3 minute read
On Location
3 miles of Saturday bikes with quads having their own 7 miles. A lot of work by all and by the time you read this we will have completed our Hare Scrambles series this season and we will be looking at the big show, our awards banquet. More details will be coming very soon but I will say do not wait for booking your rooms and ordering your tickets as this year we will be presenting a full room of vendors with merchandise, bikes and new products which everyone is super excited to go back to.
This month’s article is coming live from somewhere in the middle of 18,000 acres where I’ve been living for the past four weekends. Leaving out on either a Thursday night or sometimes on Friday, the name of the game is the same. Load up the first of the week, go stay at property, come home Sunday night, go to work on Monday tired and Repeat.
Along with many others, we are about three weeks out from the final HS event of the season. It seems like we just got done with our clubs event in October and here we are again, time fly’s when you’re having fun they say. Along with our friends from the Sunrunners, SADRA and many other volunteers, the course has come together nicely, or should I say all three courses. Yes, here we go again doing three separate trails as Sunday has its own trail shared with With one more co-sanctioned Enduro scheduled for June 12 in Greensboro, Ga our season will come to a close and then we have the summer off to go ride some more in the northern states as we can call it a vacation, a getaway or a men’s trip. I know this may not sit well with the better half but if we structure it in a way where they have an unlimited credit card, unlimited mileage on a rental and no set hours, they could go, and it would be a win-win!
Moving along before this sits in, this sounds good but is not recommended or endorsed as we have the 22/23 season to look forward to so on to summer activities.
By the time you read this our benefit race will be in the books with championships determined and hopefully a lot of memories made with your buddies. If you don’t get enough, we meet almost every Sunday in the pines at Croom for a morning ride and knock off around 1:00 after some horrendous bench racing, lies and who is getting the next new bike.
All kidding aside and as we all know, we only had 10 events this season with three clubs having problems securing property. It’s getting extremely difficult to find property that a landowner allows us to use. Then if property is found the first thing you look at is the parking and the road as now the parking is more important than how much actual woods you have. It wasn’t too many years ago that it was just the opposite as how many acres you had to work with and how much of it was woods and useable. This is the main reason the clubs ask that you don’t circle the wagons and take up way more area than you need as parking is a premium. I know this was the main factor in one of the clubs not being able to hold an event because the property did not have enough parking. I also know every club goes beyond the call of duty to make sure their weekend goes smooth and that the property is left in better shape than they found it and doing our part certainly helps with that.
Thanks for listening,
Randy Faul

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