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Summertime Opportunities
As we grind through the dog days of summer, it will be no time and we will be loading up again and heading to a cow pasture. Getting the chance to regroup always has its benefits as I’m sure there are some of us that have a grocery list of items that just can’t seem to get done during the season. Of course first things first, the bike has to be on point with new this and that and the rig has to be prepped and ready to pull out at any given time. The other grocery list items that need to be addressed around the house can be scheduled accordingly at some point and time. I’m sure there will be discussion on these unsolved opportunities and the law will probably be laid down, but it might be better to pay now and play later, just saying.
As I have mentioned in my previous articles, if you don’t do anything else to get ready for the upcoming season, get your FTR and AMA memberships NOW, your children’s minor release cards NOW, don’t stand in line signing up for these three things at the first race. We have ten solid Hare Scramble races this season with a possibility of three more clubs securing property. Starting off our season with September 4th being the first Enduro and following up three weeks later with the very popular Croom Enduro promoted by Suncoast Trailblazers, these events will give you the opportunity to knock the dust off and find out how that summer training program worked for you.
All in all, there are 17 events on the schedule that you can participate in. I hope everyone has a great summer and put in some seat time as our season is just around the corner.
Thanks for listening,
per FTR President Randy Faul...
A quick note to all you SPORTSMAN riders, FTR has had many, many complaints about your conduct, riding antics, blowing through double greens, cutting the course, aggressive riding, parking other riders and basically it has turned into a circus. I made this known at the benefit race on the starting line that FTR is watching and will be proactive this coming season. This class was designed to introduce riders that have never participated in an Hare Scramble event before and to allow those that can’t ride on Sunday or just wants ride with their buddies an opportunity to do that, it was not intended to be a full blown win at all costs pro event with disregard of our rules and sportsmanship. We will have riders that are faster than you in the class watching, observing and taking numbers, there will be no if, ands, buts or protests, you will be gone. If that doesn’t work, then this season will determine if FTR decides to completely eliminate the Sportsman class and force you to ride a regular class or walk away and don’t ride.
As always and like anything else, there are always a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone and we know that, therefore the effort to remove the problem riders will be our priority. Race with respect and stop endangering the other riders is all you have to do.

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