1 minute read
Words: Jim Edleston
off but NOT well liked.
One day, while I was working in my tax office, protected by a Roman soldier, Jesus came down the street, followed by a huge crowd.
Word had traveled through the whole region about this young teacher. We had heard about many miracles, turning water into wine, healing the crippled and even one story about Him raising a dead girl back to life. Everyone was talking about the power and wisdom of His teaching. He taught scripture in ways never heard before.
So, He’s walking along the road and I look up and He’s staring at me. He called out, “Follow me.” To this day, I have no idea why I did it but I got up and walked away from my job and went after Him. Soon after, I found myself walking beside Him. I even invited Him to dinner at my house.
On short notice, I put together a feast for Him and his closest followers, inviting all of my friends and acquaintances. Some of the religious leaders stood outside grumbling and asking why a teacher would willingly dine with sinners.
Jesus knew their thoughts, smiled and said, “It is not those who are well who need a doctor but those who are sick.” I did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.”
That is how I became a follower of Jesus. The other apostles took a while to accept me but eventually they came to understand I was a different person-totally changed by our Savior.
Over the next 3 years I came to understand He is truly the Son of God. Before then, I wasn’t even sure if there WAS a God. When He would look at me, it was as if He was seeing right into my soul; the good and the bad. Despite all of bad, He just loved me.
This same love and acceptance is there for anyone who will take the courage when He calls, “Follow me”. Blessings on and off the road,
Jim and Betty Edleston CMA