•Cape Coral-Lee County: 921 S.W. 39th Ter, Cape Coral. Mon-Wed