Spring 2020
Do I need to buy a coffee? Written by Zoe Bernardi
Photos by Caylyn Downey
The art of espresso is something that takes time to craft. A true talent is creating the perfect amount of foam to coffee ratio. Coffee has slowly become a key trait of the food and culture scene around the world. Having a good cup of coffee can be the start to a good day, a new beginning, or an adventure.
the balance between reason and pleasure. How does coffee play into this notion? Very easily, in fact. These questions are balanced with the pleasure of the coffee, it acts as a source of comfort. A freshly made cappuccino is a small splurge you made for yourself, a tool for productivity to get work done, or it’s the overall coffee shop experience.
A coffee drinker might wonder: “Do I need to buy it?” “Can I make it at home?” “Is it worth the money?” The coffee drinker is looking for the reason to open their wallet, bringing us to the ideas of eros and logos which is
Coffee has many personalities whether it would be comfort, relaxation, or a form of energy. It can be just what you need on a cold morning or a boost in the afternoon before a meeting or class. Coffee is a tool to keep you