Strategic Military Plan 2030

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GEN. JUAN PABLO RODRÍGUEZ BARRAGÁN General Commander of the Military Forces ADM. HENRY JOHN BLAIN GARZÓN Deputy General Commander of the Military Forces MG. GONZALO CÁRDENAS MAHECHA Chief of Strategic Planning and Transformation LTC. ANDRÉS ÉREZ Director of Strategic Thinking MAJ. WILLIAM ALBERTO DAW LOVICH Director of Organizational Development CPT. LEYDI NAIDU PARROQUIANO BERNAL Transformation and Capabilities Analyst 1SG. JOSÉ ÁLVARO MORALES CASTILLO Director of Monitoring and Evaluation LTC(Ret) SERGIO ARMANDO TORRES FIGUEROA Strategic Planning Advisor


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SPECIFIC AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGIC MILITARY PLAN 2030 - SMP 2030 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 01 Possess strategic autonomy and credible and sustainable deterrent capabilities to act effectively and simultaneously in more than one scenario.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 02 Achieve and maintain superiority in the conduct of all joint operations, and combat new forms of organized crime, through the integration of military capabilities and roles.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 03 Promote institutional durability by strengthening force protection mechanisms and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 04 Attain sustainable use of allocated resources to assure institutional effectiveness and transparency.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 05 Employ military capabilities to contribute to the country’s sustainable development and to support land restitution mechanisms.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 06 Become a regional and international benchmark in the fight against transnational threats and organized crime.



INTRODUCTION We live in a time of rapid, constant change. The strategic environment is evolving at a dizzying pace. Besides a great adaptation capability, our forces need a midterm vision of where we want to be in order to accomplish our mission and respond appropriately to the challenges to come. The Strategic Military Plan´s 2030 redirection of the Military Forces is the engine that drives synergies, because, without planning and strategies, we run the risk of making unproductive efforts and wasting resources and time. This would delay our ability to reach the objectives set forth in this document. The time when institutions focused their efforts on improving by perfecting the past is long gone. Today, our challenge is to innovate, to build a future. Improvement is not always a good idea, as we know that the challenges that await our forces will not necessarily be a continuation of the past The Strategic Military Plan 2030 includes the design of a interagency, joint, coordinated, and combined strategy where the General Command of the Military Forces plan based on capabilities in order to optimize available resources and to effectively integrate the roles and missions of each Service , allowing them to fulfill the duties stipulated under Article 217 of the Political Constitution of Colombia. This new model´s fundamental purpose is to generate a new organizational structure, through transformation and innovation, capable of dealing with the challenges of the post-agreement period. It will describe all the efforts invested to create the interoperability required between the Services, to further improve security levels, and to contribute to peaceful coexistence. Interoperability will be the enabler to dismantle any threat to Colombia’s tranquility. In this vein, military institutions of the future will be characterized as a successful benchmark in the fight against all organized armed groups, maintaining the rule of law, abiding by International Humanitarian Law and respecting human rights. Thus, they will contribute permanently to the nation´s progress and development. This transformation is achieved by realizing the institutional vision of the Military Forces to 2030, by a constant pursuit of all guidelines, policies, and principles set forth by the government and the Ministry of National Defense. All actions undertaken from this framework will be based on managing an objectives-based agenda. This agenda, having been constructed collectively by personnel of all forces, has the ability to reconcile national defense and security interests with the Services’ interests, and to embody the state’s anticipation efforts. Members of the Military Forces can now be confident in our future, even though global, regional and national geostrategic scenarios are now harder to predict. A solid, coordinated strategic concept is what gives the state the certainty required for consolidating a stable and lasting peace, thus enabling the necessary conditions for generating greater progress and prosperity for our Nation.

General “We are in the heart of all Colombians, and that’s where we plan to stay”

JUAN PABLO RODRÍGUEZ BARRAGÁN General Commander of the Military Forces




-SMP 20306


In a planning context, the “Strategy” concept means to imagine a desired organizational future and finding ways to achieve it. The application of the above concept guides the identification and mitigation of risks, setting objectives, and by defining and prioritizing goals. All the elements of the strategy come together in the “Strategic Military Plan”, providing guidelines for achieving goals that have the potential of becoming sustainable advantages over the time. Every institution requires a strategy which can allow it to focus its efforts on achieving its purpose, and the Colombian Military Forces are no exception. The Military Forces constructed their “Strategic Military Plan 2030” (SMP 2030) with the aim of articulating joint, coordinated, and interagency efforts with the ultimate goal of achieving and maintaining optimal security conditions for the survival and strengthening of Colombia as a Nation.1

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The SMP 2030 was drafted by applying the inductive logic that covers from the general to the particular. It starts with “National Security and Defense Interests” and ends with each Service’s “Action Plans” (see figures 1 and 2). This responsibility is enshrined in the Colombian Political Constitution of 1991, specifically in Article 217 which sets forth the mission of the Military Forces. Therefore, the essence of this plan always includes the constitutional mission each Service has been assigned.

1. Strategic Military Plan 2030, or SMP 2030, is the English translation of Colombia’s Plan Estrategico Militar 2030, or PEM 2030.



In addition to the constitutional responsibility of the Military Forces and the Services, this plan is the fundamental tool that drives the continuous review and modernization to enhance their institutional effectiveness. The Military Forces must anticipate changes and challenges in the new strategic context, focusing efforts on achieving the “institutional vision”, and drawing on experiences to design and implement timely, forceful, and relevant solutions for the defense and security of Colombia. Accordingly, the plan builds on the “2030 Defense Sector Prospective Analysis” while incorporating the scenarios and recommendations, thus becoming the roadmap to the future. Such a roadmap is driven by strategic objectives aimed at harmonizing the reality and needs of the country. The strategic objectives contain the essence of the strategy of the Military Forces and as such have been designed to withstand the test of time and include concepts that are universally valid for decision-making. Logically, the strategic objectives are broken down into more specific goals that provide more appropriate direction. These specific objectives adjust to the relevant needs under the notion that the sum of all goals will ultimately contribute

Figure 1

It is important to emphasize that there is no hierarchy or priority among these objectives. All of them are equally important since they are closely related to the strategy. They must be formulated and developed simultaneously, and always aiming to fulfill the institutional mission. By deductive logic, implementing the SMP 2030 requires for it to be perfectly aligned with the guidelines provided in the government´s National Development Plan as well as with the principles and objectives of the Security and Defense Policy of the Ministry of National Defense. As such, it will become the strategic guidance of the General Commander of the Military Forces to the Service Commanders.

SMP 2030 - Timeline

LONG TERM Political Constitution National Security Strategy National Interests

SMP 2030

Strategic Military Plan


to the achievement of the mission. The strategic objectives are designed to answer the question, what should the Military Forces do and achieve in the future? In other words, these objectives will be defined within the 2030 vision of the Military Forces and should ideally complement the new capabilities and opportunities required to face emerging threats.


MID TERM - 4 years-

National Development Plan Strategic Sectoral Plan

SMP Application Guide

SHORT TERM - 1 year -

Administrative Development Policies


Figure 2

SMP 2030 -Timeline



2014 - 2018

2018 - 2022

SMP Application Guide

Annual action plans

2022 - 2026

2026 - 2030



The directives provided in these strategic documents are incorporated into a new document labeled “Guide for the Implementation of the Strategic Plan”. The former is designed for four-year periods, with annual reviews. Its objective is to create flexibility in the strategy without sacrificing continuity. It also provides the Services with “strategic initiatives” within “lines of action” to achieve the “strategic objectives”. These are a harmonious set of concrete measures, actions, activities and actual behaviors, subject to monitoring and evaluation, which, when submitted to an effective implementation, will directly support in achieving the end state of the SMP 2030. Additionally, the initiatives guide the annual action plans of each Service and the Military Forces General Command`s Staff Directorates. By using a long-term, systemic thought process, Military Forces obtain the orientation that distances them from reactive dynamics, and which entails a series of advantages. First, the Forces achieve institutional sustainability and spending efficiency. Second, The Services will produce results of greater strategic impact, provided that the use of resources is optimized and the strategic guidelines are followed. This becomes evident when analyzing the six warfighting functions (mobility and maneuver, fires, command and control, sustainment, intelligence and force

protection). The third advantage of this process is the reduction of the negative impacts that come from changes in the strategic environment and unexpected events. This process allows for the anticipation and adaptation to threats, while simultaneously increasing institutional resiliency and diminishing the effects of surprise. Finally, when conceived as an evolutionary and incremental process that is gradually developed under the Joint, Coordinated, and Interagency (JCI) concept, SMP 2030 increases the predisposition and readiness to embrace change. This contributes to institutional harmony and the development of better work practices while promoting new avenues for development and proper management of human talent. Therefore, it is necessary for each Service to assess its initiatives, not only for operational effectiveness, but also to ensure a significant impact on the achievement of goals, purposes, and objectives outlined in the plan’s proposed strategy.




STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT The Strategic Military Plan 2030 (SMP 2030) is based on the future strategic environment derived from the “Prospective 2030” exercise conducted by the Ministry of National Defense, Military Forces, and National Police in 2012, and through which, the continued relevance and validity of the SMP 2030, were reviewed and evaluated in 2015.

Prospective analysis, as a discipline for estimating future environments, is conceived as a way to anticipate the future using a cause and effect methodology. Thus, it is possible to infer what could happen in the future, by understanding events, their consequences, and the influence of a vast number of other factors (e.g., economy, culture, environment, politics, etc.). Even so, estimating the future should not be viewed as a magic trick, but as a tool whose use, may result in a variation of events through time, as it is impossible to predict accurately future events. Nevertheless, the future scenarios presented in this document should be incorporated as guiding elements, given their ability to generate a high degree of certainty. The future scenarios are based on a series of hypotheses formed after analyzing different strategic variables, considered through a rigorous quantitative and qualitative procedure. There are three primary types of scenarios: strategic focus, trends, and alternatives. The `Strategic Focus´ scenario is the ideal situation where opportunities are attained, and the adverse effects of threats are minimized. The “Trend” scenario is the most likely and corresponds to the future situation that will occur if variables continue to follow the observed behavior. Finally, the “Alternative” scenario has a high probability, but is slightly less likely than the “trend” scenario. The importance of alternative scenarios is their proximity to



situational trends, and the likelihood of eventually occurring with minimal deviation in the strategic variables. In 2012, during the “Prospective 2030” exercise, 53 variables were identified and analyzed. From these variables, six strategic hypotheses were determined based on an assessment of their influence or dependence capability. In descending order of weighing, the six hypotheses are: (1) multi-crime, (2) external conflict, (3) planning and coordination of the Military Forces and National Police, (4) citizen coexistence, (5) weak territorial consolidation, and (6) leadership in the fight against drug trafficking. The assessment of these variables, after the re-evaluation of the hypotheses in 2015, in the context of the war plan resulted in four identified scenarios (see figure 3). All of these scenarios were considered with equal priority for the construction of the Strategic Military Plan 2030. Therefore, it is possible to state that the SMP 2030 is perfectly aligned as a response to the future challenges anticipated for Colombia and its military forces, as well as a mechanism intended for the closure of gaps between the ideal, the trend and the alternative scenarios.

Figure 3

Prospective scenarios












Multicrime External conflict Planning and Interaction processes between the Military Forces and the National Police Citizen coexistence Weak territorial consolidation Leadership in the fight against Drug trafficking PROBABILITY STRATEGIC FOCUS

By the year 2030, the Military Forces and National Police will plan and execute joint and coordinated operations by the state´s Security and Defense Policy. They will, therefore, continue to be present throughout the national territory, increasing governability, hindering simultaneously, the atomization and articulation of Organized Armed Groups (OAG) as well as their connections with international networks. Managing and the necessary efforts, to strengthen the Military Forces` deterrent capabilities; enabling them to forefend crises, conflict or war with internal as well as external threats. In this sense, the Military Forces will consolidate their regional leadership in the fight against environmental crime; drug trafficking; criminality; extortion; illegal mining; smuggling; and arms, ammunition, and explosives trafficking. By 2030 the State is expected to gain territorial control, and a solid sense of governability, which will thrust forward a stable and lasting peace; becoming a security referent in the region and the world.


In spite of the state’s Security and Defense Policy, by 2030, there will be a weak presence of government agencies and institutions throughout the territory. Conflict evolves due to the dispersion of greater OAGs and their connections to international crime networks. A rise in the insecurity levels, inside smaller municipalities, is evidenced as a consequence of this. This situation has forced the Military Forces to strengthen their role in the fight against drug trafficking and environmental crimes. As a result, the Military Forces have consolidated their status as a regional leader and reference in these areas, and positioned themselves to obtain regional support to counteract crises, conflict or wars with various external threats.


In 2030, the absence of the government´s presence, the low levels of governability as well as the lack of joint, coordinated, and interagency planning contributes to the evolution of a conflict supported by the dispersal of organized armed groups and their connections to other national and transnational criminal organizations. This accelerates the loss of regional leadership in the fight against narco-trafficking and environmental crimes, thus generating regional instability.





By the year 2030, in spite of the National Police and the Military Forces conducting joint, coordinated and interagency planning, state presence remains weak, which promotes conditions where organized armed groups impose their own rules and supplant legitimate authorities. As a consequence, there is an under recording of criminal acts by organized armed groups, and therefore crime statistics appear low. Even though this instability situation favors crises, conflict, external threats or war, Colombia maintains its regional leadership in the fight against narco-trafficking and environmental crimes. By 2030, there is weak state presence, poor governance, and inadequate planning with no joint, coordinated, interagency action. The situation above contributes to the evolution of conflict with dispersed organized armed groups that are connected with international criminal networks. Thus, breeding insecurity inside municipalities and fosters an environment where crises, conflicts or war become possible. The public forces have to strengthen their role in the fight against narco-trafficking and environmental crimes to consolidate its position as a regional leader.







OF THE COLOMBIAN MILITARY FORCES According to the Article 2 of the Colombian Political Constitution, the goals of the state are to “serve the community, promote overall prosperity, and guarantee the effectiveness of principles, rights, and duties provided in the Constitution; enable everyone´s involvement in the decisions that affect the economics, politics, culture, and administrative life of the nation; defend national independence, maintain territorial integrity, and assure peaceful coexistence and a just order.” Article 217 of the Constitution further states: “The nation will have for its defense, standing military forces made up by the Army, Navy and Air Force. The ultimate goal of the Military Forces is the protection of sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity as well as constitutional order.” The Constitution stipulates the mission of the Military Forces as “to defend the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and a current constitutional order that contributes to the people’s security, their resources, and the social rule of law.” Given the above, Colombian Military Forces must adopt a particular chain of command for the employment of its forces. The preceding fact will encourage operating in a Joint, Coordinated and Interagency manner across the country. In this manner, and to comply with their stated constitutional mission, each Service commander has to fulfill its institutional mission as follows:

NAVY Contribute to the nation´s defense through the active employment of a flexible naval power in maritime, riverine and land spaces under its jurisdiction, with the purpose of fulfilling its constitutional duties and participating in the development of sea power and the protection of the interests of all Colombians.

ARMY The Army conducts military operations aimed at defending sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity; protecting the civilian population, state and private resources, thus contributing to building an environment of peace, security and development, and, guaranteeing the nation´s constitutional order.

AIR FORCE The Colombian Air Force exercises and maintains dominance over airspace, and conducts air operations for the defense of the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, constitutional order, and the attainment of state goals.







“By 2030, Military Forces, within the framework of legal regulation, will be: an integral institution with quality men and women, trained, educated and ready, highly proficient in joint, coordinated, combined, and interagency operations; capable of deterrence, interoperability and succeeding in more than one scenario simultaneously; thereby contributing their capabilities to the nation´s growth and becoming a regional and international reference in maintaining global peace.”




-SMP 203016




Possess strategic autonomy. An array of credible and sustainable deterrence capabilities to act effectively and simultaneously in more than one scenario

Become a regional and international reference in the fight against transnational threats and organized crime, through an active participation


Contribute to the country´s sustainable development and land restitution mechanisms through the employment of all military capabilities

Achieve and maintain superiority in the development of all joint operations, and combat new forms of organized crime, through the integration of military capabilities and roles


05 04


Promote institutional durability by strengthening force protection mechanisms and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law

Attain sustainable use of allocated resources in order to ensure institutional effectiveness and transparency



As a result of the demanding effort made by the men and women in the Colombian Military Forces, the country has reached favorable security levels that have given citizens hopes of a better future for coming generations, thanks to the weakening of Organized Armed Groups, whose revolutionary effort of obtaining power through arms has been neutralized, forcing them to negotiate to avoid their complete dissolution. Even though the mid-term scenario does not include players like the FARC and ELN terrorist groups, threats to National Defense and Public Security will remain, even if the negotiations aimed at ending the armed conflict, prove successful. Former members of organized armed groups will likely contribute to the continuity of illegal economies. Additionally, friction and crises with neighboring countries may also persist. Furthermore, climate change has impacted the number and recurrence of natural disasters affecting highly vulnerable areas. These situations bring new challenges that need to be addressed with successfully by modern, transparent and multi-purpose military forces capable of responding efficiently to these new threats. Due to their professionalism and experience, the Military Forces will also be positioned as a regional reference and will solidify their place in the hearts of all Colombians as well. In light of the above, the Strategic Military Plan 2030 (SMP 2030) will now present the strategic objectives aimed at defining a road map that will guide all strategic efforts in the context of the Joint, Coordinated and Interagency (JCI) concept as a framework used to guide and govern the planning and operational efforts made by Military Forces, while respecting the nature of each force integrating them under a single direction, with the individual as its primary axis.



The methodology was chosen and used to formulate and develop the SMP 2030, which will bear the brunt of the Military Forces transformation process, lies in the framework of capabilitiesbased planning�. The purpose of this methodology, led by the Ministry of National Defense and the General Command of the Military Forces, is to strengthen the effectiveness of the defense sector through the optimized use of resources. The implementation of Capability Planning is essential and must take into account the eight mission areas identified by the Ministry of National Defense to deal with the new challenges that the Military Forces are expected to face in the future. Therefore, the Military Forces of the future integrated by specialized personnel, capable of acting in more than one scenario simultaneously in a Joint, Coordinated and Interagency manner. Being this the only way to assure the irreversibility of the achievements reached in security and to maintain superiority without compromising strategic and operational effectiveness.



Possess strategic autonomy and an array of credible and sustainable deterrent capabilities to act efficiently and simultaneously in more than one scenario.

This objective comprises three closely related yet independent concepts: strategic autonomy, reliable and sustainable deterrent capabilities, and the ability to be simultaneously effective in more than one scenario. Strategic autonomy describes the state´s capacity to neutralize, dissuade, and mitigate a threat in a manner that is unaffected by access to resources. The available budget can not determine the strategy. However, this does not mean complete resource independence. The importance of strategic autonomy lies in the state’s capacity to exercise military power in a sustained manner for the time required. As a result, the conduct of operations relies on the Services` strategy and performance, while seeking effects such as:

• Improved national defense capabilities. • Greater freedom of action to pursue national interests. • Reduced influence of third parties in the decision making process. • Boosted development and innovation in the private and public sectors for the production of the goods and services required for security and national defense.

The deterrent capability is the ability to prevent a threat from being executed using a promised retaliation, the magnitude of which should completely exceed any benefit perceived by the threatening aggressor. For deterrence to be effective, the state must have the capability to fulfill the promise of retaliation, if and when necessary. Deterrence is an essential policy and diplomacy to build alliances and defending national interests. For example, if diplomacy fails, then deterrence becomes an acceptable, costeffective alternative to forfeiting national interests and entering into a conflict. Likewise, the absence of capabilities to support deterrence has repercussions for the country’s security and image. Acting in a simultaneous and efficient manner addresses the need to employ JCI capabilities to face challenges and opportunities in more than one scenario, including environmental protection and response to natural disasters, according to the national or international strategic context. For this reason, the Military Forces must be trained for multifunctional employment with modern equipment and state-ofthe-art technology to allow them to accomplish their mission successfully.



Figure 4

Alignment between Strategic Objective Number 1 and its specific objectives

Maintain the Military Forces’ joint capabilities to deter or respond effectively to current and future internal and external threats, both armed and unarmed



Possess strategic autonomy and an array of credible and sustainable deterrence capabilities to act effectively and simultaneously in more than one scenario

Structure a logistics system that will enable an efficient and timely sustainment of military operations



Possess its own means to ensure the timely use or strengthening of capabilities



Maintain the Military Forces joint capabilities to deter or respond effectively to current and future internal and external threats, both armed and unarmed.

By 2030 the Military Forces must have developed and enhanced capabilities to effectively confront regular and irregular, armed and unarmed, threats after analyzing the threat’s strategic context within the framework of the mission areas of national defense and public security.


Possess its own means to ensure the timely use or strengthening of capabilities.

By 2030, the Military Forces must possess the strategic reserve required for the efficient use and rapid reestablishment of military capabilities needed in each mission area, knowing that capabilities have consumable components that will be consumed over time and depleted by their use. Strengthening research, development and innovation processes (R+D+I) is the mechanism to achieve strategic independence.


Structure a logistics system that will enable an efficient and timely sustainment of military operations.

By 2030, the Military Forces must be flexible and multi-mission capable of performing and simultaneously address more than one scenario effectively. However, budgetary constraints only allow a finite number of capabilities. It is, therefore, critical to achieve logistical superiority and strengthen warfighting functions to be able to provide comprehensive capabilities where required without neglecting inactive fronts.







Achieve and maintain superiority in the development of all joint operations through the integration of military capabilities and roles. This objective includes two complementary concepts: superiority in all operations and the integration of all military capabilities. To achieve and maintain superiority in all military operations refers to be able to gain and hold a position of advantage against any threat in any domain, thus ensuring the security and defense conditions that enable the nation’s governability and socioeconomic development. Integration is achieved by combining each Service’s unique capabilities to achieve an interoperable, adaptable, and sustainable force structure capable of responding to current

Figure 5

and future challenges. This practice is developed through the capability planning process, where capability is understood as the ability to perform a task to prescribed standards, through a combination of different modes and means2. The compelling fusion of the former concepts generates new capabilities allowing the Military Forces to contribute to joint and coordinated efforts, combating new expressions of organized crime, assumed to emerge as a consequence of the mutation of the Organized Armed Groups, threatening institutions and the peaceful living of the Colombians.

Alignment between Strategic Objective 2 and its specific objectives Transform the Military Forces into flexible, interoperable, adaptable, multi-mission, effective, and sustainable forces capable of responding successfully to current and future challenges



Achieve and maintain superiority in the development of all joint operations through the integration of military capabilities and roles superiority in the conduct of all joint operations through the integration of military capabilities and roles

Contribute to combating new forms of organized crime through the use of all military capabilities

Strengthen border protection Achieve military superiority in cyberspace by integrating the Military Forces’ cyber-defense and cyber-security capabilities

2. Transformation and Future of the Colombian Public Forces” document, MDN 2013.






Transform the Military Forces into flexible, interoperable, adaptable, multi-mission, effective, and sustainable forces capable of responding successfully to current and future challenges.

“The transformation of the Military Forces is an initiative that seeks to update Colombian Military Strategy, define force structure, and employ the Military Forces under the concept of joint, coordinated, combined and interagency tasking.”

The purpose of this is to maintain and develop the necessary military capabilities in land, naval, aerial and space domains to deal with the challenges, opportunities, and threats in the national and international strategic context.

Territorial consolidation understood as establishing and maintaining government institutions and the rule of law in a given territory with the purpose of setting up a legitimate authority, is the responsibility of all the powers of government. However, control and stabilization of the territory are required for institutions to have the desired impact.

Territorial control implies neutralizing all violence generating agents by the public forces to recover the state’s autonomy over the rule of law and to assure peaceful coexistence with the presence of all government institutions.


Strengthen border protection.

Trends at a regional and worldwide level reflect a series of phenomena that may affect security along the borders.

These trends signal that “change factors” (economic, social, cultural, technological, political, etc.) compel the Military Forces to pay attention to borders, with respect to designing an integrated national defense system, actually controlling all land, maritime, riverine, and air borders, as well as strengthening defense diplomacy based on dialogue and multilateral cooperation.


Achieve superiority in cyberspace by integrating the Military Forces cyber-defense and cyber-security capabilities.

Given the importance of the intangible spectrum of security, by 2030, the Military Forces must have acquired the capabilities necessary to deal with threats born in the cyberspace, and have integrated these capabilities to form a single joint response mechanism that enables transversal collaboration –coordinated and interagencybetween the public and private sectors.


Contribute to combating new forms of organized crime through the use of all military capabilities.

The dynamics of the changing environment generate new forms of transnational organized crime across the nation. Therefore, military forces must provide their capabilities to support all state efforts to neutralize and dismantle all criminal actors and their national and transnational acts against national interests. Effective integration of the Military Forces and all other institutions becomes necessary to respond in a systemic manner to potential threats. Strengthening intelligence and counterintelligence, and its integration and fusion in specific situations, will improve the understanding and proactively anticipate internal and external threats.




Promote institutional durability by strengthening mechanisms for force protection and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.

The 2030 vision of the Military Forces stems from the Strategic Plan, placing particular emphasis on human factors. This is consistent with the aim of maintaining an ethical institution made up of motivated, well-suited, ready, capable, and trained men and women, respectful of human rights. This objective is centered upon the adoption and employment of preventive measures to counter and mitigate the effects of hostile actions of any form - targeting force members, uniformed or non-uniformed and their families. It also centers upon protecting resources, facilities, material, equipment and information. There is greater emphasis on strengthening protection mechanisms because it is recognized that Colombia’s Military Forces have reached a significant milestone in the institutional safeguards and benefits required and demanded by its members

to fulfill their constitutional roles freely and with ease. The same aspect has been made relevant to judicial matters. However, the document “2030 Prospective Analysis Update” predicts that these measures will be insufficient in the future. Institutional durability is understood as the forces’ virtue of prevailing in time, under optimal and ideal conditions, to effectively deal with the challenges and threats identified in the strategic context. These Safeguards are directly related to durability. The absence of safeguards will negatively affect the motivation of the institution’s members. Likewise, the physical integrity of the men and women that make up the forces has to be protected. Finally, durability has a direct relationship with the interaction of the forces and their surroundings, mainly with the commitment made by the institution to protect human rights.



Figure 6

Alignment between strategic objective 3 and its specific objectives

Preserve and develop programs of comprehensive care for all members of the Military Forces



Promote institutional durability by strengthening mechanisms for force protection and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law

Guarantee the present and future of comprehensive legal and judicial protection of all members of the Military Forces



Guide and integrate the Military Forces in all the efforts made through the negotiation process, aimed towards ending all present and future conflicts



Preserve and develop programs of comprehensive care for all members of the Military Forces.

The primary purpose of these programs is to motivate people to increase their potential. Productivity and performance of the forces in both operational and support activities can be enhanced by improving the quality of life conditions of its members, including their families. This can be achieved using a welfare scheme that includes health, housing, and education; and by access to public utilities, industrial safety, occupational health, and recreation, among others.


Guide and integrate the Military Forces in all the efforts made through the negotiation process, aimed towards ending all present and future conflicts.

The favorable image and acceptance levels achieved by the Military Forces is a valuable asset built along two centuries of republican life using actions that have become evidence of dedication, self-sacrifice, adherence to the law and respect for institutions.

It is crucial to preserve this honor that Colombians have bestowed upon their military forces by the legitimacy of their actions. Doing so requires recognizing, praising and acknowledging both the events, as well as the context surrounding them. It is essential to preserve this legacy of recognition and endorsement that sustains the strategic importance of the forces in post-conflict scenarios.

The above mentioned requires reviewing military doctrine with emphasis on defining the force structure, establishing the procedures, standards, protocols, manuals, and rules of engagement, among others, sorting out the new challenges brought on by the strategic environment.

Regarding the end of conflict process and the transition to a post-agreement period, public forces will have to actively participate as principal characters in the articulation of actions and inter-institutional processes to contain and break up the threats to national security. The forces have been regarded as the principal architects of peace throughout Colombia by providing technical support to the negotiators and in the future will act as guarantors of any agreement reached, and will strive to maintain a suitable environment where people can thoroughly enjoy all of their rights.


Guarantee the present and future of comprehensive legal and judicial protection of all members of the Military Forces.

Assuring the success of military operations in highly dynamic environments with actively evolving and drastically changing actors, is necessary to contribute to the construction, adaptation, and implementation of a legal framework for laws that support the performance of the military institution and its members. In this vein, it is important to have a transitional justice process which can guarantee just legal procedures for members of the Military Forces.







Attain sustainable use of allocated resources to ensure institutional effectiveness and transparency. Two parts integrate this objective: the sustainability of the Military Forces and the employment of the best managerial practices to guarantee the proper and transparent use of all resources, including human talent. Sustainability of the forces refers to having the capacity to maintain the optimal conditions required for their functioning through time. Additionally, it means ensuring operational success, the well-being and combat attitude of military and civilian personnel.

Figure 7

By virtue of the above, it is important to keep in mind that budgetary constraints will continue to exist and must be monitored closely. In this sense, it is the primary responsibility of the Ministry of National Defense and Military Higher Commands to manage and develop the country’s required defense and security capabilities. The purpose is not only to justify its budgetary programs but also to assure its transparency and sound management of resources, always placing emphasis on human talent.

Alignment between strategic objective 4 and its specific objectives Guide human talent based on management of competencies using the Joint, Coordinated, and Inter-agency (JCI) concept



Attain sustainable use of allocated resources to ensure institutional effectiveness and transparency

Establish professional military education and doctrine focused on JCI

Strengthen the organizational culture, aimed towards an efficient and transparent use of all resources STRATEGIC PLANNING AND TRANSFORMATION





Guide human talent management of competencies using the Joint, Coordinated, and Inter-agency (JCI) concept.

The purpose of having clear policies and an up-to-date doctrine is to strengthen and build trust among members of the forces with a shared view to maximizing their joint strengths.

This implies prioritizing the creation of specific policies that assure cultivation of change and leaders capable of responding to the new challenges presented by the strategic environment. These policies guide personnel to develop the abilities and skills needed to be effective in JCI operations, as well as to improve their quality of life, well-being, and motivation.


Establish professional military education and doctrine focused on JCI.

Assuring the interaction between the Services in both operational and administrative environments, academic education and training programs at all levels must be directly linked to the SMP 2030, Military Forces, thereby assuring that all officers, noncommissioned officers, soldiers, and civilians have the knowledge required to innovate and the ability to produce solutions and changes needed by the military forces to protect all Colombians.

“It is necessary to have a doctrine that allows for the development of the Military Forces’ strategic concept of the future, and whose foundation is based on the development of joint, coordinated, combined inter- agency operations. The renewal, production, and updating of doctrine must be consistent with the dynamics of the environment�.


Strengthen the organizational culture aimed towards an efficient and transparent use of all resources.

Efficient and transparent management of resources is key to the proper sustainment and optimal functioning of the Military Forces. It is important to note that organizational strengthening is not limited to the behavior of human capital, it also implies having evaluation and management policies, practices, and tools at an institutional level. This strengthening means, among many other things, identifying and implementing what is necessary for ensuring the most cost-benefit impact on the strategy.




Employ military capabilities to contribute to the country’s sustainable development and to support land restitution mechanisms. This objective seeks to turn the Military Forces into agents that will energize the country’s growth, contribute to the social and economic development and investment, and align with the protection of the environmental and natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. This allows the Military Forces to continue interacting with the population and to tend to the unmet basic needs of communities instead of just focusing

Figure 8

on the armed element of security. This contribution is critical for the consolidation of the state. Since it favors territorial control through the whole action of government institutions, it becomes an essential complement to strengthening the rule of law.

Alignment between strategic objective 5 and its specific objectives Use military capabilities to support government agencies and the community



Employ military capabilities in order to contribute to the country’s sustainable development and to support land restitution mechanisms

Support land restitution mechanisms through the use of military capabilities

Enhance military disaster relief and prevention capabilities Contribute to environmental protection and preservation

Actively participate in the humanitarian demining process






Use military capabilities to support government agencies and the community.

It consists of presenting the portfolio of Services that the military forces can make available to state entities to contribute to the stabilization and consolidation of the country. This can be achieved through a set of standardized procedures that contribute to the communities’ development in areas like education, health, infrastructure, and environmental sanitation, among others.


Enhance military disaster relief and prevention capabilities.

The country has suffered natural disasters and catastrophes that have generated considerable impact due to the loss of human lives, the high costs of emergency care, and the reconstruction of housing and infrastructure. The objective is to strengthen existing capabilities and develop the new capabilities required to assist in disaster prevention and response, support civilian authorities when required, or to assist the population in risk zones, as determined by the National System for Disaster Prevention and Assistance.


Contribute to environmental protection and preservation.

Consist of using the Services’ autonomous capabilities in support of campaigns promoting the protection of natural resources throughout the country. This can be achieved using implementing structural, environmental projects led by the regional independent corporations, as well as by establishing standardized procedures necessary for the prevention and mitigation of, and compensation for, environmental impacts


Actively participate in the humanitarian demining process.

The military forces should use their capabilities in support of state efforts aimed at reducing the danger of antipersonnel mines (APM), unexploded ordnance (UXO) and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The goal of humanitarian demining is to create the conditions that allow the community access to the land and to farm it without fear, which is indispensable for the country’s economic rural development. Furthermore, the country will be able to fulfill its commitments under the Ottawa Convention and, at the same time, build a stable and lasting peace.


Support land restitution mechanisms through the use of military capabilities.

Through the law on victims and restitution of lands or Law 1448 of 2011, the rights of victims of armed conflict are recognized. This law recognizes that all victims of the armed conflict have the right to full compensation, to care and humanitarian assistance. Additionally, those who have been dispossessed of their land, or have been forced to leave, have the right to restitution of their lands. By this, the Military Forces have to apply all their capabilities to generate the necessary security conditions to carry out this land restoration process, in concert with other state agencies.




Become a regional and international reference in the fight against transnational threats and organized crime, through active participation in the country`s foreign policy. his objective reflects the determination to position Colombia in the geopolitical scenario by promoting existing and new programs conducive to establishing cooperative relations and building strategic alliances with other states. It also reflects the sharing of knowledge and doctrine produced as a result of Colombia’s experience, particularly the experience of its Military Forces, in its successful fight against transnational threats. As a basis for peacekeeping operation under SMP 2030, Colombia’s foreign policy focuses on the consolidation and strengthening of institutions and on issuing guidelines that respond to the changes that are occurring in the international environment. To that end, the national government places particular emphasis on achieving growth, competitiveness, equal opportunities, and the consolidation of a stable and lasting peace, leading to greater regional integration and diversification of relations and agendas. Therefore, the state will continue sharing the lessons from its achievements based on its experience in areas where they have developed capabilities and potential. This includes topics such as the fight against the global drug problem, terrorism, institutional capacity-building and commitment to the defense and promotion of human rights and international humanitarian law. On the other hand, in the international context, the region, and the world are facing traditional and new or transformed threats that are acquiring an increasingly international dimension, becoming invisible and less predictable. Among the most important are the traditional threats to national security such as military interventions, territorial conflicts, internal armed movements, and proliferation of weapons. The intermediate threats are transnational organized crime - among which drugs

and arms trafficking, illegal mining, terrorism, porous borders, and irregular migration are highlighted. These new threats include social vulnerabilities, refugees, and internally displaced persons, natural disasters and pandemics, energy security and public safety, among others, these are the new threats and challenges to be faced by Colombia and the continent. In this context, the Colombian Military Forces are dealing with the challenge of occupying a leadership position in the region and the world and seeking cooperation with other governments and other forces to prevent and control the transnational expansion of the threats mentioned above. For this purpose, the Military Forces are planning to strengthen their strategic position to combat common threats that affect international security. Colombian Military Forces are deepening their commitment to sharing their expertise. They seek opportunities to share their experiences and deploy their defense and security capabilities to other countries that face these types of threats. Concurrently, Colombian forces strive to engage with other regional or global organizations to make significant contributions to regional and international security. In so doing, the security and defense sector will contribute to the country’s foreign policy objectives while positioning its military institutions as references in the prevention, control of, and response to non-conventional threats, including those that affect citizen safety and security, maritime development, and international humanitarian efforts. Therefore, in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Colombian military and police forces must strive to become important referents and the closest partners of all those countries combatting the various expressions of national and transnational organized crime, terrorism, illicit trafficking of conventional arms, citizen insecurity and maritime development.



Likewise, Colombia’s Military Forces will continue working closely with the military and police forces of neighboring countries to strengthen their security and defense forces and to improve interoperability. Additionally, Colombia’s forces must continue to actively participate in the various mechanisms that the region has created to address and deal with common threats and assume a greater leadership role in international agencies and scenarios. Another significant commitment of the Military Forces in the global spectrum is to provide support and participate actively in the United Nations’ peace-keeping missions. This way, the country will be able to contribute its knowledge and experience to regional peace and security, especially for the stabilization of other armed conflicts affecting the most vulnerable populations in many parts of Africa, as well as in some countries and regions of the Middle East and Oceania.

Figure 9

Colombia’s military and police forces have a strong commitment to world peace and stability. In that vein, they are aware of the contribution they can make by sharing the knowledge, experience, and capabilities acquired during the internal conflict. For this reason, and within the framework of the country‘s foreign policy, under the political and strategic direction of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Forces will deepen the military’s involvement in the United Nations’ peacekeeping operations by participating with observers, advisers, or by contributing light– arms contingents for self-defense. Colombia’s Military Forces will also be formalizing a cooperative relationship and strategic alliance with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), exchanging knowledge and sharing experiences with other NATO countries’ Special Forces. Colombia will also continue to strengthen its technical cooperation with the European Union to strengthen its capabilities in peace missions. Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief will also be provided as part of Colombia’s commitment to these institutions.

Alignment between strategic objective 6 and its specific objectives Strengthen relations and strategic alliances with other military forces, countries, and international agencies



Become a regional and international reference in the fight against transnational threats and organized crime, through an active participation in the country`s foreign policy

Create, strengthen, and update mechanisms for international cooperation and provision of services in the field of security



Employ an effective defense diplomacy and to participate in the country`s foreign policy, in order to contribute to the efforts made by the state to achieve strategic objectives and national interests


Strengthen relations and strategic alliances with other military forces, countries, and international agencies.

Seeks to obtain greater recognition of Colombia as an important member of the international community by leveraging the military forces’ participation in international humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and peacekeeping operations, as well as in multinational readiness and training exercises.


Employ an effective defense diplomacy and to participate in the country`s foreign policy, to contribute to the efforts made by the state to achieve strategic objectives and national interests.

Colombia’s forces hope to be able to provide a military perspective for the promotion and defense of national interests in multilateral security forums and international relations. To that end, Colombian forces will design a career profile and establish education and training programs for the constant updating of defense diplomacy.


Create, strengthen, and update mechanisms for international cooperation and the provision of services in the field of security.

This objective strives to combine and improve efforts by establishing mechanisms, for effective collaboration, that will enable the country and other nations to tackle challenges in areas such as the defense of life, honor and property, the fight against corruption and impunity, the promotion of sustainable development, the protection of the environment, and the fight against poverty. The forces must coordinate with their counterparts in other countries to undertake military actions against conditions that generate transnational insecurity. Similarly, Colombia has a competitive advantage that is seen by other nations as a role model; hence the need to establish the necessary elements that will allow the state to provide such services.




Preventive Defense Immediate response, Fast and precise

Legal and Budgetary Support

Transition - Transformation

Anticipate Threats



Joint Coordinated Interagency




Guarantors of national development Overwhelming deterrent capability






Regional leader in security, defense and military technological development

Contribute to generating development poles

Achieve optimum security conditions

Significantly increase the state’s security and defense conditions

Sword of Honor War Plan IV





The Strategic Military Plan 2030 (SMP 2030) is a priority for the Colombian state since it has a direct impact on the ability of the Military Forces to provide for the security and defense of the nation. This new plan, which is the first of its kind at a strategic level, is a document that provides political and strategic certainty to the country. Its ability to withstand the test of time gives it the power to issue guidelines to generations of decision-makers.


The future strategic context of Colombia is characterized by the proliferation, mutation, and exponential progression of sources of insecurity. The rate of change has accelerated, leaving little room for improvisation. This, together with the political and economic juncture, compels the Military Forces to embark on a process of transformation that draws on a sound strategic concept. The Joint, Coordinated, and Interagency work will drive and govern all planning, operational, and transformational efforts. Only in through this will Colombia’s Military Forces be able to maintain and increase their efficiency, influence, strength, and relevance in the fulfillment of its constitutional mission. Similarly, the state’s key to creating the atmosphere of peace, prosperity, and equity cherished by all Colombians is a strong relationship of unity between the Military Forces and the Nation. Powerful and united Military Forces and nation is the state’s key to creating an atmosphere of peace, prosperity, and equity cherished by all Colombians.


The 2030 Strategic Military Plan is a longterm, systemic effort that separates the Military Forces from reactionary dynamics, and brings significant advantages to the institution. To the extent that Military Forces understand the vision to continue as an organization, as well as future opportunities and threats, it will be possible to identify priority capability gaps. Knowing what capabilities must be maintained, strengthened, and developed optimizes the use of resources, and allows for these gaps to be closed, achieves a greater impact on the fulfillment of the mission within the context of budgetary constraints.




The Strategic Military Plan 2030 is a document which recognizes the need for the transformation and modernization of the Services beyond military operations. While operations will be maintained as the cornerstone of strategic planning, equal importance will be given to support processes (e.g., logistics, human talent, legal security, welfare, among others) and to good business management practices. In the end, the proper combination of these complementary processes is what guarantees both the conduct of operations as well as sustaining the Military Forces in an optimal state of readiness, ensuring the sovereignty, independence, constitutional order and territorial integrity of Colombia.


The Military Forces of the future are portrayed in the Strategic Military Plan as an integral, competent, trained, educated, and updated institution. Further, the forces are strengthened in their Joint, Coordinated, Interagency, and combined work. The forces possess modern equipment and technology, have notable deterrent capabilities, are interoperable, and can be successful in more than one simultaneous scenario. With their capabilities they can contribute to the growth and development of the Nation and are viewed as an international reference in the maintenance of world peace.


The Strategic Military Plan 2030 is a transformative document that, to be correctly applied requires unity of command and harmony between the various institutions that make up the Military Forces. To this end, an openness to change is necessary from each of the Services` Command, as well as a desire to work proactively and in harmony under the strategic direction of the Military Forces` commanding General.



s tem s y cs s g isti uildin acitie g o l b p t t ca o in city 1. J Capa s join 2. rce Fo d me Ar 3. Strategic autonomy and sustainable capacity


1. Mi li t a 2. Tra ry s up nsf 3. o r m er i o 4. S r t Co mb reng ation ity in t he at o f A cybe ne nb w r rsp o r org de me d ac rp an F orc e rot ize e e dc r im c t i o n s em od alit ies

1. International cooperation plans 2. Defense diplomacy 3. Strategic alliances and relationships


Country sustainable development

1. P

rot e

c ti


Institutional strengthening and sustainability


nd nt an me t ion a e d Su a ag a p Pa Sustainability an educ r tic ppor ster a reser m l y t v ip a s na nc ure 5. tio for s sista ation ete fessio l cult Su t n n p a o c in t te pp om pro na en e and f the or t he t io titi 1. C tary a e hu for z p n i es r v ma ili an lan an even iron ni t r m . Org dr d m t o a i f c o en es t ria 3 el t n d o mm n i tu od un t io e M m . nm 2 i ni n i t i e s e ch gp an ism roces s s




D is


Specific objectives 40


c do

t r in


1. Efforts to finalize logistical issues


2. Comprehensive legal protection and security

International and regional reference

Military superiority

3. Comprehensive care programs



< Towards the stabilization and consolidation of the State’s Defense and Security > The General Command’s Strategic Military Plan 2030 will help lead the nation in its transition from war to peace. Stabilization and consolidation efforts will be vital in helping Colombia achieve the levels of security and peaceful coexistence needed to build a true stable and lasting peace, and to strengthen the rule of law. The challenge for the Military Forces and the National Police is to

work diligently in continuing efforts to reduce crime, counter the illegal actions of organized armed groups (OAG) and organized criminal groups (OCG), to regain control of the territory, to dismantle and disperse organized crime in order to create the conditions that enable Colombians to reap the benefits of a country in peace.





Strengthening military capabilities for the fulfilment of the forces’ constitutional mission

Directing human talent competencies under the joint, coordinated, and inter-agency concept

Establishing a model of military education

Technological transformation with strategic value

Contributing to National development

Transforming means

and joint, coordinated, and inter-agency doctrine

Strengthening organizational culture aimed at effective and transparent resource management

and the construction of a stable and lasting peace

Strengthening standardization processes and international cooperation

Maintaining an organization that is robust, simple, modern, flexible, feasible, and effective



GLOSSARY The definitions applied to the terms listed below are the result of consulting academic and government documents, both national and international, and those available on the internet. Their meaning applies to the interpretation of the SMP 2030 according to the intention of the working group that drafted it. The meanings provided herein do not constitute a source of military doctrine.

Adaptability An ability to adjust to different circumstances. Aggression One state using its armed forces against another without the justification of self-defense or authorization by the U. N. Security Council. Alliances Groups of nations or states that agree to terms to attain common goals. Benchmark A criterion for recognition that is used as the basis for determining the rules that represents the model to be emulated. Best Practices: A series of methodologies, systems, tools, and techniques that are documented, recognized, applied, and tested with outstanding results. Capability An ability to perform a task to certain standards, through a combination of different modes and means, such that components are depleted in time and/or consumed through their use.


the timely availability of resources (doctrine, organization, material, personnel, and infrastructure) required for conducting operations. Challenge An objective or task that is difficult to carry out, and therefore, constitutes an incentive and a predicament for those tasked to surpass or fulfill it. Citizen coexistence The promotion of citizens’ adherence to, and upholding of, a civic culture based on respect for the law, respect for others, and basic behavioral and social coexistence norms. Climate change A significant and lasting variation of local or global weather patterns. Its causes may be natural or influenced by human activities. Competency-Based Human Resource Management Provides the strategic vision of human resource management. The process is conceived as a subsystem that interacts with other components of the organization to receive inputs and produce outputs aligned with the mission and vision. It includes selection, development, and performance management.

Integration of: Combine capabilities to respond to present and future challenges. The integration of capabilities seeks an interoperable, adaptable, and sustainable force structure. Reestablish: Restore a capability after its use and/or maturity, depending on its validity and relevance.

Conflict A confrontation between the Colombian state and criminals that resulted in all sorts of overlapped violence (political, Mafiosi, criminal, etc.)

Capability-Based Planning An organizational planning methodology that seeks to ensure

Consolidation A process that accompanies and ensures the evolution of


security conditions in a theater of operations towards peace in a post-conflict situation.

of the armed forces and good defense relations between the participating countries, and, builds trust between them.

Constitutional mission of the Military Forces. Conducting military operations aimed at defending sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity; defeating the threat, and contributing to building an atmosphere of peace, security, and development by ensuring the constitutional order of the nation.

Deterrence The threat of resorting to force, capable of causing unacceptable damage, in order to avoid an attack.

Sovereignty: The right of a people or nation to elect its government to influence the passing of laws, and to ensure their compliance throughout the national territory. Independence: The ability and willingness of a people or nation to define self-determination and to choose its own destiny, to maintain its individuality, or to interact with other countries or regions through its own institutions, representative of its national will. Territorial integrity: The principle whereby every state has the right to the preservation of its territory, free of interference by other states or groups of states, or threats that attempt to dismember parts of that territory. Constitutional order: A condition that recognizes and guarantees the efficacy of individual human and social rights through the mediation of government bodies, established and controlled in a sovereign manner. Cyber-defense A set of technical measures, policies and organizational efforts focused on protecting information systems, communications, and control from cyber-attacks of any kind. Cyber-security A set of technologies, processes, procedures, and services aimed at protecting the information and communication assets (physical, logical, or services) of a company or agency that is dependent on information and communications technology. Cyberspace The non-physical environment created by information and telecommunication technology equipment operating within a network in an integrated manner and, in real or deferred time. Defense Use of the armed forces in operations other than war by applying the forces’ training and discipline knowledge to achieve national objectives overseas based on security and defense policies. Merges civilian and military contributions to promote the interoperability

Diplomacy A tool that contributes to foreign policy, in keeping with national interests, by striving to bring the positions of other states closer together and to build trust with states with whom there exists disagreement. Disaster An event or series of events that, in most cases, occurs suddenly and unexpectedly causing significant damage such as loss of life or property, and/or severe damage to the environment. Natural: caused by natural phenomena Man-made: Caused by a person’s action or omission, whether intentional or unintentional. Effectiveness The name given to the conjunction of efficiency and efficacy. Efficiency is understood as the inverse relationship between the effort required and the achievement made, that is to say, an activity is efficient when fewer resources are used to achieve the objective. On the other hand, efficacy is defined as the level of achievement of goals and objectives or the ability to achieve the purpose. Flexibility An ability to modify behavior of individuals or organizations to adapt to new ideas or situations within the framework of the law and common sense. Force structure An optimal organizational size and layout measured in terms of the capability of a military force for the purpose of ensuring that critical missions can be achieved with high standards of effectiveness. Forcefulness An ability to generate consequences of major proportions. Gap The difference between the demand or need and existence or capability. STRATEGIC PLANNING AND TRANSFORMATION


Governance A state of dynamic equilibrium between the level of social demands and the capacity of the political system (state/ Government) to respond with legitimacy, representation, and effectiveness.

Integral Action The integration of military forces with the political, economic and social sectors in a joint, coordinated, inter-institutional, interagency, and combined manner in support of the Nation’s progress and interests.

Guide to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan A set of strategic initiatives to be executed during a four-year period to implement the policy guidelines issued by the Ministry of Defense through its security and defense Policy.

Integrated, Joint Capability-Based Management System (SIGIC) A tool for planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating the strategy, processes, programs, and projects conducted within the Military Forces.

Guideline A declaration of principles and/or a set of guidelines that a leader makes to his followers or subordinates. Habitability A quality of a facility built in accordance with required legal construction codes and ergonomics. Historical memory: An inclusive narrative on the reasons for the emergence and evolution of the internal armed conflict, on the actors and interests in conflict, as well as on the memories that have arisen in the midst of the conflict. Human potential A set of skills and talents that a person possesses to successfully deal with the demands of the environment. Innovation The creation of methods and procedures that most likely have not been used before and which questions what has worked to date, This means generating different value propositions that are profitable and allow differentiation from the traditional. Institutional Framework A set of beliefs, ideas, values, principles, collective representations, structures, and relationships that condition the behavior of the members of a society, characterizing and structuring it. Institutional vision An organization’s projection of future environments in which it will operate, including the anticipation of new needs and resources, and all that is necessary to adapt.



International friction A situation involving a dispute between two or more states where its continuance is likely to endanger international peace and security. International tension A situation where either attaining certain objectives or not responding to certain claims raised by various actors, results in: episodes of political, social, or military mobilization; and/or the use of violence with intensity below that of an armed conflict. Interoperability The systems’, units’ or forces’ abilities to provide or accept services from other systems, units or forces and to use this exchange in a manner that allows them to operate in a truly integrated way. Legitimacy The ethical justification of the origin of power, the exercise of political control, the origin and enforcement of the law or of any other act by public authority. Military doctrine A set of fundamental principles that guides the military forces in the achievement of national security and defense objectives. Mission area A group of activities performed effectively by a sector in contribution to the fulfillment of national goals. Multi-criminality A combination of activities carried out by groups organized as a business, with the purpose of profiting from illegal activities.

Multilateral Forum An international relations mechanism for promotion and cooperation between several states based on common interests. Areas for engagement could include topics such as: collective security, protection of human rights, political stability, social and economic development, environmental protection, fighting transnational crime, and food security, among others. Multi-mission A characteristic of an agent able to intervene in many types of operations, regardless of their nature, based on the needs of the moment. National Defense An integrated and coordinated action of the national power to persecute, confront, and counter any threat that affects the nation’s sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and constitutional order. National Development Plan (NDP) The NDP document serves as the basis and provides the strategic guidelines of the public policies formulated by the President through its government team. National Disaster Relief and Prevention System The set of public, private, and community entities tasked with finding solutions to the population’s security problems that exist in their physical environment as a result of potential natural or human phenomena. National interests These are the concerns of fundamental importance for the country’s survival, those for which a people recognize its unity and singularity as necessary: maintaining its national sovereignty and independence; preserving its territorial integrity; protecting the life and liberty of its inhabitants; safeguarding their cultural identify; preserving the form of government and the rule of law enshrined in their Constitution. Objective Causes An observable and measurable phenomenon whose effects or consequences are attributed to the origin and/or continuity of the conflict. Occupational health A set of activities performed by an institution to plan, execute,

and assess the physical, social, and mental health and well-being of its members. Opportunity A positive, favorable, or exploitable factor to be discovered in the operational environment of an organization, and whose appropriate interpretation and approach provides competitive advantages. Institutional durability is understood as the forces’ virtue to endure in optimal and/or suitable conditions to effectively deal with the threats and challenges identified in the strategic context. Organized Armed Groups (OAG) Groups that are engaged in non-international armed conflicts. These groups commonly have a command structure, the ability to carry out organized military operations, certain logistical and disciplinary levels, and the ability to speak through a single voice. This is a broad interpretation of the provisions of the additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions of 1949. Plan of Action A summary presentation of the tasks that must be performed by a specific deadline to implement activities that leads to the attainment of strategic objectives. The plan of action establishes and groups the contributions of each component of the organization necessary to realize the strategic initiatives contained in the Guide to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan. Post-conflict A period of time following the completion or partial resolution of an armed conflict. It can be understood as a concept with a single attribute – that is, to reduce the number of conflict-caused casualties below a certain threshold, which gives or denies the status of an active conflict. Professional military education A system of education and training programs, , structured to ensure that all officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and civilian personnel at all levels have the necessary knowledge and skills to innovate and generate the solutions and changes that the military forces need. Prospective Analysis A decision-making support tool that identifies potential future scenarios based on past conditions, structural trends, and



stakeholder interests, with the purpose of showing alternative courses of action to achieve desired conditions or to prevent unwanted circumstances. Protocol A standard method that defines the inter-relationship between the processes of a system. These processes could maybe run by different actors or organizations. Protocol consists of a set of rules and procedures to be observed for the synchronization and effectiveness of the system. Readiness A process for, and outcome of, the preparation and willingness of forces to conduct an operation. Resilience A system’s ability to withstand changes caused by the environment; to deal with change; and, to absorb qualitative change while maintaining its structural integrity throughout the process. Retaliation A measure or treatment that a state adopts against another state in response to adverse acts or determinations without generating a violent breach of relations. Risk A combination of the probability that an event will occur and its potential negative consequences. Threats and vulnerabilities are factors that contribute to risk. Roles and missions The compendium of statements for the fulfillment of warfighting functions as implemented by each military force according to its nature. Rules of Engagement A compendium of rules issued by competent military authority which indicate precisely the timeliness, circumstances, powers, and constraints under which military forces may use force to deal with external and internal threats against institutional order and the state. Safeguard A defense or protection measure.



Scenario A representation and projection of different environments characterized by conditions and circumstances that help one to understand the future implications of current decision-making and actions. Chance: Ideal scenario, where opportunities turn into achievements and the negative effects of the threats are minimized. Trending: The most-likely scenario; it defines the situation that would result if variables continue their observed behavior. Alternative: Highly likely scenario, although less likely than the trending scenario; given its proximity to the situational trend, it can occur with minor changes in strategic variables. Security The protection, through different means, of vital interests whose loss threatens survival. Citizen security: The universal protection of citizens against offenses and violations affecting their dignity, personal security, and that of their property, and, protection against the fear of insecurity. Industrial safety: The monitoring and controlling of the status of the materials, equipment, and infrastructure in order to recommend relevant maintenance actions to ensure the quality and normal conduct of activities. Legal certainty: A principle that guarantees the knowledge of what the law stipulates as either permitted, prohibited, or controlled by the public authorities. National: A situation where citizens can develop their socioeconomic and political conditions, free of risk or threat to their normal activities. Services Portfolio A set of elements that an organization makes available to the public based on its social objective. Specialized Organized Crime (SOC) A criminal network organized around specific activities that maintain a clear division of labor within their structures. Stabilization: The post-conflict efforts for strengthening peace and security in a region or country; focuses on rebuilding the fractured social fabric.

State A political or social conglomerate legally constituted within a given territory, subject to an authority that is exercised through its own bodies, and whose sovereignty is recognized by other states. Strategic Autonomy The capacity to sustain operations with one’s own means and resources during the time required to neutralize, deter and/or mitigate a threat without the availability of resources becoming a variable for failure. Strategic Concept An agreed course of action taken after estimating a strategic situation. It is a general, broad, and flexible statement that can be applied to frame military actions. JCI: Acronym of joint, coordinated, and interagency that is embedded within the SMP 2030 strategic concept. Joint: Identifies a military action involving two or more (Colombian) military Services. Coordinated: Identifies a military action involving at least one (Colombian) military force and the National Police. Interagency: Identifies a military action involving at least one (Colombian) military force and another government entity, appropriate to and in accordance with the operation being conducted. Combined: Identifies a military action involving at least one military force from Colombia and another military force from a foreign country. Strategic context The control element that allows authorities to determine the strategic guideline for decision-making vis-à-vis the risks that may affect the attainment of objectives. It is the result of observation, differentiation, and analysis of all the internal and external circumstances that can generate risk events. It also defines an organization’s relationships with its environment. Depending on its mission, this relationship will involve the organization as a whole or just its operational, technical, legal, or financial aspects. Strategic context The control element that allows authorities to determine the strategic guideline for decision-making vis-à-vis the risks that may affect the attainment of objectives. It is the result of

observation, differentiation, and analysis of all the internal and external circumstances that can generate risk events. It also defines an organization’s relationships with its environment. Depending on its mission, this relationship will involve the organization as a whole or just its operational, technical, legal, or financial aspects. Strategic guidance The process of formulating the strategy that serves as the basis for the action plans of an institution. The process anticipates foreseeable future events using tools that trigger efficient and effective activities. Strategic Initiative A harmonious set of actions, activities, and concrete behaviors that are subject to monitoring and evaluation, and whose effective realization directly impacts the compliance of the SMP 2030. Strategic objective The overall results that an organization hopes to achieve. The organization structures its development around its strategic objectives and defines the operations to fulfil its mission and vision. Specific: The particular effects to be achieved within the framework of the stated objectives. Superiority A position of advantage vis-á-vis any threat in all domains in a manner that ensures the defense and security conditions that enable the governance and socio-economic development of the country. Sustainability The ability of an organization to maintain over time the optimum conditions required for the continued success of their operations. This includes actions that ensure the well-being and fighting attitude of the military and civilians that perform these operations. Theater of Operations The geographical space where military operations will actually be carried out. This includes enough area for the movement and maneuver of the military units, as well as necessary actions for the sustainment of the armed forces tasked with operating in that area.



Threat An indication of likely violence or harm in the future Internal: When the indication of the threat originates inside the nation’s borders. External: When the indication of threat originates outside the nation’s borders. Transnational: When the potential agent acts through several nations. Armed: When it is anticipated that potential damage is caused by the use of weapons. Unarmed: When damage results from actions other than the use of arms, such as spontaneous events like natural disasters. Transformation An adaptation to strategic situations through operational innovation in terms of the acquisition or renewal of equipment, and through organizational innovation, such as the education of its members in new skills. Transformative Leadership An ability to bring about significant change in the morale and motivation of people, organizations, and companies by influencing the perception and actions of others. Transition The process for preparing the military’s changes required to move from “war to peace, from conflict to post-conflict.” Transitional justice A set of judicial measures and policies used in the international context as reparation for substantial human rights violations. These include criminal proceedings, truth commissions, reparation programs, and various institutional reforms. Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) Fluid organized crime networks that benefit from the sale of illegal products in anonymous and complex international illegal markets. They engage in businesses that transcend cultural, social, linguistic, and geographical borders that involve drug trafficking, cybercrime, human trafficking, illegal migration, counterfeit medications, and illegal trafficking of arms, natural resources, wildlife, and flora, among others.



Vulnerability The diminished ability to anticipate, to cope, and to resist the effects of a materialized threat. Warfighting Functions A grouping of tasks and capabilities around a common purpose developed and employed by commanders in the fulfillment of a mission. Fires: Set of systems and procedures used to apply effects on selected targets. This includes sustainment and support services that ensure freedom of action, extend the operational scope, and prolong the duration of efforts as required. Intelligence: Knowledge of the enemy, terrain, and considerations on the civilian population. Force Protection: Preservation of force so that the command has the maximum combat power to fulfill the mission. Command and Control: Exercise of authority and control by a commander on the forces assigned to him to fulfill a mission. Mobility and maneuver: Willingness of forces to execute operations by gaining positional advantages before or during combat operations to achieve tactical success and to accomplish operational and strategic objectives.






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