1 minute read
“Who is your favorite pro rider and why?”
Josh Tolken
Charlie Mullins, I met him at an FTR race a few years back with Jesse Ansley and my brother Matt, he only had two jerseys and he told me to meet him at the next race for a jersey. Sure enough he was true to his word, super nice guy and great rider!
Kent Ashby
Stew, watching him never gets old. He’s probably the most talented person to ever do it. Scrubs? Quading rythym sections? You can thank James Stewart for that.

Editor’s Choice
Definitely McGrath, my first memories of watching Supercross were Jeremy McGrath. Even at that young of an age I could still appreciate the fluidity of his style. To this day I think he had the best style of anyone, eh maybe Christian Craig puts up a fight in that category. I remember being devestated whenever RC beat him.