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Season well done

As we wind down our season, I would like to reflect back on yet another stellar year of competition and epic family time as we get ready for the big event in July. Let me remind everyone now, party time is July 24 at the Doubletree by Hilton in Orlando. Just a word of caution, being we had to cancel last year’s awards banquet because of you know what, do not wait until the last minute to reserve your tickets as we will sell out this year. Tickets go on sale May 15 through July 3rd, No tickets will be sold after July 3rd!


As everyone I hope knows by now, our events just “do not happen” by themselves. Starting off with the clubs and their members, it takes thousands of hours and many months of preparation to host an event just for us to circle the wagons for a short two day weekend. The unselfishness and determination from all involved is a testament for the love of our sport. Not only from the clubs, but our volunteers that show up on Friday morning or sometimes on Thursday evening to get a jump on coordinating and planning for the weekend’s event.

I know you have heard me say this numerous times but I can’t say it enough, FTR and its members are so very fortunate to have these folks helping make our weekend the best it can be. From our first class safety/medical crew, our super organized tech crew, the one man show starting crew and all the other behind the scene guys and gals that make these weekends happen, THANK YOU for a job well done! Our FTR and AMA sign up crew, scoring and membership personnel are also part of the team that makes the events run smoothly, job well done here also.

Along with the contingency programs from all the manufacturers, we also are very fortunate and proud to have some major supporters in the industry on board also.

MOOSE RACING is a huge supporter of our series and will be back for several more seasons as one that supports the sport. The Moose racing brand has deep roots in the off road world and provides a superior product.

FMF came on board this year and what more can you say about the best exhaust system out there! These guys have been building systems since 1973 and have always been involved in offroad from the beginning.

ENGINE ICE, the # 1 Powersports Coolant has been around for about 20 years and provides a superior product by using the best ingredients.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN ATV/MC and their Race Gas program is also a win/ win with our members which offers a cash account credit gift card. Next time you need products for your two or four wheel machine, support those who support us. Any of our local shops can provide you with parts and accessories needed from any of these fine companies.

Also, a big Thanks to Central Florida Powersports, Palmetto Motorsports and WMR for always stepping up and supporting FTR in so many ways. As you can see there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that makes the wheels turn and every little part is a link in the chain that makes the wheels turn.

Last but not least are all the volunteers that make up the committees and chairmen that propose rules that make the FTR one well run organization. We have a lot of good things going for us and the future has some new things coming that will make it even better. Let’s look into the next season with enthusiasm and a positive attitude as great things will be happening.

Thanks for listening

Your president,

Randy Faul

Want to advertise with us? Email ftreditor@floridatrailriders.org for more info


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