Scientific Illustration Journal

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Sc i e nt i f i cI l l us t r a t i onCompi l a t i on By

MohdRi dz ua nFua d bi nSha i f ul Annua r 2 0 1 7 4 4 3 3 0 4

Mohd Ridzuan Fuad bin Shaiful Annuar Born: Tg Malim, Perak Based: Kota Tinggi, Johor Majoring in Illustration in Graphic Design Bachelor

I am an enthusiast toward the aesthetic environment and an explorer guided by my curiosity. I have been drawing since I was eight. Exchange my science stream with art in STPM, I am furthering my study in Graphic Design Bachelor in UiTM. Almost 3 years of study, I explored as much as I can in illustration. I spent most of my time illustrating things in my surroundings and mix it with a twist of my style. Discovering scientific illustration has taught me the relation of art and science as the area of studies that benefits one and another. The care of precision, concentration to imitate, and visualizing the exact visual have help science to be explored by many people even when they do not have the science background.

Journal Intro "The knowledge of intepret scientific information and focus on what is important is the single most important thing in Scientific Illustration." Erin Walsh Australian National University research scientist and a scientific illustrator.

Stated by the name, scientific Illustration is the division of Illustration that aware of scientific accuracy. It is more than just an artwork, scientific Illustration includes the details, complex concept, and subject in an engaging and easily comprehensive way. Scientific Illustration often visualizes the undiscoverable part to show how they look like. This is really helpful to help the understanding of science. The subject matter is illustrated accurately to inform and educate the audiences. Scientific Illustration, in other words, can be defined as a service for science. This is due to its function as a visual communication in science. This is mean, the illustrator must acknowledge the level of knowledge of the viewer so that the info illustrated can serve its purpose. illustrators do not infuse imagination and creativity into their work. The exact subject must be translating exactly as it is without any alteration occur or else, the work will not consider as scientific illustration. This jornal will compile all scientific illustrations produce by me. The arworks will be arrange according to the areas in scientific illustration.

Nat ural Sc i e nc e

Ac ryl i c sonpape r

Thes ub j e c twaso bs e rve dduri ngaf i e l dt ri p aroundt hepark. Iha vee nc ount e re dan i nt e re s t i ngbe rri e s l i kepl ant .

Bo t ani c al

Dri e dNut s& Frui t

St udi e sondri e dbo t ani c als ub j e c t . Pe nc i lme di a areus e dt ot ac kl et hec urveandri ppl eo ft he s ub j e c t .

Raf f l e s i a

Kno wnast hemos tge nuso f paras i t i cpl anti nt hef ami l yo f Raf f l e s i ac e ae . Appro xi mat e l y 28s pe c i e skno wn. Raf f l e s i a c anbef oundi nBorne o Mal a ys i a.

Raf f l e s i aArno l di i

Thes pe c i e so fraf f l e s i at hatc an bef oundi nSabah.

Pe nc i lonPape r

Mi xMe di aonPape r

Pos t e rc o l ouronPape r

Mor pho l ogy

HI V vi rus

HI V( HumanI mmunode f i c i e nc yVi rus )vi rusi san unc urabl evi ruskno wni nt heworl d. Duri ngonehour e xe rc i s e , Imadeare s e arc haboutt heHI V vi rusand ho wi te f f e c t st hepat i e ntbody. Theproc e s so fi nki ng t ake sonehourandt hei nkarti spai ntdi gi t al l y.

Fauna Toc oTouc an

Sc i e nf i c l yc al lRamphas t os Toc oal s oc al l e dasGi ant Touc an. Themos tl arge s tand t hebe s tkno wnamong Touc anf ami l y. Toc oTouc an c anbef oundi nal argeparto f c e nt ralande as t e rnSout h Ame Am ri c a

Vi pe r

Vi pe ri daei nt hes c i e nt i f i c name . Vi pe ri st hef ami l yo f ve nomouss nake . Thec l as so f c o l dbl oodre pt i l e .

Go l dFi s h

Gowi t hCaras s i usaurat usas s c i e nt i f i cname . Go l df i s hi sa f re s hwat e rf i s handt he c ommondome s t i cani malke pt i naquari um. Go l dFi s hi st he s mal lme mbe rso fc ar pf ami l y.

Li f e Cyc l e Thec i c adasareas upe rf ami l y, t heCi c ado i de a. Ci c adaha vea l ongl i f ec yc l earound1 3t o1 7 ye ars

Zoo l ogy Se a j e l l yi saf re es wi mi ngmari neani mal . The anat omyares i mpl ewi t hl argeumbre l l as hapehe ad andt e nt ac l e s . Thi smagi c alc re at ureha veauni que l i f eandt he rei st hous andso fs pe c i e st obekno wn e xi s t .

Manus c ri pt I l l umi nat i on I l l umi nat i oni nMal a yworl dareme antt obeas " Hal waMat a"whi c hme antase yec andy. Mal a ys i l l umi nat i onareraret obes e e n. Theworkbe l o w aret hei ns pi rat i ono fMal a ysi l l umi nat i oni nTa j al Sal at i nmanus c ri ptbyBukharial Jauhari .

The Journey Producing the scientific illustrations have to go through process of research and exploring. Here is some of it. Reading Research d of ing this fiel and demand illustration to scientific that related of institution s iou var There is including: ustry this is ted State studies in ind – Illinois, Uni Illustrator Kingdom of Medical don, United Association strators – Lon Medical Illu onto, Canada Tor – . ted State Institute of Inc Studio n, D.C, Uni Animation ical – Washingto med SI) AXS Bio strators (GN Science Illu of Natural The Guild






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Alice Tan

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Artist References

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erini Alice Tang

Ernst Haeckel

a S. D y l i m

Visual References

Scientific Illustration Institutions •

Association of Medical Illustrator – Illinois, United State

Institute of Medical Illustrators – London, United Kingdom

AXS Biomedical Animation Studio Inc. – Toronto, Canada

The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) – Washington, D.C, United State

References •

Scientific Illustration: A Guide to Biological, Zoological, and Medical Rendering Techniques, Design, Printing, and Display

Biodiversity Heritage Library

Sydney Living Museums

Smithsonian Magazine

Nasr, S. (1987). Islamic art and spirituality. 1st ed. Albany: State University of New York Press

Gruber, C. (2010). The Islamic manuscript tradition. 1st ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Purposely prepared for: GDI 686 Scientific Illustration Lecture/Advisor: Mdm Jamizan Jalaluddin@Md Rashid

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