Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

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Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

Present and Future of Arti cial Intelligence in Design usm systems Follow Aug 26 ¡ 3 min read



Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

AI magic is here to save the world, making us curious and at the same time terrifying. However, AI is still largely unknown, and knowing how it works in the design world is like trying to figure out how many angels can dance in a pin head. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become an over-hyped buzzword in many industries and the design world is no exception. AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning… Conversations between designers and developers about the future impact of VR, AR, and MR (Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities) are ongoing and how our jobs may change. So, what does design bring to the conversation? With AI, new relationships must be established between the customer and the product. These interactions are only the beginning of an ongoing dialogue between business and consumers about what artificial intelligence can and should do for products and services. Designers bring the empirical context necessary for innovation, thus making business successful with AI. The world of AI design has a lot of potential, but the hype surrounding it needs to be rebuilt. It’s good if designers don’t clear their minds and think of AI as “artificial intelligence” — even if AI is going to work as some kind of



Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

magic-tech. A more useful way to think about AI — at least in the short term — is “increased intelligence.” Robots are not replacing designers. IBM CEO Ginny Rometti recently expressed “If I consider AI characters, I’d prefer increased intelligence.” AI is mostly about optimization and speed. Designers working with AI can create designs faster and cheaper because of the speed and efficiency it provides. The power of AI is speed, in which it can analyze large amounts of data and represent design adjustments. A designer can then cherry-pick and accept adjustments based on that data. The most effective models for testing can be quickly created and multiple prototype versions can be tested with A / B with users. Rapid design prototyping can be done with an AI design tool that scans basic designs, some parameters are recorded, and the established UI components library spring to life to provide a model in alignment with the company’s design system. Airbnb is already doing this, generating design components with machine-generated and ready-to-use code from handdrawn wireframe sketches using Computer Vision-enabled AI.



Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

Designers face the daunting task of product localization and creating single graphics in multiple languages. Netflix is already using Augmented Intelligence Systems to translate artwork personalization and localization of show banners into multiple languages. The system “reads” the master version and personalized and localized graphics are produced faster. All the designer has to do is check, approve, or reject the graphics and adjust them manually if needed — saving huge time. An AI algorithm to create millions of unique packaging designs for Nutella has already captured the traditional role of the designer. The AI algorithm has been pulled from a database of dozens of patterns and colors to create seven million different versions of Nutella’s graphic identity, all of which are unique, splashed across the front of the jars in Italy. A total of seven million jars were sold in one month. Considering the complex, challenging worlds of VR, AR and MR, all of which require a lot of design work, AI can help designers build 3D VR worlds more quickly. Once a basic design is established and certain parameters are provided, the smart AI system can create a choice of design alternatives to provide the designer with the best design according to his / her preference.



Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Design

Designers don’t have to worry. AI and robots will not replace us — at least not in the short term. Rather than being a threat, augmented intelligence provides exciting opportunities. Leveraging those design opportunities doesn’t happen through magic, but by designing co-create with AI our creativity sits in the cross hairs of art, science, engineering and design. Technology has made us stronger and faster in the past. AI makes us smarter. We must wait awhile…


Arti cial Intelligence

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