∞ Alaska Hosts Fulbright Finland’s Arctic Delegation ∞ Join Friends of Fulbright Finland ∞ Meet the 2017–2018 Awardees
vol. 27 nro 1 (65) kevät/spring 2017
fulbright finland news
Celebrating Finland’s Centennial
A HUNDRED REASONS TO CELEBRATE FINLAND This is a year of celebration for
country, with a myriad of events
all Finns and friends of Finland.
from concerts, exhibitions and
Finland is a real success story.
other cultural events to semi-
Nobody could have anticipated
nars, workshops and street fes-
this in 1917, when our country
tivals. These events are mostly
gained independence. Or even
organized by volunteers and
50 years ago. I was ten years old
underscore the diversity of the
when we celebrated 50 years of
Finnish community in the U.S.
independence. In every school,
Some of the themes that we
2017 marks the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Ful-
there was an essay competition,
have decided to focus on in our
bright agreement between Finland and the United States.
including my little village school
In preparation for this anniversary, the two governments
in Northern Finland. I wish I
D.C., are the Finnish education
renewed their commitment to the scientific and educa-
had saved that essay! A fir tree
system, our fantastic design
tional exchange between our countries and paved the way
was planted in the grounds of all
and architecture talents, as well
for their future development by signing a document that
official buildings and many pri-
as “snow how”. The latter ties
legally established Fulbright Finland as a not-for-profit
vate homes as well. Finland was
in well with the Arctic Council
foundation based in Helsinki. As a foundation, we stand
still poor in comparison to our
Chairmanship which we took
stronger to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and
Nordic neighbors, but well on its
over from the United States this
professional talent through educational and scholarly con-
way to growing into what we are
May. This is one particular area
tacts between Finland and the United States.
today. Like the fir trees.
in which we look forward to col-
This year we are also celebrating the Centennial of Fin-
Our history has been diffi-
land’s independence with special events and initiatives on
cult at times, and that is why we
both sides of the Atlantic. Our invited columnist, Ambas-
truly appreciate what we have
I am joining several centen-
sador of Finland to the United States Kirsti Kauppi, gives
today. The newly independent
nial events in the United States.
us a hundred reasons to celebrate Finland (p. 2), and Emilia
Finland survived a civil war,
The year was kicked off in Min-
Honkasaari from the Finnish Embassy in Washington talks
and two decades later the Sec-
neapolis in January where I inau-
about the Embassy’s commemoration with Fulbright (p. 5).
ond World War embroiled us.
gurated the Traveling Sauna, Sisu,
The 600 active members of our alumni in the United States,
After this, Finland had to rebuild
a wonderful centennial mascot
the Friends of Fulbright Finland, also have their own centen-
and reinvent itself. The coun-
which will travel around the U.S.
nial initiative, and this is part of the official Suomi Finland
try decided to focus and invest
It is a real Finnish sauna, travel-
100 program coordinated by the Prime Minister’s office (p. 4).
in one of its best resources: our
ing from west to east, north to
While celebrating the past we embrace the future. Our
people. I believe this investment
south, and ending up in Wash-
Board’s vision for Fulbright Finland is to empower the minds
has much to do with the fact
ington, D.C., in December. I hope
that will find global solutions to tomorrow’s challenges. Minister
that now, year after year, Fin-
you follow Sisu on its website, and
for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini recently observed that rel-
land tops various rankings that
that you also acquaint yourselves
evance and high impact are characteristic of Fulbright Fin-
measure things such as equal-
with the other interesting mate-
land programs (p. 6). We have just returned from the Arctic
ity, transparency, competitive-
rials we have on our webpages
interchange week in Fairbanks, Alaska, where the United
ness, innovativeness and press
and social media sites. There are
States passed the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council to
freedom. In one of the rankings
wonderful video greetings from
Finland. Fulbright Finland brought there a ten-member
we are at the bottom: we are the
a variety of personalities, as well
expert delegation representing Finnish higher education
least fragile state in the world!
as a 12 part Story of Finland about
and research for an intense one-week study tour program to advance Arctic cooperation (p. 8). In the midst of today’s turbulent world news, I am filled
laborating closely in the coming years with the United States.
I am particularly happy that
our history. There is something
Finns see themselves and their
for everybody, throughout the
country as part of the bigger
with a renewed sense of commitment for all that the Ful-
We hope that many Ful-
bright program represents: the transformational power
ticipate actively in strengthen-
brighters and alumni will join
achieved through international educational and schol-
ing security and prosperity in
our centennial celebrations!
arly exchange, and building bridges of understanding.
the world at large. The theme
Our countries and societies need people who can bridge
“Together” suits our centen-
divides and create collaboration across borders. Fulbright
nial celebration perfectly in this
was established to create global citizens – those who dare
regard as well. Finland has suc-
to address universal problems with innovative solutions,
ceeded because we have worked
and create meaningful change. I want to sincerely thank
together and built our country
our grantees and alumni for all they do and for helping us
together. We continue to work
keep our eyes on our mission. As we witness a new cohort of
together with our Nordic neigh-
grantees from Finland join the cadres of these “movers and
bors, with our EU and transatlan-
shakers” (p. 6) it is time to remember why we do what we
tic partners and with the global
do. Today, we need Fulbrighters and the Fulbright program
community as a whole.
- perhaps more than ever before.
This year our goal in the United States is to celebrate the
Kirsti Kauppi
Terhi Mölsä
centennial together with all
Ambassador of Finland
Chief Executive Officer
friends of Finland, all around the
to the United States
2 — Kolumnit / Columns 4 — Fulbright Finland Celebrates the Centennial
Three National Fulbright Seminars in 2017–18
Roth-Thomson Awards to Three U.S. Fulbright Students
5 — Embassy of Finland Appreciates Fulbright Alumni Cooperation
Second Fulbright Arctic Initiative Coming Soon
6 — “Relevant, Current, High Impact” 8 — Widening Perspectives in Alaska, Fulbright Finland Study Tour on Sustainable Arctic Futures 9 — Fulbright as the Catalyst for Technology Transfer Between Alaska and Finland 10 — Reflecting on Study Tour Impact – Raising Funds, Communicating Values 13 — On Finnishness
Mirka McIntire
Innovative Approaches and Leading Scientists Attracted U.S. Graduate Students to Lappeenranta and Kuopio
Three Finnish Universities Pledge Tuition-Free Master’s Degree Studies for U.S. Fulbright Students
14 — Theory of Quantum Physics and Finnish Landscape When “Nothing” Is Happening
I, Cultural Ambassador
15 — Unelmien vuosi Yhdysvalloissa COVER: The Fulbright Finland Foundation brought a ten-member multidisciplinary expert delegation on a study tour to Alaska in May. The tour started from Anchorage (in the cover) and concluded with the week of the interchange in Fairbanks, where the United States handed over the chairmanship of the Arctic Council to Finland. Fulbright alumna Karen Martin was instrumental in arranging the delegation’s program in Healy and Denali National Park. Karen Martin (left) pictured above with Kati Anttila from the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Read more on page 8.
16 — Alumni News 17 — Envisioning a Bright Fulbright-JMC Future
Join the Alumni Association
18 — Friends of Fulbright Finland 19 — Grantees 2017–2018 21 — Working with the Scientists and Thought-Leaders of Tomorrow 22 — News 23 — Fulbright Finland Foundation
Cover photo: Floris Goerlandt
Fulbright Finland News on Fulbright Suomi -säätiön sidosryhmälehti, joka ilmestyy kaksi kertaa vuodessa painettuna ja verkkoversiona. Artikkeleissa ilmaistut mielipiteet ovat kirjoittajien omia. Seuraava numero ilmestyy syksyllä 2017. Artikkelit ja muu aineisto pyydetään toimittamaan 29.9. mennessä. Aineisto vapaasti lainattavissa, lähde mainittava. Fulbright Finland News is a biannual magazine published by the Fulbright Finland Foundation in print and online. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Fulbright Finland. The next issue will be published in the fall 2017. The submission deadline for articles and other materials is 29 September. Reproduction allowed, source must be cited. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material in this publication, Fulbright Finland does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
24 — Kalenteri / Calendar of Events
Päätoimittaja/Editor-in-Chief Terhi Mölsä Toimittajat/Editors Maija Kettunen (toimituspäällikkö) Johanna Lahti Suzanne Louis Ulkoasu ja taitto/Layout Tanja Mitchell, Grafee
Fulbright Finland Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 Helsinki FINLAND Tel. +358 44 5535 286 E-mail: office@fulbright.fi ISSN 2489-2149 (painettu) ISSN 2489-2157 (verkkojulkaisu) Cover: Maxigloss 200 g/m2 Paper: G-Print 115 g/m2 Circulation: 800 Printed by Erweko Oy
Editorial Council: Anitta Etula Director of International Relations, University of Eastern Finland Outi Hakanen Deputy Director General, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Protocol Services Sirpa Holmström Head of International Services, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Erika Holt Principal Research Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Sanna Kangasharju Press Counselor, Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C. Ossi V. Lindqvist Professor Emeritus
Fulbright Finland Celebrates the Centennial The year 2017 marks the Centenary
Centennial Ambassadors program is also
of Finland’s independence. Fulbright
part of the official program of the Suomi
Finland 100. As Centennial Ambassadors,
through multiple events and initiatives
American alumni will connect with their
throughout the year both in Finland and
local high schools, universities, com-
in the United States.
munity colleges or any other educational
institutions, and bring their own knowlOn the U.S. side the initiatives are coordi-
edge of Finland to young people, and
nated together with the American alumni
encourage them to consider studying in
network, the Friends of Fulbright Finland
Finland and applying for a Fulbright grant.
(FoFF). In addition to organizing alumni
“Finland offers U.S. Fulbrighters
gatherings in the United States in cele-
life-transforming opportunity. Since I
bration of the centennial, the U.S. alumni
experienced such, I want to spread the
help raise funds for new Fulbright grants
good word about opportunities available
through the Fulbright Finland Centennial
through Fulbright Finland”, says Ful-
bright-Hanken Distinguished Chair and
Friends of Fulbright Finland’s new
Centennial Ambassador John Broussard.
Three National Fulbright Seminars in 2017–18 Fulbright Finland will organize three national seminars during the academic year 2017-18. The American Voices Seminar in Turku on October 6-7, 2017 will feature all of the current U.S. Fulbright scholars and students presenting on a broad variety of topics related to American culture and society. The 2018 Fulbright Forum on Education, Innovation, Science and Art will take place on March 15-16, 2018 in Hel-
Roth-Thomson Awards to Three U.S. Fulbright Students
sinki. This is an annual forum where all
Rebekah Zimmerer, Natalia Magnani
History Can Help Us Understand Extrem-
the Fulbright Finland Foundation will
and Hannah Duncan received the 2017
ism” at a symposium. Duncan orga-
also organize the 2nd Capacity Building
Roth-Thomson Awards. Traditionally, the
nized the event in collaboration with the
Workshop for international education
Lois Roth Endowment has annually given
American Embassy in Helsinki and Anti-
professionals from Finnish higher edu-
two awards for Fulbright students in Fin-
Racist Forum. “I am so grateful for the
cation institutions. The themes for the
land, but this year the selection commit-
Roth-Thomson Award and for everything
workshop are Establishing Partnership
tee was so impressed by the applicants
the Lois Roth Endowment did to make
Agreements with U.S. Universities and
that it decided to award three grants.
this transformative exchange possible,”
Attracting U.S. Students. The workshop
Duncan says.
will take place in Helsinki on March 14,
of the U.S. Fulbright scholars, teachers, and students present on their specific research and professional projects. Back to back with the 2018 Forum,
Rebekah Zimmerer to travel to Sweden
The award recipients were announced
2018, right before the Fulbright Forum,
to discuss the possibility of collabo-
as part of the Fulbright Forum seminar at
providing the participants with an oppor-
rating on a U.S.-Nordic comparison of
the University of Jyväskylä. Roth Endow-
tunity to first attend the capacity-build-
female landowner perspectives initiated
ment Awards are granted annually to U.S.
ing workshop and then use the Forum as
from her Master’s thesis. Natalia Mag-
Fulbright students in Finland focusing on
a way to network and build connections
nani investigates the role of young Sami
the arts, humanities and social sciences.
with U.S. Fulbrighters and their educa-
women in political lobbying for Sami
Fulbright Finland Foundation has worked
tional institutions.
cultural autonomy and self-governance.
with the Lois Roth Endowment since 1991.
Hannah Duncan invited Dr. Marcia Chatelain from Georgetown University to give a talk on “How African American
The seminars are open to the public and there are no entrance fees.
www.fulbright.fi/en/graduate-studies-and-research/ fulbright-us-student-program/roth-thomson-award
Emilia Honkasaari
Embassy of Finland Appreciates Fulbright Alumni Cooperation It is especially important to stay in contact with all friends of Finland in the centen-
Taina Wewer (center) speaking about the new
nial year. The Fulbright alumni in the U.S. are a very valuable group of experts who
emphasis of the 2016 Finnish National Core
know the country well, and the Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C., wants to
Curriculum reform of basic education at the
have a close relationship with the alumni.
seminar on the Finnish education model.
During the centennial year the embassy
the embassy also in the future.”
that are happening in their area. The
organizes a series of events highlight-
The embassy has published a “Ful-
response has been very positive, and reg-
ing Finland’s strengths. A seminar on the
bright to its Fullest” blog on its website
ular updates are in the plans also after the
Finnish education model with the future
since 2012. As education is such a cen-
centennial year.
of education as underlying theme was held
tral topic for both nations, the embassy
in February. Both Finnish and American
decided to focus on the Fulbright Distin-
experts shared their views on the topic.
guished Teaching Award recipients on the
Dr. Taina Wewer, currently a Fulbright
blog. American Fulbright teachers travel-
Connect with the embassy on social media
scholar-in-residence at Denison Univer-
ing to Finland and vice versa write entries
and find more information about Finland’s
sity in Ohio was one of the presenters. Dr.
to share their experiences as Fulbright
centennial celebration in the U.S. on a special
Wewer appreciated the cooperation with
website www.Finland100USA.com.
We’re looking forward to celebrating Finland’s big year with you!
the embassy: “It was such an honor to give
Furthermore, the embassy sends a
a talk on Finnish curriculum reform and
monthly centennial update to all Ameri-
Emilia Honkasaari
teacher education which are close to my
can Fulbright alumni to keep them
Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C.
heart. I am very happy to collaborate with
updated on different centennial events
Second Fulbright Arctic Initiative Coming Soon The highly successful Fulbright Arctic
scholars and indigenous and traditional
nary week was organized in Oulu by the
Initiative will soon get a second round.
knowledge experts are encouraged to
Fulbright Finland Foundation together
A new cohort of Arctic researchers will
with the Thule Institute of the Univer-
be selected for the program taking place
Like the first round, the second Ful-
sity of Oulu. The second round of the Ful-
in 2018–2019, and the competition will
bright Arctic Initiative will create a network
bright Arctic Initiative will coincide with
be launched in summer 2017.
of scholars and researchers to stimulate
the Finnish Chairmanship of the Arctic
international scientific collaboration on
Up to 16 scholars from the eight Arctic
Arctic issues. Using a collaborative model
Council member states will be selected
to translate theory into practice, program
to engage in individual and collabora-
participants will address public-policy
tive research, group seminars, and public
research questions relevant to Arctic
engagement on important Arctic issues
nations’ shared challenges.
Steve Money
during an 18-month program in 2018–19.
Finland had a special role already in
Scholars from many disciplines at all
the first round of the Fulbright Arctic
Academic Exchange Specialist Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
career stages are eligible. Early career
Initiative. The program’s mid-term ple-
U.S. Department of State
“I couldn’t have done my studies at Berklee without the Fulbright Finland grant. Most of my contacts are from Berklee, and my main project and income ‘Eva & Manu’ started there. It was also a huge thing as a young songwriter to get that support from a big organization like Fulbright. It gave me trust and confidence in myself as an artist”. – Eva Louhivuori
“Relevant, Current, High Impact” Altogether 34 new Fulbright Finland
Affairs of Finland Timo Soini and Chargé
scholars, teachers, students and profes-
d’Affaires Donna Welton from the Amer-
voice enchanted the audience. She
sionals heading to the United States for
ican Embassy, both stressing the impor-
studied Vocals at Berklee College of Music
the academic year 2017-2018 received
tance of the Finnish-American Fulbright
in 2008-2009. Eva performed two songs
their grants at the annual Fulbright Fin-
program and its role in creating lasting
at the Award Ceremony, Bridge Over
land Award Ceremony at the Helsinki City
transatlantic cooperation.
Hall in May. The event was hosted jointly
In his remarks to the audience of over
by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Fin-
120 invited guests Minister Timo Soini
land and the City of Helsinki. In addition
described Fulbright Finland as relevant,
to the new Finnish awardees and the cur-
current and of high impact.
rent American Fulbright grantees, this
“The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is
year’s special event honored the Centen-
proud to have an important role in Ful-
nial of the Republic of Finland.
bright Finland,” said Minister Soini.
Fulbright Finland alumna Eva Louhivuori’s
Troubled Water and Kun Aika On.
To honor the Centennial, the Award Ceremony was opened with a special
Greetings from the governments
Having just returned from the Min-
music performance by the Conscript
were brought by Minister for Foreign
isterial meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska,
Drumline of the Finnish Defence Forces.
where Finland took over the Chairman-
Jouni Mölsä (left), Director General of
ship of the Arctic Council from the United
Communications, Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
States, the Minister brought up the
Terhi Mölsä, Chief Executive Officer, Fulbright
importance of Arctic research coopera-
Finland Foundation, Timo Soini, Minister
tion as an example of a current theme of
for Foreign Affairs, Donna Welton, Chargé
particular significance and commended
d’Affaires, American Embassy, and
Fulbright Finland’s grant programs and
T.J. Grubisha, Counselor for Press and
initiatives in this area, including the
Cultural Affairs, American Embassy.
recent Arctic Study Tour to the week of the “This is exactly the kind of coopera-
has been a valued partner of the United
tion we need to solve the important ques-
States for over 65 years in bringing people
tions regarding the Arctic,” Minister
together. As Finland celebrates its 100th
Soini stressed.
anniversary of independence, Fulbright
Finland continues to play a seminal role
from the American Embassy extended
in fostering this broad and deep partner-
her thanks to everyone involved in the
ship between the United States and Fin-
Fulbright Finland Foundation’s work to
land with an enduring commitment to
further academic exchange and cultural
our shared values and interests. We look
understanding between the United States
forward to a new century of friendship
and Finland.
between the people of the United States
“I am continually impressed with the
Photos: Studio Terho Photography
interchange in Alaska.
and Finland,” Welton concluded.
leadership shown by our Finnish part-
Greetings from the City of Helsinki,
ners in this mutual endeavor, from the
the co-host of the event, were brought
Foundation was awarded to Lauri Kivijärvi,
government of Finland, to the staff of
by Deputy Mayor Ritva Viljanen, and the
who will spend a year at Missouri State
the Foundation, to the U.S. and Finnish
words of thanks on behalf of all the Finn-
University conducting research on inorganic
Fulbright grantees themselves. You truly
ish and American grantees were delivered
embody the vision of Senator Fulbright
by John Broussard, the current Fulbright-
for ‘a modest program with an immodest
Hanken Distinguished Chair.
The first grant sponsored by the KAUTE
aim – the achievement in international
Prior to the Award Ceremony, the new
affairs of a regime more civilized, ratio-
grantees were prepped for their upcoming
nal and humane than the empty system
stay in the U.S. at a full-day pre-depar-
ish and U.S. Fulbright alumni who shared
of power of the past.’”
ture orientation seminar. The grantees
their tips and experiences with the new
”As a firm believer in educational and
learned about important practical mat-
grantees, and the opportunity to meet the
professional exchange programs, and
ters from visas and insurances to enrich-
alumni and have interactive discussions
the imaginative work that they foster, I
ment opportunities and useful networks.
with them was particularly appreciated
feel privileged to serve in Finland, which
Many of the seminar speakers were Finn-
by the new Fulbrighters.
Widening Perspectives in Alaska
Fulbright Finland Study Tour on Sustainable Arctic Futures At the 10th Arctic Council Ministerial
organization’s research at the workshops
Dave Shirokauer (second from left), Chief
Meeting in Fairbanks, Alaska, in May
and at the Fulbright Finland delegation’s
of Resources for Science in Denali National
2017 the United States handed over the
exhibit at the main venue of the public
Park guided the delegation’s visit in the part.
chairmanship of the Arctic Council to
events of the Week of the Interchange.
Finland. To kick off Fin-
land’s Chairmanship in the spirit of collaboration and partnerships, the Fulbright Finland Foundation brought a ten-member
acted as a door for my
The Study Tour acted as a door for my university to participate more actively in research and actions related to the Arctic.
university to partici-
all became friends,” says Kirsi Latola,
pate more actively in
Research Coordinator and Director of
research and actions
UArctic Thematic Networks at the Thule
related to the Arctic,
Institute, University of Oulu.
for example through
Alaska’s science, policy and business
UArctic activities,” says
community had put together a compre-
Elina Oksanen, Profes-
hensive week-long program in Fairbanks
sor and Vice Dean of the
to address the work to be done to meet
Department of Environ-
the goals of environmental protection,
mental and Biological
sustainable development, inclusion of
Sciences at the Univer-
indigenous peoples and international
strategic priority areas,
sity of Eastern Finland.
disciplinary expert delegation on a study tour to Alaska for the week of the interchange. The tour addressed one of the
the Artic, as well as the Foundation’s fun-
In addition to Professor Oksanen, the
“It was interesting to see how much is
damental purpose of promoting a wider
delegation included experts from Aalto
happening, not only at the policy level but
exchange of knowledge and professional
University, Turku University of Applied
on the ground level,” says Outi Koskinen,
talents through educational and scholarly
Sciences, Finnish Meteorological Insti-
who works as a Communications Offi-
contacts between Finland and the United
tute, and the Finnish Ministry for For-
cer at the Finnish Ministry for Foreign
eign Affairs. The tour provided a fruitful
Affairs. The various forums during the
opportunity for the delegation members
Study Tour specifically strived to cross
New Networks for Collaboration
to get to know each other and their orga-
geographic, disciplinary and cultural
The Study Tour took the delegation from
borders and include various perspectives
Anchorage to Healy, to Denali National
from indigenous to academic to business.
Park, and finally to Fairbanks for the
From Policy to Practice
Week of the Arctic Interchange providing
“For me equally important to interna-
and to learn from the representatives
an opportunity for Finnish and American
tional networking was to build new con-
of indigenous groups, as well as talk to
experts and leaders in Arctic issues to
nections and network with the Study Tour
people who are not engineers but working
share best practices and to develop new
participants themselves. These connec-
on related things,” says Arttu Polojärvi,
networks for collaboration. The Finnish
tions are important also in our national
Assistant Professor of Ice Mechanics from
delegation members had the opportunity
collaboration between organizations.
the Department of Mechanical Engineer-
to share and showcase their own and their
After the tour, I can honestly say that we
ing at Aalto University.
“It was good to widen perspectives
Joint Effort This was the 8th expert Study Tour to the United States organized by Fulbright Finland. A large number of Fulbright Finland’s partner institutions and other contacts joined in the planning and implementation of the program, and the role of Fulbright Finland alumni was particularly significant. For the “jet-lag day”, Friends of Fulbright Finland Liaison Suzanne Louis had planned a special treat for the participants: the Aurora Winter Train from Anchorage to Healy. After nine hours in the train crossing through beautiful scenery and scouting out Alaskan wildlife, including a running grizzly bear, Dall sheep, moose, and bald headed
“The Study Tour was a great way to get
The Fulbright Finland exhibit booth served
eagles, the Study Tour participants had
a broad overview of the current and future
as the delegation’s meeting point with
become a team.
trends in Arctic policy and research”, says
partners and stakeholders, here with
In Healy they received a warm wel-
Floris Goerlandt, Post-doctoral Researcher
Ambassador David A. Balton (center), Chair
come by Fulbright alumna Karen Mar-
and Project Manager at the School of Engi-
of Senior Arctic Officers for the Arctic
tin. Healy and Denali National Park are
neering, Research Group on Maritime Risk
Council during the U.S. Chairmanship.
remote and most tour operations do not
and Safety at Aalto University.
begin running until after the Study Tour
“It was a great way to realize that com-
this only marked the beginning for the
in mid-May, but Karen Martin opened
munities around the Arctic face similar
various collaboration initiatives that were
the doors in the community and made it
challenges, to identify areas of mutual
born during the trip. The tour formed a
possible for the delegation to get behind
interest and to network to establish coop-
close group of Study Tour alumni that will
the scenes at the Denali National Park to
eration in these areas.”
continue their collaboration during the
explore areas of common concern in the
The Study Tour culminated at the
Arctic environment under the pressure of
handover of the Arctic Council Chair-
climate change.
manship from the U.S. to Finland. But
Finnish Chairmanship and beyond.
Todd Paris
Fulbright as the Catalyst for Technology Transfer Between Alaska and Finland industry. My personal highlight was the
CHP project that was perfectly suited for
Polar Bear Pitching Competition, where
remote communities in Alaska.
start-up companies were invited to pitch
Subsequent to my visit, we invited
their business idea to a panel of poten-
Volter representatives to visit Alaska, and
tial investors for as long as they wanted
eventually established a collaboration to
– the only catch was that they had to do
install a pilot Volter unit in my hometown
so while standing in a hole cut in the ice
of Fairbanks, scheduled to break ground
of a local lake!
soon. This project has generated quite a bit of interest, not only in Alaska but also
Vision Turns into Action
in neighboring Canada where our coun-
As an Arctic Fulbright Scholar focused on
terparts are equally interested in seeing
energy, I took advantage of my first trip to
if this system is viable for remote rural
In February 2016, I traveled to Oulu to
Finland and arrived a week early to tour
communities that have ample biomass
participate in the Fulbright Arctic Sym-
the country. My goal was to visit as many
resources, but currently rely on imported
posium. This was part of an amazing
biomass projects and companies as possi-
diesel fuel for heat and power.
week of cultural and academic exchanges
ble, since I felt this was a technology area
This collaboration between Finland
hosted by the Finland Fulbright Program,
where my home state of Alaska could ben-
and Alaska would have never taken place
organized for the 17 scholars selected to
efit from Finland’s expertise. Jani Lehto
without the catalyst of the Fulbright
participate in the Arctic Fulbright Ini-
and Antti Arasto from VTT generously
program, and the Finland Fulbright pro-
tiative. In addition to the formal Sym-
helped arrange my itinerary, and I visited
gram’s generous offer to host the Arctic
posium, we visited the Kierikki Stone
several biomass combined heat and power
Fulbright Initiative Scholars. It is a great
Age Center, participated in an event at
(CHP) projects that were supplying energy
example of the vision and mission of the
the Tellus Innovation Arena at the Uni-
to consumers in rural parts of Finland
Fulbright program in action, and I will be
versity of Oulu, and experienced a tradi-
that are most similar to parts of Alaska.
forever grateful to have had the opportu-
tional Finnish Sauna hosted by the City
My travels eventually took me to the
nity to be a part of it.
of Oulu. We met with people from many
Kempele Ecovillage near Oulu, where the
sectors, including inspiring leaders from
small Finnish manufacturer Volter had
Gwen Holdmann
the Saami community, academia, and
installed an innovative modular biomass
Director, Alaska Center for Energy and Power
University of Helsinki
Reflecting on Study Tour Impact
Raising Funds, Communicating Values In 2012, a delegation from Finnish
since has held different positions related
Pia Dolivo during a recent Giving Day
higher education institutions visited
to external relations and communica-
at University of Helsinki.
universities in Washington, D.C., Mary-
tion. “I’ve always had one leg outside of
land and Virginia to learn at firsthand
the university,” she says, explaining how
tion in the Fulbright study tour in 2012.
how U.S. institutions handle alumni
she next worked as head of the careers
Pia, together with twelve colleagues from
affairs, cooperation, fundraising and
service, a role which included reaching
other Finnish higher education institu-
donor relations.
out to successful alumni to help current
tions, stepped out of their busy schedules
students and recent graduates make the
for an intensive week visiting institutions
Fulbright Finland has organised eight
first steps in their own careers. “Then I
in Washington, D.C., Virginia and Mary-
such study tours since 2008, carefully
was asked to look into fundraising. The
land. The tour included talks by profes-
tailored to the needs of the participants,
university didn’t have any dedicated fun-
sionals from Carnegie Mellon and Johns
enabling Finnish higher education pro-
draising or alumni relations team at the
Hopkins universities, as well as visits to
fessionals to meet and learn from U.S.
time, so really I started as a one-person
the Universities of Maryland, Richmond
colleagues and institutions. Each tour
and Virginia Commonwealth, with the
focuses on key issues within the univer-
Over the years, the team grew, Pia
sity sector, such as graduate enrollment,
explains, reflecting an increasing aware-
last stop at the College of William and
community relations, governance and
ness of the importance of alumni rela-
‘It was so worth the investment,’ Pia
funding, adult education and interna-
tions and fundraising within Finnish
says. ‘The biggest learning experience
tional strategy.
Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia.
higher education. ‘We gained more expe-
was to meet with colleagues from uni-
Pia Dolivo, Head of community rela-
rience, and started working on fundrais-
versities with a lot of experience in this
tions and fundraising at the University
ing campaigns. Now we have ten people
field. We discovered they had some of the
of Helsinki, participated in the Fulbright
in the fundraising team, and a further
same issues we have, but they are so much
Finland Study Tour on alumni relations
eight people working on alumni rela-
ahead of us in their fundraising activities,
and institutional giving in 2012, an expe-
tions, client relationship management,
and they invest so much more in alumni
rience which she describes as a turning
and advocacy work with politicians and
point in her professional life.
However, Pia says, it was inspiring to discover that in a relatively short space of
From a One-Person Shop to a Dedicated Team
Benchmarking from the U.S. Experience
time these universities had significantly
An important step in Pia’s professional
grown their alumni relations and fund-
Pia started out as an alumni coordinator
journey, and consequently for the Uni-
raising activity. ‘Over the past fifteen to
at the University of Helsinki, and ever
versity of Helsinki, was Pia’s participa-
twenty years they’ve made huge leaps in
that area. They run very successful cam-
skirts. Students in Finland see univer-
table discussions on specific topics, with
paigns now, but they explained how it
sity as a way to acquire skills, to get the
people and organizations with shared
wasn’t always that way, that they grew
formal education they need to fulfil their
interests, as well as events aimed at
it through planning and hard work. That
ambitions in working life. U.S. universi-
larger audiences, to inspire a wider com-
gave us confidence that we could do the
ties have a serious advantage, because
munity about the university. We then fol-
same back in Finland.’
they already invest so heavily in campus
low up people who might want to be more
Pia notes that careful advance prepa-
activities. It’s partly cultural, partly a
involved. We also run a forum for the
ration was key to the success of the study
structural thing, influenced by university
foundations who support us, and another
tour. ‘Terhi Mölsä and her colleagues
politics and educational policies.’
for the business community, focus-
at Fulbright Finland helped us prepare and plan what we wanted to find out while we
The Fulbright study tour left us all with a “let’s do this” attitude. We realized that we are change makers, we need to change the game here in Finland.
ing on relevant scientific and economic
mechanisms are also
issues. We are also engaging our students
different,’ she contin-
through an annual giving day.’
ues. ‘For example, in
The hard work of Pia and her colleagues
Finland, we don’t focus
is already yielding significant results. The
on university sports
University of Helsinki’s campaign goal is
the way they do in the
to collect €75 million by the end of 2020,
U.S. - these activities
of which they have already achieved €40
help create a sense of
million in donations and pledges from
shared identity, and
over 1000 donors. This enables the uni-
versity to disburse more than €600,000
bond. Of course, some
in grants, scholarships and awards annu-
ally, supporting teaching and research
already there emotion-
across all disciplines, and enabling young
specific objectives and questions, it made
ally, but not everyone feels such a strong
researchers to make the first step in their
it easier to take home the information we
attachment to their former university.’
academic careers.
a danger with these kinds of activities that they become a sort of educational tourism, where you see a lot but don’t always directly relate it to what you are doing back home. But because we prepared
needed to implement change at our own
Fundraising campaigns and alumni
institutions. Everyone who hosted us was
relations are also a fairly recent phenom-
well-informed about who we were and
ena in Finland. ‘The Finnish government
Developing Lifelong Relationships with Alumni and Stakeholders
what we were interested in, which meant
has pushed universities into fundraising
Like any other relationship, maintain-
we could jump right in.’ As a result of the
by launching a matched funding scheme
ing the relationship between donor and
tour, the group produced a report sum-
institution needs care and investment
marizing what they had learned, which
announced another one. It is becoming
over the long term, Pia explains, and
was then shared with other colleagues at
part of university activity, but it’s chal-
communication is key. ‘U.S. universities
their home universities.
lenging to create the giving culture. Not
are skilled at involving their current stu-
‘It was eye-opening to see the level
all universities have started fundrais-
dents as ambassadors, to communicate
of investment American universities are
ing for the right reasons, they’re doing it
with external stakeholders. At William
making in their fundraising activities. To
because of the scheme. Some are success-
and Mary, we met some of the volunteer
us, William and Mary looked like some-
ful, but some are struggling to find real
students, and it was so inspiring to see
thing from a movie, a perfect American
the pride they and the staff members had
university campus. We said to each other,
in their institution. That was the last stop
“Can this be real? And how can we apply
Fundraising for the Right Reasons
on our tour, and it made a real impact,
ideas from a university like this in Fin-
‘We work in fundraising and alumni rela-
showing the whole journey from student
land?” The culture is very different. But
tions for three reasons. Firstly, fund-
involvement to alumni relations over the
we learned that the fundraising model,
raising is about communicating who we
and the approaches used by U.S. universi-
are, what we stand for, our mission and
‘The Fulbright study tour left us all
ties can work in Finland. The scale of the
strategy, our top people and projects. It
with a “let’s do this” attitude. We real-
campaign and the funds raised are differ-
gets our message out into the wider com-
ized that we are change makers, we need
ent, and certain methods have to be cul-
munity. Secondly, it helps us engage with
to change the game here in Finland. That
turally adjusted, but it can be done.’
our stakeholders, the people and orga-
spoke to us. It empowered us with the
nizations that we want to work with. It
motivation and new perspectives needed
Accounting for Cultural Differences
also helps us enlarge that community,
to grow this area in our home institu-
The biggest difference between U.S. and
to reach out to alumni the university has
tions. Seeing the U.S. approach at first
Finnish universities is the student expe-
lost contact with, and to companies we
hand really confirmed that alumni rela-
rience, Pia suggests. ‘The University of
don’t already deal with, but who have
tions and fundraising is not just a side-
Helsinki is huge, but the student profile
shared interests. The third reason is to
line of more important issues, but crucial
and experience are very different to that
raise money for the university. The first
in communicating the university’s values
of U.S. universities. For example, 75%
two reasons are most important to us.
to the world.’
of our students work, students gener-
No matter whether we are successful in
ally don’t live on campus, and they don’t
receiving donations, we have the oppor-
pay for their studies. In U.S. universities,
tunity to tell our story.’
there is a strong sense of community, of
This communication is often achieved
belonging. But in Finland, the university
in person, Pia explains. ‘Our main tool is
is not necessarily at the center of all that.
one-on-one or small group meetings with
Community-building is more on the out-
stakeholders. We also organize round-
Read the Alumni Relations and Institutional Giving Study Tour report and other materials at www.fulbright.fi/en/study-tours/alumnirelations-and-institutional-giving Text: Louisa Gairn
Tiina Riikonen
A photo project inspired Fulbright Teacher Andrea Schmuttermair to sum up her idea of Finnishness in one word: TRUST.
On Finnishness I arrived in Finland four months ago with
Through spending time in the forest,
a goal to research science and STEM edu-
I learned that “Finnishness” is appreci-
cation in Finland. My research, however,
ating the solitude that quiet nature pro-
has extended beyond education to under-
vides. By going to the sauna with Finnish
Andrea Schmuttermair
stand what makes up suomalaisuus, or,
friends, I have learned that Finns value
Fulbright Distinguished Award
genuine conversation, and are patient and
in Teaching 2016-2017
“Everyman’s Right”) practiced in nature, Finland has created a culture of trust.
It was through learning how to make
relaxed yet somewhat reserved. When
karjalanpiirakka with a Finnish family that
I became involved in Tiina Riikonen’s
opened up a cross-cultural dialogue with
photo project, Finnishness as seen through
Finns and non-Finns on what “Finnish-
the eyes of foreign students, I did not real-
Read more about the photo project and Andrea’s
ness” means. From that point forward,
ize how it would shape my Finland expe-
experiences and reflections on “Finnishness”, on her blog,
my views of “Finnishness” came from
rience. In the photo project, I was asked
Experience Finland: www.thefinlandexperience.com
experiences, reflection, and conversa-
to sum up my idea of “Finnishness”
tion. As John Dewey says, “we do not
in one word: TRUST. From giving stu-
The photo exhibition, “Finnishness as seen through
learn from experience… we learn from
dents independence and responsibility
the eyes of foreign students”, will be on display in
reflecting on experience.”
in the classroom, to jokamiehenoikeus (or
Joensuu’s market square in June 2017.
Photo: Tiina Riikonen
Innovative Approaches and Leading Scientists Attracted U.S. Graduate Students to Lappeenranta and Kuopio High quality programs and research at
the world leaders in my field and publish
Finnish universities attract U.S. gradu-
my works in leading scientific journals
ate students to Finland. Recently three
simultaneously. This is both an unprec-
Finnish universities also decided to
edented experience for a PhD student and
provide a full two-year tuition scholar-
wholly impossible without Fulbright Fin-
ship for U.S. Fulbright students entering
land”, says Smyl.
their Master’s degree programs.
Anna Partridge and Danny Smyl presented their research at the multidisci-
Finland’s innovative approaches to bio-
plinary Fulbright Forum for Education,
mass energy research brought Anna
Innovation, Science and Art in March in
Partridge to Lappeenranta University
Jyväskylä. Fulbright Forum is an annual,
of Technology to complete her Master’s
national seminar that gathers U.S. Ful-
degree in Energy systems community. “As
brighters from around the country to
a Fulbright Finland grant award recipient,
speak about their research and projects.
I have been able to study and perform
Next Fulbright Forum will take place in
research at one of the best research uni-
Helsinki on March 15-16, 2018.
versities in my field, and connect with international students, professors and
Fulbright Finland enabled Danny Smyl to
researchers who are pushing the bound-
learn from the world leaders in his field.
aries of technology to improve our energy future”, says Partridge. Doctoral student and engineer Danny Smyl came to Finland to conduct research on large-scale imaging for structural
Three Finnish Universities Pledge Tuition-Free Master’s Degree Studies for U.S. Fulbright Students
health monitoring at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. “I am an
The University of Helsinki, the University
Fulbright-University of Helsinki Gradu-
engineer and a researcher. To be impact-
of Turku and Lappeenranta University of
ate Award, Fulbright-University of Turku
ful and do meaningful things in either
Technology (LUT) provide a full two-year
Graduate Award, or Fulbright-Lappeen-
field, one requires cerebral freedom and a
tuition scholarship for U.S. Fulbright stu-
ranta University of Technology Graduate
stimulating environment. Fulbright Fin-
dents entering their Master’s degree pro-
Award. In addition, LUT has decided to
land provides both by facilitating flexible
grant all their Fulbright students a full
research grant funding in a nearly opti-
The three universities pledge to pro-
mal research setting. Having spent my
vide a tuition scholarship automati-
grant period in the Department of Applied
cally for those Master’s students who
Physics at the University of Eastern Fin-
have received a special Fulbright student
land, I had the opportunity to learn from
award named after the host university;
scholarship for tuition expenses regardless of the grant type.
www.fulbright.fi/en/graduate-studies-and-research/ fulbright-us-student-program WWW.FULBRIGHT.FI — 13
Theory of Quantum Physics and Finnish Landscape When “Nothing” Is Happening lakes, sea ice, and hilly arctic terrain. I knew that I would find that much was “happening,” even if it wasn’t immediately visible. I spent my first four months at artist residencies in different regions, photographing, recording, researching, and experiencing the micro-landscapes of each place. I was struck by what I found: the variety and detail in the forest terrain; the changes in the weather and light at different latitudes; how lake and sea ice fundamentally alter an environment; an evolving understanding of what “nature” means in Finland; and how physically and emotionally complex the winter landI have been drawn to northern and arctic
places, covered in snow.
scape can be.
landscapes since 2012, when I attended an
According to one theory of quantum
I presented an exhibition of new work
artist residency in Svalbard, near the North
physics, pure emptiness is not actually
at Sorbus, in Helsinki, and screened older
Pole. In Svalbard, and at a residency on
empty, but is dense, turbulent, and active.
work at Titanik, in Turku. Finally, I've
Kökar, in the Finnish archipelago, in 2013, I
I am fascinated by what this can mean in
had many long, fantastic conversations
began my investigations into the relation-
scientific, emotional, and planetary terms:
with a wide range of Finnish artists about
ships between these landscapes and the
How can something be empty and dense at
art, science, climate change, abstraction,
abstract realm of quantum physics. This
the same time? What does this theory, and
technology, and politics. Their perspec-
prompted my decision to return to Finland
quantum physics in general, have to do
tives have been continuously thought-
for a Fulbright, as I sought the opportunity
with the real, “natural” world we live in?
provoking and inspiring.
to spend a full winter in the north. I wanted
In Finland, I wanted to experience the
to experience the landscape during the
landscape and explore what this theory
Leah Beeferman
time of year when “nothing” is happening:
about emptiness and density might mean
Mid-Career Professional
when it is dark, cold, frozen, and, in most
in context of the Finnish forest, frozen
Development Grantee 2016-2017
Niko Suominen conducted research on early modern drama and the rhetoric of theatre at Harvard University. And like a true scholar of English Renaissance theatre, Suominen dressed up as Shakespeare for Halloween 2015.
me from my plight was, I repeat, Fulbright. In the spirit of sitcoms (cue the laugh track) the lady wrapped herself in a bath-towel, flashed a heartwarming smile, and we laughed off the misunderstanding. All’s well that ends well, as the saying goes. She then introduced herself
I, Cultural Ambassador
– we would later become neighbors – and even guided me to the right door. If anything, the moral of the story here is not
Fresh off the plane, as my first act as cul-
logic, duh! – ‘If I were a burglar, why the
only that you should (in case of lost Finns)
tural ambassador, I broke into a house.
luggage?’) I got off with a fright. Yet there
remember to lock your doors, but also the
Accidentally. Then, I made my first con-
was one specific thing that ultimately
Fulbright Program’s cultural significance
tact with a native, who just happened to
saved the day. Two little syllables, as hard
in the United States.
be (good grief) a naked lady. This unfor-
as it might be to believe this, possessed
tunate sequence of events, as anyone can
the power that transformed the stand-
Niko Suominen
imagine, could have ended in a nasty way.
off into a comedy of errors. FULBRIGHT.
ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral
However, thanks to my natural charm (and
Yes, the magic word that delivered
Research Fellow 2015-2016
Aleluya Peña Rodrigo
Unelmien vuosi Yhdysvalloissa Vielä elokuussa 2016 jännitin tulevaa
järjestöihin. Elämäni Gallaudetin kam-
vaihtovuotta, enkä tiennyt mitä kaikkea
puksella oli positiivisella tavalla hektistä.
Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.
oli edessäni. Tepastelin kohti tuntema-
Opintojen ohessa pelasin Gallaudetin jal-
in 2016–2017. “My year at Gallaudet on a
tonta maailmaa ja se oli luultavasti yksi
kapallojoukkueessa ja työskentelin Late
Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grant
elämäni parhaimmista päätöksistä, sillä
Night Gallaudet Universityssä tapahtu-
was a dream come true.”
Fulbright-kauteni Gallaudetin yliopistos-
manjärjestäjän assistenttina ja media-
sa oli yksi elämäni mahtavimmista koke-
vastaavana. Hektisen elämän ohella koin
henkilökohtaista kasvua ja opin valta-
Gallaudet on maailman ainoa kuurojen
vasti ihmisoikeuksista.
Teresa Tiainen studied Communication at
nut minua työskentelemään ihmisten
yliopisto, missä on täyden viestinnän saa-
Palaan syksyllä Humanistiseen am-
kanssa ja kehittämään yhteiskuntaa en-
vutettavuus. Yliopistossa jokainen viittoo
mattikorkeakouluun viemään yhteisö
tistä enemmän. Lyhyesti sanottuna, vuo-
ja opetus tarjotaan viittomakielellä, joten
pedagogin opintoni loppuun. Unelmanani
si ylitti kaikki odotukseni. Tämä kaikki
kuuro henkilö ei joudu kohtaamaan es-
on tehdä merkittävää työtä, jolla on vai-
ei olisi ollut mahdollista ilman Fulbright
teitä. Se on ainutlaatuinen paikka, missä
kutusta kehitysmaiden kuurojen ihmis-
Suomi -säätiön stipendiä. Haluan kiittää
kuurot ovat osa enemmistöä toisin kuin
ten elämään. Aika näyttää mihin tieni
Fulbright Suomi -säätiötä unelmani to-
Otin entisten vaihto-opiskelijoiden
Kulunut vuosi on opettanut minulle
neuvoista vaarin olemalla sosiaalinen ja
monia asioita, kuten analysoimaan it-
Teresa Tiainen
aktiivinen sekä osallistumalla monenlai-
seäni paljon paremmin sekä löytämään
Fulbright Finland Undergraduate
siin tapahtumiin ja liittymällä erilaisiin
yhteiskunnan epäkohtia. Se on motivoi-
Grantee 2016-2017
Fulbright-professori perusti matka-apurahan Yhdysvaltain tutkimukseen City University of New Yorkin (CUNY)
nen toimiessaan Helsingin yliopiston
apuraha mahdollistaa näiden osallistu-
pitkäaikainen professori Henry Wasser
Fulbright Bicentennial-professorina lu-
misen alan pohjoismaisiin konferenssei-
(1919-2016) oli todellinen Fulbright-oh-
kuvuonna 2013-14. Brooklyn Collegen
hin ja tarjoaa vaikuttavan esimerkin
jelman sanansaattaja. Hän työskenteli
radio- ja televisiotutkimuksen professo-
Fulbright-ohjelman vaikutuksesta yli su-
uransa aikana Fulbright-stipendiaattina
ri Frederick Wasser työskentelee isänsä
kupolvien ja kansallisten rajojen.
Euroopan eri yliopistoissa peräti viiteen
tavoin CUNY:n palveluksessa. Yhdessä
otteeseen: Kreikassa, Norjassa, Englan-
äitinsä Solidelle Fortier Wasserin kans-
Mikko Saikku
nissa ja Portugalissa. Vuosien varrella
sa Frederick Wasser perusti tänä keväänä
Yhdysvaltain tutkimuksen McDonnell
Henry Wasserille kehittyi erityisen lähei-
Henry Wasserin muistoksi Nordic Asso-
Douglas –professori, Helsingin yliopisto
nen suhde Norjan ja muiden pohjoismai-
ciation for American Studies -järjestön
Puheenjohtaja, Nordic Association
den amerikanistiyhteisöön.
hallinnoiman matka-apurahan, joka on
for American Studies
suunnattu pohjoismaisille Yhdysvaltain
tä tuli toisen sukupolven Yhdysvaltain
tutkimuksen jatko-opiskelijoille. Vuosit-
tutkimuksen Fulbright-professori hä-
tain kahdelle jatko-opiskelijalle jaettava
https://sites.google.com/site/naasstudies/ the-henry-wasser-travel-grant
Elizabeth Whitney
Henry Wasserin pojasta Frederickis-
The Buddy Program Inspired the Finnish Fulbright Welcome Network
Fulbright alum and the inventor of the Finnish Fulbright Welcome Network Stephen Horvath introduces the network to the
directly stay involved with the Fulbright
2017-2018 Finnish Fulbright Finland grantees
Buddy Program helped U.S. student
program after their grant term ended. I
at the Pre-departure orientation. This year
grantee Stephen Horvath to settle in to
wanted to create a program that allowed
the Welcome Network spans from Alaska to
his new home town, Lappeenranta. “I
Americans to more easily stay involved
Florida, and from California to Maine with over
found the Buddy Program to be an amaz-
with Fulbright and connected with Fin-
70 participants.
ing experience when I came to Finland.
land, hence, the Finnish Fulbright Wel-
I had just arrived in a new country and I
come Network.”
Finnish Fulbright grantees Pauliina Sini
already had a person who could help me
The first round of the Finnish Fulbright
with some of the nuances of living in Fin-
Welcome Network took place during
traditional Finnish Runeberg Cakes with U.S.
land. My buddy helped to make my transi-
the academic year 2016-2017. Elizabeth
Fulbright alumna Elizabeth Whitney at her
tion to Finland easier and helped me get
Whitney invited Finnish Fulbright grant-
home in New York City.
more out of my time here.”
ees to her home to bake Finnish pastries
auer (left) and Anna Ovaska (right) baking
Horvath’s experience inspired him to
together. “Meeting Finnish Fulbrighters
the opportunity to spend time with vis-
launch a similar program also in the U.S.
in New York City through the Welcome
iting Finnish academics. I'm looking for-
“I found out that the United States did not
Network has been a really important way
ward to continuing my involvement with
have an equivalent program for Finnish
for me to maintain a connection to the
this program. I encourage others to join
grantees and I asked myself, why not?
Finnish network I developed during my
the Welcome Network and reach out to
Finland had a way for their grantees to
year as a Fulbright. I greatly appreciate
visiting Finnish Fulbrighters!”
Ilmari Pirkkamaa
Benita Heiskanen (left), the Director of the John Morton Center and Anna Kronlund (right), post-doctoral researcher at John Morton Center and the President of the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association, are both Fulbright alumni.
Envisioning a Bright Fulbright-JMC Future The John Morton Center for North Ameri-
teaching, and community engagement,
brighters, we know what it takes to be able
can Studies (JMC), a national research
the JMC has put itself squarely on the map
to provide, as one former Fulbright grantee
center, was established at the University
of North American Studies in Finland, and
put it, “a space for collaboration and sup-
of Turku in February 2014. With a focus on
beyond. With a three-year track record of
port.” The JMC is honored to have the Chief
contemporary societal, political, and cul-
48 scholarly and popular publications, 34
Executive Officer of Fulbright-Finland to
tural issues, the JMC specializes in trans-
organized events, 162 media appearances,
serve on its Board. Imagine if one of these
national research questions. Our ongoing
and 9 courses organized, the Center now
days this collaboration were to result in a
has wide name recognition among aca-
joint Fulbright-JMC Fellowship.
funded by Wihuri, KONE, and Weisell foundations,
demia and the broad public alike.
For international scholars, the JMC
American, U.S.-Asian, and U.S.-Cuban
offers a natural home away from home.
issues, among other things.
Given that the Center’s director and one
Through a thriving research network,
post-doctoral researcher are former Ful-
Benita Heiskanen Director, John Morton Center
Join the Alumni Association Are you interested in building connec-
ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Board 2017
tions and developing projects to enhance
The association operates with a 7-10 person Board elected from the membership and in
the Fulbright experience and exchanges
cooperation with the Fulbright Finland in Helsinki. Get in touch with the Board members
between Finland and the USA? Join one
for questions, thoughts and ideas!
of the oldest Fulbright alumni associations in the world, the ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association in Finland! Finnish Fulbrighters often talk about their grant period as a life changing experience. By joining the association you can continue your experience and stay involved with the Fulbright community. The association is looking forward to welcome also members who are not alums of the Finnish Fulbright program. You can join as a supporting member, and become a part of an active association to get involved in building awareness of the Fulbright program through evets, meetings, and lectures. Become a member by paying the annual membership fee and receive the membership benefits such as the Fulbright Finland News magazine twice a
President Anna Kronlund Post-Doctoral Researcher John Morton Center ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2009–2010 kronlundanna@gmail.com Vice-President Arno Tanner Project Manager - Country Information Service, Finnish Immigration Service ASLA-Fulbright Research Grant for a Junior Scholar 2004–2005 Kirsi Cheas Doctoral Student University of Helsinki ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grant 2013–2014 Antti Oulasvirta Associate Professor Aalto University Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grant 2007–2008
Elisa Repo Visiting Researcher Finnland-Institut in Deutschland Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program 2014–2015 Elisa Räsänen Lecturer, Finnish language Indiana University Bloomington Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistant Program 2013–2014 Heikki Saxén Doctoral Candidate, University of Tampere; Chairman of the Board at the Finnish Institute of Bioethics ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows 2014–2015 Leasa Weimer Knowledge Development Adviser, European Association for International Education Fulbright U.S. Graduate Grantee 2011–2012
year, international networking opportunities and special events.
www.fulbright.fi/en/alumni/alumni-association WWW.FULBRIGHT.FI — 17
Friends of Fulbright Finland Carves Out a Unique Profile For the past 10 years Fulbright Finland’s American alumni program has been developing steadily. It has achieved a unique status in the worldwide Fulbright family, offering a broad range of opportunities for alumni to stay involved with Fulbright in Finland after returning home to the U.S. The mission of Fulbright Finland relies strongly on partnerships created with a variety of entities sharing Marlene Broemer
common interests to promote a wider exchange of knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between Finland and the United States. Friends of Fulbright Finland, FoFF, is a key partner to this engagement. Alumni are welcome to offer ideas for continued growth and encourage everyone to stay
involved and in contact. Periodic emails
May during the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study conference. Seven alumni
through the Fulbright Finland message
and grantees came together for a Happy Hour for Fulbright Finland. “It was wonderful to meet
list provide updates on the latest FoFF
Fulbright Finnish and Language Teaching Assistants, who came to talk about their experiences
activities and Finnish Fulbright projects.
teaching Finnish language in Minnesota and Indiana. Karen Erickson, a Fulbright scholar from
The newest initiatives of FoFF are
1959 also came to share her book and give us all some perspective on how far, broad and wide
numerous, including the Centennial
the Fulbright experience in Finland has been and continues to be”, says the organizer of the event,
Ambassadors, the Welcome Network,
Marlene Broemer.
a fund raising campaign for the FoFF Alumni Enrichment Fund and the award-
Fulbright program, representing all the
Healy, Alaska, 2013 Distinguished Ful-
ing of the 2nd Alumni Enrichment Award.
different grant programs and residing
bright Award in Teaching to University of
Alumni have also been very supportive of
throughout the USA. Council members
Jyväskylä, Ben Zeller, Lake Forest, Illi-
the Fulbright Finland Centennial Fund.
are appointed for two years. A call for
nois, 2012 Scholar grantee to Åbo Aka-
Alumni gatherings have provided ven-
consideration will be made again through
ues for reunions and sharing memories of
the Fulbright-Finland message list in
the Finnish experience. The recent Arctic
early 2018.
2017-2019 term: Hank Frostburg,
Thank you to Bradley Boehringer,
Grantee to University of Turku, Joan
from the active involvement of alumni in
John Helling, Kenneth Kolson, Suzanne
Kluwe, Anchorage, Alaska, 1999 Gradu-
the planning and execution of a compli-
Louis, and Paul Majkut for their service
ate Student to Metsäntutkimuslaitos,
cated, intensive program.
to the alumni community through Coun-
Rovaniemi, Mike
cil participation 2015-2017.
Ohio, 2010 Scholar Grantee to University
Study Tour to Alaska benefitted greatly
Key to shaping the direction of Friends of Fulbright Finland is its Alumni Coun-
Loovis, Cleveland,
of Jyväskylä.
cil, created in 2015 as a working group to
Current FoFF Council
further support and develop the Ameri-
2016-2018 term: Nancy Commins, Louis-
More information on Friends of Fulbright Finland at
can alumni program. The council consists
ville, Colorado, 2011 Fulbright-University
of six American alumni of the Finnish
of Turku Scholar Award, Karen Martin,
Casie Hermansson Receives the Alumni Enrichment Award Professor Casie Hermansson, the Fulbright-University
bright opportunities in Finland.
“The Fulbright was life changing
Awardee 2014 is the second recipient of
for me and my children, and the recur-
the Friends of Fulbright Finland Alumni
ring opportunities to extend and even
Enrichment Award. The award supports
deepen the experience have been invalu-
U.S. alumni who work to deepen coopera-
able. Plans are underway now for my next
tion with their Finnish hosts. Professor
teaching stint in Finland in late 2019. I
Hermansson has kept her Finnish Ful-
am also facilitating two U.S. colleagues
bright connection active over the years
to come to Finland in the next year. The
and has plans to continue and develop
impact of a Fulbright is one that keeps on
Casie Hermansson is Professor of
further the ongoing collaboration while
English at Pittsburg State University.
also acting as an ambassador of the Ful-
GRANTEES 2017–2018
Grantees to Finland 2017–2018 Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program Arce, Gonzalo Fulbright-Nokia Distinguished Chair in Information and Communications Technologies Electrical and Computer Engineering New Frontiers for Compressive Spectral Tomography University of Delaware, DE Aalto University and Tampere University of Technology 3 months, beginning June 2017 Cobb, Daniel Fulbright Bicentennial Chair in American Studies A merican Studies and History D’Arcy McNickle: A Life Revisited University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC University of Helsinki 9 months, beginning August 2017 Kim, Dong Shik Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair Chemical Engineering Surface Interaction of Enzyme with Precisely Designed Biomacromolecules University of Toledo, OH Aalto University 4 months, beginning January 2018 Mada Kannan, Arunachala Nadar Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair Energy and Environment Design and Development of Solid State Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries Arizona State University, AZ Aalto University 6 months, beginning May 2018 Matthews, Peter Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics Economics Dreams Grown Apart: A European Perspective on Dynamic Inequality Middlebury College, VT Hanken School of Economics 11 months, beginning September 2017 Nair, Anand Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair Business A dministration Sustainability Capability through Environmental Innovations Michigan State University, MI Aalto University 3 months, beginning June 2018 Pajukanta, Päivi Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Distinguished Chair in Health Sciences Human Genetics Searching for Genetic Factors Underlying Cardiovascular Disease Using Multiomics Integrative Genomics Approaches University of California, Los Angeles, CA University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 2 months, Flex grant for academic years 2017-2019 (September 2017) Pearce, Joshua Fulbright-Aalto University Distinguished Chair M aterials Science and Engineering Open Source Atomic Layer Deposition and Associated Tools for Solar Photovoltaic Development Michigan Technological University, MI Aalto University 9 months, beginning August 2017 Stock, James Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics M arketing Supply Chain Sustainability: A Collaborative
Partnership to Identify Best Practices in Finnish Organizations University of South Florida, FL Hanken School of Economics 6 months, Flex grant for academic years 2016-2018 (August-October 2017) Talluri, Srinivas Fulbright-Hanken Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics Operations Management Risk Mitigation to Enhance Supply Chain Sustainability Michigan State University, MI Hanken School of Economics 4 months, Flex grant for academic years 2016-2018 (July-September 2017)
Researchers of Tomorrow University of South Carolina, SC Tampere University of Technology 10 months, beginning August 2017 Timberlake, David Fulbright-University of Tampere Scholar Award Epidemiology Investigating Roadblocks to Finland’s 2040 Tobacco-Free Initiative University of California, Irvine, CA University of Tampere 11 months, beginning August 2017 Fulbright U.S. Student Program for one academic year
Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Cui, Ming Human Development and Family Studies The Well-Being of Children and Families: Promoting Education and Research from a Cross-Cultural Perspective Florida State University, FL University of Helsinki 4 months, beginning August 2017 Frolking, Stephen Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant in Health and Environmental Sciences E arth System Science Using New Field Data from Lakkasuo, Finland, to Improve a Peatland Carbon Model for Climate Change Impact Assessment University of New Hampshire, NH University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 5 months, beginning February 2018 Ji, Yun Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation Chemical Engineering Fiber Network Structure Study Using FoamForming Technology University of North Dakota, ND VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Jyväskylä 6 months, beginning January 2018 Kotche, Miiri Fulbright-VTT Grant in Science, Technology and Innovation Bioengineering Translation of User Needs Into Engineering Design Requirements for Medical Devices University of Illinois at Chigaco, IL VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo 6 months, beginning January 2018 Maksoud, Mohamed Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant in Health and Environmental Sciences Dental M edicine Three Dimensional Printing of Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds from CT Scan Files for the Purpose of Ridge Augmentation, A Pilot Laboratory Study Harvard University, MA University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio 5 months, beginning August 2017 McElvain, Richard Fulbright-University of Turku Scholar Award Theatre Making Offers They Cannot Refuse. American Performance Fitchburg State University, MA University of Turku 5 months, beginning January 2018 Sanders, Manuel Fulbright-Tampere University of Technology Scholar Award M athematics Mathematical Competencies in STEM: Preparing the
Holt, Gemma Environmental Policy Creating Resilience: Sustainable Development in the Policies of the Arctic Council Graduate of Williams College, MA University of Lapland House, Andrew Fulbright-EDUFI Fellowships Environmental Studies Atlantic Salmon Genomic Analysis for Conservation Management in Finnish Rivers Graduate of Mississippi State University, MS University of Turku Kaul, Maya Education Finland’s Race to STEM: A Review of Teachers’ Experiences with STEM Education Reforms Graduate of Pomona College, CA University of Helsinki O’Donnell, James Economics and Political Science Evaluating Basic Income: A Case Study of the Finnish Experiment Graduate of Villanova University, PA University of Tampere Olsen, Emily Fulbright-EDUFI Fellowships P ublic Health Completing a Doctoral degree in Epidemiology: Disparities in School Victimizations among Adolescents Graduate of Emory University, GA University of Tampere Ramesh, Aditya Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award Sustainable Science and Solutions Completing a Master’s degree in Sustainability Science and Solutions – Scaling the Circular Economy Graduate of Duke University, NC Lappeenranta University of Technology Shirey, Vaughn Ecology and Biodiversity Informatics Citizen Science: Contributions Towards Our Understanding of National Biodiversity Graduate of Drexel University, PA University of Helsinki and Finnish Museum of Natural History Truong, Quoc Thinh Fulbright-Lappeenranta University of Technology Graduate Award Physics and M athematics Completing a Master’s degree in Energy Systems Graduate of Lenoir-Rhyne University, NC Lappeenranta University of Technology
GRANTEES 2017–2018 Tursi, Amanda Fulbright-University of Turku Graduate Award Bioinformatics Completing a Master’s degree in Digital Health and Life Sciences Graduate of Rowan University, NJ University of Turku Viggiano, Tiffany Fulbright-EDUFI Fellowships Higher Education A dministration and Policy Global Responsibility in Practice: International Higher Education in Jyväskylä University of California, Riverside, CA University of Jyväskylä Waits, Audrey Fulbright-EDUFI Fellowships Biology Health and Wellbeing of Sami Reindeer Herders Graduate of Georgia College, GA University of Oulu Mid-Career Professional Development Grant Woityra, William Transportation A Study of Icebreaking Infrastructure and Management as They Relate to Arctic Maritime Safety U.S. Coast Guard, DC Finnish Transport Agency 4 months, beginning January 2018 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Flynn, Sarah A rts Grasping It: Craft Education’s Role in Post Secondary Choices Arapahoe Campus, CO University of Jyväskylä 6 months, beginning January 2018 Infante, Martha History How Outdoor Education Fosters Equality in Girls Los Angeles Academy Middle School, CA Niilo Mäki Institute, Jyväskylä 5 months, beginning January 2018 Meyers-White, Ebony Guidance Counseling Motivating the Unmotivated: Helping All Students Achieve Academic and Career Success CarverVocational Technical High School, MD University of Jyväskylä 6 months, beginning January 2018 Northern, Samuel Library and M edia Global Competence: 21st Century Students Take Action with Phenomenon-Based Learning Simpson Elementary School, KY University of Helsinki 3 months, beginning January 2018 Pekkala-Flagan, Aulikki Science Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Education Ramona Convent Secondary School and Pasadena City College, CA University of Helsinki 5 months, beginning January 2018 Pigott, Kerry Education (Primary Level) The Action Packed Class: Learning in Motion - How Finland’s Best Practices Support Students with ADHD Cottage Lake Elementary, WA Niilo Mäki Institute, Jyväskylä 4 months, beginning January 2018 Szypula, Linda Science Infusion of STEM Education into 21st Century Learning: A Comparison of Programs and Integration Fernwood Middle School, NJ University of Jyväskylä 3 months, beginning January 2018 20 — WWW.FULBRIGHT.FI
Grantees to the U.S. 2017–2018 ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Senior Scholars Heinonen, Kristina Service M anagement The Embeddedness of Technology in Human Experiences Hanken School of Economics University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA Cost-shared with Hanken School of Economics 3 months, beginning March 2018 Lindström, Leena Evolutionary Ecology Human Induced TransGenerational Stress Tolerance and Invasion Success University of Jyväskylä University of Vermont, VT Cost-shared with University of Jyväskylä 4 months, beginning August 2017 Lähde, Anna A erosol Technology and Nanoscience Aerosol Synthesis, Characterization and Optimization of Lithium-Manganese-Rich Layered Structures for Electrochemical Applications University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA Cost-shared with University of Eastern Finland 3 months, beginning August 2017
ASLA-Fulbright Research Grants for Junior Scholars Kettunen, Pyry Geoinformatics and Cartography Intesifying Co-Operative Wayfinding through Interpersonal Indication of Landmarks on Geospatial Pictures (CoWay) Finnish Geospatial Research Institute University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 6 months, beginning February 2018 Soininen, Niko Environmental L aw Law for the Adaptive Management of Freshwater Resources University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, MD Cost-shared with University of Eastern Finland 4 months, beginning January 2018 Tiekso, Tanja Musicology Ideology of New Music University of the Arts Helsinki Columbia University, NY 10 months, beginning September 2017 Fulbright Finland Travel Grants for Research Collaboration Pahati, Keyimu Human Geography Tourism Collaborative Governance (CTCG) and Rural Community Development in Central Asia University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu Miami University, OH 2 weeks, beginning September 2017 Penttilä, Nelly Logopedics Speech Disfluencies in Typical and Disordered Speech University of Tampere University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI 2 weeks, beginning October 2017
Stenroth, Lauri Sport Science and Biomechanics Neuromuscular Training to Prevent Knee Osteoarthritis and Improve Mobility in Older Adults University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI 2 weeks, beginning September 2017 ASLA-Fulbright Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows Karhunmaa, Kamilla Environmental Policy Debating Change and Stability in Energy Policy and Transitions in Finland University of Helsinki Harvard University, MA Cost-shared with University of Helsinki 9 months, beginning August 2017 Sianoja, Marjaana Work and Organizational Psychology Creating Sustainable Work: Investigating the Role of Recovery and Workplace Interventions in Employee Well-Being University of Tampere Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA Cost-shared with University of Tampere 9 months, beginning September 2017 ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants Brunila, Mikael Sociology Completing a Master’s degree in Sociology in the U.S. University of Helsinki The New School, NY 9 months, beginning August 2017 Huikuri, Sohvi Tax L aw Completing a Master’s degree in Law in the U.S. Graduate of University of Lapland University of California, Los Angeles, CA 9 months, beginning August 2017 Kivijärvi, Lauri Inorganic Chemistry An Investigation of Electric and Photoluminescence Properties of Metallopolymers University of Jyväskylä Missouri State University, MO Sponsored by KAUTE Foundation 11 months, beginning September 2017 Komulainen, Kaisla P ublic Health Ideal Cardiovascular Health from Childhood to Adulthood University of Helsinki Harvard University, MA Cost-shared with University of Helsinki 12 months, beginning August 2017 Kukkonen, Anna Sociology Beliefs and Coalitions in Climate Politics University of Helsinki University of Colorado Boulder, CO 9 months, beginning September 2017 Pöykkö, Panu-Matti Theology Religion and Politics in Levina’s Talmudic Readings and Philosophical Writings University of Helsinki Harvard University, MA Cost-shared with University of Helsinki 10 months, beginning September 2017
GRANTEES 2017–2018 Rusi, Inka Film Directing Completing a Master’s degree in Film Directing in the U.S. Graduate of Middlesex University, UK California School of the Arts, CA 9 months, beginning September 2017 Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants Huttunen, Manu Electrical Engineering Smart Control for Energy Efficiency in Process and Distributed Environments Lappeenranta University of Technology Stanford University, CA 12 months, beginning August 2017 Fulbright Finland Partnership Awards for Graduate Studies Vuola, Aleksi A rchitecture Non-degree studies in Architecture Tampere University of Technology University of Colorado Denver, CO The Johnsons Scholarship 9 months, beginning August 2017 Fulbright Finnish Language and Culture Teaching Assistants Jomppanen, Kristiina German and Finnish L anguage University of Turku University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI 9 months, beginning August 2017
Fulbright Finland Undergraduate Grants
Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching
Söderlund, Richard Music Performance Non-degree studies in Music Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Berklee College of Music, MA 9 months, beginning August 2017
Heimonen, Emilia English Philology Inclusion of Ethnic and Sexual Minority Groups in the American Classroom Nummen yhtenäiskoulu Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 4 months, beginning August 2017
Study of the U.S. Institute for Student Leaders from Europe Ahokas, Inari Social Entrepreneurship Business Administration Savonia University of Applied Sciences University of Tennessee, TN 5 weeks, beginning June 2017 Kangas, Aino Environmental Issues Geography and Environment Policy University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu University of Oregon, OR 5 weeks, beginning June 2017 Salo, Konsta Environmental Issues Civil Engineering Tampere University of Technology University of Oregon, OR 5 weeks, beginning June 2017 ASLA-Fulbright Mid-Career Professional Development Grant
Tuomainen, Laura Maria Finnish L anguage University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 9 months, beginning August 2017
Pudas, Marja C areer Guidance and Counselling Youth Employment: Supporting the Development of Career Management Skills to Build Careers that Reflect Jobs of the Future Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Central Finland Georgetown University, DC 3 months, beginning September 2017
Piri, Olli-Juhani Finnish L anguage University of Oulu Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 9 months, beginning August 2017
Rannila, Sami Theater A rts FinnFringe: Bringing Fringe Festival to Finland Independent Scholar Fringe Arts, PA 5 months, beginning May 2018
Leinonen, Sanna English Philology Collaborative Teaching and Learning in High School; Changing the Focus from Teaching to Learning Ylöjärvi Upper Secondary School Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 4 months, beginning August 2017 Study of the U.S. Institutes Ikkala, Jussi Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars on Religious Pluralism in the U.S. Educational Sciences University of Helsinki Temple University, PA 6 weeks, beginning June 2017 Lonka, Harriet Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars on American Politics and Political Thought Legislative Studies University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute, MA 6 weeks, beginning June 2017 Martikainen, Timo Study of the U.S. Institute for Scholars on U.S. Culture and Society Education University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu New York University, NY 6 weeks, beginning June 2017
Grantees as of June 2017 Fulbright Finland Inter-Country Travel Grants, U.S. Specialist Grants, and Finnish Renewal Grants will be announced later. Up-to-date list will be available at www.fulbright.fi/en/ fulbright-finland-grantees-2017-2018
Working with the Scientists and Thought-Leaders of Tomorrow The aerosol physics group at the Uni-
The Fulbright-Saastamoinen Founda-
versity of Eastern Finland (UEF) Kuopio
tion grant supports work that improves
have broad and deep expertise in aero-
the accuracy and predictive capability of
sol technology and atmospheric science.
how aerosols form in the atmosphere and
The ongoing research in the area of par-
their subsequent interactions. A great
ticle formation and growth, their mea-
benefit of being at UEF is working with the
surement and analytical techniques, and
students who are performing the cutting-
collaborations with the Finnish Meteo-
edge work. They are full of ideas and their
rological Institute and other aerosol
energy is infectious! These are the scien-
researchers in Finland puts them at the
tists and thought-leaders of tomorrow.
Studio Terho Photography
forefront of atmospheric aerosol science. A unique strength of the UEF group is
Sean Garrick
their ability to couple droplets and par-
ticles with atmospheric dynamics. Part of
Foundation Grantee 2016-2017
my work is to bring models that describe particle formation and growth as well as
Fulbright Finland Foundation and Saastamoinen
more sophisticated fluid dynamics. Aero-
Foundation celebrate 10 years of cooperation
sol-cloud interactions are thought to play
in 2017. The anniversary celebrations will take place
a significant role in climate dynamics.
in November 2017.
Short Visit – Broad Impact Fulbright Finland Inter-Country Travel
From Cameroon to Fulbright Finland
Grant program provides an opportunity for Finnish institutions to invite current U.S. Fulbright scholars from other European countries for short-term visits to Finland. Jason Olsen and Cristi Marchetti visited Finland in May from their current Fulbright host country, the United Kingdom, on Inter-Country Grants. U.S. Fulbright Scholar Jason Olsen Studio Terho Photography
had been invited to Helsinki by the NonDiscrimination Ombudsman to share his expertise on disability and employment matters with the Expert Group on Disability, and U.S. Fulbright Teacher Cristi Marchetti visited the University of Jyväskylä for consultations at their Teacher Training School. “Though the trip was short, the impact was huge,” says Marchetti.
During their visit to Finland, Olsen and Marchetti also had a chance to attend the Fulbright Award Ceremony at the Helsinki City Hall.
Apply for Fulbright Finland Inter-Country Travel Grant www.fulbright.fi/en/inter-country-travelgrant-finnish-institutions
Nsame Catherine Dzekem works as an intern at the Fulbright Finland Foundation for two months conducting research on the impact of Fulbright in the lives of Finnish grantees.
Shared Passion for Special Education
Catherine, an Anglophone Cameroonian, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Administration and Planning from the University of Buea in Cameroon, and
The Niilo Mäki Institute (NMI) in Jyväs-
has taught English language in a French
kylä is a well-known and respected
school in Cameroon and in an Arab school
multidisciplinary research and develop-
in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
ment institution for learning disabilities.
Her internship is part of the Erasmus
Dr. Onerva Mäki is one of the founding
Mundus joint Master’s Degree Program
members and a current board member of
in Research and Innovation in Higher
NMI. Dr. Mäki is also a Fulbright alumna.
Education (MARIHE), at the Danube Uni-
She studied in the U.S. on an ASLA grant
versity of Krems, Austria, University of
in 1954-55, and on a Leadership grant in
Tampere, Finland, and Beijing Normal
University, China.
Onerva Mäki met Distinguished Ful-
MARIHE is aimed for university gradu-
bright Teacher awardee Mayra Molina
ates who want to pursue careers as experts
in Jyväskylä. Mäki and Molina discussed
and decision makers in higher education
Mäki’s passion for special education, her
and research. Fulbright Finland has coop-
time as a special education teacher and
erated with MARIHE for five years and pro-
instructor of teachers for hearing and
vided internship placements for one to two
visually impaired. Join the discussion by
interns annually. At Fulbright Finland the
reading Mayra Molina’s article online.
interns conduct studies on topics related to transatlantic academic exchange and
internationalization of higher education while also learning about Fulbright Fin-
Fulbright Finland Foundation
land and its programs. “MARIHE interns are an excellent addition to our team”, says Terhi Mölsä, CEO of Fulbright Fin-
The Fulbright Finland Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organization
land. “Resourceful and innovative, they
based in Helsinki, Finland. Its purpose is to promote a wider exchange of
add to our team discussions by sharing
knowledge and professional talents through educational contacts between
both their own ideas as well as what they
Finland and the United States. The Foundation collaborates with a range of
are learning on their MARIHE program.
government, foundation, university and corporate partners on both sides of
Their striving for fresh perspectives and
the Atlantic to design and manage study and research scholarships, leadership
proactive approach are also shared by our
development programs and internationalization services.
team, making this a good match for us and the interns alike.”
Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors Fulbright Finland Foundation Board of Directors assumed the responsibilities of the Finland-U.S. Educational Exchange Commission (FUSEEC) effective October 3, 2016.
Honorary Chair Ambassador of the United States to Finland Chargé d’Affaires Donna Welton Finnish Members: Dr. Piia Björn Professor of Special Education University of Eastern Finland Vice-Chair Dr. Heikki Ruskoaho Professor of Pharmacology and Drug Development University of Helsinki
Dr. Matti Kokkala Professor Dr. Hannu Seristö Vice President for External Relations Aalto University American Members: Ms. Jeanie Duwan Assistant Public Affairs Officer American Embassy
Mr. T.J. Grubisha Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy Chair Mr. David Yoken Senior Music Lecturer Arts Academy, Turku University of Applied Sciences Ex-officio: Ms. Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation
Fulbright Finland Foundation Office Ms. Pia Arola Johdon assistentti Executive Assistant p. (044) 5535 278 •• Toimistohallinto Ms. Emilia Holopainen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 7035 284 •• Tutkija-, luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille •• Inter-Country-stipendit •• Undergraduate-stipendit suomalaisille •• Sosiaalinen media ja verkkopalvelut Ms. Emmi Jelekäinen Ohjelmakoordinaattori Program Coordinator p. (044) 5535 275 •• Tutkija-, luennoitsija- ja asiantuntijastipendit amerikkalaisille •• Tutkija- ja luennoitsijastipendit suomalaisille
Ms. Maija Kettunen Viestintä- ja tapahtuma koordinaattori Communication and Events Coordinator p. (044) 5535 277 •• Sosiaalinen media ja verkkopalvelut •• Visuaalinen viestintä •• Tapahtumat •• Fulbright Finland News •• Fulbright Speaker -ohjelma Ms. Karoliina Kokko Vastaava ohjelmapäällikkö Senior Program Manager (grant program oversight) p. (044) 5535 268 •• Maisteri- ja tohtorivaiheen stipendit •• Neuvonta opiskelusta USA:ssa ja Kanadassa •• Alumnikoordinaattori Ms. Johanna Lahti (opintovapaalla/on study leave)
Ms. Suzanne Louis Projektikonsultti (osa-aikainen) Project Consultant (part-time) •• Friends of Fulbright Finland -verkosto •• Alumnikoordinaattori •• Fulbright Finland News Ms. Mirka McIntire Ohjelmapäällikkö, Koulutus- ja opettajavaihto (osa-aikainen) Manager, Teacher Exchange and Education Programs (part-time) p. (044) 5535 269 •• Opettajaohjelma •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars and Secondary School Educators •• Study of the U.S. Institutes for Student Leaders from Europe •• Asiantuntijastipendit •• Seminaarit ja koulutustapahtumat Ms. Terhi Mölsä Toimitusjohtaja Chief Executive Officer p. (050) 570 5498
Office: (044) 5535 286, e-mails: firstname.lastname@fulbright.fi
Fulbright Finlandin toimintaa tukee Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain Stipenditoiminnan Tukisäätiö / Säätiön hallitus: The Finland-America Educational Trust Fund / Board of Directors: Finnish members:
American members:
Agent / Säätiön asiamies:
Mr. Jouni Mölsä Director General of Communications Department for Communications and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs Chair
Ms. Donna Welton Chargé d’Affaires American Embassy Vice-Chair
Ms. Terhi Mölsä Chief Executive Officer Fulbright Finland Foundation
Ms. Jaana Palojärvi Head of International Relations Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Mr. T.J. Grubisha Counselor for Press and Cultural Affairs American Embassy
The Finnish members are appointed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The American members are appointed by the American Embassy.
Toimintaamme tukee mm.: Support comes to us from:
Fulbright Finland Hakaniemenranta 6 FI-00530 HELSINKI FINLAND
6. - 12. 5. Fulbright Finland Expert Study Tour: Towards Sustainable Arctic Futures
12. 5. Alumni Gathering in Minneapolis
17. 5. Suomalaisten stipendiaattien lähtöorientaatio ja stipendien julkistamistilaisuus
1. 6. 2017–2018 hakuaika päättyy:
16. 6. Fulbright Finland Foundation Board Meeting
19. 6. Trust Fund Board Meeting
21. – 24. 8. Yhdysvaltalaisten Fulbrightstipendiaattien tulo-orientaatio
23. 8. ASLA-Fulbright Alumni Association Welcome Event
•• Renewal Grants
19. 5. 2018–2019 hakuaika päättyy: •• ASLA-Fulbright Graduate Grants •• Fulbright-Technology Industries of Finland Grants
Fulbright Finland Foundation Board Meeting September 2017
6. - 7. 10. 25. American Voices -seminaari Turun yliopistolla
Rebekah Zimmerer:
1. 8. 2018–2019 Application deadline: Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards for Finland